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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

Toretsk - 03.07.2024

"The situation in the Oleksandro-Kalynove direction as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ July 3, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue to develop an offensive in several sectors of the Oleksandro-Kalynove direction at once, squeezing the enemy from positions in the Druzhba and Pivdenne sectors.
▪️ In Druzhba, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces successfully advanced along Kuibyshev and Zheleznodorozhnaya streets, after which they expanded the zone of control to the north along Sadovaya Street. At the same time, in the gully to the east there may still be a presence of Ukrainian troops, which, in the event of further advance of the Russian Forces to the north, will find themselves semi-encircled.

▪️ In the Pivdenne area, after taking the Severnaya mine dump, which was fought for last week, the Russian Armed Forces continued the offensive and expanded the zone of control along Kaluzhskaya, Moskovskaya and Chernyshevsky streets. Despite the fact that this position was sufficiently fortified, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were forced to retreat deeper into the settlement under the pressure of Russian troops. At the moment the enemy has established positions, in the north, in the area of multi-story buildings, on which the Armed Forces of Ukraine will rely in attempts to stabilize the front in this area.
▪️ To the south, according reports, Russian troops have successfully gained a foothold on the southern outskirts of Yurivka, significantly deepening into the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the approaches to New York. The lack of objective footage does not allow us to clarify the scale of progress at the site. However, if this information is confirmed, we can talk about the control of the RF Armed Forces not only over the forest belt to the south of the settlement, but also over heights 180 and 182 located to the west."
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More Iskander strikes on ukrainian airfields.

Ukraine recently bought a large batch of fighter jets from Kazakhstan. Those planes were in poor condition, mostly inoperable, but might have supplied Ukraine with parts they needed. I would guess a lot of the planes destroyed yesterday were made operable from that recent purchase. They might have also put up some of the duds as decoys.
Chasiv Yar - 03.07.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar. Situation as of 20:00 /Moscow time/ July 3, 2024

▪️ Today the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the liberation by Russian troops of the Kanal Microdistrict in the east of Chasiv Yar. The battles for this area have continued since the beginning of spring of this year, but now the enemy has been finally driven to the western bank of the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal.
▪️ Enemy resources confirm the withdrawal of their units from the eastern bank. The last positions controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in multi-storey buildings in the southwest of the microdistrict were subjected to massive attacks by artillery, aviation and heavy flamethrower systems for several days, so the retreat of the Ukrainian formations was only a matter of time.

▪️ Now, the Russian Command is faced with the task of overcoming the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal and consolidating on its western bank. To do this, the Russian Armed Forces will have to finally clear the eastern bank, knocking out the enemy from the Orlova Tract, between the Kanal and the village of Kalynivka/Kalinina. In this sector, the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal runs underground, which simplifies its crossing and the development of an offensive to the west, to the northern outskirts of Chasiv Yar.
▪️ At the same time, to the south, the Russian Armed Forces have the opportunity to develop an offensive along the N-32 highway to the southern outskirts of Chasiv Yar and Stupochky. Previously, Russian troops have already made attempts to advance in this area, but the situation here is hidden by the “fog of war.” Now, after the liberation of the Kanal Microdistrict, the command of the RF Armed Forces has the opportunity to transfer part of its forces for an offensive in this area."
Toretsk - 05.07.2024

"The situation in the Oleksandro-Kalynove direction as of 11:00 /Moscow time/ July 5, 2024

▪️ With heavy fighting, Russian troops continue to consistently break into the defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Toretsk agglomeration.
▪️ In the Druzhba sector, after initial successes, Russian troops did not go deeper into the urban area, but moved north from Magdalinovka Station along the Sadovaya Street, where they occupied part of the buildings on the street.
▪️ To the east, between the outskirts of Druzhba and the pumping station, there is a small gully, most of which was also occupied by Russian troops. The positions on the western bank of the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal are still under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but given the tactical situation, they are already semi-encircled.
▪️ On the eastern outskirts of Pivnichne/Kirove there have been no assault actions taken by the Russian Armed Forces yet. This part of the village is a low-rise residential sector, where Russian artillery and aviation are now actively working on. To the east there are quite extensive minefields, making progress through them difficult.
▪️ In the south of Pivnichne/Kirove and in Zalizne there are battles. Previously, Russian troops occupied dachas and a block east of Zheleznodorozhnaya Street and Kharkovskaya Street in Zalizne, and new footage confirms the start of fighting in high-rise buildings on Yuzhnaya and Novaya streets in Pivnichne/Kirove. This quarter has already been attacked several times, but is still suitable for defense.
▪️ The largest advance of the Russian Armed Forces at the moment is recorded in the New York sector, which became the fruit of a week of active assault operations. Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces occupied the territory of the Zheleznaya station, and also marched along the street of the same name east to the cemetery. The neighboring school No.18 remains under enemy control for now.
▪️ To the west of the Krivoy Torets River, the tactically important height 182, as well as the village of Yurivka, came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, which in the future could significantly worsen the position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this area.
▪️ At the same time, the situation in this sector remains difficult: the advance zone is located in the lowlands relative to the fields located on both sides, and this area itself has been heavily mined since 2014-2015. However, the latter also complicates a potential retaliatory flank strike from the enemy, although its possibility cannot be completely discounted."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 05.07.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 13:00 /Moscow time/ July 5, 2024

▪️ In the Avdiivka direction, Russian troops, as a result of several successful attacks, significantly expanded the zone of control in almost all sectors of this direction.
▪️ In the Novooleksandrivka area, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces break through the enemy’s defenses in the direction of Vozdvyzhenka along the S050906 and toward Lozuvatske through the fields and forest belts. Although it is too early to talk about the assault on these settlements, certain successes have already been achieved on the approaches to them.
▪️ Between Novooleksandrivka and Sokil, Russian troops are advancing along the railway, occupying forest belts to the north and south. The status of stopping point No.8 is still unclear: according to some sources, the Russian Armed Forces have already moved further west toward Prohres, and according to others, battles are still taking place for it.
▪️ On the northern outskirts of Sokil, Russian troops had previously taken a large stronghold and continued moving north, knocking out the enemy from the western part of the Samoilovka Gully. According to reports, the forest belt to the west is also already under the control of the RF Armed Forces, but this information has not yet been confirmed.
▪️ Sokil itself is under the stable control of the Russian Armed Forces, and clashes are taking place in the eastern part of Yevhenivka. According to reports, fighting also broke out on the eastern outskirts of Voskhod. In this area, the enemy is very active and often counterattacks, actively using FPV drones.
▪️ In the fields between Sokil and Novopokrovske, the advance of the Russian Armed Forces to the west toward the Sokil-Novoselivka Persha road was also recorded. The assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces had already reached the forest plantations near the road, but it is not yet clear whether they managed to gain a foothold there.
▪️ South of Novopokrovske, Russian troops are fighting their way to the eastern outskirts of Novoselivka Persha, both along the O0542 road and across the fields toward the C0518107 road from Umanske. North of Umanske, the Russian Armed Forces also managed to advance a little as a result of a successful attack."