The J. D. Vance Thread

I'm not sure how having your grandparent's last name is a sign of abandoning your roots - especially when it was the name of the grandparents that raised him and it was his grandfather James Vance that served as his father figure. His grandfather is also of Scotch Irish stock like his father so it's not like he was choosing one culture over another by having his grandfather's name as opposed to his father's. Under what logic would honoring your grandfather be abandoning your roots? I thought it's considered to be more traditional and to be more grounded in your roots by going further back in your family tree hence why when these right-wing traditionalists want to make a show of their roots, they'll talk about they had a Viking ancestor a 1000 years ago as opposed to their dad that works in the accounting office.

I still don't get what the people hating on JD for his choice of wife think he is supposed to do? Is he supposed to somehow transmit a message back in time to red pill his 22 year old self and make him aware of race realism so he wouldn't make the mistake of tainting his white blood with curry? Given that time travel isn't yet possible, is he supposed to divorce his wife and abandon his mixed-race children in order to prove his racial solidarity with white people?

I suppose that when were all 22 years old we all had the forbearance to be aware of the importance of preserving the white race and also the control of our faculties to make sure that we would mate with someone who was totally on board with the white repopulation program.
Ok I’ll bow out of Bowman’s thread here for a bit to avoid endless argument. In summary I don’t want multiculturalism and my perspective is that JD has reason to perpetuate it.

His kids are baptized... that's the opposite of multiculturalism. You're being irrationally racist, and I don't use that term more than a few times a year. But you are completely obsessed with her race when it really doesn't matter much here.

Today while walking my 3 year old daughter a group of “Slava Ukraini” protesters followed us around and shouted as my daughter grew increasingly anxious and scared.
I decided to speak with the protesters in the hopes that I could trade a few minutes of conversation for them leaving my toddler alone. (Nearly all of them agreed.)
It was a mostly respectful conversation, but if you’re chasing a 3-year-old as part of a political protest, you’re a shit person.

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JD Vance's kids have blue eyes.

Are they?


Have you taken a tritanopia test? Their lamps are quite brown.

They are strong carriers of the White recessive genome

This statement misunderstands how recessive genes work. Having a single recessive allele (like for blue eyes) does not mean those traits will manifest in the next generation unless both parents also pass down the same recessive allele. If a child has brown eyes (which are dominant) that means they did not inherit two copies of a recessive allele for blue eyes so the trait is already lost in them.

and their kids will be White as long as they breed with anyone else who have those same genes.

This assumes that future generations can "filter out" the non-White genetics simply through intermarriage. However DNA does not work like a sieve where you can selectively remove ancestry. Admixed genes remain part of the individual's lineage even if certain traits appear more European in later generations.

Most people have no idea how race mixing works.

Yes, most people have zero clue how it works, especially the reality of complex trait inheritance.

When two genetically distinct groups mix the offspring inherit a random combination of genes from both parents. Over multiple generations some traits may persist while others fade but the genetic legacy of admixture remains forever embedded in the DNA. Even if someone "looks White" after several generations of selective breeding, their genome will still carry markers of non-White ancestry.

Bowman’s kids clearly have dominant Indian traits, meaning their genetic expression is heavily influenced by their mother’s ancestry. Even if their descendants visibly appear lighter-skinned in future generations, their genetic history will never be erased. This is basic Mendelian genetics.

It's nothing to worry about, as long as it is done through marriage.

Quite the ideological stance coming from someone who likes to call others ideologues. The scientifically observable and testable truths are that if someone values ethnic continuity, then avoiding racial admixture is necessary as it is absolutely a permanent alteration, and once mixed, a lineage cannot return to its pre-admixture state.

Christians who defend race-mixing are hypocrites. If you believe race-mixing to be harmless, then you are rejecting the historic Christian laws of your own faith and embracing modern secularism.

The historical Churches forbade this and only in the last century did the hard scales of pioneering and crusading Europeans become a soft underbelly to be exposed to genetic suicide by jewish pressure.

