Tucker Carlson Thread

There are some things the U.S. is allowed to do that Russia simply isn’t (like the nature, the powerful wins).
I don't understand this statement, especially your parentheses.
Russia is not just an enemy of the US, but also an enemy of Europe, Asia, the Caucasus, the Middle East…
I asked you to explain how they are an enemy. You went on to list things that every major power in the world does.
I listened to all of it. I’m convinced our (((overlords))) will draw out this war indefinitely. Doesn’t matter who gets elected in the USA in November, the military arms industry is too strong and will shut down any peace talks .

The one thing that could change that is if Ukraine decides to kill or oust Zelenskyy and install someone else to force a peace .

This is basically where we are at, Ukraine has lost a long time ago but the west refuses sign an agreement. At one point in the interview Putin mentioned they had an agreement in place in I think Turkey (maybe Poland I forget) but a western official came in midway to put a stop to it.

I also noticed there seemed to a breakdown in the language barrier even with interpreters Tucker would ask a question, Putin would answer in a literal sense for like ten minutes then Tucker tries again and rephrased it but it’s remarkable that the interview happened at all
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Here we go again, Putin referring to the US's "ruling elites" as the source of the world's problems without naming names. C'mon Vlad! Could we get at least one "Berg" or "Stein"? How about one poison door handle for one of these pesky "elites"? "Nope, don't know who they are, can't find them, can't help you with Them KGB-style, even though They're single handedly ruining the world."

I'm checking out now, Putin is referring to Bush Jr. as a "smart" guy. I consider myself to have officially been trolled. Thanks for nothing Tucker! What a wasted opportunity.
"The world should be a single whole."
- Vladimir Putin
February 2024

Shut it down! Shut it down! We got a JQ globalist on our hands!
The worst is when he implied, paraphrasing;

“Everyone around the world suppresses any neo-nazism and nationalism that might spring up, and rightfully so, yet Ukraine doesn’t”

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable
I don't understand this statement, especially your parentheses.

I asked you to explain how they are an enemy. You went on to list things that every major power in the world does.
I gave an honest response to your questions regardless your reactions, yet here you are trying to dig more while maybe having a specific thing in your mind.

I’ll simplify, the US gets to do things that Russia isn’t allowed to. The reason is simply the power by way of economic output, technological advancements, dominant superior military, unmatched diplomacy, GDP, overall wealth.

Russia is an enemy because it tries to mimic the US in power projection by pointing fingers to the US like a kindergartener and justifying its actions by illustrating that the US has done or is doing the same things. Russia is an enemy because it tries to forcefully assimilate foreign cultures and ethnicities into their own, thus changing the entire global order.

Anyways, hope this helps clarify things further.
Russia is an enemy because it tries to forcefully assimilate foreign cultures and ethnicities into their own, thus changing the entire global order.
I'm trying to "dig more" because your answers don't make any distinctions in any of the parties involved. The US does this to "perfection" if that's what one wants to call it, or with maximum effort, yet you ascribe that to Russia as something they do that's bad. The rest of your answer is basically that might makes right, and the US just gets to do what it wants since it has power and economic control or innovation.
An hour in and Putin finally mentions jews. However, it's in support of "jewish" people and how horribly they were treated and "exterminated" during the holo-hoax. News Flash: Putin is not a "holocaust denier." Apparently his main concern is the de-nazification of Ukraine and not the de-jewing of it.

Even Putin works for the JQ! Sad.
Putin was obviously talking about the Azov Battalion.
I can't recall the last time I was so interested in a news event. It's kind of funny that so many here are excited to hear from the leader of a foreign land that most of us have no connection to. I guess this is what it was like to live in 19th century England or Tsarist Russia--you actually get excited when your leader speaks to you.

The defense of "why it's ok to talk to Bad Man" stuff is pretty terrible. We are seeing it even in this forum? Really? Remember, mainstream media interviewed Osama bin Laden, Hitler, and Saddam Hussein, and Putin has been interviewed recently by NBC, CBS, and Showtime. (None of the above are bad guys by the way).

