The Jewish Question (JQ)

The governed of the state where the border crisis is happening. Makes me think he’s ((((controlled opposition)))).

I don’t think he understands what a-s is. Criticizing a country’s bad behavior =/= a-s. Religious debate and debunking a false religion =/= a-s. Wanting to exterminate or discriminate against Judahites and their so called descendants IS a-s. I’m in general tired of people using the “isms” to get out of critique.

Is - I noticed software changes a-s to countersemitic. Countersemitism is just criticism. A-s is the kind of stuff you get on Fourchan.
The Khazars had an abundancy of mixed-genetics. People with dark hair and brown eyes, red hair and light eyes, and blond hair and blue eyes among them. Clearly it was a mixing pot, but this does not make them European simply because they have European genetics somewhere in their sanguine codex. I see the same amount of European in an obvious non-European when a western black tells me they are Irish. I know what happened in their past, and so does anyone else who understands mixing.

The Turks ruled over the Khazars for 60 years, when in 567AD hordes of western Turks arrived in the Volga river region and subdued all local tribes. In 570 the Khazars were under the jurisdiction of the Turkish Khaganate (the western Turkish empire which would later break apart in the 630s). They became the dominant power in southern Russia, and displaced many ethnicities in the lands they encompassed, ergo more mixing of very different peoples. You have a jumble of ethnicities that belong to Slavic, Arabic, Iranian, Turkic, and Caucasian lineages in this hodgepodge. Nowhere in this mix is any original Judahite blood, and if perchance some came into these people by crossbreeding, it remains diluted, as does pristine spring water when mud is assimilated into its flow.

This is the second time I've mentioned this but I do not mean it any negative way to you. I believe huge numbers of Jews migrated to Khazar at exactly this time, 600 AD, during the reign of Heraclius and his persecution of Jews in Byzantium. When the Jews opened the gates of Jerusalem to the Persians, it resulted in a massive empire wide wave of persecution, killing, and expulsion of Jews to many corners of the world, but it seems that most ended up in Khazaria.

Thus, the Jews of Khazar are authentically descendants of Judah, Moses, and David.

I might be wrong, because it is so very difficult to find information on this subject, but all available info points to this being the case.
This is the second time I've mentioned this but I do not mean it any negative way to you. I believe huge numbers of Jews migrated to Khazar at exactly this time, 600 AD, during the reign of Heraclius and his persecution of Jews in Byzantium. When the Jews opened the gates of Jerusalem to the Persians, it resulted in a massive empire wide wave of persecution, killing, and expulsion of Jews to many corners of the world, but it seems that most ended up in Khazaria.

Thus, the Jews of Khazar are authentically descendants of Judah, Moses, and David.

I might be wrong, because it is so very difficult to find information on this subject, but all available info points to this being the case.
Judah. Moses was a Levite. Modern Jews have no heritage from Moses. Jews claiming he was Jewish is a lie to get evangelical support. He was never a Jew or ever will be a Jew.

Interesting hypothesis but the only problem I have is the timeline. Some evidence to consider:
- The Ashkenazim begin in the Rhineland and slowly traveled East.
- Khazar Kahnate fell in the 900s to the Russ. Kiev I think. We don’t here a word from the Jews in that area till the 1300s. Wouldn’t we not have a 400 year records gap?
- Khazars were converts from Shamanism. This would not be the case if they originated from Roman persecutions after the war with Persia.
- Ashkenazim spoke a dialect of German, not a Turkic Central Asian language.
Judah. Moses was a Levite. Modern Jews have no heritage from Moses. Jews claiming he was Jewish is a lie to get evangelical support. He was never a Jew or ever will be a Jew.

Interesting hypothesis but the only problem I have is the timeline. Some evidence to consider:
- The Ashkenazim begin in the Rhineland and slowly traveled East.
- Khazar Kahnate fell in the 900s to the Russ. Kiev I think. We don’t here a word from the Jews in that area till the 1300s. Wouldn’t we not have a 400 year records gap?
- Khazars were converts from Shamanism. This would not be the case if they originated from Roman persecutions after the war with Persia.
- Ashkenazim spoke a dialect of German, not a Turkic Central Asian language.
The "jews" who fled to Khazaria during Heraclius' reign were already post-captivity Babylonian mixes, who were further mixed upon returning to already culturally-diverse Judea following the release from captivity and their "granting" of return by the Persian king. By Christ's time there were full-blown non-Israelites on the "levitical" priesthood, and many members of the Pharisees were not original descendants. Add another six centuries to this pool of genetics which only requires half-paternity for tribal inclusion (maternal jewish versus Patriarchal Israelite) and you have a very diluted gene code. These same ones who ended up in Byzantium and then fled to Khazaria in the 600s were also not large enough in number to affect any of the overall population of Khazaria, and the fact that all of Khazaria became converts several centuries later under pagan Bulan and simply submitted to warped Mosaic laws indicates even further that they are not ancestral members of any of the tribes of Jacob Israel. The true Israelites who migrated west ended up keeping their genetic lineage intact and they formed the basis for most Europeans. I've explained this in other posts, but it seems like people can't seem to grasp this simply flow of causality. True Israelites are Aryan peoples, and the identity theft from these jews is the most foully sanctimonious lie to ever escape their forked tongues.

