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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

It is hard to believe Iran has upped its technology to the point that Russia is buying their equipment, and Iran in turn has bought top technology equipment from Russia, but a few cruise missiles could take down their economy.

Maybe this is true, I don't think anyone here knows, but if it were true, I think it would have already been done.
Ain't such thing as a wunderwaffe, every system can be bypassed, suppressed or simply overwhelmed. You launch a large enough volley at a target and some missiles wil make it through regardless of air defense assets - sporadic ukrainian success against targets in Crimea are a proof of it.
But the same thing can be said about our defensive capabilities, our offshore platforms are just as vulnerable as Iranian ones - maybe even more, since we do not expect anyone to attack them.
Ain't such thing as a wunderwaffe, every system can be bypassed, suppressed or simply overwhelmed. You launch a large enough volley at a target and some missiles wil make it through regardless of air defense assets - sporadic ukrainian success against targets in Crimea are a proof of it.
But the same thing can be said about our defensive capabilities, our offshore platforms are just as vulnerable as Iranian ones - maybe even more, since we do not expect anyone to attack them.
Yes, and it is a path our country can't afford to be drug down. Financially, spiritually, emotionally, we are tapped out and the Iranian factions know this. Time is on their side, the longer they drag this out, the better for them.
I can understand their play. They hope that US threatened with higher costs of living, with the election season coming in, will pressure Netanyahu to stand down. But I don't believe that Netanyahu will listen to the Biden's administration, he's betting on the unwavering ziocon support.
I think the Biden team has been encouraging Netanyahu to back down a little bit, and he just ignores them. Netanyahu is drunk with power, or desperate, but I don't think the US can talk sense into him right now.
Please explain the first part. As far as I am aware every shipment across oceans must be insured and underwritten by global banks and/or insurance firms. These contracts state that the US government is the underwriter of the last resort because of the Bretton Woods Agreement. Without the Bretton Woods agreement/ US government guarantees no bank or firm will underwrite a shipping contract, in hostile areas at least.
My understanding is that US no longer is bound/follows the Bretton Woods Agreement any more.

"In March 1973, the G–10 approved an arrangement wherein six members of the European Community tied their currencies together and jointly floated against the U.S. dollar, a decision that effectively signaled the abandonment of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system in favor of the current system of floating exchange rates."

War Insurance is typically through Llloyds of London or now apparnetly China is offering....
The US Navy is only responsbile to US flagged vessels. Not international vessels under different flags. They may respond to distress calls.... but they are under no obligation to provide escourt to all these ships.

They may...due to international trade pressure and realpolitik.... do so. But not under obligation to do it.
Heavy airstrikes in Southern Lebanon

Media reports are so unclear. By heavy air strikes do they mean two explosions, or 100s? The words "heavy airstrikes" make me think 100s. Does southern Lebanon now look like parts of Gaza? I suspect it would be more accurate to say "a few isolated air strikes". That's all I saw in the video clips.
Media reports are so unclear. By heavy air strikes do they mean two explosions, or 100s? The words "heavy airstrikes" make me think 100s. Does southern Lebanon now look like parts of Gaza? I suspect it would be more accurate to say "a few isolated air strikes". That's all I saw in the video clips.

Ordnance of this calibre has not been used yet in Lebanon, that is why the channel is reporting on it.

Israel can't go around bombing targets like it does in Gaza, for every strike it gets a couple of ATGMs/drones back over the border
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Both sides do this sort of thing to each other. They've long since passed the total war stage.
The difference in the two sides, when doing things like this...

#1) One side does it with my tax money, while my country is literally crumbling from lack of maintenance and budgeting. All on borrowed money that is making life in the west unbearable to the point that addiction and crime are off the charts.

#2) One side might target civilians because it is the only target they can reach, due to super advanced technology to protect their military assets. The other side purposely targets civilians in an effort to either kill them off or scare them out of the entire region and bring them to my country.

#3) One side lies and says "we are just defending ourselves" after killing 7,000+ children. It is so bad the entire UN, except the USA, is against it.

I was listening to one veteran on a podcast talk about what Israel is doing. He said in Iraq, if there was a military asset hidden in a hospital or Mosque, they would not bomb it, no matter what. They would have to either fight their way into it, or isolate it so it was eventually rendered useless. Israel instead is bombing and killing thousands of civilians in the process.

The evil I see coming from Israel is beyond compare, and by association, they are dragging us into it as well. We can't print money forever to pay other countries to not attack us or Israel. And we are setting a very bad precedent. Luckily it seems most of these "enemy" civilians understand that the average American person does not with them harm and they do not intend to harm us, but how much longer will that remain true. Israel is dragging us down into the abyss and it is only a matter of time before we feel the real consequences of it.

IF someone were to say "there are no good guys here", I wouldn't agree. But that is arguing semantics. At the end of the day there is one side trying to keep from being ethnically cleansed and the other side is the most evil entity on the planet and they are pushing evil, filth, degeneracy, everything Christ taught us to stand up against, with my tax dollars.
The difference in the two sides, when doing things like this...

