The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

It's doable. VPNs can be blocked. China successfully blocks them, though they do allow some state-approved ones. Now, it is still technically possible to bypass all of that if you use something like a Tor bridge, but at that point you've made it hard enough that I am sure you will be able to protect a lot of souls from that filth.
VPNs do however have legitimate and positive uses, especially for the dissident right like us. Banning them is like the left banning guns and would make it even easier for our governments to clamp down on us. Banning porn sites alone though would do wonders. I discovered porn accidentally as a pre-teen by clicking a link on a regular site and it destroyed my life. If we can pass legislation to get Google, Twitter, and all companies that do business in the US to ban it, that would cut down on a ton of accidental exposures, and at least save our youngest children or protect them until they are more mature.

I'm finding lately that fasting certainly helps to resist the temptation. Not only the Orthodox fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, but also cutting down on processed seed oils and sugar is crucial. These foods inflame the passions. A natural whole foods diet is best.

Marriage could be a solution for many, but porn also creates a desire independent of the sexual urge. Especially when dealing with unnatural fetishes and perversions that get intricately mixed up with your psyche. It's more of the world than the flesh kind of temptation if that makes sense. And I don't expect marriage to solve it. Plenty of guys in relationships are jerking it to porn on the regular.
VPNs do however have legitimate and positive uses, especially for the dissident right like us. Banning them is like the left banning guns and would make it even easier for our governments to clamp down on us. Banning porn sites alone though would do wonders. I discovered porn accidentally as a pre-teen by clicking a link on a regular site and it destroyed my life. If we can pass legislation to get Google, Twitter, and all companies that do business in the US to ban it, that would cut down on a ton of accidental exposures, and at least save our youngest children or protect them until they are more mature.

I'm finding lately that fasting certainly helps to resist the temptation. Not only the Orthodox fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, but also cutting down on processed seed oils and sugar is crucial. These foods inflame the passions. A natural whole foods diet is best.

Marriage could be a solution for many, but porn also creates a desire independent of the sexual urge. Especially when dealing with unnatural fetishes and perversions that get intricately mixed up with your psyche. It's more of the world than the flesh kind of temptation if that makes sense. And I don't expect marriage to solve it. Plenty of guys in relationships are jerking it to porn on the regular.
Totally agree on the banning and fasting. It's just too easy to access this stuff online and it's difficult to filter. I also stumbled upon it as a preteen. Also with food in the same way we are bombarded with junk and it's constantly in our face. Isn't there something about gluttony being the 'first line of defense' that gets torn down when we succumb to it, opening us up to further temptations?

I'm willing to bet there are astronomically way less Christian married men jerking it to porn vs. single men in general. "Guys in relationships" could also mean guys committing adultery, and in that type of relationship I can see how they would be more likely to watch porn and masturbate. I actually do think a healthy Christian marriage would quell even the perversions, if done 'right'. I do agree and understand your point though because I myself have experienced this sexual novelty factor spiraling out of control to dark places on the internet in unrealistic ways, and it even transferred over to my old girlfriends, but they weren't my wife or mother of my children, and I sadly many times just saw them as a sex object for fornication. I was a very sinful man at the time.

However, there were times when I didn't see them this way. And that was when I was feeling a deep love for them. It's hard to explain. But I just mean I didn't always see them in a purely lustful way, leading to the transferring over of the complexes I got from porn. I do think it would have gone away completely if I had quit watching porn at the time, and I married them. If I had quit my cheating, fornication, and hooker games, it would have put it to rest. If I had stopped being selfish and committed to one of them, especially the ones I had that were Christians.

I think the scripture just mentioned is the solution. Will it still be a struggle? I'm sure. But I absolutely do not see it as a case of being stuck with the same level of this issue after marrying, unless of course it's someone who had a failed marriage/divorce, is in a toxic/unhealthy marriage, if their wife is physically and/or mentally ill and they essentially become a married monk, etc.

