Tucker Carlson Thread

Putin was obviously talking about the Azov Battalion.
No, nothing is "obvious" about this "interview" except that jews were not discussed. Not the jews of the Bolshevik Revolution, not the jews of international banking, not the jews of freemasonry the Talmud and the occult, and not the jews of the American "elite." The only answer to this glaring omission is that Putin is being "handled" by the JQ mafia.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Azov Battalion has/had less than a thousand members. Putin invaded Ukraine to deal with a thousand men? Or did he invade Ukraine to wreck Ukraine for his JQ masters so they could buy up the fertile land on the post-war-cheap and form a second israel (or something to that effect)?

Putin mentioned "nationalism" as a whole (in conjunction with nazism) that "the world always puts down" (paraphrasing). Putin's nazi thing makes no sense to normies because normies just retort, "Isn't Zelensky a jew? Why would a jew support nazis?" The only way the focus on nazism makes sense is that Putin is signaling to his JQ masters "Look, I'm being a good little goy, please let me keep my 5 super yachts in the Black Sea, Ibiza, and the Mediterranean." Putin's just a greedy, halfway intelligent JQ ring kisser who's been anesthesized for 20+ years by the trappings of luxury goods and services. He even kind of looks like a jew. Maybe his mother was jewish?
No, nothing is "obvious" about this "interview" except that jews were not discussed. Not the jews of the Bolshevik Revolution, not the jews of international banking, not the jews of freemasonry the Talmud and the occult, and not the jews of the American "elite." The only answer to this glaring omission is that Putin is being "handled" by the JQ mafia.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Azov Battalion has/had less than a thousand members. Putin invaded Ukraine to deal with a thousand men? Or did he invade Ukraine to wreck Ukraine for his JQ masters so they could buy up the fertile land on the post-war-cheap and form a second israel (or something to that effect)?

Putin mentioned "nationalism" as a whole (in conjunction with nazism) that "the world always puts down" (paraphrasing). Putin's nazi thing makes no sense to normies because normies just retort, "Isn't Zelensky a jew? Why would a jew support nazis?" The only way the focus on nazism makes sense is that Putin is signaling to his JQ masters "Look, I'm being a good little goy, please let me keep my 5 super yachts in the Black Sea, Ibiza, and the Mediterranean." Putin's just a greedy, halfway intelligent JQ ring kisser who's been anesthesized for 20+ years by the trappings of luxury goods and services. He even kind of looks like a jew. Maybe his mother was jewish?

It might be a consolidation of certain powers.

To me; what a crappy interview. Not moving to Russia if the president doesn't take pride in it's people (he had several chances).

He sounds like an industrialist.
I would suggest that Putin is well aware how the Nazis are perceived in the West - that they are considered the most evil regime ever. He realises that it will be western audiences that will be viewing this interview and therefore he's attempting to justify the conflict and demonise his adversaries in a way that he feels will be well received by the audience.
I get it. Putin is so smart that normies like me could never understand the nuance of his words and so he dummed it all down to a 30 minute dissertation on Russian/Ukrainian history beginning in 632 AD so the average American could follow his train of thought. Sheer brilliance. I can see why he's remained in power so long.
It's interesting he said that, because he also mentioned patriotism, the Russian soul, Orthodoxy, an anecdote about how Hungarians living in Ukraine had retained their culture, and of course talked about Russian history in detail. I didn't get the impression he was a globalist. One could argue he was talking about trade, good relations with other countries, etc.
One can argue anything. What is in unarguable is that Putin did not mention jews except to talk about how poorly they've been treated by "nazis." He's either trolling us or being willfully ignorant about Russian, German, Hungarian, Polish, and Ukrainian JQ history. Putin doesn't come across as the kind of guy who cares what anyone thinks and he "tip toes" around no one. So why the soft spot for jews and lack of mentioning them in his "thorough" Russian/Ukrainian history lesson?
As I understood it, he explained the “de-nazification” thing like this - basically Ukraine has been split up and passed around so much that they’ve had to attempt to create a distinct identity for themselves. They’ve chosen to latch onto Nazi ideologies and heroes from the WW2 period because they respect their strength, and it aligned with their desire to move away from Russia politically and ideologically, since the nazis fought the Russians, and obviously Russia can’t tolerate any of that.
Sounds like bull shit to me. The de-nazification has always sounded like bull shit to me but it makes for good propaganda/public relations.
His reasoning for the war based on Nato expansion and the Minsk accord sound more genuine.
Also interesting that he went on about Russia wanting to be on good terms with the western world and even join nato after the fall of the Soviet Union, and heads of state were open to it, but the men behind the curtain were not. It’s interesting because I read an old quote here the other day by a Jew saying how they needed to destroy the Slavs in the future.
It really is funny how the whole first thirty minutes of the discussion can be summarized by
"Can we discuss your motivation in 2022?"
"Then the next grand prince was Yaroslav the Wise...."
Yeah, Putin didn't really speak to his audience very well, unless we consider his audience within Russia, because what sounded like long-winded monotonous historical lectures with that extremely monotonous translator would actually be animated and interesting speech in Russian. There were definitely salient points made by Putin, but they were often amidst a whole lot of pretty bland filler. And that is typical for Putin, who is not given to theatrical rhetoric. I will also say that it is at least noteworthy that Putin actually can comfortably discuss history for 30 minutes straight with no teleprompter and be basically completely right in all of his points, while Western leaders literally just speak in slogans and one-line soundbites.

