Tucker Carlson Thread

Do you think the Overton Window is shifting, as Jake Shields claims?
I can't comment on whether he is responsible to a significant extent but he's right that it is shifting. WW2 is part of the mythology that Westerners have been indoctrinated with for the last 70 years. It provides the justification for the modern world view and emotionally primes people to instinctively react when certain cues are provided. Amongst the foundational elements of the mythology are the following:
  • A sense of ethnic belonging, or any group identity, is a dangerous thing and taken to its logical conclusion leads to mass-slaughter of others. This particularly pertains to Europeans who are particularly guilty and prone to such thinking and such behaviour. By extention this provides the justification for individualism as it leads society as far away as possible from the reoccurence of inter-group violence.
  • Jews are always the biggest victims; by extension criticism of Jews is unjust and a precursor to their further persecution. Therefore criticism of Jews must be shut down the moment it starts. Interestingly the dangers around ethnic belonging or group identity are not a problem for Jews who are able to enjoy a heighted sense group identity without it being to the detriment of others. In fact Europeans must even finance the setting up of a state for the Jews to allow them to protect themselves from a reoccurence of the Holocaust. Any ethnic minority (and also sexual deviant) is also a potential victim, although not to the same degree as the Jews.
  • Racism is the greatest evil; therefore anti-racism, mass-immigration and racial mixing are necessary and can lead to the greatest good (especially if the immigration is into European lands and it is the Europeans who are being racially replaced).
  • Everyone that fought on the side of the Allies fought for "freedom" and "democracy". By freedom they of course don't mean state sovereignty or mastery of one's passions. The prophets of this religion use the notion of freedom to justify social degeneration through the controlled-media and the resultant mass culture, shielding themselves from criticism. And the deification of democracy allows them to import new voters and gerrymander elections whilst declaring the system itself to be beyond criticism and the best system that humans have or ever could come up with.
  • A supra-national system of human rights based on secular, liberal values is the antidote to intolerance and the reoccurence of WW2. America is morally responsible and virtuous for enforcing such a system.
  • Such a system is not also morally good but provides for the maximisation of "quality of life" and the happiest possible humans. And this forms a virtuous circle because lots of individuals pursuing the maximisation of their "quality of life" leads to the least chance of WW2 reoccuring. Because people engaged in satisfying their latest sexual fetishes are not going to be concerned with group identity based on ethnic belonging or religion (which is what leads to persecution of others).
These used to not be up for debate so the fact they are being challenged and discussed show that the moat around the foundational mythology is crumbling. People are no longer unanimously believers in this religion.
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I can't comment on whether he is responsible to a significant extent but he's right that it is shifting. WW2 is part of the mythology that Westerners have been indoctrinated with for the last 70 years. It provides the justification for the modern world view and emotionally primes people to instinctively react when certain cues are provided. Amongst the foundational elements of the mythology are the following:
  • A sense of ethnic belonging, or any group identity, is a dangerous thing and taken to its logical conclusion leads to mass-slaughter of others. This particularly pertains to Europeans who are particularly guilty and prone to such thinking and such behaviour. By extention this provides the justification for individualism as it leads society as far away as possible from the reoccurence of inter-group violence.
  • Jews are always the biggest victims; by extension criticism of Jews is unjust and a precursor to their further persecution. Therefore criticism of Jews must be shut down the moment it starts. Interestingly the dangers around ethnic belonging or group identity are not a problem for Jews who are able to enjoy a heighted sense group identity without it being to the detriment of others. In fact Europeans must even finance the setting up of a state for the Jews to allow them to protect themselves from a reoccurence of the Holocaust. Any ethnic minority (and also sexual deviant) is also a potential victim, although not to the same degree as the Jews.
  • Racism is the greatest evil; therefore anti-racism, mass-immigration and racial mixing are necessary and can lead to the greatest good (especially if the immigration is into European lands and it is the Europeans who are being racially replaced).
  • Everyone that fought on the side of the Allies fought for "freedom" and "democracy". By freedom they of course don't mean state sovereignty or mastery of one's passions. The prophets of this religion use the notion of freedom to justify social degeneration through the controlled-media and the resultant mass culture, shielding themselves from criticism. And the deification of democracy allows them to import new voters and gerrymander elections whilst declaring the system itself to be beyond criticism and the best system that humans have or ever could come up with.
  • A supra-national system of human rights based on secular, liberal values is the antidote to intolerance and the reoccurence of WW2. America is morally responsible and virtuous for enforcing such a system.
  • Such a system is not also morally good but provides for the maximisation of "quality of life" and the happiest possible humans. And this forms a virtuous circle because lots of individuals pursuing the maximisation of their "quality of life" leads to the least chance of WW2 reoccuring. Because people engaged in satisfying their latest sexual fetishes are not going to be concerned with group identity based on ethnic belonging or religion (which is what leads to persecution of others).
These used to not be up for debate so the fact they are being challenged and discussed show that the moat around the foundational mythology is crumbling. People are no longer unanimously believers in this religion.

As in; the veneer has come off and the rot is showing.
Do you think the Overton Window is shifting, as Jake Shields claims?
Its just skilful gatekeeping in my view.

First of all, bear in mind that there is a significant number of net denizens who are well aware of the revisionist history and what they believe really happened in WWII.
What the Powers That Be fear is that these people will form an organic resistance forming around their own leaders who cannot be corrupted easily.
So what do they do? They cultivate leaders who give these people what looks, at first hand, affirmations of what they see.
But THEN one has to look harder.

A good example is the supposed "truther" David Icke, who actually works for British Intelligence and the Mossad.
His followers ARE going to start looking into the issue of jewish control. So what does David Icke give them?
He can't say there's NOTHING going on.. so he changes it to the "KM" (wink wink) ie: the Khazarian Mafia!! "Its not the jews! Everyone! It isn't the jews!"
The KM stuff is similar to the heat traps that helicopters discharge so that they don't get hit by a missile.
>The world under the Control of World Jewry is the truth/ is the helicopter,
> the missile is our search for truth/ the helicopter..
> and the KM stuff is World Jewry using the likes of David Icke or Vernon Coleman or > Insert bAsEd cOmMeNtAtOr < to throw out heat traps so that we get stuck in nonsense khazarian mafia theories and never catch up to the helicopter, never hit the truth on target, which is..
its not some group called the KM it's just >'the Jews (sephardim/mizrahim/ashkenazim/all of them)< ...and that's it.

I see Tucker and this guy doing the same thing here.
But there are clues early in the interview that Tucker and his guest 'expert' are going to be lying.
Firstly Tucker is CIA, so what he says or does in an interview is going to be CIA-approved messaging.
For instance you, Blade Runner, believe the official newscast version of the JFK assassination - that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and all the bullets that hit JFK were loosed by him.
Most of this forum doesn't believe that.
Most of the world doesn't believe that.
there was even an X Files spin off series called "The Lone Gunman" referring to the glaring difference between the evidence trail and the official narrative.
Many people on this forum will tell you that World Jewry - Jack Ruby, Dallas jewry, jews in the US administration/FBI/CIA, jewish media owners, Israel, Mossad (LBJ had a Mossad mistress) - was behind the JFK assassination.
Now Tucker ISNT going to say that.. Heat Traps.
He will deploy a Heat Trap to take the truth seeking missile away from the helicopter - so CIA Tucker tells us that "the CIA killed JFK" which is at best a half truth, the CIA was involved, but the motive and the production credits go to World Jewry. Tucker is protecting master.
Same thing with 9-11. Ultimately an Israeli operation. So the Heat Trap..? Well, it was evil Donald Rumsfeld and George Dubya Bush (who likely got shanghaied by the events of that morning) Not the Jews!! It was the republicans!!

