The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

Was there ever a time when people made a point to get back to others, even if it was to let them know they weren't doing business, or going out with them, or anything?
Paradoxically in the modern era where contacting or messaging people is so much easier, you'll have greater disappointment due to the expectation of response, since it is theoretically so easy. It's an insight into how much more self absorbed or indifferent people actually are. Before you probably would make excuses for others not reaching out or getting back to you, since it was in general harder to do for a variety of reasons, or at least we thought that it was. Easy contact also cheapens interactions, another part of the paradox.
The objects then broke up into 3 separate entities again, came back down to Earth, and started "dancing." When the objects got closer to Earth you could see some type of angelic looking being inside of them.
What do you think they were trying to convey to you? Don't you find it weird that they have to get some sort of permission (either from you or some other gatekeeper) to be present or viewable to a human?

I don't doubt that you are telling the truth about something happening to you at all. What I've always found weird is that it seems that far more loony people are the ones that report these kinds of things, in general. For example, I know Lazar is a con man but he may also delve into strange spiritual things simultaneously that also lead into the interdimensional world. We can't be sure at all that a whole number of things are going on there.

One of the things that I can't explain, and maybe I should ask the guys on Lord of Spirits a question like this, is why the (evil) spirits are allowed to give man technology. I have no problem with the problem of evil or why bad things happen in this world, as it seems to me that in a fallen place many human decisions lead to really bad outcomes for everyone, but technology seems to be unfair in its interference, in a sense (we always misuse it, eventually). I guess one answer might be that we are spirits too so some interaction is inevitable with other spirits. But that's not very satisfying, since we are clearly special material beings with spirits to boot, and we are very limited by our faith and our predisposition on the material. Things to think about, I guess.
What do you think they were trying to convey to you?
That there is a higher power and to have faith in that power (God). What I got from it is that God and His Angels can "tune" into me specifically if I really ask Them to (i.e. prayer). But you have to really want it. I really wanted "it" and when I stated to Them "I need more," I've never so authentically spoken or asked for something. It was probably the most honest I've ever been and I could feel The Holy Spirit wash over me and for a moment I was my true self. In the weeks leading up to The Event I was really searching and praying for a "sign." That night, I think that prayer was answered.

I was also in a geographical location in nature that has held a special place in my heart since childhood. A place where I've spent countless hours mesmerized by God's natural beauty. And this day and night in particular had a magical aire about it. Not a cloud in the sky and the colors of the sunset were the craziest I've ever seen. It was not a normal day, and so when this encounter happened, it was like, "Well, yeah, of course something like this would happen on a day like today."
Don't you find it weird that they have to get some sort of permission (either from you or some other gatekeeper) to be present or viewable to a human?
I'm not sure I follow with regards to having "permission"? I got the sense that They were doing something (harvesting energy, communing in some sort of Angelic "Dance Of Life", etc.) that had nothing to do with me. It was only when I intentionally "interfered" with their "work" that they took the time to engage with me personally.
I don't doubt that you are telling the truth about something happening to you at all. What I've always found weird is that it seems that far more loony people are the ones that report these kinds of things, in general.
Well, to be honest, plenty of people from my past might describe me as being "loony." 😂
In the weeks leading up to The Event I was really searching and praying for a "sign." That night, I think that prayer was answered.
What were you seeking during that time, or rather, why were you praying for a "sign"?

One thing I would ask would be why the world cycles with wars and population/depopulation ... the problem is that I don't think I'd believe any answer any spirit gave me. I've had small revelations to certain open ended questions, but they are always in the dream-wake state, and they do contain some degree of language, as far as I can tell - but it's me saying in my brain what the answer is - putting it into language.

I also tend to believe that attempts towards interaction with the spirit world are too confusing for humans. I think that's why the Saints have to work long and hard for humility and at the later points of life where they have acquired such humility, things are revealed to them without them having an interest in knowing; paradoxically they know and understand but don't care like we care about "finding things out", as though we are living in a movie or could tell friends some interesting secrets hat would impress them.
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My little sister who runs one of my warehouses is always trying to get me to open new businesses, her latest one was to rent donkeys to weddings and call it the "Churro Burro".....$500 an hour.

I told her I'm in
Please keep us posted. Modern weddings are so extravagant but rented donkeys!
What were you seeking during that time, or rather, why were you praying for a "sign"?
The whole RVF 1.0 PUA thing really led me astray. At the time, 10 years ago, I had booted myself from 1.0 two years prior because I was being too "successful" with women and just felt empty. I really wanted to believe in Christ but my mother has always been a Bible thumping Evangelical who lives in sin and my father is an unapologetic atheist so I was torn between 3 worlds (PUA get all the women and money you can, hypocritical "Christian" mother, and Christ denying father).

