The J. D. Vance Thread

You passed up a virgin Christian girl? Huge mistake... Sounds like you just harmed her too.
How did I harm her? I passed her up , because I had very little physical attraction to her, and I could barely even communicate with her. I kept things on a friendly platonic level, and respectfully declined to go any further, typical personal attacks, cannot even address what I am saying
How did I harm her? I passed her up , because I had very little physical attraction to her, and I could barely even communicate with her. I kept things on a friendly platonic level, and respectfully declined to go any further, typical personal attacks, cannot even address what I am saying

What is a cope? A copulation? Forgive me if I don't understand what you are saying. If all you did was pass her by, then I can't fault you for that.

Still, I think you are idolizing race a bit too much here brother. Race isn't as important as God, not even close. Attacking JD for his choice of wife when they have blue eyes and are baptized makes no sense to any Christian.
The actual question, and its a simple one, and the one Vance and Trump still aren't addressing is "why are US taxpayers funding any side of a war 5000 miles away between two countries that are not US territories?"

Answer: jews.

It's simplistic to do the jew, jew, jew thing here. Radical, powerful, rich, spirit cooking jews aren't the only ones profiting from war, climate change lies and ripoff government spending. Connected political crooks of all stripes are cashing in on this pervasive fraud.
It's simplistic to do the jew, jew, jew thing here. Radical, powerful, rich, spirit cooking jews aren't the only ones profiting from war, climate change lies and ripoff government spending. Connected political crooks of all stripes are cashing in on this pervasive fraud.
Agree with this 100%. But Trump and Vance have to start naming names and a bunch of jews are at the top of the list. Trump in particular, has nothing to lose.

Our nation is founded on Christian principles but we have adopted a jewish mindset of money, money, money. JQ-inspired war profiteering and the gobbling up of American single family homes by jew-owned State Street, Vanguard, and Blackrock are major contributors to the working poor of America not being able to ever enter the middle class despite a lifetime of back breaking manual labor that keeps this country running.

Having Stew Peters, Jake Shields, and Dan Bilzerian openly pin the tail on the jew is cool and all but it is not enough. Vance in particular, being as smart as he is must already understand the JQ and needs to find an intelligent, pallitable way to start vocally addressing the issue. If we are in end times, and/or the rapid decline of America like many members here believe then there is no time to be pussy footing around the issue. Vance is in a position of power that he may never see again and he should use that power to speak truth to power. Part of the reason we're in the situation we're in is because politicians live in fear of losing the next election, you gotta gird your loins and be willing to go down in flames. The people need a hero, and I believe the people will reward Vance in 2028 if he engages in heroic acts. If he walks the line of political correctness on the JQ millions of noticers will check out. America is a Christian country and the jews and muzzies and Hindus must be reminded of this omnipotent fact.
Agree with this 100%. But Trump and Vance have to start naming names and a bunch of jews are at the top of the list. Trump in particular, has nothing to lose.

Our nation is founded on Christian principles but we have adopted a jewish mindset of money, money, money. JQ-inspired war profiteering and the gobbling up of American single family homes by jew-owned State Street, Vanguard, and Blackrock are major contributors to the working poor of America not being able to ever enter the middle class despite a lifetime of back breaking manual labor that keeps this country running.

Having Stew Peters, Jake Shields, and Dan Bilzerian openly pin the tail on the jew is cool and all but it is not enough. Vance in particular, being as smart as he is must already understand the JQ and needs to find an intelligent, pallitable way to start vocally addressing the issue. If we are in end times, and/or the rapid decline of America like many members here believe then there is no time to be pussy footing around the issue. Vance is in a position of power that he may never see again and he should use that power to speak truth to power. Part of the reason we're in the situation we're in is because politicians live in fear of losing the next election, you gotta gird your loins and be willing to go down in flames. The people need a hero, and I believe the people will reward Vance in 2028 if he engages in heroic acts. If he walks the line of political correctness on the JQ millions of noticers will check out. America is a Christian country and the jews and muzzies and Hindus must be reminded of this omnipotent fact.

