The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

I did no fap for 2 years but it became unsustainable. It only takes 1 minute of fantasizing in your bed to destroy such a streak. The incentives are not very high, not compared with the struggle; but I will still continue for the supposed health benefits.

I am in disagreement with the Orthodox that semen retention / no fap somehow makes you closer to God, or makes you more holy.

Look below:

“Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”? These rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use, are based on merely human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
Col 2:21 - Col 2:23 NIV.
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I did no fap for 2 years but it became unsustainable. It only takes 1 minute of fantasizing in your bed to destroy such a streak. The incentives are not very high, not compared with the struggle; but I will still continue for the supposed health benefits.

I am in disagreement with the Orthodox that semen retention / no fap somehow makes you closer to God, or makes you more holy.

Look below:

The Orthodox do not believe semen retention brings you closer to God in and of itself, but that self-abuse is a serious sin that can spiral into a pernicious cycle. It is something to be struggled against, and the struggle can be quite great, but it is by no means unsustainable.

Someone may discipline the body, while not believing Christ is God and thereby not draw closer to God.

I am no Biblical Scholar, but I feel confident in saying that this verse is not a justification for indulging in masturbation
I was talking to my wife the other day about a thought I had, which is: porn and the sexual objectification of people warps men's sense of what love is. As I reflected on my life, I realized my parents never taught me what love is between a man and a woman. I picked up on love through movies and TV and eventually pornography. By the time I was a teenager I only had lust, not love, for women. And because I was so thoroughly dominated with this sex object idea of women, I could not properly love my wife. Part of what I mean by this is that I thought I felt love and connection through sex. From my wife's conversations with her girlfriends, a lot of men feel/think this way, that a regular sex life is what brings us closer to our wives. But really I was looking for ways to make my wife into a sex object from the porn I'd consumed over the years. And I know from some of her girlfriends husbands, who have plenty of sex with their wives, don't pursue their wives and certainly aren't any closer to them, the wives complain to my wife about their husbands distance and a lack of connection.

When I got married I thought: I don't have to work for it anymore. I can have her like I have porn. But this was not the case and I realize I was completely brainwashed into thinking about marriage, love, sex from a worldly viewpoint. I stopped pursuing her or loving her in the way guys typically do early in a relationship. I had what No More Mr. Nice Guy says, "covert contracts", with my wife, basically, "if I go out with her to a nice restaurant and give her flowers and then do some chores she'll have sex with me. If I just suffer through this night of dating I can get what I want."

I'd be interested in resources from the Orthodox on love and marriage. I realize that my whole perception of love was actually lust. I never learned to love. Porn intensifies lust to the point where it's difficult to make room for proper love. It distorts and manipulates. It destroys. I try to keep this in mind when I am tempted to look at porn. I don't want the world to continue to manipulate me into viewing women as objects, because then I cannot see Christ in them, I cannot see their humanity.
Stop obsessing and feeling guilty about porn and masturbation, and it will go away. It's a trite human fact that the more you resist something, the more desirable it becomes. I know in "trad Catholic" circles, every single young man has a porn problem. Why? Because they constantly feel shame about porn, that shame makes them feel bad, and then they watch porn to make themselves feel better. It's a simple self-soothing/shame spiral. Wanting to have sex with women and being attracted to them is the most basic male urge. It's not something to be ashamed of, and it's not something wrong with you. You were designed to "spread your seed" and find women physically attractive. Once you accept that, then you will no longer feel shameful about the urges, and you will no longer obsess about it.

Think about it this way: when was the last time you ate a potato. I bet you cannot remember. However, imagine you started obsessing about eating potatoes all day and night. You dreamed of potatoes when you went to bed. How long do you think your willpower will last before you went to McD's and bought some fries? The more you obsess about the "forbidden desire" the more you will want it. If you see potatoes as what they are (a harmless root vegatable), then you will not think about it, and your temptation of having it will disappear.