The clue is in the first part of the interview. They start off with Jonestown suicides. Now, people on here may not be aware, but there is a lot of evidence to show that the CIA were behind the Jonestown cult.
they were certainly in Guyana and surveilling their every move - which means that they could have intervened to prevent the murder of a US congressman and a mass suicide that includied the murder of children -
and it seems that they attended the mass murder site and tried to kill any possible survivors/witnesses (shades of Waco there)
but it seems the rabbit hole goes deeper and that Zbigniew Brzezinski (father of Mika the co-host of Morning Joe) was very concerned with the mind control aspects of the cult, the MK Ultra goal that the subjects will even do things that harm themselves rather than resist their conditioning.
So, is based Tucker with his CIA father about to tell us about the CIA's role in Jonestown?
What did we hear instead?
"The Jonestown massacre disproportionately affected women of colour" "Thatssss sooo Right!"
"70% of the victims were African American women" "That is SO true"
"Jim Jones was initially a respected civil rights activist"
"Jim Jones took on the Klan!"
ye-ah? Kind of feels like we're tiptoeing around the edges of this Tucker.. when do we get to the bit about the CIA conducting Jonestown as an MK Ultra experiment? That would dovetail perfectly into your fathers role in suppressing news reports of massacres in central and southern America in general..?
Oh no
"The story of Jonestown perfectly mirrors the journey of Civil Rights in America from principle-based opposition into madness and violence in the 70's"
Not Really.
Rosa Parks never had any confrontation on any bus. her jewish managers merely hired an empty bus and staged a fake photoshoot and then issued a fake news story.
Martin Luther King (not his real name) was a violent rapist who never wrote one of his own speeches. He was run and controlled jewish communists - hence the amount of violence that followed him wherever he went. Covered Up.
So the "principled civil rights" movement was always fake, was always violent and always involved lies, media deception and 'people of color" attacking white people for no reason other than... being white people.
So we could realistically say that the civil rights movement was always a Fed curated movement that was anti white and when t morphed into something anarchic and racist violence it was just that the media cover up didn't extend far enough to cover all of the offshoots into the late 70s.
So.. we were eventually going to hear about the CIA's role in this mass murder? and it was a CIA mass murder if they attempted to kill any survivors...
"SO what you saw was a move from the South to places like California where .. they faced similar issues that they had elsewhere" eh? call a spade a spade.. alright no CIA Jonestown analysis.. but WHAT issues seemed to follow black populations? Oh no, not going there.

There is an awful lot of evidence to show that the official history of WWII is bogus.

**And This Is Not The First Time That Americans have admitted it. Tucker is CIA, yes, but officially he is just a journalist.
**How about a Secretary of State of a current US administration telling the truth to mainstream German media?
Well, that's already happened..
American Secretary of State James Baker III of the George H W Bush administration to Die Spiegel.
1992 - the cold war was over - the "West had won" and everybody dropped their guard a little.. (see also the (((on the nose))) film Wag the Dog 1997)
From memory - "James Baker, George H W Bush's foreign secretary, gave an interview in the 1990's with a German magazine (either Die Stern OR Die Spiegel, can't remember which, it began with an S..) in which he said - roughly - "We created this bad guy, this outlandish propaganda figure, and then - when we actually won the war - we found ourselves stuck with him.." "

It is a quote by Mr. James Baker, III, the former Secretary of State and was published in 1992 in the German magazine Der Spiegel. "Wir machten aus Hitler ein Monstrum, einen Teufel. Deshalb konnten wir nach dem Krieg auch nicht mehr davon abrücken. Hatten wir doch die Massen gegen den Teufel persönlich mobilisiert. Also waren wir nach dem Krieg gezwungen, in diesem Teufelsszenario mitzuspielen. Wir hätten unmöglich unseren Menschen klarmachen können, daß der Krieg eigentlich nur eine wirtschaftliche Präventivmaßnahme war!"
--James Baker, ehemaliger US-Außenminister

Now did Tucker and his buddy go this far?
Oh no, its all Churchill, Churchill, Churchill - "he knew he couldn't win the war so he just delayed and tried to get either the USA or the USSR to join in against Germany."
...actually Im a little annoyed with what Tucker and his interviewee did here.
because if you listen to them they ignore the fact that WWII was 'an economic war' planned between Britain and America and the Soviet Union and made inevitable the moment that Hitler as Chancellor overruled Schacht and effectively dissolved Germany's Central Bank.
They don't mention Schact at all.
They don't mention the Bomberg Massacres, Polish attacks on Germans and the Commissar provocations.
they don't mention that America joining the war should have meant them taking on their attackers, the Japanese, in the Pacific - and yet the plan was always that America would engage Germany as a priority in Europe instead.
The whole thing was planned in advance.
The interviewee even said that Hitler MAY have been worried about Soviet aggression but he remains enigmatic on that point.
He says that Germany "planned" an invasion of the Soviet Union which" didn't take into account the humanitarian needs of millions of captives which had massive ramifications for the end of the war"
Just say "the Holocaust never Happened" Just say it.
Oh no.. some nudge nudge wink wink "the Nazis made Big mistakes in dealing with millions of captives" decode this if you Already Know the real history... nudge nudge wink wink..

Its all just Heat Traps.
Based Tucker!
But what's he really said?
They implied that Churchill was easily swayed by money issues - but they completely left out the Jewish group "The Focus" that were financing Churchill and getting him to prosecute an aggressive line against Germany, aligned with the "war" that World Jewry declared on Germany in 1933 whereafter they wrote TWO books about exterminating the German Race which made the New York Times bestseller list..
They never mentioned the Benes Government.
They never mentioned a whole heap of things.
"The Gas Chambers are a myth" Just say it.
Tucker is probably the richest, most independently wealthy, most connected man on the planet currently practicing "journalism" (him and Anderson Cooper) - but unlike Cooper his brand is "Truth Teller" - so just tell the truth Tucker.. but he can't. because he's CIA.

And look at that..
The guy he's interviewing partners in his podcast with Jocko Willink. Joco Willink the Navy Seals Brand ambassador. The guy that has done broadcast after broadcast talking about "the war on terror" "the war against radical jihadis" - the guy who has interviewed people involved in False Flags as if the events really happened as said on the tin - World Jewry carried out 9-11 but you will Never hear that from Jocko Willink.
And then - rememberer how Rush Limbaugh was actually replaced by a member of the Intelligence community?
Sean Hannity wearing his CIA lapel badge was supposed to be bad enough.
But we have ex-Secret Service Dan Bongino telling us what to think.
CIA Tucker so based and republican... covering for the crimes of Zbigniew Brzezinski - the Father of Mika Brzezinski his supposed Democrat rival on MSNBC.
EDIT: To repeat - Get this. This was the job of Tucker Carlsons Dad.. to make sure that the media reporting of massacres in Central and Southern America were either suppressed or told the story that the CIA wanted told.
Well what is hhappening here?
Tuckers CIA was heavily involved in the murders the massacre of Jonestown residents and here Tucker is .. completely glossing over that fact, with the willing help of a Jocko-Willinck-colleague, and notice that he too is an ex Department Of Defence employee.. "it was during my time embedded as a spook training guerillas on CIA supplied US weapons in various 3rd world conflicts that i developed my ideas about a no holds barred just the facts podacst" Does anyone not notice this?
How do people not see this? The intel agencies control everyone who is a Big Name. And they make sure to control all the pieces on the chessboard - what they most fear is the pieces falling off the board and no longer being controllable.
Jonestown is a perfect example of how they can take a group of disenfranchised and rootless city dwellers and lead them, like the pied piper, to their doom.
Its a darn sight easier when they have control of all mainstream and 'Alt' talking heads.
EDIT: @MusicForThePiano - maybe we could discuss this skilful piece of gatekeeping in the Hitler vs Rothschilds thread?
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Its just skilful gatekeeping in my view.