None of this will happen until Boomers pass away. Naming the Talmud isn't politically feasible right now. Guys like you are impatient and would just lose the game miserably, no offense. You have no strategy or understanding of human nature. You can't teach a old dog new tricks and the boomers aren't going to change regarding Israel. It will have to be accommodated or else Dems win and we all die.
The most disappointing thing about J.D. is that he is married to an Indian Hindu. He picked the lowest hanging fruit to be his wife, and this is very telling about what's at his core. In fact, it is a sin to marry outside your faith according to Christianity.
The most disappointing thing about J.D. is that he is married to an Indian Hindu. He picked the lowest hanging fruit to be his wife, and this is very telling about what's at his core. In fact, it is a sin to marry outside your faith according to Christianity.
He was unobservant at the time he married her. In hindsight, it was an unfortunate choice, but at the time I suppose he was in luv, and was unable to see the situation clearly. Since he became an active Christian after he was married, then it is not a sin to be with her. He is obligated to stay with her, and it would be a sin to divorce her over her religion.

The ideal solution would be for her to convert, but she'd have to do it sincerely. There's no point in her pretending to convert for the sake of appearance.
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None of this will happen until Boomers pass away. Naming the Talmud isn't politically feasible right now. Guys like you are impatient and would just lose the game miserably, no offense. You have no strategy or understanding of human nature. You can't teach a old dog new tricks and the boomers aren't going to change regarding Israel. It will have to be accommodated or else Dems win and we all die.
Maybe. But its a bit rich for a guy knee deep in the political system that relies on said system for a paycheck and is thus beholden to said system to say that I have no understanding of human nature. Maybe it is you who are misguided in your understanding and thus are moving too slow? Maybe it is men like you who contribute your obvious talents to maintaining the status quo and who are waiting for "boomers to die" to start "the real work" who are part of the problem? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your work to get Trump elected and I'm happy that he won but personally I have yet to see any real difference in my daily life except that his EO's and anti-dem rhetoric have given me the hopium-feels and that eggs are more expensive and being rationed. Apparently there is also getting ready to be some "temporary" inflation pain due to tariffs. In addition, there are people speaking Spanish all around me all day everyday. You say this will change and that I am being impatient. I say lets wait and see what America 2028 looks like. Based on Trump's entire life history until this point in time I remain optimistically skeptical and as you have suggested I am using this Trump breather to continue to prepare for the worst (while hoping for the best).
You know Vance is married to a Hindu right ?
Yes, that was my point, that we may be in for a bumpy ride and that we should continue to hold JD's feet to the fire regarding the JQ (the source of multiculturalism and H1B's) to see if his loyalties truly lie with Christianity and its corresponding truths. This "going along to get along" that Samseau is such a fond proponent of can only carry us so far. At some point someone has got to man up and start calling a spade a spade.

That reversal is due in no small part to Vance’s influence over the shape of the new administration. Since Trump’s victory in November, Vance and his ideological compatriots have played a major role in staffing the ranks of the administration’s foreign policy shop. Andy Baker, a senior foreign policy adviser in Vance’s Senate office, played a central role in staffing Trump’s Department of Defense, which now includes staffers like Dan Caldwell — a leading voice among conservative “restrainers” and a longtime informal adviser to Vance — as a senior adviser to Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth. The middle tiers of Trump’s Pentagon and State Department, where most of the practical policy work gets done, is chocked full of conservative restrainers and realists...

In reporting on Vance, I have heard several conservatives suggest that while Trump approaches discrete foreign policy issues transactionally — as a business negotiation modeled on The Art of the Deal — Vance approaches them ideologically, as proxy wars in a larger battle over the shape of the global order. In the Vancian foreign policy matrix, pausing aid to Ukraine isn’t just important as a ploy at the negotiation table; it’s a critical first step toward undermining the “rules-based international order” that Vance believes has led to the misapplication of American power abroad and the decline of American economy power and cultural strength at home.