Try this: the next time you watch porn or masturbate, just forget about it after. Don't beat yourself up about it. Don't feel shame about it. Just treat it like you just had some French fries. I will guarantee that over time you will stop seeing it as the "forbidden fruit", and it will lose its allure.
Stop obsessing and feeling guilty about porn and masturbation, and it will go away. It's a trite human fact that the more you resist something, the more desirable it becomes. I know in "trad Catholic" circles, every single young man has a porn problem. Why? Because they constantly feel shame about porn, that shame makes them feel bad, and then they watch porn to make themselves feel better. It's a simple self-soothing/shame spiral. Wanting to have sex with women and being attracted to them is the most basic male urge. It's not something to be ashamed of, and it's not something wrong with you. You were designed to "spread your seed" and find women physically attractive. Once you accept that, then you will no longer feel shameful about the urges, and you will no longer obsess about it.

Think about it this way: when was the last time you ate a potato. I bet you cannot remember. However, imagine you started obsessing about eating potatoes all day and night. You dreamed of potatoes when you went to bed. How long do you think your willpower will last before you went to McD's and bought some fries? The more you obsess about the "forbidden desire" the more you will want it. If you see potatoes as what they are (a harmless root vegatable), then you will not think about it, and your temptation of having it will disappear.

Try this: the next time you watch porn or masturbate, just forget about it after. Don't beat yourself up about it. Don't feel shame about it. Just treat it like you just had some French fries. I will guarantee that over time you will stop seeing it as the "forbidden fruit", and it will lose its allure.
I really hope Americans don't think McDonald's fries are the same as root vegetable potatoes.

I know in "trad Catholic" circles, every single young man has a porn problem. Why? Because they constantly feel shame about porn, that shame makes them feel bad, and then they watch porn to make themselves feel better.
This is absolutely spot on. I posted a video about stopping addiction slowly rather than saying "it's been 5 days! My record! Ok google, r/nofap", on the old thread, and Roosh posted something negative to it without even watching the video. Then talking about "non-secular solutions" like you need to pray every day and talk to a priest every week entirely to stop yourself from logging into your computer, then looking up porn eventually out of addiction.
Your ancestors survived famines just for you to post online about streaks of not touching your own penis. Quite the step down.

If you really are serious about wanting to quit something, you'd either quit cold turkey with more serious changes like not scroolling twatter all day, or you'd slowly ween yourself off it. You can't have an in-between of these, while using your computer for mostly secular goyslop. One thing contradicts the other.

And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.
Matthew 18:9

With all that said, you should probably feel guilty for watching something like that. Not to the point of beating yourself up and announcing it to everyone, but keeping in mind that you shouldn't try that again. Watching a woman in a dark room on your phone/monitor is very different than intercourse created by God with the intention of creating life.
The problem with guilt is that it causes low self-esteem, and people will sooth themselves when they have low self-esteem. If the addictive pathway has been developed using porn and masturbation, then guilt will simply "trip" that pathway. The goal is to increase self-esteem and confidence, and the best way to do that is to not feel guilty about things that are natural. Yes, porn hijacks the natural pathway of procreation, but the fact remains that men are built to find women attractive and to "be fruitful and multiply."

It's like the story of Jekyll and Hyde. Everyone has a Hyde, but if you try and repress the Hyde, you simply empower it. If you see your porn and masturbation habit as a dirty secret, then you will try and repress it, which will simply empower the addiction. If you treat it as a neutral thing, get it over with, and move on with your life, you'll sanitize the habit, and it will lose it's allure.
The problem with guilt is that it causes low self-esteem, and people will sooth themselves when they have low self-esteem. If the addictive pathway has been developed using porn and masturbation, then guilt will simply "trip" that pathway. The goal is to increase self-esteem and confidence, and the best way to do that is to not feel guilty about things that are natural. Yes, porn hijacks the natural pathway of procreation, but the fact remains that men are built to find women attractive and to "be fruitful and multiply."

