Maybe. But its a bit rich for a guy knee deep in the political system that relies on said system for a paycheck and is thus beholden to said system to say that I have no understanding of human nature. Maybe it is you who are misguided in your understanding and thus are moving too slow? Maybe it is men like you who contribute your obvious talents to maintaining the status quo and who are waiting for "boomers to die" to start "the real work" who are part of the problem? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your work to get Trump elected and I'm happy that he won but personally I have yet to see any real difference in my daily life except that his EO's and anti-dem rhetoric have given me the hopium-feels and that eggs are more expensive and being rationed. Apparently there is also getting ready to be some "temporary" inflation pain due to tariffs. In addition, there are people speaking Spanish all around me all day everyday. You say this will change and that I am being impatient. I say lets wait and see what America 2028 looks like. Based on Trump's entire life history until this point in time I remain optimistically skeptical and as you have suggested I am using this Trump breather to continue to prepare for the worst (while hoping for the best).
No offense, but I've actually put effort into the state of worldly affairs to try and make a difference. I have no idea if I've had any real impact, but I do what I can and let the chips fall where they may.
Conversely, what have you done? You think it's so easy to move things quickly - well then, what have you done to move things along other than posting here? Posting here isn't going to change anything. Posting here is great for brainstorming, but it has no real impact on the world.
I've spoken to thousands of Boomers - most of them support Israel for braindead reasons. Nothing you or I can do will change their opinions - you can't teach an old dog. It's just not the way God designed the world.
Rome wasn't built in a day and it wasn't destroyed in a day. Christians suffered for
hundreds of years before Rome became a Christian empire, and that is because real change takes time. It takes generations, and the reason it takes generations is because men don't change their opinions. Most of us hold the same beliefs until death, it is only the youth that inherit new ideas.
By the way - that's why the Talmuds are obsessed with controlling education and constantly brainwashing the youth. They know if you can mold a young mind, you've got a believer for life. They understand the long game, so it's amazing that someone like yourself, who can respect their evil, will not respect the game they play either.
Go slow, build a solid foundation, and then you'll get real change. You might never live to see it, but that's the only way to create lasting prosperity and happiness. It's all about the big picture and the long game.
Right now we push the "Overton window" as much as we can, always make sure to post with the youth and influence them in the real world, and then just wait for Father Time (aka God) to do his thing. Things WILL change, death WILL come, it is the most reliable strategy.
Yes, that was my point, that we may be in for a bumpy ride and that we should continue to hold JD's feet to the fire regarding the JQ (the source of multiculturalism and H1B's) to see if his loyalties truly lie with Christianity and its corresponding truths. This "going along to get along" that Samseau is such a fond proponent of can only carry us so far. At some point someone has got to man up and start calling a spade a spade.
Absolutely it makes sense to hold JD Vance's feet to the fire on the JQ. He's young, he can change his mind, and he'll be with us for decades. 100% he needs to be pushed and criticized more than someone like Trump who is not going to ever change at this point.