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The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

You usually don't see guys with that breed. Did you inherit him from an ex? Or did you buy him to meet girls?
I bought him when I was around 9 or something along those lines. Hard to really remember the context. It's a good family breed nonetheless.

I was gonna say breeds don't have gender but then I remembered even my mom thinks pomeranians are the "dog every faggot has", in her words...
Questions about blaspheming the Holy Spirit: Why can this sin not be forgiven? Why can the blaspheming of Christ be forgiven but not of the Holy Spirit? If it is impossible to be forgiven, why should one repent?
Questions about blaspheming the Holy Spirit: Why can this sin not be forgiven? Why can the blaspheming of Christ be forgiven but not of the Holy Spirit? If it is impossible to be forgiven, why should one repent?
You're going to get different answers for this. There's disagreement over what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit actually is. I'll share my take, do with it what you will:

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit = Apostasy. To have a knowledge of who Jesus Christ is and to not trust in Him is to reject the role of the Holy Spirit, who convinces men of their sinfulness and grants them faith in God. If Christ is the only way to be saved, then what hope is there for someone who rejects Him? None whatsoever. Hebrews says it's "impossible to restore such a one to repentance."

I don't think the unforgiveability of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit means that the Holy Spirit is so much better than Jesus so it's OK to blaspheme Jesus but not OK to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. The difference is sequential, not qualitative.