If you want to go way back, before the time of Jacob Israel, to their former tribal ancestors of the Kenites, Canaanites, and Edomites, then these qualities of iniquity must also be considered. They are all goblins who originated from caves that crept forth to breed with all races of men and slowly degoblinize themselves over the centuries, but the hooks of hell never disappear, they simply keep curving.

As for the Ashkenazim and the sources you are saying they came from the Rhineland, well they were "deposited there" in their diaspora after the 10th century, so that claim is true but it is not a point of origin. They simply don't count the forced expulsions and migrations between the 6th and 11th centuries, of which there were hundreds. When I see an Ashkenazi, I see bits and pieces of each race that has left its trace and smidgen over their transient history: Turks, Mongols, Tatars, Magyars, Slavs, Arabs, and little parcels of western and northern Europeans, like Teutons (Germanics and Scandinavians). They have been bastards going on two millennia now, with some strands having more purity of one racial stock than others, but all of them fomenting in a genetic Babylonian cauldron. A European who mixes their genes with these other races destroys the uniqueness of both peoples, and any race that mixes with Ashkenazim stock, even non-Europeans, does not inherit or foster anything of eugenic or spiritual value for their posterity.

For those who say "convert and marry them" I say that God clearly does not want this due to their genes possessing an inherent predisposition for literal insanity, and other afflictions of the brain. I will pray for them, but I pray more for others to be harmed less by them in the present and the future, and for the eyes of men of all races to be opened to the tragedy of allowing them to gain this much power in the world.

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The vast majority of Republicans just voted for a bill to criminalize criticisms of the Israeli government. If the bill passes you will be guilty of hate speech if you “apply double standards” to the government of Israel or accuse it of genocide. This is honestly one of the most insane pieces of legislation I’ve ever seen.


It's nice to see bipartisan support for Jews but this congressional bill to expand the definition of antisemitism is bad for the U.S. and bad for Jews. This country was literally founded on the idea that there should be no government reprisals for speech, including hate speech.

There is no such thing as hate speech, this term is made up by those who can't stand free speech and the truth.
In this bill, The US Congress basically sub-contracts the definition of antisemitism to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition dated May 26, 2016.

What an easy bill to amend in the future. Simply have the IHRA update the definition as they see fit (i.e. - claims of Israel foreknowledge of 9/11), then Congress slips in a change of date amendment as part of a bigger bill (like how all the pork gets slipped into omnibus and defense bills).
Matthew 27

15 Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to release for the crowd any one prisoner whom they wanted. 16 And they had then a notorious prisoner, called Barab′bas. 17 So when they had gathered, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release for you, Barab′basor Jesus who is called Christ?” 18 For he knew that it was out of envy that they had delivered him up. 19 Besides, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much over him today in a dream.” 20 Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the people to ask for Barab′bas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor again said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release for you?” And they said, “Barab′bas.” 22 Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let him be crucified.” 23 And he said, “Why, what evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Let him be crucified.”

Pilate Hands Jesus over to Be Crucified​

24 So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” 25 And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” 26 Then he released for them Barab′bas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him to be crucified.


Not only did the leaders of the Jews kill Jesus, but they put His blood on the entire Jewish race and their children.

Hence why, the Jesus question is the only question that matters for Jews. For a Jew to reject Jesus makes him or her guilty of the blood libel and they become pawns of Satan.
In all fairness, Kaufman's "White Shift" isn't actually an anti-White book. As far as I know, he actually supports White ethnic integrity (to the point that he calls the current migration into America and Europe a destructive scheme with a malign purpose) and basically just theorized about how racial identity would continue in a post-mass migration world, given that so many mixed people have popped up already. It's actually a rather interesting book about racial dynamics over time.
Q: Why do Jews have big noses?
A: Because the air is free.
Well, ackshually...their big noses are the result of enlarged sinus cavities which in ancient times allowed their priestly class to incant low-frequency, infrasonic tones, not audible to the goyim, which they could use to open portals during demon-conjuring rituals. :alien:👹
The Fake Synagogue Bomb Threats are Starting Again!


You may remember that I was the main reporter covering the 2017 fake bomb threats to Jewish religious centers. I kept saying it was a false flag, done by Jews. Then Trump investigated it, and said publicly that “it might be the reverse” (i.e., Jews were doing it). The ADL was like “DONALD TRUMP PROMOTES DAILY STORMER NAZI CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!!!!11”

Trump later sent the FBI to arrest an Israeli Jew, who was responsible for the calls, after he accidentally made one without his VPN turned on. They said he was mentally ill and didn’t punish him.

All bomb threats to synagogues are fake and done by the Jews. They also spray-paint weird-looking swastikas on their own buildings and attack their own graveyards. You know the old meme.

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