Avi Mazliah as Uriel, nicknamed "Mastuli" (stoned), an openly gay drifter/couch surfer who has left home and moves from place to place. Per request, he takes Noy's virginity and later stays with Shuki, who tries to perform conversion therapy on him.
Amit Erez as Noy Cohen, a lonely, obese girl who begins having casual sex with men per Elkana's advice and is subsequently diagnosed as having HIV
Maor Schwitzer as Osher Gimpel, nicknamed "Shamen" (fatty), a self-conscious boy addicted to pornography, experiences impotence as a result. He has sex with the house maid and eventually buys a sex doll.
And apparently Sam is the son of a successful Hollywood director, also a Jew, Barry Levinson. More Jewish nepotism going on there, all to produce more filth.There is an extremely degenerate HBO series called Euphoria. I knew nothing about it and attempted to watch the first episode.
It is the most evil and degenerate propaganda I have ever seen. High school students (played by much older and sexier actors) doing hardcore drugs, having gangbangs, cursing like sailors, going clubbing, dressing like porn stars in school, watching pornography, creating pornography, students having sex with their friends parents, interacial hookups, male nudity with extremely long scenes focusing on the penis, casual lesbianism and homosexuality.
This was all in the first episode.
I watched about half of the episode and fast forwarded through the rest only to see if there were any redeeming parts--because of course much of modern media has degeneracy but simply thrown into the plot for no good reason. But here, the degeneracy is the entire point of the series.
You can look at some negative reviews here and see what I'm talking about.
But yeah you know I skipped to the ending credits, and saw not only that it was created by a jew, but that it is based on an Israeli TV series called HOT.
Just browse what wikipedia openly admits about it and tell me this is not pure Satanism.
Remember, these are 17 year old kids:
The series follows a group of 17-year-olds who spend their time carelessly having sex and taking drugs, with seemingly no parental authority. Some of the series plot is based on a true story.
I'd like to see the trump impeachment trial stats. They should've just met at the local synagogue.
A new study concludes that all Ashkenazi Jews can trace their ancestry to a “bottleneck” of just 350 individuals, dating back to between 600 and 800 years ago.
The study, published in the Nature Communications journal Tuesday, was authored by Shai Carmi, a computer science professor at Columbia University, and more than 20 medical researchers from Yale, Columbia, Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and other institutions.
Researchers analyzed the genomes of 128 Ashkenazi Jews and compared them to those of non-Jewish Europeans in order to determine which genetic markers are unique to Ashkenazi Jews. They found that the Ashkenazi Jews’ genetic similarities were so acute that one of the study’s researchers, Columbia professor Itsik Pe’er, told the Live Science website that among Ashkenazi Jews, “everyone is a 30th cousin.”
The findings will enable researchers to catalog nearly all of the genetic variations from the founding population, the study’s authors said. Such thorough genetic cataloging could help clinicians interpret individual genetic mutations, improve disease mapping and provide insight into the histories of Middle Eastern and European populations, the study said.
The catalog of complete Ashkenazi Jewish genomes should help identify the disease-causing mutations that the progenitors of Ashkenazi Jewry they passed on. Until now, data has only been available for a small subset of common Ashkenazi DNA markers – about one in every 3,000 letters of DNA. The findings are also expected to help with disease research in other ethnic groups.
“Our study is the first full DNA sequence dataset available for Ashkenazi Jewish genomes,” said Itzik Pe’er, an Israeli computer scientist at Columbia University, who led the study. “With this comprehensive catalog of mutations present in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, we will be able to more effectively map disease genes onto the genome and thus gain a better understanding of common disorders. We see this study serving as a vehicle for personalized medicine and a model for researchers working with other populations.”
Ashkenazi Jews are known to have origins in the Levant, which Israel is smack dab in the middle of. But exactly who “European” Ashkenazi Jews are has long been debated. An analysis of the gene database shows that the original Ashkenazi Jews were about half European and half Middle Eastern. They lived in the medieval era, about 600 to 800 years ago, according to the analysis – and numbered just 350 or so people.
“Our analysis shows that Ashkenazi Jewish medieval founders were ethnically admixed, with origins in Europe and in the Middle East, roughly in equal parts,” said Shai Carmi, a post-doctoral scientist who works with Pe’er and conducted the analysis. “[The] data are more comprehensive than what was previously available, and we believe the data settle the dispute regarding European and Middle Eastern ancestry in Ashkenazi Jews.”
The analysis also suggested that today’s Europeans are descended primarily from migrants from the Middle East after the last ice age, about 20,000 years ago, not from the first humans to arrive to the continent about 40,000 years ago. The researchers are now looking into where the Middle Eastern and European Jews first met and who their closest descendants are today.