Both the Church councils and the various laws of Kingdoms and nations actively discriminated on an ethnic basis. The real historical truth is that Christianity was one of the strongest forces in upholding racial purity laws.

In Greco-Roman times, early Christianity, and medieval Europe religious identity was nearly synonymous with one's ethnicity, leading to laws that enforced separation between different religious and ethnic communities. Except in rare instances where melting pots like Judea had multiple races being called by one geographical name in error, everywhere else was very monolithic.

Synod of Elvira (circa 306 AD): The canons from this synod influenced later Eastern Christian practices. Canon 16 explicitly prohibited marriage between Christians and jews, aiming to preserve religious and ethnic purity and prevent the blending of distinct communities.

Theodosian Code (5th Century): Emperor Theodosius I issued laws that prohibited intermarriage between Christians and jews. Specifically in 388 AD, a decree banned such unions reflecting the empire's effort to maintain religious and ethnic boundaries.

Everywhere non-Christians (meaning non-Whites) went, laws sprung up to keep them separated.

Fourth Council of the Lateran (1215) Convoked by Pope Innocent III, this council addressed the treatment of jews and Muslims, mandating that jews and Muslims wear distinctive clothing to prevent social interactions and proximity with Christians "through error." This decree aimed to maintain clear physical separations between these communities and the Christian majority. You think the Church would approve of mixed marriages, especially interfaith.

Following this, in the Kingdom of Hungary (a frontier between the White Europeans and invaders even then), King Andrew II issued the Oath of Bereg in 1233 influenced by papal legate James of Pecorara. This decree restricted the influence of non-Christians, particularly jews and Muslims (then referred to as Saracens or Ishmaelites) within the kingdom. The provisions were prohibition of public office, distinctive badges, ban on Christian slavery (modern day human trafficking), but more noticeably these two:

-Separation of Settlements: Bishops overseeing dioceses with significant jewish/Muslim populations enforced the segregation of these communities from Christian settlements.
-Interfaith Relations: The oath explicitly forbade marriages, cohabitation, and even business relationships between Christians and non-Christians. Violators, regardless of their faith or ethnicity, faced severe penalties including property confiscation and lifelong indentured servitude.

The Council of Basel (1434): 15th-century ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church explicitly prohibited Christians from marrying or even cohabiting with non-Christians, particularly Muslims and jews. This was a direct racial and religious barrier.

Spanish "Limpieza de Sangre" (Purity of Blood Laws, 15th-18th century): These laws, backed by the Catholic Church, dictated that only those of purely European Christian descent could hold positions of power. Even a trace of non-European blood (especially jewish or Moorish) barred a person from privileges.

Even in Tsarist Russia, the Aryan Russians who were all Orthodox persisted in separation against the growing animism-practicing Asiatics and violent jews until the end.

His kids are baptized... that's the opposite of multiculturalism. You're being irrationally racist, and I don't use that term more than a few times a year. But you are completely obsessed with her race when it really doesn't matter much here.

If anything, Bowman's marriage is more sinister because she did not convert and those children will be tempted to go pray to Shiva when they are older. A Christian marriage is only considered sacramentally valid in the eyes of God and the Church if both parties are baptized. Since Bowman's wife is a Hindu and did not convert their marriage would not meet this standard in Catholic or Orthodox teachings.

Historically the Church would accuse Bowman to be in apostasy for marrying a Hindu and participating in Hindu wedding rites, which are seen as engaging in idolatry.


I've seen so many mixed marriages between Christians and Buddhists/Hindus/jews/etc go sour because the partner did not convert and the kids were spiritually lost, in addition to having the burden of being mixed. Nothing anyone can do about him, his wife, or his kids, the damage is done. Throughout history Christian rulers criminalized this under divine law for good reason.
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Are they?

View attachment 19015

Have you taken a tritanopia test? Their lamps are quite brown.

