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The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

Here’s something off topic - One of the best life hacks that I learned about on YouTube a few years ago has been a game changer for me as a super simple stress reducer and thought to share. It’s called “the 5-minute rule”. Whether it’s personal life or work related, if something pops up that takes 5 minutes or less, just do it on the spot without overthinking “when sound I do this?” or “I’ll get to it later”. If it takes more than 5 minutes, put it on your “to do” list and prioritize it/schedule it. It’s amazing how much orderly my house is when I just see something out of place or think of a simple quick task that catches my eye that needs attention and do it vs having all of these random little things lurcking in my head causing unnecessary anxiety.

I do have to admit though that at work, responding to most emails I receive almost always takes me long er than 5 min to reply just because to be accurate with my responses I generally have to look up and research things and/or carefully navigate office politics that requires thought and strategy vs just a quick reply on my initial thoughts that usually causes a need for “mop up” with follow up emails or phone calls which I try to avoid.
I've been taking my dog to the park lately. Something that's come up is that owls are terrible beings. I've lost count how many times I've heard a "CAWW CAWW" when he walks around. Sometimes they even swoop in with their claws, scariest thing ever. They're a bit small but the pecks probably hurt.

Also disappointed at how anti-social he is. Lived in an apartment all day and now is a grumpy old man. Barks at every dog bigger than him.
I've been taking my dog to the park lately. Something that's come up is that owls are terrible beings. I've lost count how many times I've heard a "CAWW CAWW" when he walks around. Sometimes they even swoop in with their claws, scariest thing ever. They're a bit small but the pecks probably hurt.

Also disappointed at how anti-social he is. Lived in an apartment all day and now is a grumpy old man. Barks at every dog bigger than him.

Owls or hawks?
Owls. Very yellow things with small beaks. Pretty sure they have a nest with eggs that they're protecting.

Like this handsome devil?


But the contrasting radical truth of Christianity is surrounded in a landmine of danger for high-level intellectuals. A man can easily find himself ensnared in dangerous levels of pride and self-assurance if his interactions with "intellectualized" Christianity eclipse the "simple" elements of Christian charity, humility, and meekness. Ceaseless Biblical exegesis and reinterpretation can come to mire him in a world of schism and schism-within-schism; arguments about the Church Fathers and liturgy, sectarian conflict, and the construction of novel ideas from conflicting segments of scripture can lead people into a neurotic ghetto for the mind that is every bit as dark-sided as that of the communists, and misses the simple, humble, loving thrust of the faith.

I have heard of people inventing biblical re-interpretations that even lead them to reject Jesus, with lesser offenses like imagining that the "elect" are superior to the rest of humanity, that we have no obligation to the poor, "Prosperity Gospel," various versions of "Communist Christianity," Judaizing, et cetera. The permutations are so endless that some very intelligent people may adopt six, seven, ten different denominational dispositions throughout their life -- using the faith as a launchpad to obtain the "thrill" of knowing "the truth that none of the others can see as clearly as I can". The net result is for people to languish in obscure expressions of Christianity the structure of which seems utterly incompatible with the actual Gospels of Christ.It is extraordinarily difficult for intellectually inclined people to embrace simplicity and to remain there. They want to study a thing into oblivion and go into "prophet mode" by nature when they really ought to do the opposite inasmuch as human salvation is concerned. Those who are arguing more about scriptural or denominational differences than they are serving the poor and loving their neighbor remind me very much of communists who talk about "the workers of the world" all day but never actually work a job.
^ Sounds like a great argument for Orthodoxy. If one doesn't stick to the original interpretations of the text as prescribed by those who knew the faith first, then there is no end to the time wasting intellectualism of hermeneutics.

I think Christianity has already been dumbed down enough. It's the dumbing down of the faith that brought us to this point.

If he's making an argument that being overly intellectual is not good compared to action, then the flip side is also just as dangerous. Actions are nothing without ideas. Thus, the need for the balance.

The current religious landscape is in no way overly-intellectual. It's the opposite. It's anti-intellectual. It's watered-down, feel goodism, with people jumping from denomination to denomination, looking for the teachers who tickle their ears.
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One thing I really don't like about modern Christianity is women giving sermons. I know I'm a misogynistic pig, but it's completely unnatural and difficult to take them seriously. They also try way too hard to be funny and go on and on about their personal anecdotes, while men are just naturally funny.

I like the church I go to. It's right-wing (for the most part), the lead pastor is great, his father (former pastor) is great, everyone is nice. But some of the womyns have got to learn how to follow men. The women that take care of the kids, church events and new members of the church are great, however. Very natural to see.
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I didn't realize how many movies in the 1980s were about transformation. In the following films the protagonist undergoes a traumatic bodily transformation.