I think there's alot of cases to be made where scripture tells us a solution to something, and we can say "yes but even some people that follow that still have said problems", but I think we would be missing the point. Their predicaments are multifactoral but the overarching ideal is there to try and emulate.
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VPNs do however have legitimate and positive uses, especially for the dissident right like us. Banning them is like the left banning guns and would make it even easier for our governments to clamp down on us. Banning porn sites alone though would do wonders. I discovered porn accidentally as a pre-teen by clicking a link on a regular site and it destroyed my life. If we can pass legislation to get Google, Twitter, and all companies that do business in the US to ban it, that would cut down on a ton of accidental exposures, and at least save our youngest children or protect them until they are more mature.
VPNs have their uses, like bypassing region locks or downloading torrents without getting a love letter from your ISP, but if your worry is censorship, that's a job for Tor rather than VPNs. I don't really see any situation where a VPN would save you from censorship. I recommend watching this video, it's pretty interesting:

The issue with using blocking technology is that you will find a way around it. I know that even though I setup a Pi-Hole blocking millions of sites, I would still find a way when the demon was on my back.

The only way to truly quit this addiction is to follow Jesus Christ. It is to cast out the demon of lust with the power of Him. Brother Nickolas did a podcast in 2019 about this and I remember laughing at the time, but he said that to overcome pornography, each time that there was an urge in him, he would say the following:

"Demon of lust. You have no power here. I Command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ."

I have stopped "counting the days" I have been porn free. I will not go back.

In addition - NoFap will turn into Retention. You will understand that you have infinite creative power, your gift is that you are a man who can use this energy to please God. There is a completely different life awaiting you.
The issue with using blocking technology is that you will find a way around it. I know that even though I setup a Pi-Hole blocking millions of sites, I would still find a way when the demon was on my back.

The only way to truly quit this addiction is to follow Jesus Christ. It is to cast out the demon of lust with the power of Him. Brother Nickolas did a podcast in 2019 about this and I remember laughing at the time, but he said that to overcome pornography, each time that there was an urge in him, he would say the following:

"Demon of lust. You have no power here. I Command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ."

I have stopped "counting the days" I have been porn free. I will not go back.

In addition - NoFap will turn into Retention. You will understand that you have infinite creative power, your gift is that you are a man who can use this energy to please God. There is a completely different life awaiting you.
Very wise words! Nice read.
So is spanking it every so often whilst thinking of your wife because there's no way she's going to keep up with your sex drive acceptable? Porn is a weapon of war, avoid at all costs.
So is spanking it every so often whilst thinking of your wife because there's no way she's going to keep up with your sex drive acceptable? Porn is a weapon of war, avoid at all costs.
If I understand correctly, any sexual act outside of normal, natural sex with no contraceptives, is a form of sodomy. This includes all masturbation, regardless of what you're watching or imagining/thinking in order to facilitate it.
If I understand correctly, any sexual act outside of normal, natural sex with no contraceptives, is a form of sodomy. This includes all masturbation, regardless of what you're watching or imagining/thinking in order to facilitate it.
I believe the Russian Orthodox Church has said that non-abortive contraceptives, such as condoms, can be allowed for married couples. But all forms of masturbation are certainly sinful.
So is spanking it every so often whilst thinking of your wife because there's no way she's going to keep up with your sex drive acceptable? Porn is a weapon of war, avoid at all costs.
The keyword here is acceptable. It depends more on you than anything. Masturbation itself is literally just putting your hand on a part of your body and moving flesh like a monkey, which is not said in the Bible to be a sin. At most it's just dumb and something Jesus wouldn't do.
The keyword here is acceptable. It depends more on you than anything. Masturbation itself is literally just putting your hand on a part of your body and moving flesh like a monkey, which is not said in the Bible to be a sin. At most it's just dumb and something Jesus wouldn't do.
An argument from Biblical inference can be made against it. It is not much different from one of the sins of homosexuals, which is the sin of narcissism.
I genuinely feel worse when I masturbate. I know that there is a demon on my back telling me to go forward with it, and if I fall for it, I always come away regretting the decision to do so.

