The Jewish Question (JQ)

what's the name of the Russian fella?

EDIT: I actually thought he looked familiar and it IS Zhirinovsky. He was half Jewish himself, but he's always been a real nigga for the Russians.
He also was a raging alcoholic to my knowledge and suggested that the best solution to the Middle East conflict was to annex all of Palestine and turn it into an Orthodox Holy Land where Christians rule. A less moderate man than me might concur.
He also claimed that Russia has gravity weapons that can sink all of the Western countries into the Ocean immediately. I'm not sure if it's true, but it's a great thing to say.
The fat woman in the center is also ((()))ish who happens to be a lesbian named "(((Barbara Butch)))". She gleefully posted this:

She suddenly received a massive backlash so she deleted the above post and changed it to this one:

Rebel Archbishop Slams Olympics' "Vile Attacks On God" - Says Macron, Obama Married To Trans Men​

As we noted on Sunday, French bishops were outraged at the Olympics' opening ceremony over its blatant mockery of Christianity - in which transgender men and a child reenacted Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" - along with many other sexualized scenes that included a man with his testicles exposed and hanging out of his outfit. The display has led to worldwide outrage, including several corporate sponsors ditching the Olympics.

At the center of this scene was rotund French DJ 'Barbara Butch,' a Jewish lesbian who at bragged on social media about mocking Christianity, only to delete the post after controversy erupted.

The Olympics apologized for the ceremony, insisting "There was never an intention to show disrespect to a religious group" with the scene created by artistic director Thomas Jolly - also of Jewish descent, who notably excluded a depiction of, say, Mohammad and his young bride at the table.

Needless to say, Christians are pissed...

...including Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - the former papal nuncio to the United States who questioned the legitimacy of Pope Francis and the authority of the Second Vatican Council, and was excommunicated three weeks ago for "his refusal to recognize and submit to the Supreme Pontiff."

In a scathing rebuke of the Olympics, Viganò called the opening ceremony "the latest in a long series of vile attacks on God, the Catholic Religion and natural Morality by the antichristic elite holds that hostage Western countries."

"We a dystopian dance macabre in Holograms of the horsemen of the Apocalypse alternated with a plump blue Dionysius, served under a bell of various courses; the parody of the LGBTQ+ Last Supper..." the letter continues.

Viganò also pointed to "disconcerting scenes at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 of inauguration of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the 2022 Commonwealth Games, featuring infernal figures, goats, and terrifying animals."

The elite who organizes these ceremonies demand not only the right to blasphemy and the obscene display of the foulest vices, but even their mute acceptance by Catholics and decent people, who are forced to suffer the outrage the most sacred symbols of their Faith and the very foundations of the Natural Law desecrated. -Carlo Maria Viganò

According to Viganò, "Satan makes nothing: only he ruins everything. He does not invent: he tampers. And his followers are no different: they humiliate woman’s femininity in order to erase the motherhood that recalls the Virgin Mother; they castrate man’s manhood in order to tear from the image of God’s fatherhood; they corrupt the little ones in order to kill in them and make them victims of the most abject wokeism."

Viganò says it's "no coincidence" that the ceremonies were presided over by French President Emanuel Macron, an 'emissary of the World Economic Forum,' who 'passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.'

Overton window intensifies?

Even the governments of Egypt and Iran were offended...

Possessed by demons. Pray.

Also cursed:

Selection from the article:

The first step toward helping this situation is obviously for jews to admit the problem is real and that they need help.

And contrary to what many paranoid jews may fear, there are many highly skilled gentile geneticists who would be more than willing to help — but denying the problem for fear of ‘antisemitism’ merely compounds the problem.