It's like the story of Jekyll and Hyde. Everyone has a Hyde, but if you try and repress the Hyde, you simply empower it. If you see your porn and masturbation habit as a dirty secret, then you will try and repress it, which will simply empower the addiction. If you treat it as a neutral thing, get it over with, and move on with your life, you'll sanitize the habit, and it will lose it's allure.
The modern nebulous concept of "self-esteem" is a baseless forced meme conjured up by the same breed of deranged psychologists/psychiatrists who invented transgenderism. It's not made up wholecloth, but it basically is, and if taken in the direction that most people take it, it's honestly just idolatry.

The idea that "guilt" is in any way harmful is a transparent psyop to help promote hedonism and general societal decline.

The idea that fighting against feelings and impulses leads to them "bottling up and making things worse", or what you call "empowering hyde", is, with all due respect, utter gibberish. They are not physical objects that can just accumulate within your brain like garbage in the room of a Twitch streamer. We all have impulses that are natural, but not always moral, and unlike animals, we are endowed with the ability to reject them, in pursuit of a higher goal than the next shot of happy brain chemicals. This does not damage your mental health in any way, nor does it lead to things "bottling up". It leads to freedom. You're actually not "repressing" anything, as that wording kind of implies that you're denying something inherent to yourself. You're not. You're expelling something foreign and harmful.

Porn is only "natural" insofar as gluttony is "natural". It's misusing a natural impulse to commit unnatural acts of excess. It's true that feeling attracted to women is nothing to be ashamed of. But consuming pornography is an entirely separate matter, and it's absolutely something to be ashamed of. You really shouldn't treat porn like a neutral thing. It's not. It's a very serious sin. Maybe telling yourself that it's not a big deal worked for you and helped you overcome it, but I wouldn't go around recommending that others do the same.

I seriously doubt porn will lose its allure for most men just by them thinking that it's "normal". It's extremely stimulating, has no immediate side effects, and it's free and readily available at any time. Something like 95% of the male population consumes porn, and I really don't think many men think porn is evil. I think that's a fairly fringe view today. The average man is likely to believe some BS about how "not cooming enough causes prostate cancer". As weird as it may sound, in my experience it's not even all that uncommon for men to discuss their tastes in pornography with their friends. I really don't see anyone eventually going "nah I hate having orgasms, they're lame" just because they don't feel guilty about it. On the contrary, if you don't think it's evil then you don't have any reason to stop doing it, and since it feels good and requires zero effort, you might as well do it, no? I'm sure for most of the men who consume it regularly, it's more of a little habit than anything. Equivalent to turning your brain off and watching TV. It still destroys their souls regardless of whether or not they think much of it.
Does anyone have the picture where it says that every time you masturbate you should think of the Jew that wants you to masturbate? If so, please share.

It works for me as a good reminder why I am spiritually doing this when temptations occur.

I've stopped masturbating for many years now, but I want to eradicate porn/vulgar sexual imagery from my life and the temptations are always the highest when I am at my lowest because my body physiologically remembers the dumb dopamine rushes.
Does anyone have the picture where it says that every time you masturbate you should think of the Jew that wants you to masturbate? If so, please share.

It works for me as a good reminder why I am spiritually doing this when temptations occur.

I've stopped masturbating for many years now, but I want to eradicate porn/vulgar sexual imagery from my life and the temptations are always the highest when I am at my lowest because my body physiologically remembers the dumb dopamine rushes.
No but I have a few images that might help in a similar way.

