The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

^Black girl with no fear of white people. Just blatantly committing a misdemeanor while filming it and dog staring white folk in the face. Been running into these types ever since George Floyd. Girl "apologizes" by saying "my bad," and "are you sure?" (that it's a Greek flag and not an Israeli flag). The only thing that can get through to a girl like this is a swift ass-beating.

The funny thing is I applaud her for going after Israel, but if a white man said to her "Did you also know that elite talmudic jews run the world, traffic children for pornography and prostitution, and are satan's chosen people?" she'd immediately start calling him an "antisemetic-racist."
^Black girl with no fear of white people. Just blatantly committing a misdemeanor while filming it and dog staring white folk in the face. Been running into these types ever since George Floyd. Girl "apologizes" by saying "my bad," and "are you sure?" (that it's a Greek flag and not an Israeli flag). The only thing that can get through to a girl like this is a swift ass-beating.

The funny thing is I applaud her for going after Israel, but if a white man said to her "Did you also know that elite talmudic jews run the world, traffic children for pornography and prostitution, and are satan's chosen people?" she'd immediately start calling him an "antisemetic-racist."
I don't understand how this benefits my life.

Like what is suppose to happen here in an ideal situation?

People are going to get fed up with Jews killing for sport, major global protests, a major investigation is launched, Israeli politicians are sacked, Netanyahu stands trial. We then import Palestinians?

People are waking up to Jewish tricks. Which ones? Multiculturalism? Feminism? People think non-whites are going to renounce multiculturalism once they find out it's Jewish?


White problems are in the domain of white people, can only be solved by white people, and would overwhelmingly benefit white people, so there's no allies to be had. To go against ZOG is actually white supremacy because we're the only ones who benefit.

The Jew order has very little downside for everyone else. The blacks can go anywhere in the world and have sex as their prime directive, the hispanics love the status quo, Muslims can live as they please and plan on outbreeding everyone, and the Asians don't seem concerned.
^Black girl with no fear of white people. Just blatantly committing a misdemeanor while filming it and dog staring white folk in the face. Been running into these types ever since George Floyd. Girl "apologizes" by saying "my bad," and "are you sure?" (that it's a Greek flag and not an Israeli flag). The only thing that can get through to a girl like this is a swift ass-beating.

The funny thing is I applaud her for going after Israel, but if a white man said to her "Did you also know that elite talmudic jews run the world, traffic children for pornography and prostitution, and are satan's chosen people?" she'd immediately start calling him an "antisemetic-racist."
I have reached the point in my life a few years ago that I dont have a care in the world if someone calls me racist or anti semetic its just not a concern
My 2 cents on this war, about 20% of the people in Gaza I hear are Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, these Christians should be offered asylum in Christian nations according to whatever group they fall under, so the Orthodox go to Orthodox countries maybe Russia or the closest place where they can assimilate into the easiest, its our first duty as Christians to help our brothers and sisters so they not in the crossfire of Jews and Muslims. A priest should vet them to make sure they really are Christians when they enter these Christian lands.

The problem I see is that neither the Jews nor the Muslims seem to want peace, they both seem to want to conquer all of Israel and be the colonial rulers, the Muslim world hasnt offered asylum to their Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza even Egypt their neighbor has closed their border, it seems they want the woman and children to be killed by the jews in the cross fire to make the jews look bad in the media, the communists also used this tactic they fight amongst civilians, this is bad because they seem to be willing to sacrifice woman and children for political gain, the Muslim arab world is huge, Gaza is a tiny area they can easily take all the people of Gaza as refugees but they not doing that it seems they want them there to gain territory at the expense of human life. The correct and manly way to fight is to send all the woman and children away and the men can stay behind to fight if they want to fight.

The Jews are conquering land through war, something that the Muslims believe in themselves, the right of conquest. The west and Christian nations should not be helping Israel or the Palestinians it doesnt help or benefit Christian lands, its not our fight, in fact they should be paying America for help not the other way around and "if" they do interfere it should be to help Christianity and protect the holy sights of Christianity and the churches to allow Christians to worship freely and the safety of Christian pilgrims.

Another solution would be for Gaza to ask the united nations for succession and declare themselves an independant soveriegn nation and Israel does the same and each country sticks to themselves and they never mix again, this has been a solution in many countries in the past.

If Israel is truly the homeland of the jews as they say, it would make more sense for them all to just go and live there and move out of the west, thats the point of a homeland, go home.
I'm afraid that your analysis is a bit too simple in my opinion, but you have a couple of good points. .

My 2 cents on this war, about 20% of the people in Gaza I hear are Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, these Christians should be offered asylum in Christian nations according to whatever group they fall under, so the Orthodox go to Orthodox countries maybe Russia or the closest place where they can assimilate into the easiest, its our first duty as Christians to help our brothers and sisters so they not in the crossfire of Jews and Muslims. A priest should vet them to make sure they really are Christians when they enter these Christian lands.
This is not an option, since Gaza is an extermination camp. The Israelis won't permit such an operation. Such a huge influx of Palestinians to the west would undermine their stranglehold on western institutions.