But it’s not just mental disorders that afflict Jews — they suffer from unusually high rates of many of these other diseases:

Alpha 1-anti-trypsin Deficiency
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Aut. Dom. Optic Atrophy
Aut. Dom. Retinitis pigmentosa
Bardet Biedl syndrome
Berger’s Disease
Bloom Syndrome
Canavan disease
Celiac Disease, or Sprue
Con. Stat. Night Blindness
Congenital blindness
Congenital deafness
Corneal Dystrophy
Crohn’s Disease
Cystic fibrosis
Early rheumatoid arthritis, often occurring in childhood
Elephant man’s disease- Proteus syndrome
Fabry Disease
Factor XI deficiency
Familial Dysautonomia
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Familial hyperinsulinemia
Familial Mediterranean fever
Fanconi Anemia
Gaucher Disease
Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency
Glycogen storage disease type 1a
Glycogen storage disease type III
Hereditary Hearing Loss
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Lactose intolerance [cannot digest milk]
Leber’s congenital amaurosis
Lipoamide Dehydrogenase-Deficiency
Machado Joseph Disease
Malformed limbs
Maple syrup urine disease
Mucolipidosis IV
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Nemaline Myopathy
Niemann-Pick disease
Non-Classical Adrenal Hyperplasia
Non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss
Nosebleeds that do not stop [especially common amongst Southeastern European Jews]
Psychotic disorders- abnormally high incidence of
Rib cage misaligned
Stargardt disease
Tay Sachs
Temperature intolerance
Torsion Dystonia
Type III Glycogen Storage disease
Usher Syndrome Type 1F
Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy
Wilson disease"

More details on this, what could God be telling us with such numbers:

Top 5 Ashkenazi jew Diseases

1. Gaucher Disease (1 in 10)
2. Cystic Fibrosis (1 in 24)
3. Tay-Sachs Disease (1 in 27)
4. Familial Dysautonomia (1 in 31)
5. Spinal Muscular Atrophy (1 in 41)
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what's the name of the Russian fella?

EDIT: I actually thought he looked familiar and it IS Zhirinovsky. He was half Jewish himself, but he's always been a real nigga for the Russians.
He also was a raging alcoholic to my knowledge and suggested that the best solution to the Middle East conflict was to annex all of Palestine and turn it into an Orthodox Holy Land where Christians rule. A less moderate man than me might concur.
He also claimed that Russia has gravity weapons that can sink all of the Western countries into the Ocean immediately. I'm not sure if it's true, but it's a great thing to say.
Yeah its so ridiculous this Russia as the Anti-Zog Champion narrative.

Look at that discussion show..
The bad guy is supposed to be an evil jew, but the host is jewish too.. and the 'based patriot' who is standing up for Russians against the jewish influence is... (((Zhirinovsky))*
*Why the change in name? Why not his father's Patronymic?
Just like (((James O Keefe))) formerly of Project Veritas - his real name, that of his father, is some sort of State Secret.
Whenever 'anti jew' Zhirinovsky was challenged about his real ethnicity he would say: "My Mother was a proud Russian and my Father was .. a businessman"

When Zhirinovsky came to the fore in the post Soviet years he was famous for doing things like leading other Russians in stoning Orthodox Jews, literally leading them in throwing stones at groups of jews, which understandably freaked out a lot of observant and secular non-observant jews across Russia and across the jewish world.

Very interesting because if you look at the controlled opposition kosher-grift that is UK "Right Wing" media its all controlled by jews and they have two modes:
1. Focus on Muslims, blacks, migrants and engage in actually quite racist snark which serves no one. Refuse to ever mention the role that their own kind stand behind all this evil.
2. The fall back position - which is to encourage "ant-counter-semitism" in the most childish and dumb way possible - "they've got big noses!" "they're tight with money!" "don't mention the gas chambers! ho ho ho!" etc.

Well, how different was what Zhirinovsky did? leading people in throwing stones at strangers for their ethnic background.
And surprise surprise .. guess how much funding and fund raising jews got to award ALL their NGOs all over the world on the back of this negative racist behaviour? Western tax payers money? A tonne.
And maybe that was the point .. alll alo- Stop. Wait. Don't anyone dare suggest how totally ZOG-ged Russia's establishment is.