Because the Ashkenazi community started out so small, and remained genetically isolated, it developed a higher load of disease-causing mutations. Even today, Ashkenazi Jews are known to be at higher risk for many diseases, including breast and ovarian cancer and Tay-Sach’s disease. But many potentially disease-causing Ashkenazi mutations remain unknown.
To address this problem, Pe’er and a team of researchers at the Ashkenazi Genome Consortium (TAGC) did high-depth sequencing of the Ashkenazi genomes. Finding that the genomes had almost 50 percent more mutations than did European samples on average, they compiled a comprehensive catalog of genetic mutations found among Ashkenazi Jews.
The catalog is already proving useful for carrier testing, the genetic analyses prospective parents undergo to see what diseases they risk passing onto future children. They are also working to sequence some 500 more Ashkenazi genomes to further strengthen the catalog.
“TAGC advances the goal of bringing personal genomics to the clinic, as it tells the physician whether a mutation in a patient’s genome is shared by healthy individuals, and can alleviate concerns that it is causing disease,” said Lencz. “Without our work, a patient’s genome sequence is much harder to interpret, and more prone to create false alarms. We have eliminated two thirds of these false alarms.”
By revealing genetic information unique to Ashkenazi Jews, the catalog should also allow the pinpointing of genes behind more of the diseases that plague the population. The researchers are already studying specific Ashkenazi diseases to this end, including schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, and cancer, as well as other traits, such as longevity. The researchers expect many of these medical insights to be relevant to the general population as well.
Can you imagine the level of warfare the talmudics would rage on anyone who attempts to free genetic jews from under the brainwashing of their cult? It seems to be only possible through them recognizing and embracing Christ. They would have to abandon the entire jewish identity. It really is a pitiful task.This is actually really important, but a two things are wrong.
First, the last curse is wrong. It's traditionally called the Blood Curse:
The second part that is wrong is that Jews can free themselves of these curses - they simply have to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, receive baptism, and they will be forgiven. This is because Christ says the only unforgivable sins are against God and the Holy Spirit - blasphemy against Christ can be forgiven (all in scripture, easily googable).
That is why it is always amazing at to which lengths Talmudic Jews will go to deny and avoid Christ, often they will go to the death before converting, their hatred is so strong. Completely committed to the Devil.
One can hope, but "it ain't over till it's over", to quote Lorenzo "Yogi" Berra. You can't relax or quit, until they are gone or out of power.Good. Fark da Js’
Can you imagine the level of warfare the talmudics would rage on anyone who attempts to free genetic jews from under the brainwashing of their cult? It seems to be only possible through them recognizing and embracing Christ. They would have to abandon the entire jewish identity. It really is a pitiful task.
The jury is not out yet on the last one, Brother Nathanael says it is based on a certain "event horizon" in a jews life. Once a jew has done enough blaspheming and satanic practices, it seems to be undoable. I don't have an opinion on this, I cannot prove that the human soul is bound to the devil permanently by doing certain acts, but I do think there is a 'cutoff; point where if a human has participated in sacrifice or contributed to it, or even consumed willingly the blood of another in some kind of satanic ritual, and spoken spells and curses and hexes and attempted to summon forth a demonic power from the spiritual aether to back their worldly aspirations, which the Chabad are known for, then I do not think redemption is possible for them. There are still ongoing debates about this. There seems to be a "damned" point of no return, and this is evident by their faces, on people like Yellen, Nudleman, Garfinkel, Mayorkas, Zelensky, Bibi, and others. It would seem that the deicidal curse follows non-practicing jews as well who do not openly blaspheme Christ.
It seems to be an inherent condition of their genetics, which shows how powerful spiritual weights are in addition to mere blood relations. In one theological framework, the curse passed from spirit to flesh when Christ died, in another, it has always been attached to the Edomites since the days of Cain. Neither are empirically "provable" with modern science, but there are tells of truth in both.
I like to remain optimistic, but not into the realm of idealism. I don't think every child born of that tribe should be forced to suffer the psychological and spiritual hell to remain in that cult. They are genetically predisposed to schizophrenia, I believe not just because of dysgenic inbreeding and interbreeding, but because of the weight of talmudism on the psyche of a human child growing up. Man was never meant to live by these "traditions of the elders" that go completely against Mosaism.