The upside of that compromise during the Cold War, Vance has argued, was supposed to be the extension of liberal democracy and free-market economics to places like China. But now that that promise has failed to materialize, the system perpetuates itself merely to serve the economic interests of a global elite.

Instead, as Vance told me last year, “if that fundamental goal [of liberalizing places like China] has not materialized, then I think you have to rethink the entire project.”
Maybe. But its a bit rich for a guy knee deep in the political system that relies on said system for a paycheck and is thus beholden to said system to say that I have no understanding of human nature. Maybe it is you who are misguided in your understanding and thus are moving too slow? Maybe it is men like you who contribute your obvious talents to maintaining the status quo and who are waiting for "boomers to die" to start "the real work" who are part of the problem? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your work to get Trump elected and I'm happy that he won but personally I have yet to see any real difference in my daily life except that his EO's and anti-dem rhetoric have given me the hopium-feels and that eggs are more expensive and being rationed. Apparently there is also getting ready to be some "temporary" inflation pain due to tariffs. In addition, there are people speaking Spanish all around me all day everyday. You say this will change and that I am being impatient. I say lets wait and see what America 2028 looks like. Based on Trump's entire life history until this point in time I remain optimistically skeptical and as you have suggested I am using this Trump breather to continue to prepare for the worst (while hoping for the best).

No offense, but I've actually put effort into the state of worldly affairs to try and make a difference. I have no idea if I've had any real impact, but I do what I can and let the chips fall where they may.

Conversely, what have you done? You think it's so easy to move things quickly - well then, what have you done to move things along other than posting here? Posting here isn't going to change anything. Posting here is great for brainstorming, but it has no real impact on the world.

I've spoken to thousands of Boomers - most of them support Israel for braindead reasons. Nothing you or I can do will change their opinions - you can't teach an old dog. It's just not the way God designed the world.

Rome wasn't built in a day and it wasn't destroyed in a day. Christians suffered for hundreds of years before Rome became a Christian empire, and that is because real change takes time. It takes generations, and the reason it takes generations is because men don't change their opinions. Most of us hold the same beliefs until death, it is only the youth that inherit new ideas.

By the way - that's why the Talmuds are obsessed with controlling education and constantly brainwashing the youth. They know if you can mold a young mind, you've got a believer for life. They understand the long game, so it's amazing that someone like yourself, who can respect their evil, will not respect the game they play either.

Go slow, build a solid foundation, and then you'll get real change. You might never live to see it, but that's the only way to create lasting prosperity and happiness. It's all about the big picture and the long game.

Right now we push the "Overton window" as much as we can, always make sure to post with the youth and influence them in the real world, and then just wait for Father Time (aka God) to do his thing. Things WILL change, death WILL come, it is the most reliable strategy.

Yes, that was my point, that we may be in for a bumpy ride and that we should continue to hold JD's feet to the fire regarding the JQ (the source of multiculturalism and H1B's) to see if his loyalties truly lie with Christianity and its corresponding truths. This "going along to get along" that Samseau is such a fond proponent of can only carry us so far. At some point someone has got to man up and start calling a spade a spade.