And so yeah, I was in need of a sign that Christ was real, and thankfully that night I received one. Ever since that night I've been more or less on the straight and narrow (still have trouble with drinking and smoking but have only been with one women). Thank God. My life is still in many ways a mess, but it is vastly improved from what it was 10 years ago when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. So whatever "They" were (self-created illusion, demonic forces, Project Blue Beam, Angels, etc.), They led me to a better place.
Brother you have NO idea about extravagant weddings, in my culture it's just become a complete disaster to the point where it's a circus.

Funny part is I would love to keep and handle donkeys, so would my sister haha. I miss my farm....
Great stuff for the RE and entrepreneur thread. Proper use of dormant land to make money at the expense of clown world. What's not to like?

Those things will smash it at Quinceanera's. The Latin brothers have to pay for all that, poor saps.
The whole RVF 1.0 PUA thing really led me astray. At the time, 10 years ago, I had booted myself from 1.0 two years prior because I was being too "successful" with women and just felt empty. I really wanted to believe in Christ but my mother has always been a Bible thumping Evangelical who lives in sin and my father is an unapologetic atheist so I was torn between 3 worlds (PUA get all the women and money you can, hypocritical "Christian" mother, and Christ denying father).

And so yeah, I was in need of a sign that Christ was real, and thankfully that night I received one. Ever since that night I've been more or less on the straight and narrow (still have trouble with drinking and smoking but have only been with one women). Thank God. My life is still in many ways a mess, but it is vastly improved from what it was 10 years ago when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. So whatever "They" were (self-created illusion, demonic forces, Project Blue Beam, Angels, etc.), They led me to a better place.
Life is "messy" as they say. It's even messier than I realize, though I have understanding of how much more fortunate I am to have been raised in a normal family. Most people's family interactions aren't all that normal and I've noticed they induce or generally foster insecurity. When you combine that with certain genes or personality types you get all sorts of action, interaction, and even oddball behaviors. Still, God can work with all of us to straighten our path and rightly guide our problems and suffering.

I complain a lot about how absurd the world is that you can be successful and have lots of traits that should lead to quality women, but some of the things I, or others, take for granted is that we've been born into a time in which a lot of opportunity was present, even though that economy and excess led to poorer general quality of people, and certainly the spoiling of women with more propaganda that one can stomach. We're about to go through some weird shit, which will stress millions of people out, so planning is going to be paramount. Faithfulness and delivering on what we have promised is going to be important too. In the end, He will render to each man according to his works.
Does anyone happen to have Roosh' pizza recipe archived somewhere?
I have no clue about his pizza recipe but use 00 flour and San Marzano peeled tomatoes. Open the can of tomatoes and mash them up with your hand into a bowl then sprinkle some salt on them then spread that on your pizza dough. It's by far the best pizza sauce I've ever tasted. Also use the best quality cheese you can find. The 00 flour, San Marzano and good cheese made the best pizza I ever had.
Does anyone happen to have Roosh' pizza recipe archived somewhere?
I don't know about the original and very specific scientific recipe, but I remember it.

There was a great video though, where he explained and demonstrated his pizza making on camera for the construction guy he was working for that called him Roush.
It was on his page not Roosh's so I would assume the video is probably still up but I can't remember the name of the company.
Forgive me fellow CiK members for I am going to make an off-topic low quality post. I need to do this to get this lingering thoughts out of my mind once and for all.

I respected Roosh as a teacher, enlightener, and a shepherd. I have gained uncountable knowledge in almost all aspects of my life by reading/watching his works, his books, and his forum. I still cannot believe that a man who lives on the other side of the world that I never met, is having so many positive impacts in my personal development. In my eyes Roosh is the modern day incarnation of Saint Sava of Serbia.

But here is one (and only this one) complaint that I'm going to vent (the purpose of this post).... 😭😭😭

Since the start of Roosh's turns to faith he explicitly banned talks of fornication from his forum. Not only that but many members who made threads/posts which asked about improving relationships with the opposite sex will not long after get their threads locked with the reasons being:
  1. This is not a dating forum
  2. Secular advice are not welcome here
  3. Ask your priest
Also on many of Roosh's articles he wrote many things praising celibacy and self-denial even for layman who are not monks. I recall in one of his fictional story of Seraphim and Elena, the protagonist Seraphim in the end became a celibate and Elena married Seraphim's friend.

