Tucker Carlson Thread

They know they have to ram this through before the Putin interview.

It does seem they rushed it through in response to the imminent release of the Putin interview. Tucker just inadvertently moved tens of billions of dollars around. He got the US Fedgov to act when it didn't want to. That's dangerous.

It's also clear we're deep in the looting-the-treasury stage of empire collapse. As much money as possible is being sent out to Jewish states.
All I can say is, this interview had better be a real humdinger, or Tucker and the alt-right is going to have egg all over their face. The build-up to this on both sides of the Atlantic are huge. If it's a let down, the Deep State is going to weaponize it.
I think Putin will mostly say things he's said before, but have not been heard by many Americans. That alone will be an eye opener for many.

I think he will likely have a few spicy things to say that will be tweeted as sound bites. Even when he says highly provocative things, he'll still have his calm, measured manner of speaking.
I think Putin will mostly say things he's said before, but have not been heard by many Americans. That alone will be an eye opener for many.

I think he will likely have a few spicy things to say that will be tweeted as sound bites. Even when he says highly provocative things, he'll still have his calm, measured manner of speaking.
I don't know man, I remember his speech from behind the desk before he invaded Ukraine back in 2022 & he was fairly emotional, especially for Russian poker face standards.

He does try to imitate the 90's George Bush/Bill Clinton style political persona era or civility. But I don't think he's like that. I'd guess Putin is a fairly savage guy.

If you compare Bush's pre-Iraq invasion message ("Saddam & his sons have 48 hrs to leave Iraq") with Putin's pre Ukraine invasion message, Bush I'd say is much calmer. Either way, unless Putin announces plans to invade some new country, there's not much he'll say that Solovyov, Lavrov, etc don't say every week.
One might argue that the US does the same through its three-letter agencies, however, US’s GDP is nearly 26% of the world’s economy compared to Russia’s 3%.
One might say it's "easy for you to say Americans" but this is always the argument - place X is better because of money, standard of living, or the ability to possibly obtain it different from home country X. What they don't tell you? Only a small portion of a shrinking middle class and higher has this, we're spread out and not united anymore (because of the plans and leadership), and people don't form families anymore. If they do, the kids are incredibly spoiled or in general, not as well behaved, and something I've noticed from immigrants is that they have no clue what is coming for their kids and grandkids. They take for granted (normal women, wives, mothers, etc) what those of us who have been here for 3-4 generations know will happen (not that). Seeking a better material life at the cost of other things is something humans aren't very good at analzying, and I finally figured it out since it's quite simple: most people don't think. Or at least don't think all that much beyond immediate and basic.
There are now many states, where they teach kids about homosexuality and transgenderism at 5 years old in public school. And if your child decides at 5 they want to become trans, and the parents disapprove, the child is removed from the home.
But you can have a nice car, get loans, and consume here, my friend! Look at that GDP!
I can’t side with an enemy knowing their motives and means of conducting psychological warfare.
I'm somewhat glad you stated all these things as a counter to most people's point of view here, so do tell: What makes Russia an "enemy" and what are their motives, and psychological "warfare"?
But you can have a nice car, get loans, and consume here, my friend! Look at that GDP!
Yea, one of the last talking points of the satanic left is the "great GDP". The GDP just means how much Wall Street has ripped off the founding stock of the USA. The more they flood the USA with 3rd world charity cases, the more the founding stock gets poorer and the middle class dies out, but the higher the GDP and the stock market numbers for the satanic elites.
They know they have to ram this through before the Putin interview.

This must surely upset some American taxpayers..
It does seem they rushed it through in response to the imminent release of the Putin interview. Tucker just inadvertently moved tens of billions of dollars around. He got the US Fedgov to act when it didn't want to. That's dangerous.

It's also clear we're deep in the looting-the-treasury stage of empire collapse. As much money as possible is being sent out to Jewish states.
The house of cards is wobbling...
But you can have a nice car, get loans, and consume here, my friend! Look at that GDP!
...and a 75" flat screen TV!
So…why are the GOP supported then?:ROFLMAO:

I get the lesser of two evils argument, but people who think most of them are on our side are burying their heads in the sand.
I think that the GOP are the enemy too. They are part of the uniparty. However, there are individual republican candidates that are good. The local state legislators and governors that fully outlawed abortion and that had already passed anti-abortion laws and had them in place before Roe v Wade was overturned are an example.

Trump has failed in a lot of ways, but it's fair to say that the GOP establishment hates him. Supporting Trump is not the same as supporting the GOP.

I think there is a groundswell building in the US, Europe, and the rest of the world, who think like we do about the satanic globohomo empire. The GOP is not part of that groundswell. However, sometimes people that are part of that groundswell have to run as Republicans due to the nature of the two party system
One might say it's "easy for you to say Americans" but this is always the argument - place X is better because of money, standard of living, or the ability to possibly obtain it different from home country X. What they don't tell you? Only a small portion of a shrinking middle class and higher has this, we're spread out and not united anymore (because of the plans and leadership), and people don't form families anymore. If they do, the kids are incredibly spoiled or in general, not as well behaved, and something I've noticed from immigrants is that they have no clue what is coming for their kids and grandkids. They take for granted (normal women, wives, mothers, etc) what those of us who have been here for 3-4 generations know will happen (not that). Seeking a better material life at the cost of other things is something humans aren't very good at analzying, and I finally figured it out since it's quite simple: most people don't think. Or at least don't think all that much beyond immediate and basic.

But you can have a nice car, get loans, and consume here, my friend! Look at that GDP!

I'm somewhat glad you stated all these things as a counter to most people's point of view here, so do tell: What makes Russia an "enemy" and what are their motives, and psychological "warfare"?
I like your feedback.