This statement misunderstands how recessive genes work. Having a single recessive allele (like for blue eyes) does not mean those traits will manifest in the next generation unless both parents also pass down the same recessive allele. If a child has brown eyes (which are dominant) that means they did not inherit two copies of a recessive allele for blue eyes so the trait is already lost in them.

This assumes that future generations can "filter out" the non-White genetics simply through intermarriage. However DNA does not work like a sieve where you can selectively remove ancestry. Admixed genes remain part of the individual's lineage even if certain traits appear more European in later generations.

Yes, most people have zero clue how it works, especially the reality of complex trait inheritance.

When two genetically distinct groups mix the offspring inherit a random combination of genes from both parents. Over multiple generations some traits may persist while others fade but the genetic legacy of admixture remains forever embedded in the DNA. Even if someone "looks White" after several generations of selective breeding, their genome will still carry markers of non-White ancestry.

Bowman’s kids clearly have dominant Indian traits, meaning their genetic expression is heavily influenced by their mother’s ancestry. Even if their descendants visibly appear lighter-skinned in future generations, their genetic history will never be erased. This is basic Mendelian genetics.

Quite the ideological stance coming from someone who likes to call others ideologues. The scientifically observable and testable truths are that if someone values ethnic continuity, then avoiding racial admixture is necessary as it is absolutely a permanent alteration, and once mixed, a lineage cannot return to its pre-admixture state.

Christians who defend race-mixing are hypocrites. If you believe race-mixing to be harmless, then you are rejecting the historic Christian laws of your own faith and embracing modern secularism.

The historical Churches forbade this and only in the last century did the hard scales of pioneering and crusading Europeans become a soft underbelly to be exposed to genetic suicide by jewish pressure.

Both the Church councils and the various laws of Kingdoms and nations actively discriminated on an ethnic basis. The real historical truth is that Christianity was one of the strongest forces in upholding racial purity laws.

In Greco-Roman times, early Christianity, and medieval Europe religious identity was nearly synonymous with one's ethnicity, leading to laws that enforced separation between different religious and ethnic communities. Except in rare instances where melting pots like Judea had multiple races being called by one geographical name in error, everywhere else was very monolithic.

Synod of Elvira (circa 306 AD): The canons from this synod influenced later Eastern Christian practices. Canon 16 explicitly prohibited marriage between Christians and jews, aiming to preserve religious and ethnic purity and prevent the blending of distinct communities.

Theodosian Code (5th Century): Emperor Theodosius I issued laws that prohibited intermarriage between Christians and jews. Specifically in 388 AD, a decree banned such unions reflecting the empire's effort to maintain religious and ethnic boundaries.

Everywhere non-Christians (meaning non-Whites) went, laws sprung up to keep them separated.

Fourth Council of the Lateran (1215) Convoked by Pope Innocent III, this council addressed the treatment of jews and Muslims, mandating that jews and Muslims wear distinctive clothing to prevent social interactions and proximity with Christians "through error." This decree aimed to maintain clear physical separations between these communities and the Christian majority. You think the Church would approve of mixed marriages, especially interfaith.

Following this, in the Kingdom of Hungary (a frontier between the White Europeans and invaders even then), King Andrew II issued the Oath of Bereg in 1233 influenced by papal legate James of Pecorara. This decree restricted the influence of non-Christians, particularly jews and Muslims (then referred to as Saracens or Ishmaelites) within the kingdom. The provisions were prohibition of public office, distinctive badges, ban on Christian slavery (modern day human trafficking), but more noticeably these two:

-Separation of Settlements: Bishops overseeing dioceses with significant jewish/Muslim populations enforced the segregation of these communities from Christian settlements.
-Interfaith Relations: The oath explicitly forbade marriages, cohabitation, and even business relationships between Christians and non-Christians. Violators, regardless of their faith or ethnicity, faced severe penalties including property confiscation and lifelong indentured servitude.

The Council of Basel (1434): 15th-century ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church explicitly prohibited Christians from marrying or even cohabiting with non-Christians, particularly Muslims and jews. This was a direct racial and religious barrier.