First of all, bear in mind that there is a significant number of net denizens who are well aware of the revisionist history and what they believe really happened in WWII.
What the Powers That Be fear is that these people will form an organic resistance forming around their own leaders who cannot be corrupted easily.
So what do they do? They cultivate leaders who give these people what looks, at first hand, affirmations of what they see.
But THEN one has to look harder.

A good example is the supposed "truther" David Icke, who actually works for British Intelligence and the Mossad.
His followers ARE going to start looking into the issue of jewish control. So what does David Icke give them?
He can't say there's NOTHING going on.. so he changes it to the "KM" (wink wink) ie: the Khazarian Mafia!! "Its not the jews! Everyone! It isn't the jews!"
The KM stuff is similar to the heat traps that helicopters discharge so that they don't get hit by a missile.
>The world under the Control of World Jewry is the truth/ is the helicopter,
> the missile is our search for truth/ the helicopter..
> and the KM stuff is World Jewry using the likes of David Icke or Vernon Coleman or > Insert bAsEd cOmMeNtAtOr < to throw out heat traps so that we get stuck in nonsense khazarian mafia theories and never catch up to the helicopter, never hit the truth on target, which is..
its not some group called the KM it's just >'the Jews (sephardim/mizrahim/ashkenazim/all of them)< ...and that's it.

I see Tucker and this guy doing the same thing here.
But there are clues early in the interview that Tucker and his guest 'expert' are going to be lying.
Firstly Tucker is CIA, so what he says or does in an interview is going to be CIA-approved messaging.
For instance you, Blade Runner, believe the official newscast version of the JFK assassination - that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and all the bullets that hit JFK were loosed by him.
Most of this forum doesn't believe that.
Most of the world doesn't believe that.
there was even an X Files spin off series called "The Lone Gunman" referring to the glaring difference between the evidence trail and the official narrative.
Many people on this forum will tell you that World Jewry - Jack Ruby, Dallas jewry, jews in the US administration/FBI/CIA, jewish media owners, Israel, Mossad (LBJ had a Mossad mistress) - was behind the JFK assassination.
Now Tucker ISNT going to say that.. Heat Traps.
He will deploy a Heat Trap to take the truth seeking missile away from the helicopter - so CIA Tucker tells us that "the CIA killed JFK" which is at best a half truth, the CIA was involved, but the motive and the production credits go to World Jewry. Tucker is protecting master.
Same thing with 9-11. Ultimately an Israeli operation. So the Heat Trap..? Well, it was evil Donald Rumsfeld and George Dubya Bush (who likely got shanghaied by the events of that morning) Not the Jews!! It was the republicans!!

The clue is in the first part of the interview. They start off with Jonestown suicides. Now, people on here may not be aware, but there is a lot of evidence to show that the CIA were behind the Jonestown cult.
they were certainly in Guyana and surveilling their every move - which means that they could have intervened to prevent the murder of a US congressman and a mass suicide that includied the murder of children -
and it seems that they attended the mass murder site and tried to kill any possible survivors/witnesses (shades of Waco there)
but it seems the rabbit hole goes deeper and that Zbigniew Brzezinski (father of Mika the co-host of Morning Joe) was very concerned with the mind control aspects of the cult, the MK Ultra goal that the subjects will even do things that harm themselves rather than resist their conditioning.
So, is based Tucker with his CIA father about to tell us about the CIA's role in Jonestown?
What did we hear instead?
"The Jonestown massacre disproportionately affected women of colour" "Thatssss sooo Right!"
"70% of the victims were African American women" "That is SO true"
"Jim Jones was initially a respected civil rights activist"
"Jim Jones took on the Klan!"
ye-ah? Kind of feels like we're tiptoeing around the edges of this Tucker.. when do we get to the bit about the CIA conducting Jonestown as an MK Ultra experiment? That would dovetail perfectly into your fathers role in suppressing news reports of massacres in central and southern America in general..?
Oh no
"The story of Jonestown perfectly mirrors the journey of Civil Rights in America from principle-based opposition into madness and violence in the 70's"
Not Really.
Rosa Parks never had any confrontation on any bus. her jewish managers merely hired an empty bus and staged a fake photoshoot and then issued a fake news story.
Martin Luther King (not his real name) was a violent rapist who never wrote one of his own speeches. He was run and controlled jewish communists - hence the amount of violence that followed him wherever he went. Covered Up.
So the "principled civil rights" movement was always fake, was always violent and always involved lies, media deception and 'people of color" attacking white people for no reason other than... being white people.
So we could realistically say that the civil rights movement was always a Fed curated movement that was anti white and when t morphed into something anarchic and racist violence it was just that the media cover up didn't extend far enough to cover all of the offshoots into the late 70s.
So.. we were eventually going to hear about the CIA's role in this mass murder? and it was a CIA mass murder if they attempted to kill any survivors...
"SO what you saw was a move from the South to places like California where .. they faced similar issues that they had elsewhere" eh? call a spade a spade.. alright no CIA Jonestown analysis.. but WHAT issues seemed to follow black populations? Oh no, not going there.

There is an awful lot of evidence to show that the official history of WWII is bogus.

**And This Is Not The First Time That Americans have admitted it. Tucker is CIA, yes, but officially he is just a journalist.
**How about a Secretary of State of a current US administration telling the truth to mainstream German media?
Well, that's already happened..
American Secretary of State James Baker III of the George H W Bush administration to Die Spiegel.
1992 - the cold war was over - the "West had won" and everybody dropped their guard a little.. (see also the (((on the nose))) film Wag the Dog 1997)
From memory - "James Baker, George H W Bush's foreign secretary, gave an interview in the 1990's with a German magazine (either Die Stern OR Die Spiegel, can't remember which, it began with an S..) in which he said - roughly - "We created this bad guy, this outlandish propaganda figure, and then - when we actually won the war - we found ourselves stuck with him.." "

It is a quote by Mr. James Baker, III, the former Secretary of State and was published in 1992 in the German magazine Der Spiegel. "Wir machten aus Hitler ein Monstrum, einen Teufel. Deshalb konnten wir nach dem Krieg auch nicht mehr davon abrücken. Hatten wir doch die Massen gegen den Teufel persönlich mobilisiert. Also waren wir nach dem Krieg gezwungen, in diesem Teufelsszenario mitzuspielen. Wir hätten unmöglich unseren Menschen klarmachen können, daß der Krieg eigentlich nur eine wirtschaftliche Präventivmaßnahme war!"
--James Baker, ehemaliger US-Außenminister

Now did Tucker and his buddy go this far?
Oh no, its all Churchill, Churchill, Churchill - "he knew he couldn't win the war so he just delayed and tried to get either the USA or the USSR to join in against Germany."
...actually Im a little annoyed with what Tucker and his interviewee did here.
because if you listen to them they ignore the fact that WWII was 'an economic war' planned between Britain and America and the Soviet Union and made inevitable the moment that Hitler as Chancellor overruled Schacht and effectively dissolved Germany's Central Bank.
They don't mention Schact at all.
They don't mention the Bomberg Massacres, Polish attacks on Germans and the Commissar provocations.
they don't mention that America joining the war should have meant them taking on their attackers, the Japanese, in the Pacific - and yet the plan was always that America would engage Germany as a priority in Europe instead.
The whole thing was planned in advance.
The interviewee even said that Hitler MAY have been worried about Soviet aggression but he remains enigmatic on that point.
He says that Germany "planned" an invasion of the Soviet Union which" didn't take into account the humanitarian needs of millions of captives which had massive ramifications for the end of the war"
Just say "the Holocaust never Happened" Just say it.
Oh no.. some nudge nudge wink wink "the Nazis made Big mistakes in dealing with millions of captives" decode this if you Already Know the real history... nudge nudge wink wink..

