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Tucker Carlson Thread

Tucker gave a speech in Australia; Australian MSM reporters were in the audience to ask questions.

Full clip

Edit. This is the stupid reporter who asked Tucker some really dumb nonsensical questions.


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Tucker is off the chain lately. After a brilliant interview with Nayib Bukele he's going after it when many others fear to speak.
Good on him for taking those reporters to task and doing so with such deservedly mocking tone. These people are pathetic.

Special mention to X that this gets a few million views. Not bad at all.
I know that some of you think this guy is paid opposition or whatnot but this guy is spitting some serious truths here in public, similar to what you'd find on this forum. Fair play to him.
Ever since his interview with Doug Wilson, I'm softening my position on him. Lately, he seems to be thinking more about what it takes to replace the current system instead of just endlessly bemoaning it. He also seems to be growing in his (formerly nominal?) Christian faith.
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