All in all though, the interview could be called largely boring, and I don't think really achieved very much for Putin, except for if you consider that a great many average Westerners literally imagine Putin in comparable terms to Hitler and think he is a rabid bloodthirsty maniac or something. Instead they would just see a man calmly talking about Yaroslav the Wise haha. There is no way for anybody who saw that interview to retain the belief that Putin is an "insane dictator!" or some nonsense like that. So that is a small win for him.

I also consider it a small victory just that it happened at all in defiance of the total propaganda domination of the US. Just showing people that it is still even possible to have an honest interview like that, even if it was largely boring, is a small win. And speaking of US propaganda domination, Putin actually mentioned that in one of the more interesting moments of the interview; he says the US controls virtually all world media and uses that to advance financial interests. Another thing, didn't Putin basically imply directly that he plans to eventually take Kiev? We might have assumed that anyway but it is significant for that to be directly said.
Putin's nazi thing makes no sense to normies because normies just retort, "Isn't Zelensky a jew? Why would a jew support nazis?
This. German/Swiss news this morning: "Fact checkers confirmed, no Nazis in Ukraine because Zelensky had relatives that died in the holocaust". You need to speak to normies in a certain way, to make their sheep brain think a bit. Putin failed at that. But maybe he doesnt care.
Sounds like bull **** to me. The de-nazification has always sounded like bull **** to me but it makes for good propaganda/public relations.
I also think "denazification" is not quite the right choice of words, he has chosen it to score points with the holocaust obsessed west.

He keeps referring to historical attacks on "Poles, Jews and Russians" in that order I think.

Really, he is referring to historical German attacks on them, "Nazi Germany", 3rd Reich. But that word "Nazi" has taken on a life of its own in the West since then.

I've been to some sites of battles and it is quite incredible the extent to which Nazi Germany was trying to take Russia -
The siege began on 8 September 1941, when the Wehrmacht severed the last road to the city. Although Soviet forces managed to open a narrow land corridor to the city on 18 January 1943, the Red Army did not lift the siege until 27 January 1944, 872 days after it began. The blockade became one of the longest and most destructive sieges in history, and it was possibly the costliest siege in history due to the number of casualties which were suffered throughout its duration. An estimated 1.5 million people died as a result of the siege. At the time, it was not classified as a war crime, however, in the 21st century, some historians have classified it as a genocide, due to the intentional destruction of the city and the systematic starvation of its civilian population.
The 872 days of the siege caused extreme famine in the Leningrad region through disruption of utilities, water, energy and food supplies. This resulted in the deaths of up to 1,500,000[ soldiers and civilians and the evacuation of 1,400,000 more (mainly women and children), many of whom died during evacuation due to starvation and bombardment.
It's worth a read there was mass starvation and cannibalism.