Its all just Heat Traps.
Based Tucker!
But what's he really said?
They implied that Churchill was easily swayed by money issues - but they completely left out the Jewish group "The Focus" that were financing Churchill and getting him to prosecute an aggressive line against Germany, aligned with the "war" that World Jewry declared on Germany in 1933 whereafter they wrote TWO books about exterminating the German Race which made the New York Times bestseller list..
They never mentioned the Benes Government.
They never mentioned a whole heap of things.
"The Gas Chambers are a myth" Just say it.
Tucker is probably the richest, most independently wealthy, most connected man on the planet currently practicing "journalism" (him and Anderson Cooper) - but unlike Cooper his brand is "Truth Teller" - so just tell the truth Tucker.. but he can't. because he's CIA.

And look at that..
The guy he's interviewing partners in his podcast with Jocko Willink. Joco Willink the Navy Seals Brand ambassador. The guy that has done broadcast after broadcast talking about "the war on terror" "the war against radical jihadis" - the guy who has interviewed people involved in False Flags as if the events really happened as said on the tin - World Jewry carried out 9-11 but you will Never hear that from Jocko Willink.
And then - rememberer how Rush Limbaugh was actually replaced by a member of the Intelligence community?
Sean Hannity wearing his CIA lapel badge was supposed to be bad enough.
But we have ex-Secret Service Dan Bongino telling us what to think.
CIA Tucker so based and republican... covering for the crimes of Zbigniew Brzezinski - the Father of Mika Brzezinski his supposed Democrat rival on MSNBC.
How do people not see this? The intel agencies control everyone who is a Big Name. And they make sure to control all the pieces on the chessboard - what they most fear is the pieces falling off the board and no longer being controllable.
Jonestown is a perfect example of how they can take a group of disenfranchised and rootless city dwellers and lead them, like the pied piper, to their doom.
Its a darn sight easier when they have control of all mainstream and 'Alt' talking heads.

So do you think Jay Dyer is also a gatekeeper then as he's been endorsing Tucker? Jay has also been dabbling in to the you know who's lately. I'd like to hear your opinion.
So do you think Jay Dyer is also a gatekeeper then as he's been endorsing Tucker? Jay has also been dabbling in to the you know who's lately. I'd like to hear your opinion.
Jay Dyer's a weird guy in my view.

I very much like his books on Esoteric Hollywood.
And whilst people I know claim that he "talks about the Windsors but never the JQ" in those Esoteric Hollywood books he frequently signposts - far harder than Tucker - the jewish hand in world events. he will often say things like so and so was "..jewish, and his being jewish is not an isolated example of this phenomenon, by any means"
The Hollywood books are deep stuff and right up our alley, suggesting that there is a higher conspiracy ruling the world with dark and devious plans.
At the beginning of his books he makes a brief reference to other sources fro his material which led me to suspect that he, Jay Dyer, rips off the work of other people without properly acknowledging his debt, so I don't think it's his stuff but rather the aggregated wisdom of many other commentators that he puts out in his name.
You can see that in the bite sized way he condenses his talking points - he doesn't seem able to extemporise on any of his points fluently.

But on the old forum you couldn't discuss this as freely as he was an associate of Roosh and Roosh would interpose himself and say "do not discuss these issues, they are personal matters" - usually when Dyers annoying wife and her role in his podcasts was being discussed.
I remember - in the middle of Covid Lockdowns - I watched BladeRunner2049 which just seemed so on the nose about issues like transhumansim. digital prisons, dystopian futures, the Meta simulated universe, eat the bugs (at the beginning a character literally "Eats Zee Bugs" and a machine imposes a hologram of nice food over the writhing bugs as he inserts his fork)
I watched it andreally looked forward to his YouTube broadcast where he was answering fan questions on Bladerunner, and he just seemed so flat, uninspired and incapable of deep analysis.
He was answering fan questions on BR2049 that perhaps he didn't know were coming and he just looked bored, sucked on his vape and made vague references to "yeah the film is to do with a baby, like a forbidden baby, that's an old biblical story line, Moses in the Rushes I think.." - did not seem very comfortable or very confident.
Consistent with someone who lifts his analysis from other sources.
His wife was incredibly annoying too - in a vapid bimbo way.
Funnily enough, tried to find it but that video has disappeared from YouTube.

Im no expert on Jay Dyer but Tucker is not just controlled, he is CIA,
And his glossing over of the Jonestown issue is outrageous in that respect.

The fact is that the intel agencies like to control the public mind and you cannot be a well known face in dissident circles (aggregating millions of views over the years) without getting a tap on the shoulder.
Some people on here want to believe that Jordan Peterson is JUST about to turn a corner (and thus they ignore extensive evidence that Peterson was a jewish plant from the get go) people want to believe that Trump will overturn everything bad and "woke" or that Vivek Ramaswamy was going to save the American political model - or freemason Gaetz and JD Vance will in 2028..
if people want to believe that one side of the kosher dialectic are all controlled propaganda outlets but that the other side - like Candace Owens who is STILL on Youtube and who has never been meaningfully de-banked - are all born fide independent truth tellers ... then that's up to them, but I don't think that those people are operating from cold, hard logic. More from wishful thinking.
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Jay Dyer's a weird guy in my view.

I very much like his books on Esoteric Hollywood.
And whilst people I know claim that he "talks about the Windsors but never the JQ" in those Esoteric Hollywood books he frequently signposts - far harder than Tucker - the jewish hand in world events. he will often say things like so and so was "..jewish, and his being jewish is not an isolated example of this phenomenon, by any means"
The Hollywood books are deep stuff and right up our alley, suggesting that there is a higher conspiracy ruling the world with dark and devious plans.
At the beginning of his books he makes a brief reference to other sources fro his material which led me to suspect that he, Jay Dyer, rips off the work of other people without properly acknowledging his debt, so I don't think it's his stuff but rather the aggregated wisdom of many other commentators that he puts out in his name.
You can see that in the bite sized way he condenses his talking points - he doesn't seem able to extemporise on any of his points fluently.

But on the old forum you couldn't discuss this as freely as he was an associate of Roosh and Roosh would interpose himself and say "do not discuss these issues, they are personal matters" - usually when Dyers annoying wife and her role in his podcasts was being discussed.
I remember - in the middle of Covid Lockdowns - I watched BladeRunner2049 which just seemed so on the nose about issues like transhumansim. digital prisons, dystopian futures, the Meta simulated universe, eat the bugs (at the beginning a character literally "Eats Zee Bugs" and a machine imposes a hologram of nice food over the writhing bugs as he inserts his fork)
I watched it andreally looked forward to his YouTube broadcast where he was answering fan questions on Bladerunner, and he just seemed so flat, uninspired and incapable of deep analysis.
He was answering fan questions on BR2049 that perhaps he didn't know were coming and he just looked bored, sucked on his vape and made vague references to "yeah the film is to do with a baby, like a forbidden baby, that's an old biblical story line, Moses in the Rushes I think.." - did not seem very comfortable or very confident.
Consistent with someone who lifts his analysis from other sources.
His wife was incredibly annoying too - in a vapid bimbo way.
Funnily enough, tried to find it but that video has disappeared from YouTube.

Im no expert on Jay Dyer but Tucker is not just controlled, he is CIA,
And his glossing over of the Jonestown issue is outrageous in that respect.

The fact is that the intel agencies like to control the public mind and you cannot be a well known face in dissident circles (aggregating millions of views over the years) without getting a tap on the shoulder.
Some people on here want to believe that Jordan Peterson is JUST about to turn a corner (and thus they ignore extensive evidence that Peterson was a jewish plant from the get go) people want to believe that Trump will overturn everything bad and "woke" or that Vivek Ramaswamy was going to save the American political model - or freemason Gaetz and JD Vance will in 2028..
if people want to believe that one side of the kosher dialectic are all controlled propaganda outlets but that the other side - like Candace Owens who is STILL on Youtube and who has never been meaningfully de-banked - are all born fide independent truth tellers ... then that's up to them, but I don't think that those people are operating from cold, hard logic. More from wishful thinking.