Spanish "Limpieza de Sangre" (Purity of Blood Laws, 15th-18th century): These laws, backed by the Catholic Church, dictated that only those of purely European Christian descent could hold positions of power. Even a trace of non-European blood (especially jewish or Moorish) barred a person from privileges.

Even in Tsarist Russia, the Aryan Russians who were all Orthodox persisted in separation against the growing animism-practicing Asiatics and violent jews until the end.

If anything, Bowman's marriage is more sinister because she did not convert and those children will be tempted to go pray to Shiva when they are older. A Christian marriage is only considered sacramentally valid in the eyes of God and the Church if both parties are baptized. Since Bowman's wife is a Hindu and did not convert their marriage would not meet this standard in Catholic or Orthodox teachings.

Historically the Church would accuse Bowman to be in apostasy for marrying a Hindu and participating in Hindu wedding rites, which are seen as engaging in idolatry.

View attachment 19016

I've seen so many mixed marriages between Christians and Buddhists/Hindus/jews/etc go sour because the partner did not convert and the kids were spiritually lost, in addition to having the burden of being mixed. Nothing anyone can do about him, his wife, or his kids, the damage is done. Throughout history Christian rulers criminalized this under divine law for good reason.
If over time she become a Christian what happens then?

If his children are baptized... Seems like she's just holding on to culture and will let this go over time.

Me personally, I married a seeker and we converted together.... So it tends to be the case that men with direction convince their women over time.


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IIf over time she become a Christian what happens then?

If his children are baptized... Seems like she's just holding on to culture and will let this go over time.
Maybe, but I don't think that's the issue others here are pointing out. The whole thing is just strange (like many things with Trump and his orbiters). There's just a lack of congruency with the whole operation. Trump marrying his kids off to jews and them converting to judiasm (instead of the other way around), Vance with his rebellious Hindu wife who at this moment refuses to allow her husband to lead her to a Christian converstion, coupled with their constant shilling for Israel. I mean, they won the election, so why not go scortched earth? I think its because they either don't understand the JQ or because they work for the JQ. Why does it take a young white woman like below to say anything remotely interesting regarding JQ-produced multiculturalism? These guys have the microphone of the world stage and the more they talk the less they say. Could somebody, just one person in a position of American political power gird their loins and say the word "jew" in a negative light? Jews are less than 1% of the world's population yet everyone trembles in fear of saying the "j"-word (thus proving our point that it is jews running the world).

I'm not very familiar with this jew clown but it's great to see him getting smoked by a Christian white chick. This anti-white "everyone should celebrate their culture except Christian whites" hypocrisy is reaching a breaking point. Vance better sh*t or get off the pot or he's gonna get smoked by white America in 2028. I for one am quickly losing patience with his pro-Israel schtick.
I think its because they either don't understand the JQ or because they work for the JQ.
I don't think it's possible for any high level politician to be oblivious to Jewish power. The price of admission into politics is working with them.

There is a third option. Being aware, and playing ball with them where you have to, so you don't get Nixon'd out of office, and can still enact some positive change. That's the vibe that I get from JD Vance.

Some people here have unrealistic expectations. The only way we get a president who does everything we want, is if Jewish power erodes significantly. That hasn't happened just yet.
If over time she become a Christian what happens then?

If his children are baptized... Seems like she's just holding on to culture and will let this go over time.

Me personally, I married a seeker and we converted together.... So it tends to be the case that men with direction convince their women over time.


Wow. Who is she? And, I feel like I have to ask what happened to her after this.
She's linked in the first comment

We'll see what happens to her. But why is it all these "based" women have stupid piercings.
I actually missed the piercing. On my phone it looks like it's just a little stud on the side of her nose. Honestly, nowadays if she doesn't have neck tattoos and a full septum piercing and she's got a hair color that occurs naturally, I'd say go for it.
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Are they?

View attachment 19015

Have you taken a tritanopia test? Their lamps are quite brown.