So when he says "Nazism" he just means any group that Nazi Germany attacked, but Westerners are probably just confused by the way he frames it.
Putin didn't really speak to his audience very well, unless we consider his audience within Russia, because what sounded like long-winded monotonous historical lectures with that extremely monotonous translator would actually be animated and interesting speech in Russian.
The historic lesson was bizarre. The first thing a Russian child is taught is his ancestors are from Kievan Rus and who Rurik is. This is nothing new for Russians. I personally don’t believe there is an ethnic distinction between the two groups, so I would support conquest, but I don’t see how the history lesson is anything but an argument for conquest.

The first mistake was not giving context to why even give the history lesson. Kind of autistic to start quoting history to make an argument no one even fully understands.

There was a whole lot of deflection, making him look untrustworthy. A lot of his arguments contradict each other; Ukraine and Russia will reunite, Russia always wanted peace, 3 letter agencies control geopolitics, he doesn’t know why things are happening, he likes and respects his US counterparts who are all great guys that know how to get things done, western politicians are stupid and making mistakes, he’s open to resolving the conflict, he’s ready for a frozen conflict at negotiations, he was forced to abandon the US dollar, this is a minor spat that will resolve with time, there are big geopolitical changes, US is conservative, US tries to impose their will on the world, US is unsure how to negotiate peace which they want, this conflict is about neo-nazism who were a threat to Crimea but not Donbass.

The biggest mistake here is denying that he is ideologically opposed to (((America))). So essentially his message to Americans is “you should feel bad about your government because it lies and has been naughty, I can’t tell you the details though, lol, anyway, we’re always ready to return to business as usual.”

It’s almost like they staged this interview to continue the war and have Trump negotiate a peace or something.
Thought the interview was great. Tucker let him talk mostly instead of interrupting like in previous interviews. Of course his style is not like the American style of saying useless fluff and never really saying much or a bombastic marketing style. I prefer Putin’s style.

Putin stated himself that nobody can beat the US in propaganda do you think he cares about the criticisms?

Reading some of them responses in this thread is laughable. He stated Russia as a state has allowed people of every religion to live there. Yeah what a monstrous assertion.

My only criticism is about 30 minutes from the end he did dodge Tuckers question about being a Christian leader. I didn’t watch the end so maybe he addressed it.
Unfortunately, probably only a small fraction of US citizens will watch the interview or even read any social media discussion on this interview just like any other important events going on impacting our country or world. But Swifty and Kelce… 99% of the population is probably staying up to date on that news.
I gave an honest response to your questions regardless your reactions, yet here you are trying to dig more while maybe having a specific thing in your mind.

I’ll simplify, the US gets to do things that Russia isn’t allowed to. The reason is simply the power by way of economic output, technological advancements, dominant superior military, unmatched diplomacy, GDP, overall wealth.

Russia is an enemy because it tries to mimic the US in power projection by pointing fingers to the US like a kindergartener and justifying its actions by illustrating that the US has done or is doing the same things. Russia is an enemy because it tries to forcefully assimilate foreign cultures and ethnicities into their own, thus changing the entire global order.

Anyways, hope this helps clarify things further.
The only reason the US gets to do these things is...

#1) We are sailing on the work of better men, who are being systematically replaced by the satanic elites and thus we will no longer be able to do this in the near future.

#2) The fact WW2 was not fought on our soil gave us a huge advantage we have now squandered.

Our GDP is a joke, the world is quickly dropped the US$ as the world reserve currency, our military is a fraction of its former self, and our military technology has proven to be overpriced junk in Ukraine.
Unfortunately, probably only a small fraction of US citizens will watch the interview or even read any social media discussion on this interview just like any other important events going on impacting our country or world. But Swifty and Kelce… 99% of the population is probably staying up to date on that news.
It's had 89 million views, so far! :)
The historic lesson was bizarre. The first thing a Russian child is taught is his ancestors are from Kievan Rus and who Rurik is. This is nothing new for Russians. I personally don’t believe there is an ethnic distinction between the two groups, so I would support conquest, but I don’t see how the history lesson is anything but an argument for conquest.

The first mistake was not giving context to why even give the history lesson. Kind of autistic to start quoting history to make an argument no one even fully understands.