The problem I see is that neither the Jews nor the Muslims seem to want peace, they both seem to want to conquer all of Israel and be the colonial rulers, the Muslim world hasnt offered asylum to their Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza even Egypt their neighbor has closed their border, it seems they want the woman and children to be killed by the jews in the cross fire to make the jews look bad in the media, the communists also used this tactic they fight amongst civilians, this is bad because they seem to be willing to sacrifice woman and children for political gain, the Muslim arab world is huge, Gaza is a tiny area they can easily take all the people of Gaza as refugees but they not doing that it seems they want them there to gain territory at the expense of human life. The correct and manly way to fight is to send all the woman and children away and the men can stay behind to fight if they want to fight.
This is an odd take. There was peace for hundreds of years until the zionists came. Also, there is no "crossfire". It is only Israel carpetbombing the whole Gaza strip with artillery, air and naval strikes. And again, there is no place to "send the woman and children away". They are trapped.

The Jews are conquering land through war, something that the Muslims believe in themselves, the right of conquest. The west and Christian nations should not be helping Israel or the Palestinians it doesnt help or benefit Christian lands, its not our fight, in fact they should be paying America for help not the other way around and "if" they do interfere it should be to help Christianity and protect the holy sights of Christianity and the churches to allow Christians to worship freely and the safety of Christian pilgrims.
Fair enough, agreed.

Another solution would be for Gaza to ask the united nations for succession and declare themselves an independant soveriegn nation and Israel does the same and each country sticks to themselves and they never mix again, this has been a solution in many countries in the past.
Israel won't permit this.

If Israel is truly the homeland of the jews as they say, it would make more sense for them all to just go and live there and move out of the west, thats the point of a homeland, go home.
My 2 cents on this war, about 20% of the people in Gaza I hear are Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, these Christians should be offered asylum in Christian nations according to whatever group they fall under, so the Orthodox go to Orthodox countries maybe Russia or the closest place where they can assimilate into the easiest, its our first duty as Christians to help our brothers and sisters so they not in the crossfire of Jews and Muslims. A priest should vet them to make sure they really are Christians when they enter these Christian lands.
That's not the reality unfortunately. Gaza probably had around 1000-1500 Orthodox Christians lived in Gaza before the latest war. That's less than 0.5% of the population. There are more in the West Bank (though not even 5%), and a lot more in the diaspora. Everywhere the US or Israel touches in the Middle East leads to the exodus of the remaining Christian population.
That's not the reality unfortunately. Gaza probably had around 1000-1500 Orthodox Christians lived in Gaza before the latest war. That's less than 0.5% of the population. There are more in the West Bank (though not even 5%), and a lot more in the diaspora. Everywhere the US or Israel touches in the Middle East leads to the exodus of the remaining Christian population.

That's not the reality unfortunately. Gaza probably had around 1000-1500 Orthodox Christians lived in Gaza before the latest war. That's less than 0.5% of the population. There are more in the West Bank (though not even 5%), and a lot more in the diaspora. Everywhere the US or Israel touches in the Middle East leads to the exodus of the remaining Christian population.
Not many people realize that Christians also live there, I was one of them, we only ever hear about the Muslims, I wonder if the Christians nations, the politicians, are they aware? They should offer to take these Christians away.

I also heard the Jews in Israel they dont want the Christians living amongst them.
I'm afraid that your analysis is a bit too simple in my opinion, but you have a couple of good points. .

This is not an option, since Gaza is an extermination camp. The Israelis won't permit such an operation. Such a huge influx of Palestinians to the west would undermine their stranglehold on western institutions.

This is an odd take. There was peace for hundreds of years until the zionists came. Also, there is no "crossfire". It is only Israel carpetbombing the whole Gaza strip with artillery, air and naval strikes. And again, there is no place to "send the woman and children away". They are trapped.

Fair enough, agreed.

Israel won't permit this.

To the west? No the Palestinians must stay in the Middleast just not where they currently are. The woman and children can go out but Egypt has closed the border, but anyway the point Im making is I dont hear anyone asking for them to be let out or encouraging them to leave.

I doubt the Jews would do anything if Russia showed up on boats with nukes to collect the Christians as refugees.
^Black girl with no fear of white people. Just blatantly committing a misdemeanor while filming it and dog staring white folk in the face. Been running into these types ever since George Floyd. Girl "apologizes" by saying "my bad," and "are you sure?" (that it's a Greek flag and not an Israeli flag). The only thing that can get through to a girl like this is a swift ass-beating.

The funny thing is I applaud her for going after Israel, but if a white man said to her "Did you also know that elite talmudic jews run the world, traffic children for pornography and prostitution, and are satan's chosen people?" she'd immediately start calling him an "antisemetic-racist."
I once was so unhappy with the customer service at a huge grocery store in South Africa, the staff were all mostly black woman and the manager I spoke to also happened to be a black woman and I told her the problem is they need to stop letting FAT lazy black woman work in the position, they need to put a man working there, if I could get away with saying that in South Africa as a white person I dont think you guys should be shy to openly correct people like this in America😁
but anyway the point Im making is I dont hear anyone asking for them to be let out or encouraging them to leave.
Why should they be encouraged to leave their own land? And go where?

I doubt the Jews would do anything if Russia showed up on boats with nukes to collect the Christians as refugees.
This is pure fantasy. I doubt the Jews would do anything if Superman and the Justice League showed up either.