PM me if you like re that.

What about the Frenchman who Candance Owens just interviewed on her Jtube channel about the massive pAdo ring that runs the world, he did have all his accounts closed though? I know I'm going off topic here but you always bring up interesting stuff.
Speaking of walls of texts ...

Firstly Tucker is CIA, so what he says or does in an interview is going to be CIA-approved messaging.
Based on what? First you said Icke, now Tucker. Anything is possible, but from what I read on fora there's always confusion on the controlled op topic, which interestingly you can claim on anyone (usually therefore a useless point).
For instance you, Blade Runner, believe the official newscast version of the JFK assassination - that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and all the bullets that hit JFK were loosed by him.
That is incorrect, since I know what I have stated and have never excluded anything. I stated that it is a fact that Oswald acted (and with a Carcano), that much is known. You added all the rest.
Many people on this forum will tell you that World Jewry - Jack Ruby, Dallas jewry, jews in the US administration/FBI/CIA, jewish media owners, Israel, Mossad (LBJ had a Mossad mistress) - was behind the JFK assassination.
It looks like Israel had motivation, connections, etc. Of course it is a possible they and their connections, inside the CIA and other dual citizen helpers, are at the root of things. It might even be the most likely explanation. I've never denied that possibility.

You should pay attention to closer reading comprehension before you accuse others or claim you are faithfully quoting them, or paraphrasing their points of view.
That is incorrect, since I know what I have stated and have never excluded anything. I stated that it is a fact that Oswald acted (and with a Carcano), that much is known. You added all the rest.

Did you know that the "official" rifle that the Dallas police collected from the book depository (and which the national archives has on display today) is DIFFERENT from the rifle Oswald is holding in the pictures his wife took in the backyard a few weeks before the assassination ? (Specifically the 2 fixed rings which hold the leather strap, also called "sling mounts", are in totally different positions.)

Also, no witness actually saw Oswald firing a rifle from the window that day, and no witness actually saw him on the 6th floor when the motorcade passed. Not even the Warren commission could prove either of those things. The most they could prove was that he was somewhere in the building that day, and that he purchased the same model rifle earlier in the year.
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Jay Dyer's a weird guy in my view.

I very much like his books on Esoteric Hollywood.
And whilst people I know claim that he "talks about the Windsors but never the JQ" in those Esoteric Hollywood books he frequently signposts - far harder than Tucker - the jewish hand in world events. he will often say things like so and so was "..jewish, and his being jewish is not an isolated example of this phenomenon, by any means"
The Hollywood books are deep stuff and right up our alley, suggesting that there is a higher conspiracy ruling the world with dark and devious plans.
At the beginning of his books he makes a brief reference to other sources fro his material which led me to suspect that he, Jay Dyer, rips off the work of other people without properly acknowledging his debt, so I don't think it's his stuff but rather the aggregated wisdom of many other commentators that he puts out in his name.
You can see that in the bite sized way he condenses his talking points - he doesn't seem able to extemporise on any of his points fluently.

But on the old forum you couldn't discuss this as freely as he was an associate of Roosh and Roosh would interpose himself and say "do not discuss these issues, they are personal matters" - usually when Dyers annoying wife and her role in his podcasts was being discussed.
I remember - in the middle of Covid Lockdowns - I watched BladeRunner2049 which just seemed so on the nose about issues like transhumansim. digital prisons, dystopian futures, the Meta simulated universe, eat the bugs (at the beginning a character literally "Eats Zee Bugs" and a machine imposes a hologram of nice food over the writhing bugs as he inserts his fork)
I watched it andreally looked forward to his YouTube broadcast where he was answering fan questions on Bladerunner, and he just seemed so flat, uninspired and incapable of deep analysis.
He was answering fan questions on BR2049 that perhaps he didn't know were coming and he just looked bored, sucked on his vape and made vague references to "yeah the film is to do with a baby, like a forbidden baby, that's an old biblical story line, Moses in the Rushes I think.." - did not seem very comfortable or very confident.
Consistent with someone who lifts his analysis from other sources.
His wife was incredibly annoying too - in a vapid bimbo way.
Funnily enough, tried to find it but that video has disappeared from YouTube.

Im no expert on Jay Dyer but Tucker is not just controlled, he is CIA,
And his glossing over of the Jonestown issue is outrageous in that respect.

The fact is that the intel agencies like to control the public mind and you cannot be a well known face in dissident circles (aggregating millions of views over the years) without getting a tap on the shoulder.
Some people on here want to believe that Jordan Peterson is JUST about to turn a corner (and thus they ignore extensive evidence that Peterson was a jewish plant from the get go) people want to believe that Trump will overturn everything bad and "woke" or that Vivek Ramaswamy was going to save the American political model - or freemason Gaetz and JD Vance will in 2028..
if people want to believe that one side of the kosher dialectic are all controlled propaganda outlets but that the other side - like Candace Owens who is STILL on Youtube and who has never been meaningfully de-banked - are all born fide independent truth tellers ... then that's up to them, but I don't think that those people are operating from cold, hard logic. More from wishful thinking.

Good writeup Barron, I will however disagree about Candace.
Its just skilful gatekeeping in my view.
Be that as it may, the narrative does seem to be shifting. Looking back to 2015-2016 and many people waking up to "fake news", then 2020 and all it's subsequent nonsense...once people recognize they have been lied to and start looking for answers, there's really no telling where they will go. So it doesn't really matter if there are some gatekeepers, even if most of the mainstream 'conservatives' are, the internet isn't controlled. Sure, there are pockets of control on certain sites but in general it's still the wild west in terms of access to information.
Speaking of walls of texts ...

Based on what? First you said Icke, now Tucker. Anything is possible, but from what I read on fora there's always confusion on the controlled op topic, which interestingly you can claim on anyone (usually therefore a useless point).

That is incorrect, since I know what I have stated and have never excluded anything. I stated that it is a fact that Oswald acted (and with a Carcano), that much is known. You added all the rest.

It looks like Israel had motivation, connections, etc. Of course it is a possible they and their connections, inside the CIA and other dual citizen helpers, are at the root of things. It might even be the most likely explanation. I've never denied that possibility.

You should pay attention to closer reading comprehension before you accuse others or claim you are faithfully quoting them, or paraphrasing their points of view.
I'm not sure I accused...? I thought I was repeating your views in good faith.
I know that Roosh didn't want RVF archived but that it was nevertheless archived by countless disgruntled types and I, myself, made sure to go around copy pasting threads that were of interest to me, for personal use.
Your assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald really did fire bullets from a high up window (that could not possibly have given him a view of Kennedys motorcade) that assertion, DID receive pushback and I seem to recall (and I can check my records) that you were insistent that all conspiracy theories were just that, baseless conspiracy theories.

That was one of the reasons why I, more or less, stepped away from CiK, Because on RVF your position was, after a couple of pages of incredulity, quietly ignored.
Whereas on CiK not only was the official version of JFK's assassination prized but also the official version of 9-11.
The new standard was that one could only call someone controlled opposition IF they personally came to you and told you personally that they had been compromised. No debate about Jordan Peterson etc unless those Jordan Peterson had actually spent time with us, each and every one of us, and told us their revelations.
Alleging that there was more to what happened on 9-11? Well, you could only say that if you could "provide the names and addresses of each shady spook involved in 9-11" - not just a few names like those of the dancing Israelis .. all of them.
And what got me was that there was no pushback.
Your assertions on RVF were met with incredulity.
But, for similar assertions on CiK, there was no pushback.
It looked like a new standard.
We Have to Believe what the Jewish Owned Media tells us. No exceptions.
Well, there are to be no exceptions - unless - those people personally visited you and personally told you Everything) and not unless you know ALL of the names and ALL of the addresses of ALL of the people involved in every single false flag, ever.
Which leads us on conveniently to the issue of MK Ultra...