The anxiety, feeling of being a loser, and depression that comes from it are not worth it. Treat your body as the vessel for the Holy Spirit that it is, not some playground/funhouse.
I genuinely feel worse when I masturbate. I know that there is a demon on my back telling me to go forward with it, and if I fall for it, I always come away regretting the decision to do so.

The anxiety, feeling of being a loser, and depression that comes from it are not worth it. Treat your body as the vessel for the Holy Spirit that it is, not some playground/funhouse.
Yeah, I'm absolutely done with it. I feel like this past streak is going to be the lifetime streak for me. I pray it is.

Overtime the falls with it became less and less for me. More spread out. Not as intense. To where the flame of that misdirected passion has just become a small ember unable to be lit within me anymore. Easy to put out. Ashes.

Now it just seems almost unfathomable to go back to what I was doing before. I feel like I've really reached a milestone with it. It just cannot continue in any form. Done experimenting and making excuses.

We will all get there eventually if we strive to follow God's commandments and grow closer to Him. That's the only way.

It's always going to be a bad decision. We have to get that through our heads. It's never worth it. It's always a failure. Don't fall for the devil's lies anymore.

And I'm not old or having T issues or lack of libido or anything like that. I'm in my prime mid thirties and healthy.
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If you mean Onan, his sin was in the context of disobeying the Lord, not the spilling of seed itself. Narcissism is a fair point, it happens often with that.
I recognize that but that was not my referent. Sex is meant to be reciprocal. Your partner should be "similar but different." This means a woman for a man and a man for a woman. This is how God created it. This is what He designed. It is the only kind of sexual relationship that He will ever bless.

A homosexual relationship cannot meet the criteria of "similar but different." It is a desire for a mirror image. It is narcissistic. It is cursed by God and is contrary to His created order. Even the desire of it, not just the action, must be repented of.

Of these two, do you see how masturbation much more resembles the latter than the former? It carries the same qualities of being selfish and narcissistic. You are not touching your wife, a woman, but you are touching yourself, a man. If you add porn into the mix then you have the added humiliation of cucking yourself.
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This is a reminder that prayer helps a great deal. Whenever you feel a temptation to watch porn, even if very slight, even if one you can simply shrug off, you need to immediately pray instead of ignore it.
Absolutely, we need to recognize we cannot do this alone without Christ. My priest tells me to always turn to God for help. I've had success repeating the Jesus prayer whenever the urges hit. I keep saying it until it goes away.

Meanwhile I might do a "clearing action", because the Bible tells us to flee lust. So going on a walk, doing some chores around the house, or playing a game of online chess can get my mind off it. And you can say that Jesus prayer while you're walking or doing the dishes, for example.
I recognize that but that was not my referent. Sex is meant to be reciprocal. Your partner should be "similar but different." This means a woman for a man and a man for a woman. This is how God created it. This is what He designed. It is the only kind of sexual relationship that He will ever bless.

A homosexual relationship cannot meet the criteria of "similar but different." It is a desire for a mirror image. It is narcissistic. It is cursed by God and is contrary to His created order. Even the desire of it, not just the action, must be repented of.

Of these two, do you see how masturbation much more resembles the latter than the former? It carries the same qualities of being selfish and narcissistic. You are not touching your wife, a woman, but you are touching yourself, a man. If you add porn into the mix then you have the added humiliation of cucking yourself.

It's so diabolical.

Everything you stated + stuff about the jews owning and operating most of it + satanic iconography that includes many sexually abused, drug -addicted bisexual women (and men), and many also that have committed suicide already.

An energetic sexual sacrifice is made to their hellish specters flickering on a screen in a dark room where we slump all alone there with the devils and his demons.

There is no way around this by just removing the porn either. It's still a selfish, gay, narcissistic, sad act. Do any of you think Jesus would have done this? Of course not!
There is no way around this by just removing the porn either. It's still a selfish, gay, narcissistic, sad act. Do any of you think Jesus would have done this? Of course not!
Even if we stopped the Jews from peddling porn, our self-idolatry would still remain. The only thing that has the power to change our hearts is God in the Gospel of His Son.