The problem with guilt is that it causes low self-esteem, and people will sooth themselves when they have low self-esteem. If the addictive pathway has been developed using porn and masturbation, then guilt will simply "trip" that pathway. The goal is to increase self-esteem and confidence, and the best way to do that is to not feel guilty about things that are natural. Yes, porn hijacks the natural pathway of procreation, but the fact remains that men are built to find women attractive and to "be fruitful and multiply."
It's like the story of Jekyll and Hyde. Everyone has a Hyde, but if you try and repress the Hyde, you simply empower it. If you see your porn and masturbation habit as a dirty secret, then you will try and repress it, which will simply empower the addiction. If you treat it as a neutral thing, get it over with, and move on with your life, you'll sanitize the habit, and it will lose it's allure.
The modern nebulous concept of "self-esteem" is a baseless forced meme conjured up by the same breed of deranged psychologists/psychiatrists who invented transgenderism. It's not made up wholecloth, but it basically is, and if taken in the direction that most people take it, it's honestly just idolatry.
The idea that "guilt" is in any way harmful is a transparent psyop to help promote hedonism and general societal decline.
The idea that fighting against feelings and impulses leads to them "bottling up and making things worse", or what you call "empowering hyde", is, with all due respect, utter gibberish. They are not physical objects that can just accumulate within your brain like garbage in the room of a Twitch streamer. We all have impulses that are natural, but not always moral, and unlike animals, we are endowed with the ability to reject them, in pursuit of a higher goal than the next shot of happy brain chemicals. This does not damage your mental health in any way, nor does it lead to things "bottling up". It leads to freedom. You're actually not "repressing" anything, as that wording kind of implies that you're denying something inherent to yourself. You're not. You're expelling something foreign and harmful.
Porn is only "natural" insofar as gluttony is "natural". It's misusing a natural impulse to commit unnatural acts of excess. It's true that feeling attracted to women is nothing to be ashamed of. But consuming pornography is an entirely separate matter, and it's absolutely something to be ashamed of. You really shouldn't treat porn like a neutral thing. It's not. It's a very serious sin. Maybe telling yourself that it's not a big deal worked for you and helped you overcome it, but I wouldn't go around recommending that others do the same.
I seriously doubt porn will lose its allure for most men just by them thinking that it's "normal". It's extremely stimulating, has no immediate side effects, and it's free and readily available at any time. Something like 95% of the male population consumes porn, and I really don't think many men think porn is evil. I think that's a fairly fringe view today. The average man is likely to believe some BS about how "not cooming enough causes prostate cancer". As weird as it may sound, in my experience it's not even all that uncommon for men to discuss their tastes in pornography with their friends. I really don't see anyone eventually going "nah I hate having orgasms, they're lame" just because they don't feel guilty about it. On the contrary, if you don't think it's evil then you don't have any reason to stop doing it, and since it feels good and requires zero effort, you might as well do it, no? I'm sure for most of the men who consume it regularly, it's more of a little habit than anything. Equivalent to turning your brain off and watching TV. It still destroys their souls regardless of whether or not they think much of it.