I've only watched half so far. The major takeaway is that the US has been controlled by a deep state for several decades now.

This should be the headline and biggest takeaway that every news outlet runs with. Anyway, the world is now on notice, and I would expect international diplomatic relations with America will change significantly from this point forward.

Putin recalls several instances where he made headway with US presidents, going back to Bill Clinton, only for them to come back and say "sorry, my team won't allow what we talked about after all." This confirms what many of us have known for years--that the US suffered a coup de etat in 1963 and ever since has been controlled by elites rather than democratic rule.

The second point is that Putin is extremely intelligent, and wise, but I'm not sure he is the best spokesperson. His talks with Oliver Stone (who is far more knowledgeable, patient, curious, and intelligent than Tucker) are far more interesting, so perhaps this is not all Putin's fault, but the first rule of public speaking is to know your audience. If you are speaking primarily to Americans, you really need to dumb it down. You can go into detail and provide facts and evidence and support as well, but there should be a succinct summary of your position that the average Fatmerican can understand.

Perhaps it's just not the Russian style, but basic American grade school teaches the 5 paragraph model where you introduce an idea / hypothesis in the first paragraph, develop it over the next 3 paragraphs, then summarize it again in the last one. I have enormous respect for Putin, the only living statesman today, but it's a bit disappointing that Andrew Anglin gave a much clearer summary of the Ukraine situation before even listening to Putin's speech:

Most people in the West of course believe that Russia started the war, which is actually insane. The US threw a coup in the Ukraine in 2014, a color revolution, then spent 8 years militarizing the country. Meanwhile, Putin did his best to try to come to some kind of agreement with the West about the war that they were waging against Russian speakers in the east of the Ukraine. The West made agreements with Russia, saying they would stop killing people in the Donbass, and continually violated these agreements, choosing to continue the war.

This is to say: when Russia invaded the Ukraine, all they were doing was entering an ongoing war, which the US started in 2014 when they began arming these neo-Nazi gangs to bomb the Donbass. Over 15,000 people died in the Donbass war from 2014 to 2022.

There was already a war on. Russia just finally agreed to fight it.

What’s more: Russia only made the decision to join the war after Zelensky moved to join NATO, and said that he wanted to host NATO nukes on the Russian border. These nukes would be capable of hitting Moscow. Putin had said, repeatedly, that this was a red line which would result in him joining the war if it was crossed.

No matter how you frame this, Russia was not the aggressor, at all. Yet, 98% of Americans believe Russia was the aggressor, simply because Western media is so utterly managed by the US government. This Jewish media simply lies about everything.
That would take about 2 minutes, and most people would understand the Russian position, whether they believed it or not.

I get it, power point and bullet points are kind of gay, but an American audience really needs you to break it down like:

1) Ukraine was our neighbor we got along with fine until the 2014 coup.
2) After the democratically elected government of Ukraine was overthrown, they began randomly killing civilians in Russia, eventually killing 15,000 of them
3) The Zelensky clown came to power and began trying to learn Ukrainian (which he didn't speak and still can't very well) and said he would put nukes on our border and that was the last straw.
4) Would America wait until 15,000 of its people were killed if one of its neighbors over threw their government and started killing Americans?

Cover that in the first 90 seconds, and then you can do the big brain history stuff, and you will, in Shakespearean style, win both the retards and autists alike. Either way kudos to Tucker and Putin and I hope many heads explode.

The other thing I'll add is Putin immediately called out Tucker's insane "why would America dislike a strong Russia? They don't seem to care about a strong China" nonsense. My mouth dropped open when I heard that whopper. And Tucker *himself* does the China hysteria BS (including the absurd "chinese spy balloon hoax") so that was a *REALLY* ridiculous thing to say. I don't think he's a shill, but Tucker is just not that bright a bulb.