What people may or may not be aware of is that there was a genuine challenge presented to the ZOG world order at the end of the Soviet Empire.
It wasn't Putin, it wasn't Zhirinovsky - it was a politician with-out any jewish blood or history of being entwined with jewish power centres.

That man was General Lebed an ex Red Army patriot. He scared the ZOG world order both in Russia and in the wider world.

Lebed was likely the most popular man in Russia at the start of the 2000s, he was slated as favourite in the 2000 national elations but chose not to run - and he was talking about running for real and building a powerhouse country along National Socialist lines, focusing on being a self sufficient and strong country using its vast mineral and oil resources.
That could not be allowed.

When Lebed's helicopter went down in 2002 "heavy fog" (sound familiar?) most Russian patriots felt that he was taken out and that the jews were responsible.
Wasn't helped by the fact that jews all over Russia came out and openly celebrated.
Western intel concluded it was the jewish mafiya that did it... that (((Russian Mafiya))) being a jewish institution that thrived under Yeltsin.
Shades of the Olof Palme murder in 1986 - Very Similar.
Did Putin ever visit his grave in the way that he does for the cameras when he visits Solzhenitsyns memorial?
Maybe Putin knows not to dwell on the convenient disappearance of someone who could have consigned him (and his jewish Oligarch buddies like Abramovich) into political obscurity.

As we know, Russia in 90s was taken over again by jewish oigarchs who wreaked havoc,
Adjusted for all factors, Russia experienced excess deaths due to poverty, starvation, increasing violence, alcoholism, drug use etc.. excess deaths of a cool > 6 million < under jewish tyranny.
What they needed as a nation was a cool and calm leader who could soberly and dispassionately point out how the jews had been able to work together to wreak their havoc, where their financial power came from and how Russia could separate from those people and forge their own destiny away from their destructive influence.
For a moment it looked as if General Lebed would be the man to lead Russia out of jewish tyranny .. but then the jewish mafya killed him and jews all over Russia openly celebrated.and in Lebed's place, lo and behold, the jews that run Russian media gave struggling Russians another "nationalist" a jew to passively watch, -Zhirinovsky -, instead.. Shades of Eric Zemmour there.

(((Zhirinovsky))... Meme Man.. )A man who was a complete cartoon,, one of the first things he did in his political life being to arrange for the cameras to be there when he and his followers were flinging stones at Orthodox Jews for no good reason at all - perfect vcitimhood material for his fellow jews.
And thats what Zhirinovsky was - a way for him and his fellow jews to contain Russian people's reentment at their stranglehold grip over Russia, a grip that they maintain to this day, while Zhirinovsky acted like a caricature and ensured that the resentment never had a real conduit.

Instead of a cool calm and humane leader in the fight against jewish influence... they got Zhirinovsky - an "ultra-nationalist" jewish politician.
The list of his controversial statements and remarks truly astounding, cartoonish popcorn material, as if he was on some kind of a mission to insult every foreign nation and leader on Earth. But to do nothing about jewish control over Russia.. surprise surprise..
Today Chabad Lubavitch surrounds Kremlin power. Every Russian is angry about it, naturally. Russians I know tell me what Moscow was like in 1993 when Zhrinovsky and his fellow jews were just getting started.. and how it changed in just the space of just 15 years - they can hardly recognize the Moscow they knew (sound familiar?), every market stall, every fast food place run by migrants, every taxi driver a migrant. Very unpleasant experience for ethnic Russians.
But by that stage cartoonish controlled opposition jew Zhirinovsky and his fellow jews had done what they had set out to achieve.

I know people who are anti-ZOG and who work with pariah governments like North Korea and Iran. They used to LOVE Zhirinovsky in the old days but according to conversations they had behind the scenes they went off him.
Many feel that Zhirinovsky took the betrayal too far and, in telling the world the exact date of the SMO in Ukraine MONTHS in Advance, he pushed even the kosher FSB too far - which was why they offed him.
Jews are always throwing each other under the bus.