Because I venerated Roosh as a great teacher, I took his new outlooks on life and writings to heart. Teacher knows best and wishes the best for us, I thought. From 2020 to mid 2023 I prayed to God so that one day I can have spouse. I prayed and prayed without doing any other thing (because doing anything except praying is secular). At this time my real world effort is minimum (did not attend social events, lifting weights and doing sports at the bare minimum, did not have hobby, etc). Avoid secular things at all costs, and only trust God.

Until in June 2023 I met my friend who I did not see for a year. When we are deep in conversations, at one moment the conversation came to a topic of celibacy. My friend reminded me that our own parish's priest is married and not a celibate. He also reminded me to network with more people to increase the odds of finding a spouse, and he also said that prayer without doing any kind of work will not lead to anywhere. At this moment I realized that I've been living a life of "more Catholic than The Pope".

Since the conversations in June 2023 I started to attend more social events little by little, to meet other people (and women of course). And eventually since March 2024 I begin to ramp up my self improvement progress, and finally in May 2024 my self-improvement is at the most maximum way possible:
  • In March 2024 I literally asked my priest about celibacy and finding a spouse. He said that I should not be a literal involuntary celibate, if I feel forced to be a celibate than I better not be one. My priest then directs me to pray the akathist to St. Xenia of Petersburg and then recite the prayer to find a spouse. My priest also remarked that I have to put real world effort into finding a spouse such as by attending more social events, ask someone to introduce me to a woman who is still single, through a matchmaking events, etc.
  • In March 2024 until now, by looking in the Courtship subforum and the threads/posts in there, we can draw conclusion that real world effort and game is needed (at least the basic understanding). This hits like a brick to me that you can't just pray to God, meet a woman, start speaking in tongue to her and announce your intention of marriage. We need to understand game and red pill concepts, and the ability to apply it!
  • The final kick was back in April and May 2024 I attended several church events. I observed that there are much more males than females in my church (and even other churches). Competition is fierce and we absolutely need game and red pill teachings to compete even in church settings. I was forced to swallow the red pill by facing this kind of reality. The term "Display of Higher Value" and "Alpha Male of Group" absolutely apply in my observations.
Just like Kyle Katarn, The Jedi Exile and Obi-Wan Kenobi who cut themselves off The Force, only to reconnect to The Force during time of great need and use their power for good, I will re-learn all the old red pill materials, /r/TheRedPill best posts, Roosh's game books (which I already bought years ago), Roissy's writings and other manosphere contents. I have also lift weights as much as my body can handle.

However I did not fully regret wasting three years from 2020 to mid 2023 doing no real world effort and no self improvement. The learning moment for me is to not blindly trust anyone (except our Lord Jesus Christ) like a sheep. I should have been able to form conclusions and make my own decisions like a man.

Now I have decided to learn all the old teachings of game and red pill materials to its maximum extent. Also to lift heavy, dress well, have a social status, earn more money, basically to be the best version of myself. Looksmaxxing and Faithmaxxing combined, the Yin and Yang of self improvement.

Fuck its good to be back.
Forgive me fellow CiK members for I am going to make an off-topic low quality post. I need to do this to get this lingering thoughts out of my mind once and for all.

I respected Roosh as a teacher, enlightener, and a shepherd. I have gained uncountable knowledge in almost all aspects of my life by reading/watching his works, his books, and his forum. I still cannot believe that a man who lives on the other side of the world that I never met, is having so many positive impacts in my personal development. In my eyes Roosh is the modern day incarnation of Saint Sava of Serbia.

But here is one (and only this one) complaint that I'm going to vent (the purpose of this post).... 😭😭😭

Since the start of Roosh's turns to faith he explicitly banned talks of fornication from his forum. Not only that but many members who made threads/posts which asked about improving relationships with the opposite sex will not long after get their threads locked with the reasons being:
  1. This is not a dating forum
  2. Secular advice are not welcome here
  3. Ask your priest
Also on many of Roosh's articles he wrote many things praising celibacy and self-denial even for layman who are not monks. I recall in one of his fictional story of Seraphim and Elena, the protagonist Seraphim in the end became a celibate and Elena married Seraphim's friend.

Because I venerated Roosh as a great teacher, I took his new outlooks on life and writings to heart. Teacher knows best and wishes the best for us, I thought. From 2020 to mid 2023 I prayed to God so that one day I can have spouse. I prayed and prayed without doing any other thing (because doing anything except praying is secular). At this time my real world effort is minimum (did not attend social events, lifting weights and doing sports at the bare minimum, did not have hobby, etc). Avoid secular things at all costs, and only trust God.