FkJBPx7XEAAb2ad-618x1099.jpeg 41292r3df2rrr3MEM300823.jpg-618x827.jpg 1202rrrr3MEME150523.jpg-618x701.jpeg 83292r3df2rrr3MEM161023.jpg-618x547.jpgFZwmTfWUIAAGm2Y-618x430.jpeg Proverbs 22-14.jpg
I seriously doubt porn will lose its allure for most men just by them thinking that it's "normal". It's extremely stimulating, has no immediate side effects, and it's free and readily available at any time. Something like 95% of the male population consumes porn, and I really don't think many men think porn is evil. I think that's a fairly fringe view today. The average man is likely to believe some BS about how "not cooming enough causes prostate cancer". As weird as it may sound, in my experience it's not even all that uncommon for men to discuss their tastes in pornography with their friends. I really don't see anyone eventually going "nah I hate having orgasms, they're lame" just because they don't feel guilty about it. On the contrary, if you don't think it's evil then you don't have any reason to stop doing it, and since it feels good and requires zero effort, you might as well do it, no? I'm sure for most of the men who consume it regularly, it's more of a little habit than anything. Equivalent to turning your brain off and watching TV. It still destroys their souls regardless of whether or not they think much of it.
You're conflating two ideas. Treating something as neutral doesn't mean you are treating it as something that's good. Also, the emotional charge of your post sounds like you are not thinking about this issue rationally.
You're conflating two ideas. Treating something as neutral doesn't mean you are treating it as something that's good. Also, the emotional charge of your post sounds like you are not thinking about this issue rationally.
I am not conflating anything. I am simply saying that if you think it's neutral, then there is no logical reason to leave it behind, because it's quick pleasure for no effort, and the consequences are quite negligible. It has effects like lowered testosterone, yes, but they're not noticeable enough that secular people would quit porn. People down a couple beers a week, and beer is also quite bad for testosterone, plus it doesn't even taste good, but people don't seem to mind, nor get bored from it, so why would they get bored from porn, which is objectively far more enjoyable?

Either you think it's a sin, or it's just a fun little thing you can do to unwind after a hard day of work. From a purely secular point of view, that's all it is, and in fact it's kind of illogical to stop doing it, unless you're a very busy man with no energy for that sort of thing, because it's good for stress relief, and because some studies say it helps prevent prostate cancer.

I really don't think there is any emotional charge in my post there. I'm pretty sure I didn't have any feelings in particular when I typed it. Maybe you think that because I used terms like "utter gibberish", "absolutely" and "transparent psyop", or because I used a little bit of sarcasm in some parts, but honestly that's just how I talk. Or maybe I just came off that way accidentally in some other way. I'm an ESL South American so my choices of words are sometimes not the best. It happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The problem with No Fap is that one has to pretty much keep television, internet & social media usage to an absoloute minimum in order to not relapse.

Yes you can get NSFW filters but they are not enough. When Presenters on TV are designed to look a certain way.

Even a seemingly innocent Youtube travel Vlog can all of a sudden turn nasty.

I am in the process of just saving bookmarks of sites like this one on Google & use the internet as so. Looking back I found real life woman less tempting for a relapse than what I used to see on the airways or on the internet.

Anyway I am on a streak now and I intend for it to be my final one before passing away one day!
The problem with No Fap is that one has to pretty much keep television, internet & social media usage to an absoloute minimum in order to not relapse.
You should be doing that anyway, though. The internet is not hard to simply use responsibly, but social media and TV you should totally just quit cold turkey. You will only miss them for a week or two and then you'll feel liberated. Literally nothing good in there that you cannot easily replace with something less jewish.

At first, you might think you're missing out on all the information and entertainment, but eventually you will realize that you can live without that kind of braindead entertainment, and that if there is anything important going on, you will hear about it on this forum or from your friends/family.

Honestly I even take breaks from based things like The Daily Stormer. Humans are not designed to be constantly slurping up information day in and day out, it chips away at your sanity. Allow yourself some time alone with your thoughts.
Did a hundred days once. Now the fasting season is coming and the opportunity to surpass it.