Young jewish children however, are less likely to be past the "age of reason" to initiate these activities of their own God-given free-will, like any other child. It is this demographic that should be targeted for gospel preaching, evangelizing, and rescue from the confines of the talmudic protocols, and it is this precise demographic that is hidden behind layers of kvetching yentas and superstitious paranoid ultra-zealous over-stimulated adult jews. The things that jews do to their own children is inhumane, and it is part of why the cult keeps surviving generation after generation. If anyone thought reaching Mormon, Mennonite, Amish, or JW children was difficult, they should try reaching out to jewish youth with the truth of Christ and the Church.
This is the historic problem even in a Christian-majority country. The jews always had their inclusive ghettoes and their children would never be exposed to Christ's truth.
Break the weak link in the jewish children, get them to rebel against their talmudic elders, and the world will see a bit of a relief. Brother Nathanael had a strategy to "sell back" to the jews everything they sell to Whites: race-mixing, homosexuality, transgenderism, drug abuse, and every other vile tactic, but I think it takes more than this. Heavy-handed tactics would have to be used to psychologically wage a spiritual war on judaism through the bombardment of Christian truths and frequent confrontations with these people. This is not the kind of warfare they would be expecting, for Christendom to take an offensive role.
The Achilles heel to generational talmudism begins with interrupting its reproductive cycle, and modifying it, first to become neutered as an aggressive predator to other tribes and races, then to deprogram and exorcise some 2500 years of Babylonian spiritual/genetic demonism. Certainly a more noble undertaking has never been postulated for these people's eternal situation. I'm sure someone clever enough in NLP who is a God-fearing Christian could pray and focus enough to write several volumes on how to dismantle talmudic teachings to the youthful jews and use this as an attack vector.
The talmud is old, but the Law of Moses is even older, and the New Covenant with Christ seamlessly emerges from that, it is only a rocky journey with the presence of the Edomitic judaism. I believe that it can be stopped, and this would force the devil to start over again, essentially pushing back the timeline, depending on one's take of futurist or pre-millennial eschatology. Everything from Cain until the present has been the machinations of one fallen creature, who though made of energy and extremely powerful, cannot overcome God the Creator, and cannot overcome the power of Christ.
They would kill us for merely discussing an operation to free jewish children, not sure if it's worth continuing on here, but it's an option I know would greatly upset them. Getting the jews to view themselves as hostages within their own tribe who have been lied to about everything, since the racial origins are not clear, would throw a huge identity crisis into the interlopers. I see Lovecraftian madness ensuing within many of them once this happens, but the truth of Christ will be there for them to grab onto and become new disciples in the most fervent devotion if successful. Psychological tactics have to be superior than theirs in order to win. Thinking outside certain established morals, a la the criminal mind, in this regard, will cause their law-abiding minds (in the inverse) to yield. The original preachers of the Gospel would not have overcome all the European tribes who lost their way and reverted to paganism if they did not bring the fire and the zeal of selflessness and martyrdom and ceaseless spiritual attacks on the heathen ways.
Everything talmudic, must be essentially attacked equally unrestrained by everything Christian. With the truth of God on our side, and of history, and of Christ, and of morals according to nature and God, then the deconstruction of the talmudic occupation of humanity can begin.
This is just my personal opinion: I believe the Muslims will convert en masse before the jews ever come around. The jews will be the last of all peoples to come in before the second coming of Christ. And even then, only a small percentage of them will convert in truth. At least the Muslims are earnest in their desire to know God, as misguided as they are. The jews follow the only religion I know of that is based solely around blaspheming Christ and the Virgin Mary and denying Jesus' divinity. The Muslims are FAR closer to Christ, however, despite being a twisted Arian cult.Nah, this strategy won't work, forced conversions of Talmuds have been tried before in Byzantium.
First off, we cannot hope to convert the greatest haters of Christ if we cannot even convert or save ourselves. We must convert the rest of pagan society, and reunite the Churches, before we can hope to get to the final boss Chews at the end. Attempting to go after chews when there are legions of brainwashed goys defending them is a suicide mission and, not to mention, only destroys our own people.
Second, even if society became majority Christian, at least 90% or more, forced conversions still do not work. For example, Heraclius tried this and all it did was get the surviving Talmuds to run to different countries, where they plotted and schemed as usual.
The only real method is to neutralize them by converting society around them, and creating a Talmud task force that goes around debunking them 24/7 until they finally give up and convert, or to at least neutralize them. Getting violent or forcibly converting them just turns them into martyrs, who then run away to other countries where they will attempt the exact same subversive tactics against our descendants. So getting violent with them only pushes the problem onto the next generation, even if it helps in the short run. It doesn't work in the long run.
Can you describe exactly how Muslims are an Arian cult?The Muslims are FAR closer to Christ, however, despite being a twisted Arian cult.