Lebed died in a mysterious helicooter crash (like so many others in Russia). And after Lebed was gone Chabad-buddy Putin was put forward to the Russian public mind as his 'replacement'.
The Russian Mafiya being jewish meant that Sergei Mogilevich, the US FBI's Most Wanted Man, - naturally - had help in America.. where someone like General Lebed got in trouble for merely saying that "jews manage money well" (Quelle Horreur!)
(((Russian/Ukrainiani)) Boss of bosses' Mogilevich was on the FBI's Most Wanted List for 6 years, from 2009-2015.
Before that he was hand in glove with assassinated Mossadnik and scion of the British establishment Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine Maxwell of Epstein island fame anyone?)
During that time that he was Amrica's Most Wanted a certain William S. Sessions, (father of a current US politician) and Director of the FBI from 1987 to 1993 during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, **was Mogilevich's attorney in the United States until Sessions' death on June 12, 2020.**
The FBI currently has a $5,000,000 bounty on Mogilevich - who lives in Israel and he says he feels 'most comfortable' there of all places in the world.
Any Russian dissident that talks about Putins former close relationship to one of the most powerful and evil jewish people on Earth, Mogilevich, soon gets their collar felt, if they aren't wholesale done away with.
Don't talk about how close Putin was to the jewish Mafiya in St Petersburg on his way up before he took the presidency...

So there we go.
A genuine Russian offers hope to Russia.
He is killed and replaced in the Russian psyche by the likes of Putin and (((Zhirinovsky)) the traitor.
Typical kosher shape-shifting take over of a hostile movement
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Yeah its so ridiculous this Russia as the Anti-Zog Champion narrative.

Look at that discussion show..
The bad guy is supposed to be an evil jew, but the host is jewish too.. and the 'based patriot' who is standing up for Russians against the jewish influence is... (((Zhirinovsky))*
*Why the change in name? Why not his father's Patronymic?
Just like (((James O Keefe))) formerly of Project Veritas - his real name, that of his father, is some sort of State Secret.
Whenever 'anti jew' Zhirinovsky was challenged about his real ethnicity he would say: "My Mother was a proud Russian and my Father was .. a businessman"

When Zhirinovsky came to the fore in the post Soviet years he was famous for doing things like leading other Russians in stoning Orthodox Jews, literally leading them in throwing stones at groups of jews, which understandably freaked out a lot of observant and secular non-observant jews across Russia and across the jewish world.

Very interesting because if you look at the controlled opposition kosher-grift that is UK "Right Wing" media its all controlled by jews and they have two modes:
1. Focus on Muslims, blacks, migrants and engage in actually quite racist snark which serves no one. Refuse to ever mention the role that their own kind stand behind all this evil.
2. The fall back position - which is to encourage "ant-counter-semitism" in the most childish and dumb way possible - "they've got big noses!" "they're tight with money!" "don't mention the gas chambers! ho ho ho!" etc.

Well, how different was what Zhirinovsky did? leading people in throwing stones at strangers for their ethnic background.
And surprise surprise .. guess how much funding and fund raising jews got to award ALL their NGOs all over the world on the back of this negative racist behaviour? Western tax payers money? A tonne.
And maybe that was the point .. alll alo- Stop. Wait. Don't anyone dare suggest how totally ZOG-ged Russia's establishment is.

What people may or may not be aware of is that there was a genuine challenge presented to the ZOG world order at the end of the Soviet Empire.
It wasn't Putin, it wasn't Zhirinovsky - it was a politician with-out any jewish blood or history of being entwined with jewish power centres.

That man was General Lebed an ex Red Army patriot. He scared the ZOG world order both in Russia and in the wider world.

Lebed was likely the most popular man in Russia at the start of the 2000s, he was slated as favourite in the 2000 national elations but chose not to run - and he was talking about running for real and building a powerhouse country along National Socialist lines, focusing on being a self sufficient and strong country using its vast mineral and oil resources.
That could not be allowed.