#1) One side does it with my tax money, while my country is literally crumbling from lack of maintenance and budgeting. All on borrowed money that is making life in the west unbearable to the point that addiction and crime are off the charts.

#2) One side might target civilians because it is the only target they can reach, due to super advanced technology to protect their military assets. The other side purposely targets civilians in an effort to either kill them off or scare them out of the entire region and bring them to my country.

#3) One side lies and says "we are just defending ourselves" after killing 7,000+ children. It is so bad the entire UN, except the USA, is against it.

I was listening to one veteran on a podcast talk about what Israel is doing. He said in Iraq, if there was a military asset hidden in a hospital or Mosque, they would not bomb it, no matter what. They would have to either fight their way into it, or isolate it so it was eventually rendered useless. Israel instead is bombing and killing thousands of civilians in the process.

The evil I see coming from Israel is beyond compare, and by association, they are dragging us into it as well. We can't print money forever to pay other countries to not attack us or Israel. And we are setting a very bad precedent. Luckily it seems most of these "enemy" civilians understand that the average American person does not with them harm and they do not intend to harm us, but how much longer will that remain true. Israel is dragging us down into the abyss and it is only a matter of time before we feel the real consequences of it.

IF someone were to say "there are no good guys here", I wouldn't agree. But that is arguing semantics. At the end of the day there is one side trying to keep from being ethnically cleansed and the other side is the most evil entity on the planet and they are pushing evil, filth, degeneracy, everything Christ taught us to stand up against, with my tax dollars.

While all true and fair points, the fact is that both sides would genocide each other if given the chance. That is all I'm referring to, and yes I know the chews started it, but that's the stage of the war we are in right now.
While all true and fair points, the fact is that both sides would genocide each other if given the chance. That is all I'm referring to, and yes I know the chews started it, but that's the stage of the war we are in right now.
Agreed. I can't speak for the Palestinians, but I think at one time they would have been happy to live peaceful as neighbors. That is all over now, one side or the other will eventually no longer populate the area. What Israel has done is unforgivable and it is total war in the region.
The difference in the two sides, when doing things like this...

#1) One side does it with my tax money, while my country is literally crumbling from lack of maintenance and budgeting. All on borrowed money that is making life in the west unbearable to the point that addiction and crime are off the charts.

#2) One side might target civilians because it is the only target they can reach, due to super advanced technology to protect their military assets. The other side purposely targets civilians in an effort to either kill them off or scare them out of the entire region and bring them to my country.

#3) One side lies and says "we are just defending ourselves" after killing 7,000+ children. It is so bad the entire UN, except the USA, is against it.

I was listening to one veteran on a podcast talk about what Israel is doing. He said in Iraq, if there was a military asset hidden in a hospital or Mosque, they would not bomb it, no matter what. They would have to either fight their way into it, or isolate it so it was eventually rendered useless. Israel instead is bombing and killing thousands of civilians in the process.

The evil I see coming from Israel is beyond compare, and by association, they are dragging us into it as well. We can't print money forever to pay other countries to not attack us or Israel. And we are setting a very bad precedent. Luckily it seems most of these "enemy" civilians understand that the average American person does not with them harm and they do not intend to harm us, but how much longer will that remain true. Israel is dragging us down into the abyss and it is only a matter of time before we feel the real consequences of it.

IF someone were to say "there are no good guys here", I wouldn't agree. But that is arguing semantics. At the end of the day there is one side trying to keep from being ethnically cleansed and the other side is the most evil entity on the planet and they are pushing evil, filth, degeneracy, everything Christ taught us to stand up against, with my tax dollars.
Your money is going to both sides through aid to the Palestinians that is hijacked by the hamas government.

There are no real good guys here. Only innocent people on both sides killed and murderers
Your money is going to both sides through aid to the Palestinians that is hijacked by the hamas government.

There are no real good guys here. Only innocent people on both sides killed and murderers
My money goes every where, but to where it needs to go. It goes to Israel so they can have a higher standard of living, with govt. provided healthcare and college, while my insurance premiums, for terrible insurance, is more than my mortgage payment if I had kids, and college is insanely expensive. It also goes to Israel's neighbors to bride their corrupt governments to not attack Israel.

I personally think there are good guys, but that is just playing semantics. We do know for a fact there is only one side who has destroyed our nation and is trying to drag us into WW3.
My money goes every where, but to where it needs to go. It goes to Israel so they can have a higher standard of living, with govt. provided healthcare and college, while my insurance premiums, for terrible insurance, is more than my mortgage payment if I had kids, and college is insanely expensive. It also goes to Israel's neighbors to bride their corrupt governments to not attack Israel.

I personally think there are good guys, but that is just playing semantics. We do know for a fact there is only one side who has destroyed our nation and is trying to drag us into WW3.
Fair. My comment was meant in regard to the endless suffering that occurs in total war.

When one side is taking hostages and killing innocent people and the other is leveling city blocks...both are wrong.

I don't personally, believe the Hamas government is advancing Palestinian goals, and are serving to enrich themselves at the expense of a heavily disaffected people.

Curious what people say about RFK Jrs take here.
