Tucker Carlson Thread

I don’t know if Tucker is bought-off or just foolish but he keeps having guests on his show talking about the, Covid virus like it’s a real pathogen when it’s obviously The Flu rebranded to scare people into taking a depopulation injection.
Any moron can figure this out and Tucker is a smart guy. Why doesn’t he have anyone on his show that says exactly what I just said because there’s no shortage of Docs and scientists who know this.

I don’t know if Tucker is bought-off or just foolish but he keeps having guests on his show talking about the, Covid virus like it’s a real pathogen when it’s obviously The Flu rebranded to scare people into taking a depopulation injection.
Any moron can figure this out and Tucker is a smart guy. Why doesn’t he have anyone on his show that says exactly what I just said because there’s no shortage of Docs and scientists who know this.

The flu does not impact taste and smell like COVID does. They’re genuinely two different viruses with different symptoms. Tucker isn’t wrong for his discussions on COVID.
The flu does not impact taste and smell like COVID does. They’re genuinely two different viruses with different symptoms. Tucker isn’t wrong for his discussions on COVID.

Debatable. I used to always lose my taste and smell and have it messed up every time I had normal colds for years. I don't really get that sick anymore after an overhaul of my general diet and only taking cold showers.

I also hold to the terrain theory, not viral theory. I think it better represents reality.
The flu does not impact taste and smell like COVID does. They’re genuinely two different viruses with different symptoms. Tucker isn’t wrong for his discussions on COVID.
This is typical Tucker.
He told his viewers immediately after the 2020 election that he was the guy who loved Trump, and that nearly every single person at Fox in Washington, that he had to work with, privately hated (away from their public tub-thumping for) Trump and secretly prayed for his defeat - THIS he said was proof that the media was an (((elitist))) class - thoroughly out of touch with real Americans.
A month later the Fox News awards rolled around and he told his viewers that "the best thing about working at Fox News is that there really is NO difference between Fox executives and our viewership. They've got the same likes, dislikes, and ideas about what makes America Great!"
Ive been following his public pronouncements for a while and, as much as I like the guy, he seems incredibly insincere to me.

Remember (((Seymour Hersh))) and the Nordtream pipeline? How he was supposed to be this brave truth teller from the New York Times.
We have a 9-11 conspiracy thread for all those who see the signs that people *not only knew what tragedy and mass murder was approaching, but that *they were also involved in planning it.
Mileage may vary, but when Seymour Hersh goes on at length about how - he alone, bravely - believes that the Saudis were more central to (((the evil anonymous Muslim planning that no-one else NATO and Israel-side was aware of))) > than the Afghans.
If you believe that, and that two planes brought down three buildings in NYC, and that another plane hit a field and disappeared because of the "moist ground", and that the Anthrax sent from Chapel Hill was really some sort of (((Saudi))) follow up to their brilliant plan - then we'll probably differ.
The point is that Hersh was just playing his role as a an establishment counter-agent.
And counter-agents like that get a tremendous amount of warmth and welcome because they make people feel that - finally - someone is telling the truth.
But its just controlling both sides of the dialectic - and pushing complete fictions in the process.

I remember people on RVF pointing out the strange case of Event 201. A table top gaming exercise staged in October 2019, involving all the ZOG and DEM heavy hitters in New York where they gamed out a dangerous corona pandemic spreading around the world. Bit of a smoking gun for many... they knew what was coming.

Then there was another smoking gun - a discussion about a "universal Flu vaccine" staged at the Milken Institute with an NYT compere.
The current safety testing requirements for developing vaccines is too slow and too cumbersome.
So We, humanity/science, need to drastically shorten the 10-year vaccine development of vaccines and quickly develop a universal flu vaccines that the whole world can take.
What was needed, said the assembled jews, was a 'disrupting event" .. say "a corona virus outbreak in China" .. that would force humanity to accept a new, more shadowy vaccine manufacture process.
Step forward Tony Fauci to talk about "flu vaccines" "cross species jumping viruses" "vaccine mandates" "repeat boosters"
Fellow jews: "when oh when will we take the dangers of the 'flu virus seriously??? and enforce massive vaccine take-up?"
They all agreed that what was needed was a "major disruptive event" that would revolutionise the manufacture of vaccines and the enforcement of their uptake.
And then all agreed that "a major flu virus outbreak in China" would be just the ticket.
Video is here.

Many can say that what the Mainstream Media tells us - about 9-11, WMD in Iraq, Covid and Covid vaccines - is truthful and trustworthy. Good luck to them.
But for me I see a clear set of signs that Covid was a plan and that the logistics and timetable was put together in advance.

Enter yet another jewish guest for Tucker - who only seems to meet or interview Jews these days.
This time Mr Sachs tried to tell us that Covid was this unforeseen, black swan event.
I find the guy just as nauseating as pretend "truth teller" Seymour Hersh.
He has the same amount of vocal fry as Janet Yellen.
I can do without his overly sentimental mawkish way of talking - he sounds like a grandma.
And what is he saying?
Well, apart from the fact that JFK was assassinated by the US government (and not Israel or World Jewry, on account of JFK's silver dollars/Dimona/Israel etc. - lucky that..) he also tells us about a Furin Clevage Site - you see, Covid WAS AN ACCIDENT THAT WAS UNFORESEEN. Or so the controlled opposition insists.
And there is Tucker - "Wow!" "That is so true!" "That's such a smart way of putting things!"