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Key points about Russia’s relations with the West from Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson:
  • The West has begun to realize the impossibility of Russia’s strategic defeat, let it think about what to do next, we are ready for dialogue.
  • NATO can honorably recognize Russia's control of the new territories, the options are there if the will is there.
  • Russian and US intelligence services are discussing the issue of releasing journalist Evan Gershkovich, there is no taboo on solving the problem, but there are certain conditions.
  • Russia voluntarily and proactively agreed to the collapse of the Soviet Union, expecting that this would be understood as a proposal for cooperation and alliance.
  • Answering the question about NATO or CIA involvement in the Nord Stream explosion: we need to look for someone who wanted and could do it.
  • Putin has not spoken to Biden since February 2022, but Russia and the United States have certain contacts.
  • Putin said that he did not tell Orban about the possibility of Hungary getting part of the lands of Ukraine, but it is reliably known that the Hungarians living there want to return to their historical homeland.
  • Russian troops can be sent to Poland only if it attacks Russia: Moscow has no interests either there or in Latvia.
  • Horror stories about Russia are needed to extract money from taxpayers for the confrontation with Russia in Ukraine.
  • Russia's involvement in a global war is contrary to common sense and is absolutely impossible.

The main points about Ukraine from Putin’s interview with Carlson:
  • The coup in Ukraine in 2014 was carried out by the armed opposition with the support of the CIA.
  • The conflict between Moscow and Kyiv was provoked by the 2014 coup. Ukraine started the war, Russia’s goal is to stop it.
  • Zelensky came to power expecting to bring Ukraine to peace, but realized that it was better not to quarrel with neo-Nazis and nationalists.
  • Ukraine decided to refuse negotiations with Russia on instructions from Washington, now the United States must correct this mistake.
  • Moscow wants to achieve a solution to the situation in Ukraine through negotiations; Russia and Ukraine will agree sooner or later.
  • Zelensky can talk to the Russian authorities, he considers himself the president of Ukraine.
  • Ukrainians still feel like Russians; what is happening is an element of civil war.
  • In Ukraine, neo-Nazis have been made into national heroes, monuments are erected to them, this practice and theory must be stopped.
  • No matter how the events in Ukraine end, the world will change.
I'm trying to "dig more" because your answers don't make any distinctions in any of the parties involved. The US does this to "perfection" if that's what one wants to call it, or with maximum effort, yet you ascribe that to Russia as something they do that's bad. The rest of your answer is basically that might makes right, and the US just gets to do what it wants since it has power and economic control or innovation.
Eastern European mentality is simple.

Russia is corrupt and wants everyone to stay poor.

America is the land of prosperity and freedom, which might break a few eggs to make an omelet.

Just imagine that and realize that’s their core argument they work backwards from.
I gave an honest response to your questions regardless your reactions, yet here you are trying to dig more while maybe having a specific thing in your mind.

I’ll simplify, the US gets to do things that Russia isn’t allowed to. The reason is simply the power by way of economic output, technological advancements, dominant superior military, unmatched diplomacy, GDP, overall wealth.

Russia is an enemy because it tries to mimic the US in power projection by pointing fingers to the US like a kindergartener and justifying its actions by illustrating that the US has done or is doing the same things. Russia is an enemy because it tries to forcefully assimilate foreign cultures and ethnicities into their own, thus changing the entire global order.

Anyways, hope this helps clarify things further.

"The power by way of economic output and technological advancement" has hundreds of thousands of homeless people, a child mortality rate lower than many third world countries, and will sentence you to 15 years in jail for burning the rainbow flag. There are more homeless people in LA alone than in all of Russia.

The US is no longer the industrial power it used to be, it's in a terminal stage of financial capitalism based on private fractional monetary reserve system, an oligarchic empire based on three main power projection axes: monetary domination of the US$, modern liberal dogma that appeals to the masses, and global military hegemony. If you take away one of these items, the empire collapses.