Absolutely it makes sense to hold JD Vance's feet to the fire on the JQ. He's young, he can change his mind, and he'll be with us for decades. 100% he needs to be pushed and criticized more than someone like Trump who is not going to ever change at this point.
Conversely, what have you done?
I don't want to derail too hard but I tried for 10 years to work within the system of public education. Apparently I had a positive impact on more than a few students and their families as I would get reports back from time to time on their progress through high school and into college. But yes, those days are long gone and like you stated, who knows ultimately if I had any long term positive effect(s) on the world? But I tried, and now I'm "retired," but I definitely spent my time in the trenches of public service.
You think it's so easy to move things quickly...
I don't think that. Nothing that is good or worth having comes quick or easy. But the problems we are outlining here have been outlined for decades. There is nothing new under the sun, so maybe it's time for a new approach instead of just participating in these old boomer systems and watching history repeat itself ad nauseum? I watch all these old TV shows and movies and just this evening I was watching an episode of Rockford Files with a very conservative bent about the injustice of California property taxes and issues pertaining to water rights and big government (and the quackery of over-medicated psychiatry) and I'm sitting here going "this is ridiculous that this was all spelled out right there on prime time TV in the 70's and that the white men of California did nothing about it and just let it happen anyways." So, if not now, then when?
Posting here isn't going to change anything. Posting here is great for brainstorming, but it has no real impact on the world.
Totally disagree. I put a lot of time and effort into reading and posting here and I wouldn't do it if I thought it was just some in vain mental masturbation. There's some suggestion that we even have some high powered lurkers here that may have differing forms of political influence, I know we had them on RVF. We are leaving a written record here for future generations to read. The pen is mightier than the sword and if men throughout history hadn't holed up in monastaries and employed the monastic option and spent their time hand copying historical records and great works of literature we wouldn't have half the historical records that we do. You and Scorpion and Valentine and Cynllo and that guy with all the weird letters in his username have created something of high value akin to a think tank crossed with a monastary. The written record that is Christ Is King will have a long lasting positive impact on humanity long after we're gone.
He was unobservant at the time he married her. In hindsight, it was an unfortunate choice, but at the time I suppose he was in luv, and was unable to see the situation clearly. Since he became an active Christian after he was married, then it is not a sin to be with her. He is obligated to stay with her, and it would be a sin to divorce her over her religion.

The ideal solution would be for her to convert, but she'd have to do it sincerely. There's no point in her pretending to convert for the sake of appearance.
She’s still a pajeet though. He will always be married to an Indian. And he has little Indian kids. Nonstarter.
You'd be surprised at how many "based" dissident right people have been involved with race-mixing. I don't suppose anyone here is going to hold Daily Stormer owner Andrew Anglin's adventures in the past as a "love tourist" in the Philippines against him. You could say in his defense that this was in the past and before he became red-pilled but then this would apply to Vance as well.

There was also Mike Enoch being married to a Jew while hosting The Daily Shoah. Does "She's still a Jewess. He will always be married to an Jewess. Nonstarter" apply here? Enoch did separate from his wife but only after their marriage became public knowledge in the alt-right sphere. Is JD supposed to abandon his wife and children to appease all the "based" people on the internet?

And for something that hits a bit more close at home - Leonard from the old Roosh forums who was one of the guys that was one of the guys that was very influential in pushing the forums towards adopting some of the political stances that are common place and was on the vanguard on the political/cultural red-pilling (as opposed to merely the red pill on women/dating) actually is married to a Latina and had two sons with her. If he was on his forums are people going to use "She's still a Maria though. He will always be married to a Latina. And he has little Hispanic kids. Non-starter" as a counter to every point he makes on the forum?
You'd be surprised at how many "based" dissident right people have been involved with race-mixing. I don't suppose anyone here is going to hold Daily Stormer owner Andrew Anglin's adventures in the past as a "love tourist" in the Philippines against him. You could say in his defense that this was in the past and before he became red-pilled but then this would apply to Vance as well.

There was also Mike Enoch being married to a Jew while hosting The Daily Shoah. Does "She's still a Jewess. He will always be married to an Jewess. Nonstarter" apply here? Enoch did separate from his wife but only after their marriage became public knowledge in the alt-right sphere. Is JD supposed to abandon his wife and children to appease all the "based" people on the internet?
Huge difference in dating/marrying and moving away from it and having children.

Having children means his entire purpose in life would be against having a White majority, because that would mean his own children are on the out. You see this with Ryan Dawson as well, though I think he is part Native American, but he will happily get ratio'ed attacking anyone White Nationalist. I wouldn't blame JD for being against a White majority due to his own kids being out, I would blame those who think we can just accept this as our leaders and let the country become Brazil.
Yes I would say there is a huge difference doing the whole 2012-era RVF flag chasing passport bro thing that Anglin was doing during his romp in the Philippines vs being matched by a mentor of yours (Amy Chua who was a professor of Vance's at Yale Law School) and entering in a marriage that produces children.