I have family members from a post Soviet country who arrived in the U.S. over a decade ago. Even after integrating into the life here, they ended up choosing the path back home where they came from because of globohomo - so again, I know things are at all-time worse here.
I too, grew up in the states, went to school, graduated, worked at a few fortune 100 firms and got married.

I have a sense of gratitude for all the opportunities and experiences I and those family members of mine have had here.
I’ll reiterate, things are at evil level worse here making me consider leaving here before my wife and I start having children.
Nonetheless, the sense of gratitude and patriotism make me want to present facts over perception.
There are some things the U.S. is allowed to do that Russia simply isn’t (like the nature, the powerful wins). Why? Because the U.S. has both industrial and financial might whereas Russia has just a tiny fraction of it but aims at having the same allowances.

Russia is not just an enemy of the US, but also an enemy of Europe, Asia, the Caucasus, the Middle East…

Russia undermines the very rational and critical thinking among all the people it interacts with by way of brut force, cyber attacks, elimination of heads of governments elected by sovereign people, constant forceful propaganda and sabotage through its pocketed players, corruption of the minds and hearts, constant beefs it generates between two or more countries in order to “manage the beef itself” thus keep those countries under its wing.

My point is, although Russia may want to pull these tactics out of the U.S. or NATO playbook, it doesn’t get to simply because it’s worth nothing except the actual land and the nukes they sit on.

I’m aware that my family members’ journeys may have affected my perception of Russia as a whole, but I assure you it’s not just that. In fact, the city of Moscow was on top of my favorite list until Putin’s Munich speech back in 2007 where he basically announced of a revived Soviet 2.0 or something in that line for the future. They talk big but instead of pair of ba**s they got vodka and a huge land comprised of dozens of cultural and ethnic minorities - that’s all they have.
30 minutes in and the word "jew" hasn't come out of Putin's mouth yet (not even when he mentions the Bolshevik Revolution?).

Putin's knowledge of Russian history is exemplary. It would be great if Trump could speak so eloquently and in such detail about American history (but he'd have to crack open a book to gain that level of knowledge).

Putin sarcastically trolls Tucker like a master in the following exchange:

Tucker: "Why didn't you just take Ukraine 24 years ago when you came to power? You have nuclear weapons. Why did you wait so long?"

Putin: "I'll tell you... I'm coming to that. This briefing is coming to an end. It might be boring, but it explains many things."

Tucker: "It's not boring, I'm just not sure how it's relevant?"

Putin: "Good. Good. I'm so gratified that you appreciate that. Thank you."
I downloaded this. It's a scanned copy, so the file is huge (70MB) and takes a long time to download.

It's real blast from the past. Tons of ads about girls wanting to get married and then getting cigars for their husbands for fathers day. There was an ad about the need for antiperspirant before going on a date. As I understand, people didn't usually use it yet at that time, and the advertising had to convince people there was an issue with body odor and it needed to be addressed. There was an ad about how breakfast is 30 cents, lunch 40 cents, and dinner 50 cents on the train ride from Chicago to LA. I'm sure it's 60-100 times more now. One of the stories was about the sinking of the Bismarck. Of course, almost everybody is white, but there was a story about singing black engineers in the army, and another story about Eskimos.

I haven't read the Hitler interview yet. There's also an article about FDR saying Hitler is bad, so they covered both sides of the issue.
I’m watching now.

Top comment “imagine Biden talking for 30 minutes about Usa history “

Tucker opens up acting amazed that Putin had given a 30 minute discussion about the history of Russia and the Ukrainian territory when asked why he started the war, but Putin has clearly laid out these ideas in his speeches a number of times. I think Tucker was being disingenuous when acting surprised, but he knows most viewers are unfamiliar with these ideas, so he was priming them to understand Putin's points.
I downloaded this. It's a scanned copy, so the file is huge (70MB) and takes a long time to download.

It's real blast from the past. Tons of ads about girls wanting to get married and then getting cigars for their husbands for fathers day. There was an ad about the need for antiperspirant before going on a date. As I understand, people didn't usually use it yet at that time, and the advertising had to convince people there was an issue with body odor and it needed to be addressed. There was an ad about how breakfast is 30 cents, lunch 40 cents, and dinner 50 cents on the train ride from Chicago to LA. I'm sure it's 60-100 times more now. One of the stories was about the sinking of the Bismarck. Of course, almost everybody is white, but there was a story about singing black engineers in the army, and another story about Eskimos.

I haven't read the Hitler interview yet. There's also an article about FDR saying Hitler is bad, so they covered both sides of the issue.

I downloaded it too, perused for a few minutes. Yes, the ads were great and interesting. Positive cigarette stuff, hot great grandmothers from the 40s when they were young and of course look at the negro engineer platoon! Good grief.

If you think 70MB is huge, I guess you don't download too many operating system ISOs! :)
An hour in and Putin finally mentions jews. However, it's in support of "jewish" people and how horribly they were treated and "exterminated" during the holo-hoax. News Flash: Putin is not a "holocaust denier." Apparently his main concern is the de-nazification of Ukraine and not the de-jewing of it.

Even Putin works for the JQ! Sad.
I downloaded it too, perused for a few minutes. Yes, the ads were great and interesting. Positive cigarette stuff, hot great grandmothers from the 40s when they were young and of course look at the negro engineer platoon! Good grief.

If you think 70MB is huge, I guess you don't download too many operating system ISOs! :)
I am using my phone as a hotspot for my laptop, and it took a long time. I normally download gigabytes worth of data before breakfast on my regular connection!