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US Deep State interference in Ukraine forced Russia to respond to protect their Christian brothers in faith, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"In 2008, [the West] opened the door for Ukraine to join NATO. In 2014, they carried out a coup d'état," said Putin, referring to the Euromaidan "color revolution" that saw the United States overthrow Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych through secret backing of violent protests and extremist armed groups.

The US threatened those who didn't accept the coup and endangered the citizens of Crimea amidst a war in the Donbass in 2014, using airstrikes and other military weapons to murder civilians. "There is video footage of airplanes striking Donetsk from above," Putin noted. "They launched one large-scale military operation after another. If one failed, they began preparing another one. And all of this occurred amid the military buildup on this territory and opening the door to NATO."

Putin said it would be "criminal carelessness" if they didn't respond to protect their "brothers in faith" in the Donbass and Crimea. "The US political leadership brought us to the brink of a line that we could not cross, because doing so would destroy Russia itself," he added. Putin refused to allow Christians and fellow ethnic Russians to be slaughtered by the war machine.

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The difference in dialogue between Biden’s speech and Putin’s interview tonight is stark.

We deserve a leader as sharp, who has depth of knowledge and can deliver a concise argument as Putin. Biden can’t get countries or their leaders right when trying to speak.

Putin didn’t come off as a madman like he is portrayed by our media and government. I disagree with several things he said, but he gives a framework that thoroughly explains the decision they made about Ukraine.

He gave examples of multiple times over the last 20 years where our foreign policy could have been less aggressive and this could have possibly been avoided.

He also explained how our sanctions not only backfired, but combined with printing have pushed many countries away from the USD standard to BRICS and the Dollar may be in a death spiral because of these actions. We are certainly feeling the economic pain here at home.

Perhaps if we had more open dialogue like this, compromises and understanding could be made ahead of war and needless bloodshed.

Unfortunately I doubt our intelligence community will ever change course in their approach, which makes me pessimistic about years to come.
"The power by way of economic output and technological advancement" has hundreds of thousands of homeless people, a child mortality rate lower than many third world countries, and will sentence you to 15 years in jail for burning the rainbow flag. There are more homeless people in LA alone than in all of Russia.

The US is no longer the industrial power it used to be, it's in a terminal stage of financial capitalism based on private fractional monetary reserve system, an oligarchic empire based on three main power projection axes: monetary domination of the US$, modern liberal dogma that appeals to the masses, and global military hegemony. If you take away one of these items, the empire collapses.
I think there’s a general misconception about my viewpoint.

I do not disagree one bit about how f***ed up things have gotten here in the recent years. Frankly, sometimes I find myself remembering exact dates in the past 5-10 years to see whether there were lots of direct signs of things getting to this point and what have I missed.

But to shift from this disagreement, I think one of the key moments as 1 hour and 20 mins in where he talks about the US Dollar and the Chinese Yuan.
This part and the entire interview seemed to be directed to the US Voters. Specifically, towards conservatives and independents, Trumps main electorate.
An hour in and Putin finally mentions jews. However, it's in support of "jewish" people and how horribly they were treated and "exterminated" during the holo-hoax. News Flash: Putin is not a "holocaust denier." Apparently his main concern is the de-nazification of Ukraine and not the de-jewing of it.

Even Putin works for the JQ! Sad.

I would suggest that Putin is well aware how the Nazis are perceived in the West - that they are considered the most evil regime ever. He realises that it will be western audiences that will be viewing this interview and therefore he's attempting to justify the conflict and demonise his adversaries in a way that he feels will be well received by the audience.

"The world should be a single whole."
- Vladimir Putin
February 2024

Shut it down! Shut it down! We got a JQ globalist on our hands!

It's interesting he said that, because he also mentioned patriotism, the Russian soul, Orthodoxy, an anecdote about how Hungarians living in Ukraine had retained their culture, and of course talked about Russian history in detail. I didn't get the impression he was a globalist. One could argue he was talking about trade, good relations with other countries, etc.
I tried to make a joke about anti sem i tism. Now it seems I can't?

Is this an end of an era? Good Bye?!

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