Because ultimately the real subjects of the NK Ultra experimentation is..... us.
They want control of the public mind.
Thats why they tortured test subjects in the way that they did (people like Dongier who also oversaw Jordan Peterson). They wanted to find the levers in the human psyche whereby they could get them to act in ways that they would never think of before they were experimented on.
So the Jim Jones chrurch started out in 1950s America, and doesn't the DoD state employee emphasise to Tucker how long they were all together? As a test subject that was a loooong time.
And in their last days the CIA had listening posts and were surveilling their little community to its very end. And it turns out that when they committed suicide / stroke / murdered each other /stroke/ murdered their children the CIA and embedded soldiers were sent in to kill any survivors.
Why? Because never leave a living witness.
Also useful to syringe them between the shoulder blades, as the Georgetown coroner initially remarked on before he was gotten to, as that way you will know who willingly concluded the experiment and which subjects balked - useful data.

So I find it outrageous for a CIA goon like Tucker to focus on the frippery and irrelevant details of Jonestown without acknowledging that the very organisation that the and his father worked for were involved in a mass murder.

And its not the first nor the last time.
Raises questions about groups like the Moonies or the Aum Shinryi Kyo cult in Japan.
Many of us are aware of the bizarre Heaven's Gate cult (who all wore Nike Air Jordans Blue Jumpsuits and Square Cut haircuts) that believed that they could perform mass suicides and thus be teleported up to a passing comet and so live with aliens and avoid the demise of the Earth (which was about to be destroyed by Alien forces anyway).
A bizarre little known factoid of the Heavens Gate cult is that they had the same landlord as these shady Saudi/Israeli groups who were traced as living all over America after 9-11.
heck, it turned out that some of the 9-11 landlords were even FBI informants..

But - we all got the updated memo - and so, not having the names and addresses of everybody involved, we will dutifully obey the diktat - Believe the jewish owned media.
So how dare we say that Tucker Carlson is CIA? Has he ever sat down with me personally and told me that?

Its just that his Father is up on the wall at Langley Virginia in the CIA Hall of Fame no less.
And yet Tucker has never acknowledged this - so it can't be true. Wikipedia also doesn't tell us this. So that must be a double-No, right?
Officially, Tucker says he sent off a paper application to an anonymous faceless nameless organisation called "the CIA" and got a prompt template paper reply of "No". (this kind of official story is what is known as "sheep dipping") Then Tucker got parachuted almost immediately into a top media role.
Similarly MI6 agent Tommy Robinson claims that the MI6 visited him and tried to get him to join the MI6.. but he said "No". (sheepdipping)
Just as Michael de la Broc on Telegram does a good gatekeeping operation - turns out he went to British military officer training at Sandhurst but then he "dropped out" and joined a ridiculous antiFa group called "the 37" and then had a picture taken of himself with Steve Bannon and lots of media articles suddenly appeared denouncing him as Far Right (sheep dipped) and then he just accidentally ends up running a British Telegram-trap.
Nobody ever seems to notice that George Orwell went from being a Colonial Policemen in British Empire Burma to suddenly being a communist guerrilla in Civil War Spain. Quite the ideological journey. Sheepdipped much? George Orwell wasn't even his real name... He was Eric Blair and he went to British Elite school Eton (where the future princes and Kings of the UK are taught) where his tutor was none other than heavy weight secret service member Julian Huxley.

Julian Huxley was a member of the freemason Fabian Society as was Eugenicist and Playwright George Bernard Shaw, his brother Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) as well as Blair/Orwell and HG Wells
The society was obsessed with bringing about a communist New World Order in Britain but doing in such a way that the transformation was disguised and would come as a complete surprise to the general population.
They believed that works of Fiction and the Media were crucial in shaping the public mind to that end. 1984 is a fed predictive-programming document, but people are so brainwashed that they exclaim "No!" the moment that they hear that. "Orwell warned us!" No. Blair wrote a predictive text helping to usher in the New World Order as an unavoidable aspect of our grim future.
They also get upset when they are told that the Holocaust never happened.
Lee Harvey Oswald was in a multiplicity of places at the same time and aligned with some strange political groups (sheep dipped) Imagine how shocked Lee Harvey Oswald was when he suddenly found himself accused of killing his own President. A true innocent in that regard.
Another thing that Tucker never even acknowledges is his Freemason Kabbalah bracelet, but he's still there, wearing it on camera.

So that is what MK Ultra ultimately is.. it is an experiment or a project on the Grandest scale - it is being deployed on the human race in total, the West especially. Being deployed on us.
We can see smaller scale versions of the experiment taking place in people like Sirhan Sirhan or Timothy McVeigh, individuals who allowed themselves to be cultivated as patsies in DeepState operations.
Lee Harvey Oswald was not MK Ultra as it is likely that he was a patriotic CIA employee who thought that he was assigned to the Texas Book Depository because of the needs of National Interest. Notice that his limited television time post assassination lends itself to the idea that he was set up. hence Jack Ruby killing him before he could talk more. Hence the need for MK Ultra types on future operations.
MK Ultra is obsessed with getting subjects to act in ways that serve the experimenters but actually go against the subjects own self interest - suicide being the ultimate demonstration.
And so we see the examples of the Jonestown mass suicide. And the heavens Gate mass suicide. MK Ultra.

But yes - we are the ultimate test case.
I was out last night talking to a bunch of guys, they were talking about the Tucker podcast. I was going through all the connections between Tucker and his family and the CIA .. and the connections between the CIA and Jonestown.
One guy, proud of how "based" he is, kept interrupting whatever I said "No! No! Thats not was They Said! They said that er, Jim Jones was actually a umm, civil rights activist?In the - when was it..? Yeah, in the 1950's!!" and then he grinned at us like it was a groundbreaking announcement. When he was asked what was so groundbreaking about that he couldn't say.
When he was asked again "what about what you just said regarding that podcast exactly puts the cat amongst the Establishment pigeons?" he couldn't answer.. "I mean, they said it followed the trajectory of the Civil Rights movement" So.. flipping.. what? Tuckers CIA killed all those people and the obscenely rich elitist just sits there and grins about "that's right! yes they were mostly from the Bay Area!" - like a ghoul.
When the guy we were talking to was asked why he knew Tucker wasn't CIA he replied "No, No, no Tucker was refused entry to the CIA! he said!" Nice and obedient.
Thinks he's so red pilled and based and yet ... 'Like their own thoughts come the thoughts of others'.

Then we had a few chats about other things and some middle aged Americans brought up the tranny boxer beating up all the woman at the Olympics. One of the Americans looked at his beer and said "When Trump gets in, he's going to fix all of this.." and a few people nodded their agreement "Yerrp". Fantasy Land, basically.
Then someone mentioned a movie with Samuel L Jackson and all the Anglos assembled said "yeah he's the coolest. What an awesome guy."
And then various other movies were discussed, Eddie Murphy, Taylor Swift etc and every celebrity mentioned was met with "he/she is just the best - what makes America great"
at one point Marilyn Manson was even brought up as a cool, badass All-American celebrity.
I just couldn't help myself - "hey, you know that Samuel L Jackson got caught using a gay escort service when he was filming in New York? You know Eddie Murphy got caught kerb crawling transgender hookers in New York? Looooong before he was caught with a tranny in LA? You seen that clip of Taylor Swift "raising demons" at a concert full of her young female fans? Marilyn Manson eh? You know that, away from the tacky leather trousers, face paint, mascara etc. he really IS into satanism and is regularly seen with Church of Satan members?"
Well, these were nice enough people - but you could see that some the Boomers were outraged.

the trick is Consensus Trance. You work on the subliminal and subconscious aspects of the human mind, the more suggestible elements of the human psyche and then just repeat repeat repeat the messaging.
Rich Blue Blood Tucker is just so based!
I mean, the 2020 election was stolen and he went on Fox News that night and told his friend Megyn Kelly that there was absolutely no interference in voting numbers... but - repetition repetition repetition - Tucker the CIA plant is just - so based!
What Tucker and Candace are doing is a slightly more appealing version of Q psy-op.
They are taking people's genuine grievances, genuine noticing, and they are taking the messaging we all want to see and..
watering it down and steering it well off course.
Operation Trust. Operation Q. Operation Tucker.
And they know they can do it because they prepped us, their loyal MK Ultra subjects, long in advance.
We're like Kids watching our favourite cartoons. We become attached. We dislike Skeletor or Officer Dibble. We love love love He man and Top Cat. But tell us that its all just a 2 dimensional set of animated drawings and us Kids get very very upset - we are attached to this, and so you are ruining the consensus trance and thus, ruining all our fun..

