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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

So sick and tired of jews running the US govt and all other high positions of power. They also control the propaganda arm of the US govt: Hellyweird studios. They want the world to think that their attitudes, beliefs, and physiognomy respresents "the typical American", when in reality they are not us. They are not like us, they don't represent us, our values, our beliefs, our hopes, or our dreams. I've had enough of them smearing the US's name into the mud and turning the world against us. /rant off
I'm not American but did use to observe stuff there when I was a kid with a mild positive fascination, but yes those of us in the rest of the world have now been turned against America even if we were not like that in the past. One day however the game will be up, we can't yet exactly imagine how but there will come some kind of turning point.
I have close friends in Agriculture and Ag is getting absolutely crushed right now. High prices for inputs (seed, fertilizer, spray/pesticide, etc.) and very low grain prices.

There has to be something bigger at play. I know Trump forced China to buy grain from us in exchange for the computer chips, but thanks to Diversity, China no longer has to buy our chips, and that ship has long sailed. I don't know if China is paying a premium for grain from South America. If the USD is just so weak the grain we sell is selling weaker on the global market, if Russia is selling grain at an almost loss to hurt our ag business, if the Houthi's situation is causing that much global trade issues, or all the above in some form of combination.
Fertilizer prices went up "thanks" to sanctions on Russia.
And as for the grain prices, I read somewhere that Russia is deliberately dumping their agricultural products to inflame farmer protests in the west.
Fertilizer prices went up thanks to sanctions on Russia.
And as for the grain prices, I read somewhere that Russia is deliberately dumping their agricultural products to inflame farmer protests in the west.
That makes sense. At these input prices, corn should be between $6 and $7. Right now it is in the low $4's. If this keeps up, farmers are going to go bankrupt nationwide and the Diversity run corporations will not be able to produce from the land.
Fertilizer prices went up "thanks" to sanctions on Russia.
And as for the grain prices, I read somewhere that Russia is deliberately dumping their agricultural products to inflame farmer protests in the west.

It's more Ukraine that is affecting European farmers, especially in places like Poland where the farmers had huge protests focused on cheap imports from Ukraine.
It's more Ukraine that is affecting European farmers, especially in places like Poland where the farmers had huge protests focused on cheap imports from Ukraine.
It started with ukrainian grain flooding EU markets, after they waived custom duties, but Russia pounced on it driving the prices even lower.

Russia is selling more and more grain to the EU. According to Eurostat data and analysed by Tofio Catön, Director of Field Crops at the Agriculture-Food Cooperatives, Russian grain purchases in 2023 increased by 22% per month and 10 times over the year.

The mysterious and sudden invasion of Russian wheat into Italy has been going on for about a year now: durum wheat in particular, which is transformed into pasta and then reaches the tables of Italian families. Since July 2023, the inflow of such foodstuffs from Russia has suddenly increased more than tenfold, with an increase of 1,164% in the last year, significantly surpassing even Canada, traditionally the main foreign supplier to Italian pasta producers

To not derail this thread any further, please respond in the Russia-ukraine lounge.
Or should we recreate the "economic impact of war" thread?
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It started with ukrainian grain flooding EU markets, after they waived custom duties, but Russia pounced on it driving the prices even lower.

To not derail this thread any further, please respond in the Russia-ukraine lounge.
Or should we recreate the "economic impact of war" thread?

Excellent, thank you. I have a lot of friends in ag and the grain prices right now are destroying farms. Farmers, like all businesses, are on paper thin margins. If these prices remain in place, we will see a lot of farmers going under without some kind of govt. bailout.
Apologies if this has been posted (I simply cannot stay current on the Israeli atrocities--it is not good for my soul). Yemen just busted a giant US-Israeli spy ring in their government that had been sabotaging the country from within for DECADES. They will purge the traitors and build a stronger government. Meanwhile Putin is on tour, making friends. Who can the US count on besides the UK and the countries it militarily occupies?

The Yemeni security services have revealed that the foreign espionage network engaged in a wide range of activities over the decades, leading to a significant breach of the state and perpetuating Yemen’s weakness at multiple levels.

In the agriculture sector, the network sought to undermine national productivity and increase import dependence by recruiting spies in the Ministry of Agriculture, sabotaging research bodies and seed propagation centers, and implementing detrimental development programs. It even introduced pests and toxic pesticides, subsidized unsustainable seed varieties, created livestock epidemics through fatal vaccine programs, and degraded soil quality with harmful chemical fertilizers.
In the health sector, the spy ring implemented projects and programs that contributed to spreading diseases and epidemics across various Yemeni governorates.

It also carried out other destructive plans that negatively impacted the educational process, separating education from development.
The tasks carried out by the network were found to date back decades

Screwing with a foreign people's food, just so you can put your boot on their neck. How evil is that!
The "US" in US-Israeli is redundant.
I'm not very interested in the theatre that is global politics - but what do you guys think about the right-wing terms "US-IS" (ISIS), USrael and Jewnited States of America?

Israel is the tail that wags (whacks?) the dog. Like in that infamous movie Wag the Dog (1997).
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I prefer the term Jew S of Gay, because that is who controls the country.
Just like in Jewrope really! Other side of the pond, same old problem (Jew). Have you guys seen the two Borat movies? I think you can learn a lot of things about (((their))) mentality and "sense of humor" if you watch these movies.

Nah, that's a Red Sea rotation. USS Eisenhower and one of its escorts already left the Red Sea and the Roosevelt strike group sails to take its place. Which in turn will be replaced, or reinforced, by the Truman strike group later this year.

The rotation itself is not surprising, but the details are odd. You see, Ike was scheduled to rotate with the Truman strike group back in April/May: they've already left the Red Sea, but the mission was extended and they sailed back after Houthis threatened to expand their operations. So the rotation was already overdue, and now instead of the Truman strike group, it's the Roosevelt that sails to take their place. So the first qustion is: what is the reason behind Truman's delay? Next, why did the USS Eisenhower left the area before the replacement arrived? USS Roosevelt is in the Pacific, it will take around a week for the strike group to sail to the Middle East. And what about Roosevelt's area of responsibility? With them gone, another carrier group (USS George Washington) will have to deploy to Asia ahead of schedule.
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