This statement misunderstands how recessive genes work. Having a single recessive allele (like for blue eyes) does not mean those traits will manifest in the next generation unless both parents also pass down the same recessive allele. If a child has brown eyes (which are dominant) that means they did not inherit two copies of a recessive allele for blue eyes so the trait is already lost in them.

This assumes that future generations can "filter out" the non-White genetics simply through intermarriage. However DNA does not work like a sieve where you can selectively remove ancestry. Admixed genes remain part of the individual's lineage even if certain traits appear more European in later generations.

Yes, most people have zero clue how it works, especially the reality of complex trait inheritance.

When two genetically distinct groups mix the offspring inherit a random combination of genes from both parents. Over multiple generations some traits may persist while others fade but the genetic legacy of admixture remains forever embedded in the DNA. Even if someone "looks White" after several generations of selective breeding, their genome will still carry markers of non-White ancestry.

Bowman’s kids clearly have dominant Indian traits, meaning their genetic expression is heavily influenced by their mother’s ancestry. Even if their descendants visibly appear lighter-skinned in future generations, their genetic history will never be erased. This is basic Mendelian genetics.

Quite the ideological stance coming from someone who likes to call others ideologues. The scientifically observable and testable truths are that if someone values ethnic continuity, then avoiding racial admixture is necessary as it is absolutely a permanent alteration, and once mixed, a lineage cannot return to its pre-admixture state.

Christians who defend race-mixing are hypocrites. If you believe race-mixing to be harmless, then you are rejecting the historic Christian laws of your own faith and embracing modern secularism.

The historical Churches forbade this and only in the last century did the hard scales of pioneering and crusading Europeans become a soft underbelly to be exposed to genetic suicide by jewish pressure.

Both the Church councils and the various laws of Kingdoms and nations actively discriminated on an ethnic basis. The real historical truth is that Christianity was one of the strongest forces in upholding racial purity laws.

In Greco-Roman times, early Christianity, and medieval Europe religious identity was nearly synonymous with one's ethnicity, leading to laws that enforced separation between different religious and ethnic communities. Except in rare instances where melting pots like Judea had multiple races being called by one geographical name in error, everywhere else was very monolithic.

Synod of Elvira (circa 306 AD): The canons from this synod influenced later Eastern Christian practices. Canon 16 explicitly prohibited marriage between Christians and jews, aiming to preserve religious and ethnic purity and prevent the blending of distinct communities.

Theodosian Code (5th Century): Emperor Theodosius I issued laws that prohibited intermarriage between Christians and jews. Specifically in 388 AD, a decree banned such unions reflecting the empire's effort to maintain religious and ethnic boundaries.

Everywhere non-Christians (meaning non-Whites) went, laws sprung up to keep them separated.

Fourth Council of the Lateran (1215) Convoked by Pope Innocent III, this council addressed the treatment of jews and Muslims, mandating that jews and Muslims wear distinctive clothing to prevent social interactions and proximity with Christians "through error." This decree aimed to maintain clear physical separations between these communities and the Christian majority. You think the Church would approve of mixed marriages, especially interfaith.

Following this, in the Kingdom of Hungary (a frontier between the White Europeans and invaders even then), King Andrew II issued the Oath of Bereg in 1233 influenced by papal legate James of Pecorara. This decree restricted the influence of non-Christians, particularly jews and Muslims (then referred to as Saracens or Ishmaelites) within the kingdom. The provisions were prohibition of public office, distinctive badges, ban on Christian slavery (modern day human trafficking), but more noticeably these two:

-Separation of Settlements: Bishops overseeing dioceses with significant jewish/Muslim populations enforced the segregation of these communities from Christian settlements.
-Interfaith Relations: The oath explicitly forbade marriages, cohabitation, and even business relationships between Christians and non-Christians. Violators, regardless of their faith or ethnicity, faced severe penalties including property confiscation and lifelong indentured servitude.

The Council of Basel (1434): 15th-century ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church explicitly prohibited Christians from marrying or even cohabiting with non-Christians, particularly Muslims and jews. This was a direct racial and religious barrier.