Well that was what "Brave New World" was all about. Soma. Many on here have suggested that the thoughts and ideas in Brave New World were actually more the brainchild of the British establishment agent Julian Huxley, not his brother.
I would agree.
And what did Brave New World predict?
A willingly servile population. Given enough prompts and enough conditioning they would learn to love their own servitude, identify most strongly with the propaganda of their overlords. Learn to love **their own enslavement** .Talking heads on screens - which is how most people get their news these days.
Which is us, basically.. We are the little kiddies learning to love Plato's Cave and getting angry at anyone who points out the projector behind us, or the production crew.
Ask not who is the MK Ultra test-subject. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls".
Looks like It's tolling for us, all of us..
MK Ultra test subjects, one and all.
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I'm not sure I accused...? I thought I was repeating your views in good faith.
I know that Roosh didn't want RVF archived but that it was nevertheless archived by countless disgruntled types and I, myself, made sure to go around copy pasting threads that were of interest to me, for personal use.
Your assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald really did fire bullets from a high up window (that could not possibly have given him a view of Kennedys motorcade) that assertion, DID receive pushback and I seem to recall (and I can check my records) that you were insistent that all conspiracy theories were just that, baseless conspiracy theories.

That was one of the reasons why I, more or less, stepped away from CiK, Because on RVF your position was, after a couple of pages of incredulity, quietly ignored.
Whereas on CiK not only was the official version of JFK's assassination prized but also the official version of 9-11.
The new standard was that one could only call someone controlled opposition IF they personally came to you and told you personally that they had been compromised. No debate about Jordan Peterson etc unless those Jordan Peterson had actually spent time with us, each and every one of us, and told us their revelations.
Alleging that there was more to what happened on 9-11? Well, you could only say that if you could "provide the names and addresses of each shady spook involved in 9-11" - not just a few names like those of the dancing Israelis .. all of them.
And what got me was that there was no pushback.
Your assertions on RVF were met with incredulity.
But, for similar assertions on CiK, there was no pushback.
It looked like a new standard.
We Have to Believe what the Jewish Owned Media tells us. No exceptions.
Well, there are to be no exceptions - unless - those people personally visited you and personally told you Everything) and not unless you know ALL of the names and ALL of the addresses of ALL of the people involved in every single false flag, ever.
Which leads us on conveniently to the issue of MK Ultra...

Because ultimately the real subjects of the NK Ultra experimentation is..... us.
They want control of the public mind.
Thats why they tortured test subjects in the way that they did (people like Dongier who also oversaw Jordan Peterson). They wanted to find the levers in the human psyche whereby they could get them to act in ways that they would never think of before they were experimented on.
So the Jim Jones chrurch started out in 1950s America, and doesn't the DoD state employee emphasise to Tucker how long they were all together? As a test subject that was a loooong time.
And in their last days the CIA had listening posts and were surveilling their little community to its very end. And it turns out that when they committed suicide / stroke / murdered each other /stroke/ murdered their children the CIA and embedded soldiers were sent in to kill any survivors.
Why? Because never leave a living witness.
Also useful to syringe them between the shoulder blades, as the Georgetown coroner initially remarked on before he was gotten to, as that way you will know who willingly concluded the experiment and which subjects balked - useful data.

So I find it outrageous for a CIA goon like Tucker to focus on the frippery and irrelevant details of Jonestown without acknowledging that the very organisation that the and his father worked for were involved in a mass murder.

And its not the first nor the last time.
Raises questions about groups like the Moonies or the Aum Shinryi Kyo cult in Japan.
Many of us are aware of the bizarre Heaven's Gate cult (who all wore Nike Air Jordans Blue Jumpsuits and Square Cut haircuts) that believed that they could perform mass suicides and thus be teleported up to a passing comet and so live with aliens and avoid the demise of the Earth (which was about to be destroyed by Alien forces anyway).
A bizarre little known factoid of the Heavens Gate cult is that they had the same landlord as these shady Saudi/Israeli groups who were traced as living all over America after 9-11.
heck, it turned out that some of the 9-11 landlords were even FBI informants..

But - we all got the updated memo - and so, not having the names and addresses of everybody involved, we will dutifully obey the diktat - Believe the jewish owned media.
So how dare we say that Tucker Carlson is CIA? Has he ever sat down with me personally and told me that?

Its just that his Father is up on the wall at Langley Virginia in the CIA Hall of Fame no less.
And yet Tucker has never acknowledged this - so it can't be true. Wikipedia also doesn't tell us this. So that must be a double-No, right?
Officially, Tucker says he sent off a paper application to an anonymous faceless nameless organisation called "the CIA" and got a prompt template paper reply of "No". (this kind of official story is what is known as "sheep dipping") Then Tucker got parachuted almost immediately into a top media role.
Similarly MI6 agent Tommy Robinson claims that the MI6 visited him and tried to get him to join the MI6.. but he said "No". (sheepdipping)
Just as Michael de la Broc on Telegram does a good gatekeeping operation - turns out he went to British military officer training at Sandhurst but then he "dropped out" and joined a ridiculous antiFa group called "the 37" and then had a picture taken of himself with Steve Bannon and lots of media articles suddenly appeared denouncing him as Far Right (sheep dipped) and then he just accidentally ends up running a British Telegram-trap.
Nobody ever seems to notice that George Orwell went from being a Colonial Policemen in British Empire Burma to suddenly being a communist guerrilla in Civil War Spain. Quite the ideological journey. Sheepdipped much? George Orwell wasn't even his real name... He was Eric Blair and he went to British Elite school Eton (where the future princes and Kings of the UK are taught) where his tutor was none other than heavy weight secret service member Julian Huxley.

Julian Huxley was a member of the freemason Fabian Society as was Eugenicist and Playwright George Bernard Shaw, his brother Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) as well as Blair/Orwell and HG Wells
The society was obsessed with bringing about a communist New World Order in Britain but doing in such a way that the transformation was disguised and would come as a complete surprise to the general population.
They believed that works of Fiction and the Media were crucial in shaping the public mind to that end. 1984 is a fed predictive-programming document, but people are so brainwashed that they exclaim "No!" the moment that they hear that. "Orwell warned us!" No. Blair wrote a predictive text helping to usher in the New World Order as an unavoidable aspect of our grim future.
They also get upset when they are told that the Holocaust never happened.
Lee Harvey Oswald was in a multiplicity of places at the same time and aligned with some strange political groups (sheep dipped) Imagine how shocked Lee Harvey Oswald was when he suddenly found himself accused of killing his own President. A true innocent in that regard.
Another thing that Tucker never even acknowledges is his Freemason Kabbalah bracelet, but he's still there, wearing it on camera.