To name a few:

1.) Altered States. William Hurt willingly puts himself into a chamber that alters his state of mind and body.

2.) Superman II. Superman chooses to give up his powers in a molecular chamber.


3.) Superman III. Superman is affected by a piece of synthetic Kryponite which makes him evil. He splits in two and his good and evil side fight it out in a junkyard.

4.) Nightmare On Elm Street II. The lead teen character turns into Freddy Krueger.

5.) Teenwolf. Michael J. Fox transforms into a werewolf with enhanced physical capacities.

6.) The Fly. Jeff Goldblum is fused with a fly and becomes a grotesque hybrid.

7.) Robocop. Peter Weller is murdered in the line of duty and is turned into a cyborg.

8.) Vice Versa. A movie about a father and son who swap bodies.


9.) Honey, I Shrunk the kids.

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I've been taking my dog to the park lately. Something that's come up is that owls are terrible beings. I've lost count how many times I've heard a "CAWW CAWW" when he walks around. Sometimes they even swoop in with their claws, scariest thing ever. They're a bit small but the pecks probably hurt.

Also disappointed at how anti-social he is. Lived in an apartment all day and now is a grumpy old man. Barks at every dog bigger than him.
What kind of dog do You have ?
I think Christianity has already been dumbed down enough. It's the dumbing down of the faith that brought us to this point.

If he's making an argument that being overly intellectual is not good compared to action, then the flip side is also just as dangerous. Actions are nothing without ideas. Thus, the need for the balance.

The current religious landscape is in no way overly-intellectual. It's the opposite. It's anti-intellectual. It's watered-down, feel goodism, with people jumping from denomination to denomination, looking for the teachers who tickle their ears.
My impression was that the tweet was aimed towards people that are in our space - the online religious/dissident right scene where you have Orthobros/Tradcaths/hyper Calvinists battling it over what a verse or a line in some council meant and what is the most based way to interpret St. Cherubub of Mt. Candyland said in his exposition etc. etc. The current mainstream religious landscape is mostly dominated by nominal Catholics and megachurches both of the generic evangelical variety and those that are either Pentacostal or at least influenced by Pentacostalism. There people aren't going to be the ones that get lost in some sort of intellectual labyrinth since they wouldn't even enter into them in the first place. However, the type people of people that are in spaces like ours or are adjacent do have that risk.
My impression was that the tweet was aimed towards people that are in our space - the online religious/dissident right scene where you have Orthobros/Tradcaths/hyper Calvinists battling it over what a verse or a line in some council meant and what is the most based way to interpret St. Cherubub of Mt. Candyland said in his exposition etc. etc. The current mainstream religious landscape is mostly dominated by nominal Catholics and megachurches both of the generic evangelical variety and those that are either Pentacostal or at least influenced by Pentacostalism. There people aren't going to be the ones that get lost in some sort of intellectual labyrinth since they wouldn't even enter into them in the first place. However, the type people of people that are in spaces like ours or are adjacent do have that risk.

I see it differently. I think it's a good thing to spend your mental energy thinking about these things. I think even the arguing serves a purpose. It's better to think about that than most of the other things we think about. How many people know the ins and outs of watching sports but haven't even read through the Bible once? I think dumbing Christianity down to "trying to do good deeds more" ill-equips us for the secular age. Ideas have consequences. Telling people to "not think about Christianity too hard" has been the popular idea of the day for a while now and is why nominalism has swelled.
I didn't realize how many movies in the 1980s were about transformation. In the following films the protagonist undergoes a traumatic bodily transformation.

To name a few:

1.) Altered States. William Hurt willingly puts himself into a chamber that alters his state of mind and body.

2.) Superman II. Superman chooses to give up his powers in a molecular chamber.


3.) Superman III. Superman is affected by a piece of synthetic Kryponite which makes him evil. He splits in two and his good and evil side fight it out in a junkyard.

4.) Nightmare On Elm Street II. The lead teen character turns into Freddy Krueger.

5.) Teenwolf. Michael J. Fox transforms into a werewolf with enhanced physical capacities.

6.) The Fly. Jeff Goldblum is fused with a fly and becomes a grotesque hybrid.

7.) Robocop. Peter Weller is murdered in the line of duty and is turned into a cyborg.

8.) Vice Versa. A movie about a father and son who swap bodies.


9.) Honey, I Shrunk the kids.


Relevant, and one of my favorite movies

Relevant, and one of my favorite movies

Excalibur is the definitive King Arthur movie. I can't listen to Wagner without thinking about it. That may have been the first R movie I saw, since my mother didn't realize how inappropriate it was for young children.