Spanish "Limpieza de Sangre" (Purity of Blood Laws, 15th-18th century): These laws, backed by the Catholic Church, dictated that only those of purely European Christian descent could hold positions of power. Even a trace of non-European blood (especially jewish or Moorish) barred a person from privileges.

Even in Tsarist Russia, the Aryan Russians who were all Orthodox persisted in separation against the growing animism-practicing Asiatics and violent jews until the end.

If anything, Bowman's marriage is more sinister because she did not convert and those children will be tempted to go pray to Shiva when they are older. A Christian marriage is only considered sacramentally valid in the eyes of God and the Church if both parties are baptized. Since Bowman's wife is a Hindu and did not convert their marriage would not meet this standard in Catholic or Orthodox teachings.

Historically the Church would accuse Bowman to be in apostasy for marrying a Hindu and participating in Hindu wedding rites, which are seen as engaging in idolatry.

View attachment 19016

I've seen so many mixed marriages between Christians and Buddhists/Hindus/jews/etc go sour because the partner did not convert and the kids were spiritually lost, in addition to having the burden of being mixed. Nothing anyone can do about him, his wife, or his kids, the damage is done. Throughout history Christian rulers criminalized this under divine law for good reason.
Christianity was never about race. It´s always about faith. Jews are white. What gives? And follow a lunatic religion. Christianity is open to any race or color. We are universal. Anyone who wants to join can join. Idiots who start talking about race are only alienating good souls who will search elsewhere.

Pureza de sangre was against jews. It meant to preserve catholics from jew infiltration. Because jew infiltration is the biggest danger and what catholics should fight. It´s highlanders fight. In the end they´re can be only one. May it be christians. An eternal conflict. Which we are now losing. Due to english. They will learn what jews are as a group.
A jew converting to christianism is something more delicate. Cause jews are duplicitious. And most be treaded carefully.

Children should be off limits in discussions. Putting squares in their eyes or whatever is pretty retarded. This is what blue dyed liberals do. Children are to be protected. Always.

Vance kids go to church every sunday with his wife and him. Having three young kids in church must be pretty wild. When my kids were younger it was a nightmare. And I only have two. Vance wife goes to church every sunday. That´s better than most bimbos I know. She already converted. Maybe not formally. But she is more christian than a lot of girls I know.

One of the most beautiful girls I ever saw was a mixed german turkish girl in a subway in Berlin. She had wallnut eyes and hair color. The german chick that was with me even got jealous. And she was a blue eyed blonde bimbo. With amazing. Anyway.

A lot of anglos are marrying latinas. But they don´t understand their culture of protestants (jews) only create whores. Which any hetero man find repulsive. And criticize catholics for their religion. But then marry their woman. It´s the usual anglo jew hypocrisy cognitive dissonance stupidity of greed. You want a catholic but you don´t want her to be catholic. Incredible.

Off to see the Hillbilly elegey in netflix. 2 hours movie. Let´s go. Hope it´s worth it. Jesuit high level families read the book before the election. And were pleased.

All this Trump team. Even Musk. Look pretty naive. They look like good people. They will let their guard down. Musk seems to be the brightest and most fucked up and therefore aware of dangers. Hopefully he can steer the ship when time comes.
Christians who defend race-mixing are hypocrites. If you believe race-mixing to be harmless, then you are rejecting the historic Christian laws of your own faith and embracing modern secularism.


Synod of Elvira (circa 306 AD): The canons from this synod influenced later Eastern Christian practices. Canon 16 explicitly prohibited marriage between Christians and jews, aiming to preserve religious and ethnic purity and prevent the blending of distinct communities.

Theodosian Code (5th Century): Emperor Theodosius I issued laws that prohibited intermarriage between Christians and jews. Specifically in 388 AD, a decree banned such unions reflecting the empire's effort to maintain religious and ethnic boundaries.

Everywhere non-Christians (meaning non-Whites) went, laws sprung up to keep them separated.