There was a whole lot of deflection, making him look untrustworthy. A lot of his arguments contradict each other; Ukraine and Russia will reunite, Russia always wanted peace, 3 letter agencies control geopolitics, he doesn’t know why things are happening, he likes and respects his US counterparts who are all great guys that know how to get things done, western politicians are stupid and making mistakes, he’s open to resolving the conflict, he’s ready for a frozen conflict at negotiations, he was forced to abandon the US dollar, this is a minor spat that will resolve with time, there are big geopolitical changes, US is conservative, US tries to impose their will on the world, US is unsure how to negotiate peace which they want, this conflict is about neo-nazism who were a threat to Crimea but not Donbass.

The biggest mistake here is denying that he is ideologically opposed to (((America))). So essentially his message to Americans is “you should feel bad about your government because it lies and has been naughty, I can’t tell you the details though, lol, anyway, we’re always ready to return to business as usual.”

It’s almost like they staged this interview to continue the war and have Trump negotiate a peace or something.

The historic lesson was bizarre. The first thing a Russian child is taught is his ancestors are from Kievan Rus and who Rurik is. This is nothing new for Russians. I personally don’t believe there is an ethnic distinction between the two groups, so I would support conquest, but I don’t see how the history lesson is anything but an argument for conquest.

The first mistake was not giving context to why even give the history lesson. Kind of autistic to start quoting history to make an argument no one even fully understands.

There was a whole lot of deflection, making him look untrustworthy. A lot of his arguments contradict each other; Ukraine and Russia will reunite, Russia always wanted peace, 3 letter agencies control geopolitics, he doesn’t know why things are happening, he likes and respects his US counterparts who are all great guys that know how to get things done, western politicians are stupid and making mistakes, he’s open to resolving the conflict, he’s ready for a frozen conflict at negotiations, he was forced to abandon the US dollar, this is a minor spat that will resolve with time, there are big geopolitical changes, US is conservative, US tries to impose their will on the world, US is unsure how to negotiate peace which they want, this conflict is about neo-nazism who were a threat to Crimea but not Donbass.

The biggest mistake here is denying that he is ideologically opposed to (((America))). So essentially his message to Americans is “you should feel bad about your government because it lies and has been naughty, I can’t tell you the details though, lol, anyway, we’re always ready to return to business as usual.”

It’s almost like they staged this interview to continue the war and have Trump negotiate a peace or something.
You said you don't see how the history lesson is anything but an argument for conquest. I think that is exactly what it was. The entire point of it was to establish that the Ukraine is historically Russian land. I think it was definitely an argument for conquest and in fact from that interview I left with the impression that Putin actually was implying that he wants to reunite all of Ukraine or at least all except the historically Hungarian and Polish bits.
Putin hates the west because he ain't the west, even Tucker called him out for being "obviously bitter" at being excluded from the club. I really doubt this guy is ideologically opposed to anything western govs are doing, he's just mad it isn't him.

Bush & Clinton still have a much better imperial resume than Putin & Putin still has a lot to prove on the battlefield. Currently the west has effectively halted the Russian advance by giving a bunch of dumb Ukrainians weapons & saying "look, when you see the Russian press this button, enjoy!". General Zhukov would be unimpressed by Putin's current gains. If Bush would have went after the Ukraine, Zelensky's corpse would be hanging from a noose by now, if Putin goes after him he'll live a comfortable life & can travel freely. On whom should I place bets?

West is screwed up right now, I agree, much better alternatives exist, but Russia is not one of them.
Putin hates the west because he ain't the west, even Tucker called him out for being "obviously bitter" at being excluded from the club. I really doubt this guy is ideologically opposed to anything western govs are doing, he's just mad it isn't him.

Bush & Clinton still have a much better imperial resume than Putin & Putin still has a lot to prove on the battlefield. Currently the west has effectively halted the Russian advance by giving a bunch of dumb Ukrainians weapons & saying "look, when you see the Russian press this button, enjoy!". General Zhukov would be unimpressed by Putin's current gains. If Bush would have went after the Ukraine, Zelensky's corpse would be hanging from a noose by now, if Putin goes after him he'll live a comfortable life & can travel freely. On whom should I place bets?

West is screwed up right now, I agree, much better alternatives exist, but Russia is not one of them.

I agree with the emboldened statement. However, I think that's testimony to Russia trying to minimise the loss of civilian life. I think that's wonderful, personally.