Well, not really.. because Sachs is trying to make us think that Covid was an unexpected lab leak from a lab in Wuhan, and that the US was involved because they were involved in the morally questionable research.
Covid1984 was purely happenstance, he argues - and then he and Tucker agree that the problem is really the calibre of people in elite Washington tase days..

Because the jewish war on Russia and the Great War on Terror and the crushing of Libya and Syria - all seemingly for Israel and World Jewry's strategic goals is Acktschually happening because of a .. metaphor.
You see "the rudder is stuck on the ship" (Eh? Office of special plans, PNAC, Dov Zakheims missing Trillions, the Dancing Israelis, Eretz Israel, Oded Yinon plan - all turns into .. "the rudder is stuck")
"So, you know, the Captain says full steam ahead! because that's what captains do when the rudder is stuck!"
So - its not Israel or evil globalist plans - just a wooden boat? with a.... stuck rudder?
Tucker nodding and saying "yes! Thats SO smart!"

See the smile spread across Vladimir Putins face as he said to Tucker "its a good thing you failed in your application to the CIA" and watch Tuckers normal serious face become suddenly drained.
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Enter yet another jewish guest for Tucker - who only seems to meet or interview Jews these days.
See the smile spread across Vladimir Putins face as he said to Tucker "its a good thing you failed in your application to the CIA" and watch Tuckers normal serious face become suddenly drained.
How dare you say such things.
Aren't you afraid of offending the normies/Tucker fans on this forum too much?
From your perspective, a heresy. From my perspective, nothing more than Biblical Christianity. That's why I love to see it.
There isn't my perspective or yours or anyone else's but the Church perspective and from that perspective calvinism is the teaching of demons, spread by deluded men like Calvin. Really, calvinism? That's the stupidest and vilest heresy you could follow.
The flu does not impact taste and smell like COVID does. They’re genuinely two different viruses with different symptoms. Tucker isn’t wrong for his discussions on COVID.

Yes. I never get sick from the flu, I'm relatively young, and I'm in great shape. COVID was the sickest I've ever been - I got it in March 2020, I couldn't work out for a month, and my lung function didn't go back to 100% for 2-3 months. COVID as a bioengineered virus is real. The vaccine, the response, and almost everything else surrounding it is fake and gay.
Yes. I never get sick from the flu, I'm relatively young, and I'm in great shape. COVID was the sickest I've ever been - I got it in March 2020, I couldn't work out for a month, and my lung function didn't go back to 100% for 2-3 months. COVID as a bioengineered virus is real. The vaccine, the response, and almost everything else surrounding it is fake and gay.
I've told people from a medical point of view, a wide array of tests, etc that it was something different, because it was. That doesn't mean it was a very big deal, but the tinkering they did on it, and the releasing of it, was since they were also going to follow up with a full propaganda show for more nefarious purposes. Easily the dumbest thing about the response was injecting harmful things into your body - and that says a lot because a lot of the other things were phenomenally stupid and unjustified.

I also got it, and I only get these things when I drink (a lot of) booze, so it happened to me as well. It was clearly more "respiratory" in its symptoms than any other "flu" I had before. It had the big muscle aches too, though.
There isn't my perspective or yours or anyone else's but the Church perspective and from that perspective calvinism is the teaching of demons, spread by deluded men like Calvin. Really, calvinism? That's the stupidest and vilest heresy you could follow.
@TrainedLogosmotion Was right, you are very hateful. You should get off the computer and spend some time with people who don't agree with you about everything. It would help your empathy.
@TrainedLogosmotion Was right, you are very hateful. You should get off the computer and spend some time with people who don't agree with you about everything. It would help your empathy.

Strictly speaking, Komnen isn't attacking you, he's attacking the doctrine of Calvinism. You calling him hateful, however, is an attack on him (although it's not a direct insult), when he hasn't said a thing towards you.
Steve Sailer was just on Tucker Carlson recently. 👀

Full text
Whatever you do, please do not share these facts with liberals, as they might hurt their feelings.

Steve Sailer discusses his findings and statistics about the Recital Reckoning following George Floyd’s death.

“George Floyd dies and suddenly boom, it goes to enormous peak… Probably by the Friday after he died on Memorial Day, on Monday, it was just a giant cultural revolution. And basically, people lost fear of the cops because everybody, the establishment the media, the politicians were telling the America that we have too much policing, too much law and order, and so we got a lot more murder.

it's kind of ironic cause the name of the movement was Black Lives Matter and it wound up getting enormous number of black lives…

So what's happened is during the Great Awakening, during the era of Black Lives Matter, what we see is that deaths, two different kinds of deaths. Homicides and car crashes, what I call deaths of exuberance, in contrast to case indeed and deaths of despair seem to be have gotten highly correlated. When Black Lives Matters winning people die but people, especially black Americans die more deaths of exuberance until Black Lives Matter goes out of fashion again and the cops are allowed to like pull over bad drivers and check for illegal handguns.”

Full Interview

Full text
Steve Sailer has spent a lifetime observing human behavior and coming to obvious, sensible conclusions. For the crime of noticing reality, he’s been ostracized, although secretly everyone still reads him.

(3:53) What Was the Impact of Black Lives Matter on Black Lives?
(20:26) The Mexican Cartels Targeting the Appalachian Whites
(31:06) Why Democrats Hide Crime Statistics
(35:17) The Increase in Anti-White Racism
(43:05) Emmitt Till
(49:11) Are Race Relations Getting Better?
(1:01:20) Demographic Change
(1:11:05) Will Donald Trump Win the Election?
(1:39:58) Schools Getting Rid of the SAT Requirement
(1:38:33) Is the Country Becoming More Open and Receptive?