The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

@Blade Runner, so this is weird. About 10 years ago I had an "encounter" with UFO's (hence the Bob Lazar reference as some of the tech he describes makes sense in relation to what I've witnessed/experienced). The three hour long "event," which is complicated to describe, obviously had a lasting effect on me. Recently, I've been getting into it with you a bit on this subject. And lo and behold, I had another UFO encounter last night (I could kind of "sense" it coming as I've been preoccupied with the subject since our arguments). However, this time I have a witness. We've been discussing it periodically throughout the day. It's interesting to have gone through this with another human being. It definitely changes the dynamic of the experience, and not necessarily in a good way (though it is nice to have back-up that "it happened"). Not sure what your expertise is, but just beware, there's more to our 2024 base of knowledge and tech than what we actually think we know (I actually don't think it is "technology" in the traditional sense, but more of a God/angel manifestation in some type of physical form that is recognizable by the 5 senses of the human organism... Either that, or it's human run government tech, or I'm under demonic attack).

Not sure what your take on The Great Pyramids is, but it is my understanding that they are basically impossible to build, and yet, there they are. Anyhow, there's weird stuff going on out there brother. Pray for me.
@Blade Runner, so this is weird. About 10 years ago I had an "encounter" with UFO's (hence the Bob Lazar reference as some of the tech he describes makes sense in relation to what I've witnessed/experienced). The three hour long "event," which is complicated to describe, obviously had a lasting effect on me. Recently, I've been getting into it with you a bit on this subject. And lo and behold, I had another UFO encounter last night (I could kind of "sense" it coming as I've been preoccupied with the subject since our arguments). However, this time I have a witness. We've been discussing it periodically throughout the day. It's interesting to have gone through this with another human being. It definitely changes the dynamic of the experience, and not necessarily in a good way (though it is nice to have back-up that "it happened"). Not sure what your expertise is, but just beware, there's more to our 2024 base of knowledge and tech than what we actually think we know (I actually don't think it is "technology" in the traditional sense, but more of a God/angel manifestation in some type of physical form that is recognizable by the 5 senses of the human organism... Either that, or it's human run government tech, or I'm under demonic attack).

Not sure what your take on The Great Pyramids is, but it is my understanding that they are basically impossible to build, and yet, there they are. Anyhow, there's weird stuff going on out there brother. Pray for me.
This is at least as far out as saying nukes and satellites are fake, but in my opinion, it is more reasonable than saying the Earth is flat.
@Blade Runner, so this is weird. About 10 years ago I had an "encounter" with UFO's (hence the Bob Lazar reference as some of the tech he describes makes sense in relation to what I've witnessed/experienced). The three hour long "event," which is complicated to describe, obviously had a lasting effect on me. Recently, I've been getting into it with you a bit on this subject. And lo and behold, I had another UFO encounter last night (I could kind of "sense" it coming as I've been preoccupied with the subject since our arguments). However, this time I have a witness. We've been discussing it periodically throughout the day. It's interesting to have gone through this with another human being. It definitely changes the dynamic of the experience, and not necessarily in a good way (though it is nice to have back-up that "it happened"). Not sure what your expertise is, but just beware, there's more to our 2024 base of knowledge and tech than what we actually think we know (I actually don't think it is "technology" in the traditional sense, but more of a God/angel manifestation in some type of physical form that is recognizable by the 5 senses of the human organism... Either that, or it's human run government tech, or I'm under demonic attack).

Not sure what your take on The Great Pyramids is, but it is my understanding that they are basically impossible to build, and yet, there they are. Anyhow, there's weird stuff going on out there brother. Pray for me.
Well, can you and your co-witness describe in some more detail the encounter with the UFO and the circumstances surrounding it?
Oranges seem to be better this year. They were excellent during Covid for some reason. Last couple years they seemed dry and tasteless. This year, better again, but not quite as good as during the CV mania.
It's strange to me that you mention twice something that is, as far as I am aware, completely unrelated to the production of oranges.

I imagine an orange producer would say something along the lines of how the 20/21 season was great because of late spring rainfall and few or only mild frosts at some critical point, and enough subsoil moisture at harvest, or something like that, I'm not an orange grower (though I do have an orange tree) I follow the ancient Indian proverb: When Orange Man President, Orange Tree Fruitful.
Oranges seem to be better this year. They were excellent during Covid for some reason. Last couple years they seemed dry and tasteless. This year, better again, but not quite as good as during the CV mania.
It's strange to me that you mention twice something that is, as far as I am aware, completely unrelated to the production of oranges.