Until in June 2023 I met my friend who I did not see for a year. When we are deep in conversations, at one moment the conversation came to a topic of celibacy. My friend reminded me that our own parish's priest is married and not a celibate. He also reminded me to network with more people to increase the odds of finding a spouse, and he also said that prayer without doing any kind of work will not lead to anywhere. At this moment I realized that I've been living a life of "more Catholic than The Pope".

Since the conversations in June 2023 I started to attend more social events little by little, to meet other people (and women of course). And eventually since March 2024 I begin to ramp up my self improvement progress, and finally in May 2024 my self-improvement is at the most maximum way possible:
  • In March 2024 I literally asked my priest about celibacy and finding a spouse. He said that I should not be a literal involuntary celibate, if I feel forced to be a celibate than I better not be one. My priest then directs me to pray the akathist to St. Xenia of Petersburg and then recite the prayer to find a spouse. My priest also remarked that I have to put real world effort into finding a spouse such as by attending more social events, ask someone to introduce me to a woman who is still single, through a matchmaking events, etc.
  • In March 2024 until now, by looking in the Courtship subforum and the threads/posts in there, we can draw conclusion that real world effort and game is needed (at least the basic understanding). This hits like a brick to me that you can't just pray to God, meet a woman, start speaking in tongue to her and announce your intention of marriage. We need to understand game and red pill concepts, and the ability to apply it!
  • The final kick was back in April and May 2024 I attended several church events. I observed that there are much more males than females in my church (and even other churches). Competition is fierce and we absolutely need game and red pill teachings to compete even in church settings. I was forced to swallow the red pill by facing this kind of reality. The term "Display of Higher Value" and "Alpha Male of Group" absolutely apply in my observations.
Just like Kyle Katarn, The Jedi Exile and Obi-Wan Kenobi who cut themselves off The Force, only to reconnect to The Force during time of great need and use their power for good, I will re-learn all the old red pill materials, /r/TheRedPill best posts, Roosh's game books (which I already bought years ago), Roissy's writings and other manosphere contents. I have also lift weights as much as my body can handle.

However I did not fully regret wasting three years from 2020 to mid 2023 doing no real world effort and no self improvement. The learning moment for me is to not blindly trust anyone (except our Lord Jesus Christ) like a sheep. I should have been able to form conclusions and make my own decisions like a man.

Now I have decided to learn all the old teachings of game and red pill materials to its maximum extent. Also to lift heavy, dress well, have a social status, earn more money, basically to be the best version of myself. Looksmaxxing and Faithmaxxing combined, the Yin and Yang of self improvement.

Fuck its good to be back.
Great post. Each of us have to find out our best path. I don't know if you've seen my posts but I've been making fun of how simultaneously ridiculous and magical in its thinking all of the "trust in God" stuff was when related to achieving or acquiring something in life. We should trust in God, but what went on around the forum for years was simpleton advice for mostly overzealous, and somewhat foolish novices.

What I've learned is that you have to rightly direct your energy. I think you have realized this as well. I also said many times that (as you pointed out, you'll noticed parishes have young men at like 4-1 numbers compared to any young women, if you can even find them) the environment and atmosphere in the west is laughable if you are any sort of achiever as a man; if you are a mediocre or worse male it's essentially impossible to have any options besides major fatties. That's how bad it is. I can tell you from personal examples that because of the demographic and massive increase in women who are old and desperately seeking men, you'll only get these from suggestions of others or older people, who largely don't care about you or what you desire in a partner. If you throw the social taboo (age gap) on top, and the fact that women don't really need men in the west due to having jobs and less time, you'll realize you won't get a young girl in any of the scenarios if you are an older man (even mid 30s is considered massively old in the west for a man, it's such a clown world).

The fact remains that some of us are pickier or have higher expectations, right or wrong. For those of us who see the west for what it is, the only chance is overseas, but that takes effort and time to plan. It can be worth it but it won't be easy. For me, I don't find much about western women attractive anyway, so the only option is overseas and young, or at least, young enough.
However I did not fully regret wasting three years from 2020 to mid 2023 doing no real world effort and no self improvement. The learning moment for me is to not blindly trust anyone (except our Lord Jesus Christ) like a sheep. I should have been able to form conclusions and make my own decisions like a man.

Do not be so hard on yourself, fasting from women for 3 years is actually going to do you a world of good. It probably has increased your spiritual stability tremendously. You did not waste your time.

That said, if you desire women, then celibacy will only make you miserable, and it's good to find a wife. A lot of Christians take the Protestant worldview where all you need is faith, and you will receive, but that's not what Christ told us.

Christ said to have faith (which means prayer as well), and then act as if God has already given it to you, for the Lord is good and loves you, and you shall receive.


22 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. 23 Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.


7 “Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!