When Lebed's helicopter went down in 2002 "heavy fog" (sound familiar?) most Russian patriots felt that he was taken out and that the jews were responsible.
Wasn't helped by the fact that jews all over Russia came out and openly celebrated.
Western intel concluded it was the jewish mafiya that did it... that (((Russian Mafiya))) being a jewish institution that thrived under Yeltsin.
Shades of the Olof Palme murder in 1986 - Very Similar.
Did Putin ever visit his grave in the way that he does for the cameras when he visits Solzhenitsyns memorial?
Maybe Putin knows not to dwell on the convenient disappearance of someone who could have consigned him (and his jewish Oligarch buddies like Abramovich) into political obscurity.

As we know, Russia in 90s was taken over again by jewish oigarchs who wreaked havoc,
Adjusted for all factors, Russia experienced excess deaths due to poverty, starvation, increasing violence, alcoholism, drug use etc.. excess deaths of a cool > 6 million < under jewish tyranny.
What they needed as a nation was a cool and calm leader who could soberly and dispassionately point out how the jews had been able to work together to wreak their havoc, where their financial power came from and how Russia could separate from those people and forge their own destiny away from their destructive influence.
For a moment it looked as if General Lebed would be the man to lead Russia out of jewish tyranny .. but then the jewish mafya killed him and jews all over Russia openly celebrated.and in Lebed's place, lo and behold, the jews that run Russian media gave struggling Russians another "nationalist" a jew to passively watch, -Zhirinovsky -, instead.. Shades of Eric Zemmour there.

(((Zhirinovsky))... Meme Man.. )A man who was a complete cartoon,, one of the first things he did in his political life being to arrange for the cameras to be there when he and his followers were flinging stones at Orthodox Jews for no good reason at all - perfect vcitimhood material for his fellow jews.
And thats what Zhirinovsky was - a way for him and his fellow jews to contain Russian people's reentment at their stranglehold grip over Russia, a grip that they maintain to this day, while Zhirinovsky acted like a caricature and ensured that the resentment never had a real conduit.

Instead of a cool calm and humane leader in the fight against jewish influence... they got Zhirinovsky - an "ultra-nationalist" jewish politician.
The list of his controversial statements and remarks truly astounding, cartoonish popcorn material, as if he was on some kind of a mission to insult every foreign nation and leader on Earth. But to do nothing about jewish control over Russia.. surprise surprise..
Today Chabad Lubavitch surrounds Kremlin power. Every Russian is angry about it, naturally. Russians I know tell me what Moscow was like in 1993 when Zhrinovsky and his fellow jews were just getting started.. and how it changed in just the space of just 15 years - they can hardly recognize the Moscow they knew (sound familiar?), every market stall, every fast food place run by migrants, every taxi driver a migrant. Very unpleasant experience for ethnic Russians.
But by that stage cartoonish controlled opposition jew Zhirinovsky and his fellow jews had done what they had set out to achieve.

I know people who are anti-ZOG and who work with pariah governments like North Korea and Iran. They used to LOVE Zhirinovsky in the old days but according to conversations they had behind the scenes they went off him.
Many feel that Zhirinovsky took the betrayal too far and, in telling the world the exact date of the SMO in Ukraine MONTHS in Advance, he pushed even the kosher FSB too far - which was why they offed him.
Jews are always throwing each other under the bus.

Lebed died in a mysterious helicooter crash (like so many others in Russia). And after Lebed was gone Chabad-buddy Putin was put forward to the Russian public mind as his 'replacement'.
The Russian Mafiya being jewish meant that Sergei Mogilevich, the US FBI's Most Wanted Man, - naturally - had help in America.. where someone like General Lebed got in trouble for merely saying that "jews manage money well" (Quelle Horreur!)
(((Russian/Ukrainiani)) Boss of bosses' Mogilevich was on the FBI's Most Wanted List for 6 years, from 2009-2015.
Before that he was hand in glove with assassinated Mossadnik and scion of the British establishment Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine Maxwell of Epstein island fame anyone?)
During that time that he was Amrica's Most Wanted a certain William S. Sessions, (father of a current US politician) and Director of the FBI from 1987 to 1993 during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, **was Mogilevich's attorney in the United States until Sessions' death on June 12, 2020.**
The FBI currently has a $5,000,000 bounty on Mogilevich - who lives in Israel and he says he feels 'most comfortable' there of all places in the world.
Any Russian dissident that talks about Putins former close relationship to one of the most powerful and evil jewish people on Earth, Mogilevich, soon gets their collar felt, if they aren't wholesale done away with.
Don't talk about how close Putin was to the jewish Mafiya in St Petersburg on his way up before he took the presidency...