Let me fill in the gaps here.

What most of us know is that Simeon Strangelight took Vitamin C mega-dosing to the next level in 2020 [LINK].

What most of us didn't know was that he really took it to the next level. Here's a clip of SS having a "little sprinkle" of VC powder with his breakfast:

Sal Vulcano Q GIF by truTV’s Impractical Jokers

In 2020 he went so hard that he was forced into hospital for kidney treatment. He then faced a tough decision - keep smashing the powder and risk kidney stones OR change it up and go fully organic.

This forced him to quit his job in IT and start a 20,000 hectare orange farm so he could eat, drink, and bathe in the natural source of the magical VC. As you can see, this decision was a game changer.

Excited Orange GIF

His endeavour was so successful that he created an oversupply, flooding the market with an excess of tasty oranges. His SS farm produced well over 6 million oranges, in fact it was...


Despite coordinated attacks from insatiable ostriches bred by the deep state...

bird eating GIF

...the oversupply from SS pushed out the bland, dry, tasteless monstrosities to be sold in the supermarkets of Bangladesh and beyond. This left only the highest quality Valencia and Navel oranges to be enjoyed by the refined palate of Mr @Pointy Elbows. From oranges to elbows, this is a man who only accepts the best👌

I hope this ties it all together for the readers. And if you are reading this Mr SS (indeed I believe you are 😉), we C you, we salute you, and we look forward to enjoying those delicious snacks again.

john locke smile GIF
Well, can you and your co-witness describe in some more detail the encounter with the UFO and the circumstances surrounding it?
Yes I could but it would be a bit of a TLDR essay. I'd have to work on such an essay for awhile (something I've been meaning to do for years). I've had 3 total "encounters" now. Your questioning is headed in the right direction though, as I do believe the "circumstances" surrounding and leading up to the encounters are paramount. They just don't happen in isolation and out of the blue. They seem related to other things going on in my life, and so the events seem to fit into a larger framework of personal experience. In part, this is why they seem so believable, because they "make sense" with regards to their timing and where they physically happen. The actual physical sightings and experiences are only one part of The Story (and in some ways they are the least significant part).
Yes I could but it would be a bit of a TLDR essay. I'd have to work on such an essay for awhile (something I've been meaning to do for years). I've had 3 total "encounters" now. Your questioning is headed in the right direction though, as I do believe the "circumstances" surrounding and leading up to the encounters are paramount. They just don't happen in isolation and out of the blue. They seem related to other things going on in my life, and so the events seem to fit into a larger framework of personal experience. In part, this is why they seem so believable, because they "make sense" with regards to their timing and where they physically happen. The actual physical sightings and experiences are only one part of The Story (and in some ways they are the least significant part).

No luck filming any of them?
Let me fill in the gaps here.

What most of us know is that Simeon Strangelight took Vitamin C mega-dosing to the next level in 2020 [LINK].

What most of us didn't know was that he really took it to the next level. Here's a clip of SS having a "little sprinkle" of VC powder with his breakfast:

Sal Vulcano Q GIF by truTV’s Impractical Jokers

In 2020 he went so hard that he was forced into hospital for kidney treatment. He then faced a tough decision - keep smashing the powder and risk kidney stones OR change it up and go fully organic.

This forced him to quit his job in IT and start a 20,000 hectare orange farm so he could eat, drink, and bathe in the natural source of the magical VC. As you can see, this decision was a game changer.

Excited Orange GIF

His endeavour was so successful that he created an oversupply, flooding the market with an excess of tasty oranges. His SS farm produced well over 6 million oranges, in fact it was...