Fourth Council of the Lateran (1215) Convoked by Pope Innocent III, this council addressed the treatment of jews and Muslims, mandating that jews and Muslims wear distinctive clothing to prevent social interactions and proximity with Christians "through error." This decree aimed to maintain clear physical separations between these communities and the Christian majority. You think the Church would approve of mixed marriages, especially interfaith.

Following this, in the Kingdom of Hungary (a frontier between the White Europeans and invaders even then), King Andrew II issued the Oath of Bereg in 1233 influenced by papal legate James of Pecorara. This decree restricted the influence of non-Christians, particularly jews and Muslims (then referred to as Saracens or Ishmaelites) within the kingdom. The provisions were prohibition of public office, distinctive badges, ban on Christian slavery (modern day human trafficking), but more noticeably these two:

-Separation of Settlements: Bishops overseeing dioceses with significant jewish/Muslim populations enforced the segregation of these communities from Christian settlements.
-Interfaith Relations: The oath explicitly forbade marriages, cohabitation, and even business relationships between Christians and non-Christians. Violators, regardless of their faith or ethnicity, faced severe penalties including property confiscation and lifelong indentured servitude.

The Council of Basel (1434): 15th-century ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church explicitly prohibited Christians from marrying or even cohabiting with non-Christians, particularly Muslims and jews. This was a direct racial and religious barrier.

Spanish "Limpieza de Sangre" (Purity of Blood Laws, 15th-18th century): These laws, backed by the Catholic Church, dictated that only those of purely European Christian descent could hold positions of power. Even a trace of non-European blood (especially jewish or Moorish) barred a person from privileges.

Even in Tsarist Russia, the Aryan Russians who were all Orthodox persisted in separation against the growing animism-practicing Asiatics and violent jews until the end.

You claim that it was historic Christian laws to not marry outside of your race and then to back it up you cited a bunch of laws where it has prohibited for Christians to marry non-Christians and doesn't mention race at all. You don't see how your examples don't back up your claim at all?
Have you taken a tritanopia test? Their lamps are quite brown.



Sons eyes are brown, but the daughter is some kind of green/grey/blue. Hard to tell from most photos as clear shots aren't provided. There used to be much clearer shots online but they seem to have been scrubbed.

Regardless the children all have the recessive White genome, if they, or even several generations down the line, mate with anyone with White recessive genes will create future Whites.

If a child has brown eyes (which are dominant) that means they did not inherit two copies of a recessive allele for blue eyes so the trait is already lost in them.

This is a lie, any full blown phenotype will pass on recessive genes.

However DNA does not work like a sieve where you can selectively remove ancestry. Admixed genes remain part of the individual's lineage even if certain traits appear more European in later generations.

That's not how DNA works, a minority of our DNA makes up a majority of who we are. Vestigial remains don't matter much if at all.

Even if their descendants visibly appear lighter-skinned in future generations, their genetic history will never be erased. This is basic Mendelian genetics.

Also false, over time recessive genes push out dominant traits.

Quite the ideological stance coming from someone who likes to call others ideologues. The scientifically observable and testable truths are that if someone values ethnic continuity, then avoiding racial admixture is necessary as it is absolutely a permanent alteration, and once mixed, a lineage cannot return to its pre-admixture state.

Christians who defend race-mixing are hypocrites. If you believe race-mixing to be harmless, then you are rejecting the historic Christian laws of your own faith and embracing modern secularism.

The historical Churches forbade this and only in the last century did the hard scales of pioneering and crusading Europeans become a soft underbelly to be exposed to genetic suicide by jewish pressure.

Both the Church councils and the various laws of Kingdoms and nations actively discriminated on an ethnic basis. The real historical truth is that Christianity was one of the strongest forces in upholding racial purity laws.

In Greco-Roman times, early Christianity, and medieval Europe religious identity was nearly synonymous with one's ethnicity, leading to laws that enforced separation between different religious and ethnic communities. Except in rare instances where melting pots like Judea had multiple races being called by one geographical name in error, everywhere else was very monolithic.