So that is what MK Ultra ultimately is.. it is an experiment or a project on the Grandest scale - it is being deployed on the human race in total, the West especially. Being deployed on us.
We can see smaller scale versions of the experiment taking place in people like Sirhan Sirhan or Timothy McVeigh, individuals who allowed themselves to be cultivated as patsies in DeepState operations.
Lee Harvey Oswald was not MK Ultra as it is likely that he was a patriotic CIA employee who thought that he was assigned to the Texas Book Depository because of the needs of National Interest. Notice that his limited television time post assassination lends itself to the idea that he was set up. hence Jack Ruby killing him before he could talk more. Hence the need for MK Ultra types on future operations.
MK Ultra is obsessed with getting subjects to act in ways that serve the experimenters but actually go against the subjects own self interest - suicide being the ultimate demonstration.
And so we see the examples of the Jonestown mass suicide. And the heavens Gate mass suicide. MK Ultra.

But yes - we are the ultimate test case.
I was out last night talking to a bunch of guys, they were talking about the Tucker podcast. I was going through all the connections between Tucker and his family and the CIA .. and the connections between the CIA and Jonestown.
One guy, proud of how "based" he is, kept interrupting whatever I said "No! No! Thats not was They Said! They said that er, Jim Jones was actually a umm, civil rights activist?In the - when was it..? Yeah, in the 1950's!!" and then he grinned at us like it was a groundbreaking announcement. When he was asked what was so groundbreaking about that he couldn't say.
When he was asked again "what about what you just said regarding that podcast exactly puts the cat amongst the Establishment pigeons?" he couldn't answer.. "I mean, they said it followed the trajectory of the Civil Rights movement" So.. flipping.. what? Tuckers CIA killed all those people and the obscenely rich elitist just sits there and grins about "that's right! yes they were mostly from the Bay Area!" - like a ghoul.
When the guy we were talking to was asked why he knew Tucker wasn't CIA he replied "No, No, no Tucker was refused entry to the CIA! he said!" Nice and obedient.
Thinks he's so red pilled and based and yet ... 'Like their own thoughts come the thoughts of others'.

Then we had a few chats about other things and some middle aged Americans brought up the tranny boxer beating up all the woman at the Olympics. One of the Americans looked at his beer and said "When Trump gets in, he's going to fix all of this.." and a few people nodded their agreement "Yerrp". Fantasy Land, basically.
Then someone mentioned a movie with Samuel L Jackson and all the Anglos assembled said "yeah he's the coolest. What an awesome guy."
And then various other movies were discussed, Eddie Murphy, Taylor Swift etc and every celebrity mentioned was met with "he/she is just the best - what makes America great"
at one point Marilyn Manson was even brought up as a cool, badass All-American celebrity.
I just couldn't help myself - "hey, you know that Samuel L Jackson got caught using a gay escort service when he was filming in New York? You know Eddie Murphy got caught kerb crawling transgender hookers in New York? Looooong before he was caught with a tranny in LA? You seen that clip of Taylor Swift "raising demons" at a concert full of her young female fans? Marilyn Manson eh? You know that, away from the tacky leather trousers, face paint, mascara etc. he really IS into satanism and is regularly seen with Church of Satan members?"
Well, these were nice enough people - but you could see that some the Boomers were outraged.

the trick is Consensus Trance. You work on the subliminal and subconscious aspects of the human mind, the more suggestible elements of the human psyche and then just repeat repeat repeat the messaging.
Rich Blue Blood Tucker is just so based!
I mean, the 2020 election was stolen and he went on Fox News that night and told his friend Megyn Kelly that there was absolutely no interference in voting numbers... but - repetition repetition repetition - Tucker the CIA plant is just - so based!
What Tucker and Candace are doing is a slightly more appealing version of Q psy-op.
They are taking people's genuine grievances, genuine noticing, and they are taking the messaging we all want to see and..
watering it down and steering it well off course.
Operation Trust. Operation Q. Operation Tucker.
And they know they can do it because they prepped us, their loyal MK Ultra subjects, long in advance.
We're like Kids watching our favourite cartoons. We become attached. We dislike Skeletor or Officer Dibble. We love love love He man and Top Cat. But tell us that its all just a 2 dimensional set of animated drawings and us Kids get very very upset - we are attached to this, and so you are ruining the consensus trance and thus, ruining all our fun..

Well that was what "Brave New World" was all about. Soma. Many on here have suggested that the thoughts and ideas in Brave New World were actually more the brainchild of the British establishment agent Julian Huxley, not his brother.
I would agree.
And what did Brave New World predict?
A willingly servile population. Given enough prompts and enough conditioning they would learn to love their own servitude, identify most strongly with the propaganda of their overlords. Learn to love **their own enslavement** .Talking heads on screens - which is how most people get their news these days.
Which is us, basically.. We are the little kiddies learning to love Plato's Cave and getting angry at anyone who points out the projector behind us, or the production crew.
Ask not who is the MK Ultra test-subject. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls".
Looks like It's tolling for us, all of us..
MK Ultra test subjects, one and all.

So we should all just go belly up because everything is already lost? What is your suggestion to people with families, things that are dear to them (people with things to lose) to do?
^ I just hold it all at arms length. Do the best I can do on my little level. I have kids I'm raising and I'm doing what I can to help them be able to do the same. Live with a different mindset than a fallen and falling culture. Kind of the point of church.
So we should all just go belly up because everything is already lost? What is your suggestion to people with families, things that are dear to them (people with things to lose) to do?
What matters is the Truth.
And then how we each individually, and in our individual groups, choose to act on the truth that we perceive. Peoples instincts and ideas vary.

If the jab is bad for you dont pretend otherwise.
If our leaders hate us dont pretend otherwise.
Pretending that things are better than they really are is suicide.

Pretendig that controlled ops Arent Really controlled ops is wishful thinking at best.
I hear all the time "well, who ARE we supposed to root for?" "which YouTube channel CAN I buy into?"
Well, why would anyone want to remain naive on this issue?
The rationale behind this "dont puncture the consensus trance" argument seems best expressed by the Chinese activist and Writer Lu Xun.

""Imagine an iron house without windows, absolutely indestructible, with many people fast asleep inside who will soon die of suffocation. But you know since they will die in their sleep, they will not feel the pain of death. Now if you cry aloud to wake a few of the lighter sleepers, making those unfortunate few suffer the agony of irrevocable death, do you think you are doing them a good turn?"
Does anyone here just want to, figuratively, die in blissful ignorance?

Contrast that with someone recognised as far wiser than most. Sun Tzu coined the term Death Ground for territory in which there ws no tactical advantage and no chance of escape. Like a house or a trench surrounded by superior fire power ... and NO chance of pretending that a controlled op is really genuine and will somehow save us, Q Anon style.
" In death ground I could make it evident that there is no chance of survival. For it is the nature of soldiers to resist when surrounded; to fight to the death when there is no alternative, and when desperate to act courageously instinctively "

Sun Tzu knows that our only hope is to face the grim reality head on.
As Lu Xun also wrote: ""But if a few awake, you can't say there is no hope of destroying the iron house."

We have to seek out the truth of our situation .. and if the controlled ops that we used to look to for guidance are just that - controlled then we must face that situation , each in our own way.
Your assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald really did fire bullets from a high up window (that could not possibly have given him a view of Kennedys motorcade) that assertion, DID receive pushback and I seem to recall (and I can check my records) that you were insistent that all conspiracy theories were just that, baseless conspiracy theories.
He did. I've been to both Dealey Plaza AND the 6th floor of the book depository/window. You don't know what you're talking about.

Now you're making more stuff up: I've never said that conspiracy theories are baseless. I call a lot of conspiracies facts at this point and have stated that for several years now.

Can someone give me a TL;DR of that wall of text by the way? Sheesh. I asked a couple of questions and don't feel I should have to read 8 big paragraphs to sift for an answer.