Despite coordinated attacks from insatiable ostriches bred by the deep state...

bird eating GIF

...the oversupply from SS pushed out the bland, dry, tasteless monstrosities to be sold in the supermarkets of Bangladesh and beyond. This left only the highest quality Valencia and Navel oranges to be enjoyed by the refined palate of Mr @Pointy Elbows. From oranges to elbows, this is a man who only accepts the best👌

I hope this ties it all together for the readers. And if you are reading this Mr SS (indeed I believe you are 😉), we C you, we salute you, and we look forward to enjoying those delicious snacks again.

john locke smile GIF
Some gifs worthy of the old "delete" thread there
The three hour long "event,"
How do you know how long it took?
In part, this is why they seem so believable, because they "make sense" with regards to their timing and where they physically happen.
Are you still taking psychedelics? Do you see these entities in dream like states? Do they tell you about the world, or what will supposedly happen in the world? I'm open to all sorts of things regarding the history of man and the ages, which have changed over time, I'm just skeptical about many of them. I'm convinced currently that the entities talked about by many are from the spirit realm, and few are what one would call good or "godly."
I didn’t know where to post this video, so mods please move if another place is better. I was wondering the forum’s take on this.

The entire video is worth a watch, but the summary is once we accept Christ, nothing good happens to us in this world, except in rare cases where God needs the individual to be successful. He gives the example of a great artist, or a highly productive individual who’s performance begins to decline and falter. Because the focus is on Christ and not worldly things.

This makes sense to me, but it is also quite dark in a way.

I personally have experienced bouts of illness when my faith became stronger and even despair, abandonment, or periods of depression. I attribute this to carrying the cross we must bear, but it is quite unnerving.
I didn’t know where to post this video, so mods please move if another place is better. I was wondering the forum’s take on this.

The entire video is worth a watch, but the summary is once we accept Christ, nothing good happens to us in this world, except in rare cases where God needs the individual to be successful. He gives the example of a great artist, or a highly productive individual who’s performance begins to decline and falter. Because the focus is on Christ and not worldly things.

This makes sense to me, but it is also quite dark in a way.

I personally have experienced bouts of illness when my faith became stronger and even despair, abandonment, or periods of depression. I attribute this to carrying the cross we must bear, but it is quite unnerving.

"Nothing good" seem a bit extreme but it only makes sense that as we become closer to God and stronger spiritually, that our trials and temptations will grow. These struggles are how we grow even stronger in faith and spirit, just like how in the gym, as soon as a weight becomes easy to lift, we must move to a heavier weight in order to continue our physical growth.
My little sister who runs one of my warehouses is always trying to get me to open new businesses, her latest one was to rent donkeys to weddings and call it the "Churro Burro".....$500 an hour.

I told her I'm in
How do you know how long it took?
I know the approximate start time (11pm) and the approximate end time (2am). I did that thing where I'd turn away from them (3 objects) for a couple of minutes, try to forget about them, and then turn back around and they'd still be there. This went on for hours as I was in complete disbelief. I finally got exhausted and went to bed around 2am.
Are you still taking psychedelics?
No. It's been 20 years since "those days." This main event that I encountered was about 10 years ago and there was no drinking or drugs involved.
Do you see these entities in dream like states?
Do they tell you about the world, or what will supposedly happen in the world?
No. They didn't "speak to me" with language but through symbolic representation. I asked out loud verbal questions, one of which was "I need more" (as in proof that what was happening was real), and instaneously the 3 individual objects coalesced from hundreds/thousands of miles apart into a singular elongated triangle. The elongated triangle took on the appearance of a space craft and then blasted off across the night sky. I instantly began weeping and uncontrollably laughing at the same time. The objects then broke up into 3 separate entities again, came back down to Earth, and started "dancing." When the objects got closer to Earth you could see some type of angelic looking being inside of them.
I'm open to all sorts of things regarding the history of man and the ages, which have changed over time, I'm just skeptical about many of them. I'm convinced currently that the entities talked about by many are from the spirit realm, and few are what one would call good or "godly."
Yes. That's my dilemma. It was this event that really brought me to Christ. I feel like they were what people in the Bible referred to as "angels." But others are convinced that what I encountered was a demonic attack.
Was ghosting people always a thing? Was there ever a time when people made a point to get back to others, even if it was to let them know they weren't doing business, or going out with them, or anything? I feel like hardly anyone is capable of basic conflict resolution. I wish American culture had more of a negotiator mindset.
Yes. That's my dilemma. It was this event that really brought me to Christ. I feel like they were what people in the Bible referred to as "angels." But others are convinced that what I encountered was a demonic attack.
I don't think you, or anyone, will ever know the reality of that situation until you die - and then of course it won't matter as you'll be aware of a vast array of other things, new and old. I'd take the point of view of St. Paul that one should not worry about or even trust the revelation of something that is beyond the Gospel, instead focusing on God and acquiring godly attributes the best way you can.