Synod of Elvira (circa 306 AD): The canons from this synod influenced later Eastern Christian practices. Canon 16 explicitly prohibited marriage between Christians and jews, aiming to preserve religious and ethnic purity and prevent the blending of distinct communities.

Theodosian Code (5th Century): Emperor Theodosius I issued laws that prohibited intermarriage between Christians and jews. Specifically in 388 AD, a decree banned such unions reflecting the empire's effort to maintain religious and ethnic boundaries.

Everywhere non-Christians (meaning non-Whites) went, laws sprung up to keep them separated.

Fourth Council of the Lateran (1215) Convoked by Pope Innocent III, this council addressed the treatment of jews and Muslims, mandating that jews and Muslims wear distinctive clothing to prevent social interactions and proximity with Christians "through error." This decree aimed to maintain clear physical separations between these communities and the Christian majority. You think the Church would approve of mixed marriages, especially interfaith.

Following this, in the Kingdom of Hungary (a frontier between the White Europeans and invaders even then), King Andrew II issued the Oath of Bereg in 1233 influenced by papal legate James of Pecorara. This decree restricted the influence of non-Christians, particularly jews and Muslims (then referred to as Saracens or Ishmaelites) within the kingdom. The provisions were prohibition of public office, distinctive badges, ban on Christian slavery (modern day human trafficking), but more noticeably these two:

-Separation of Settlements: Bishops overseeing dioceses with significant jewish/Muslim populations enforced the segregation of these communities from Christian settlements.
-Interfaith Relations: The oath explicitly forbade marriages, cohabitation, and even business relationships between Christians and non-Christians. Violators, regardless of their faith or ethnicity, faced severe penalties including property confiscation and lifelong indentured servitude.

The Council of Basel (1434): 15th-century ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church explicitly prohibited Christians from marrying or even cohabiting with non-Christians, particularly Muslims and jews. This was a direct racial and religious barrier.

Spanish "Limpieza de Sangre" (Purity of Blood Laws, 15th-18th century): These laws, backed by the Catholic Church, dictated that only those of purely European Christian descent could hold positions of power. Even a trace of non-European blood (especially jewish or Moorish) barred a person from privileges.

Even in Tsarist Russia, the Aryan Russians who were all Orthodox persisted in separation against the growing animism-practicing Asiatics and violent jews until the end.

Music's usual wall of lies and obfuscation. Preventing marriage with Jews had nothing to do with race.

Historically the Church would accuse Bowman to be in apostasy for marrying a Hindu and participating in Hindu wedding rites, which are seen as engaging in idolatry.

Another lie, it's not apostasy, not even heresy, at most a sin like going to a strip club. Marriage outside of the Church isn't sacramentally valid, true, and that does result in excommunication, however, this doesn't apply to those who convert after marriage like Vance did.

I've seen so many mixed marriages between Christians and Buddhists/Hindus/jews/etc go sour because the partner did not convert and the kids were spiritually lost, in addition to having the burden of being mixed.

His kids are baptized, and go to Church. While there may be a small amount of religious friction in his family, the story of Christianity is converting pagans like Vance's wife through marriages and children being baptized. Happened with the Romans, Bulgarians, Russians, Germans, and countless others, this is not even close to a new situation.

Christianizing pagans is an old process which you seem utterly ignorant of. For example St. Vladmir's father was a Pagan, yet his grandmother was Christian. It's typical during the Christianization process for there to be some friction across generations.
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Quick question for everyone here, this may seem off-topic but I assure you it's not.

Is this man White?

Another lie, it's not apostasy, not even heresy, at most a sin like going to a strip club
It's a little worse than that. Hundreds of years ago, Orthodox Christians were barred from communion for years or decades because of their participation in occult practices, even going to a fortune teller. Being married in a Hindu temple would probably qualify.

I'll give Vance the benefit of the doubt that he didn't know what he was doing back then.

Quick question for everyone here, this may seem off-topic but I assure you it's not.

Is this man White?

I'm guessing he's about three quarters White.