If you try and repress the Hyde, you simply empower it. If you see your porn and masturbation habit as a dirty secret, then you will try and repress it, which will simply empower the addiction.
Pornography addiction is like drug addiction. It is essentially a dopamine addiction. Addiction disorders are not treated by ignoring them. And while sexual drive is perfectly normal, the pornography is not. It has nothing in common with normal sexuality, it is sick and twisted, and a tool of degeneration and emasculation.

Suppression happens when we can't do something we want to do, not when we resist something we really don't want to do. And if the excess libido energy is transcended or used in another way, then it will not fester and rot inside. That is one of the reasons why Orthodox and Buddhist monks emphasize physical activities.
The idea that fighting against feelings and impulses leads to them "bottling up and making things worse", or what you call "empowering hyde", is, with all due respect, utter gibberish. They are not physical objects that can just accumulate within your brain like garbage in the room of a Twitch streamer. We all have impulses that are natural, but not always moral, and unlike animals, we are endowed with the ability to reject them, in pursuit of a higher goal than the next shot of happy brain chemicals. This does not damage your mental health in any way, nor does it lead to things "bottling up". It leads to freedom. You're actually not "repressing" anything, as that wording kind of implies that you're denying something inherent to yourself. You're not. You're expelling something foreign and harmful.

The great porn experiment | Gary Wilson | TEDxGlasgow

The pleasure trap: Douglas Lisle at TEDxFremont

Facts of pornography.mp4

hazards of porn.jpg
People should ask themselves why pornography is free and who is peddling this filth to the masses, that's a story for another time.
Pornography addiction is like drug addiction. It is essentially a dopamine addiction
The rest of your post is great, but I disagree with calling it an addiction. I think it can be a cope or self-deception.

You're not addicted, you are spiritually sick. It's not a substance that your flesh becomes chemically dependent on. It's not good to think about it in simple terms of dopamine either. When you quit, there's no real withdrawal symptoms, beyond your dopamine levels being kind of wacky for a week or two, and in my experience it's not really even noticeable. The reason why you find it so hard to simply stop doing the thing is because you're weak and need God, not because "I am addicted" or "my dopamine receptors are fried". That mindset separates the problem from the root cause, which is sin. A very serious sin that you've likely been committing on an at least weekly basis since the age of 11. You cannot just stop that without getting some spiritual pushback.
People should ask themselves why pornography is free and who is peddling this filth to the masses, that's a story for another time.
It's the Jews. You can just say it here, brother. We all know.
The rest of your post is great, but I disagree with calling it an addiction. I think it can be a cope or self-deception.

You're not addicted, you are spiritually sick. It's not a substance that your flesh becomes chemically dependent on. It's not good to think about it in simple terms of dopamine either. When you quit, there's no real withdrawal symptoms, beyond your dopamine levels being kind of wacky for a week or two, and in my experience it's not really even noticeable. The reason why you find it so hard to simply stop doing the thing is because you're weak and need God, not because "I am addicted" or "my dopamine receptors are fried". That mindset separates the problem from the root cause, which is sin. A very serious sin that you've likely been committing on an at least weekly basis since the age of 11. You cannot just stop that without getting some spiritual pushback.

It's the Jews. You can just say it here, brother. We all know.
Sin can do both physical and spiritual damage. Because we're not purely spiritual like the angels, man has both a physical body and a spirit or nous. And pornography use certainly has consequences in the material world, just like fornication and sodomy can lead to STDs.

The withdrawal when you quit is real. Since we're not meant to be beating our meat to the devil's iconography every day, it really messes up the biochemistry of the brain. Neurotransmitters, androgen receptors, etc. all get out of whack.

On my longer streaks off porn, I have had massive mood swings. Very high highs, but very low lows as well. The general trend is positive, but it takes time for the brain to heal and stabilize. I believe, if it's anything like quitting smoking, then getting off it for a few months should be enough to mostly be back to normal. Though it gets much easier after the first two weeks, and it's not insurmountable at all if we turn to God for help.