So there we go.
A genuine Russian offers hope to Russia.
He is killed and replaced in the Russian psyche by the likes of Putin and (((Zhirinovsky)) the traitor.
Typical kosher shape-shifting take over of a hostile movement
I'd love to hear your take on what Tesak was investigating before they offed him in a detention center in 2020 before a big trial he had. Most Russian Nationalists just say that he was hunting pedophiles connected with people close to Putin, perhaps even some who were friends or associates of Putin and other Oligarchs. These guys hated the Ukraine jews just as much, but they seemed to take it one step further inside Russia. When someone is killed before the trial it is always because the information in that case is damaging to something bigger than the man on trial.

Haha all three protagonist in this video are Russian Jewish.

Alexander Khinhstein, Russian Jewish.
Vladimir Solovyev, Russian Jewish.
Vladimir Zhirinovksy (or Edelshtein), Russian Jewish.

Zhirinovsky, Solovyev, Khinsthein all good friend with Putin.. All of them true Russia patriot.

I say this so many times in the Russia thread, Russia is multi ethnic multi cultural multi confessional democratic federation. Jews are big part of Russia and social life.

Together we are strong, divided we fall. Anti semitims has no place in Russia and is illegal.
Haha all three protagonist in this video are Russian Jewish.

Alexander Khinhstein, Russian Jewish.
Vladimir Solovyev, Russian Jewish.
Vladimir Zhirinovksy (or Edelshtein), Russian Jewish.

Zhirinovsky, Solovyev, Khinsthein all good friend with Putin.. All of them true Russia patriot.

I say this so many times in the Russia thread, Russia is multi ethnic multi cultural multi confessional democratic federation. Jews are big part of Russia and social life.

Together we are strong, divided we fall. Anti semitims has no place in Russia and is illegal.
The predominant religion in Russia is Christianity. There are other smaller cultures and religions who influence but are not core. The fundamental base of Russian culture and civilization seems to be christianity. This means erasing or it becoming irrelevant will equate to destroying russian roots. Plz correct me if I´m wrong. Since you are from there. And might have a different insight. There is no multiculture. There is one dominant religion christianity which is influenced by others.
I thought I had a pretty good understanding of Jews and the JQ. But they have no bounds. There is no evil they shy away from, and what's more they brazenly celebrate their evil in your face.

An IDF soldier recently filmed himself doing literal terrorism war crimes: demolishing the civil water supply to kill people in Gaza. Filmed it and posted it to his public social media account under his own name.

And here are Jews rioting for the right of IDF soldiers to forcibly sodomize Palestinians.

And here's the story of a Chosenite being freed after intentionally running over an American cop. If you are I tried this, we would be shot! But this elite gets NO PENALTY AT ALL for trying to MURDER A COP.

A recent incident in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, involving Avraham Gil, the 19-year-old son of an Israeli diplomat, has sparked controversy and debate. The young man was arrested in January after intentionally running his motorcycle over a police officer, leaving the officer injured.

However, in a surprising turn of events, a judge has agreed to drop the charges against Gil.

A US court ruled that he would not face jail time because he was set to serve in the Israeli Occupation Forces.

Releasing because he is obligated to go and illegally occupy a foreign territory!

This is the best example of Chutzpah I have seen in a LONG time.

Oh, and what happened to the twitter site right after they reported this? (No news agency in America covered it, that I could find):
