The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Who is going to spend money attacking the Houthis to support the USA? France? Great Britain? Yes, I am sure they will. And they are in the same position as the USA. I don't see the Russia or China helping in this cause, not after the USA has shown both countries how disgusting, vile and evil we are.

So, it will be the same NATO foes. With crumbling infrastructure, with a population who has no loyalty to the nation state, with technology that is proven to be over priced and perform not up to task, with Generals who are affirmation action hires and will be made fools on the battle field. So, what will be the big plan? They will fly their over priced jets over Yemen and bomb women and children, all the while the middle class collapses and crime and poverty spreads in their own countries. They will put special forces on the ground, but when those caskets return drapped in flags, good luck selling to the people why this is so important. These evil elites had their chance and they destroyed it with their ignorance and arrogance.
Tons and tons of emotional projection in this .


They'll just find POO sites, where these missiles are launched and drop bombs on them from 35k ft. Or whatever range outside the Weapon Engagement Zone (WEZ) for the given defense system on the ground based of radar ECT.

Now let me turn it around on you guys. Do you think the leaders of Iran are stupid? They just crushed our equipment in Ukraine. They have stood toe to toe with the USA in the Middle East for over 20 years now. They have made inroads with both China and Russia, while the idiots running the USA isolated them when they just wanted a fair shake when it came to trade. They have advanced their technology in the best possible way, by building it at home by actually rewarding men for hard work instead of punishing them like in the west.
They don't have to be smart or stupid to be out of control. You're putting wayyyyy to much faith in the control of these local rebel groups from the Iran top.
This is a well-planned and coordinated effort. Iran knows how weak the USA is. I would go as far to say that Iran knows more about the reality of the situation in the USA than 99% of the idiots in DC or on Wall Street. They calculated this risk and they found it worthwhile. I am sure they even ran it by Russia and China first.
Possibly ran it by Russia and China. Both would not advocate for a united conflict that would hamper global trade. Both Russia and China(the real decider here) don't want disturbances to the economic status quo.
Why would they do this? Because Iran knows if they can suck the idiots in the west into one more war for Israel, it will be lights out of the west. At the same time, Iran knows Israel controls the USA, so the USA has almost no choice. Checkmate. The idiots in the west will run full speed into this obvious trap.

I know you're championing this... But hold on to your hat and recognize we aren't as close to the collapse as you see it in your mind. There's years of this struggle to continue and I doubt you'll be benefited on the other side with the USA taking a bite out of the turd sandwich...being that you're the recalcitrant non married, play it safe, take no risks guy... You'd be happy to see it all crumble..

Those of us with kids and a future don't want out way of life to be upended. Just saying.
Who is going to spend money attacking the Houthis to support the USA? France? Great Britain? Yes, I am sure they will. And they are in the same position as the USA. I don't see the Russia or China helping in this cause, not after the USA has shown both countries how disgusting, vile and evil we are.

Thanks to that stunt that Houthis pulled - launching missiles at neutral vessels - the US will be able to gather support from countries that are affected by Houthi's actions and those who simply do not appreciate disruptions of international trade, just like it was with the naval operation against the Somali pirates.
I used vesselfinder to check those attacked ships: the "Unity Explorer" was on its way to Singapore, "Number 9" was going from Singapore (and before leaving, called at ports in China and S.Korea) and "Sophie II" was making rounds across the Indian Ocean (last ports called were in Oman and Djibouti). None of those vessels was en route to, or from, Israel. Landing a helicopter on a ship and taking it into custody is one thing, but firing missiles at neutral, civilian vessels is something completely different. And merchant fleet crews - whose lives were put into danger - come from various developing nations, most sailors are Filipino. So, as You can see there's a growing number of states that will back US operations in the Red Sea, not because they support Israel or want to get involved in a US-Iran proxy war, but because their interests are threatened. Houthis done and f***ed up, their actions are are no longer justifiable - we are no longer talking about a trade blockade of Israel, but about a rogue actor disrupting internationaly protected freedom of commerce and navigation.

So, it will be the same NATO foes. With crumbling infrastructure, with a population who has no loyalty to the nation state, with technology that is proven to be over priced and perform not up to task, with Generals who are affirmation action hires and will be made fools on the battle field. So, what will be the big plan? They will fly their over priced jets over Yemen and bomb women and children, all the while the middle class collapses and crime and poverty spreads in their own countries. They will put special forces on the ground, but when those caskets return drapped in flags, good luck selling to the people why this is so important. These evil elites had their chance and they destroyed it with their ignorance and arrogance.

There's no need to go into Yemen, Houthi's capabilities can be curtailed with long range precision fires alone. And as long as our goals are to ensure the safety of shipping lanes we should be able to do it without paying an exuberant price - we don't have to eradicate the Houthis, we just need to target their assets: helicopters, speedboats, anti-ship missile launchers.

Now let me turn it around on you guys. Do you think the leaders of Iran are stupid? They just crushed our equipment in Ukraine. They have stood toe to toe with the USA in the Middle East for over 20 years now. They have made inroads with both China and Russia, while the idiots running the USA isolated them when they just wanted a fair shake when it came to trade. They have advanced their technology in the best possible way, by building it at home by actually rewarding men for hard work instead of punishing them like in the west.

This is a well-planned and coordinated effort. Iran knows how weak the USA is. I would go as far to say that Iran knows more about the reality of the situation in the USA than 99% of the idiots in DC or on Wall Street. They calculated this risk and they found it worthwhile. I am sure they even ran it by Russia and China first.

Why would they do this? Because Iran knows if they can suck the idiots in the west into one more war for Israel, it will be lights out of the west. At the same time, Iran knows Israel controls the USA, so the USA has almost no choice. Checkmate. The idiots in the west will run full speed into this obvious trap.

I will say this.
I think it's possible, that Iran used the Houthis as bait, to lure the US Navy into a confined area of operations and away from other sectors, like let's say Lebanon, which could be more important for the Iranians.
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Yes, likely this is coordinated for a reason. I do not believe Iran helps supply these groups and then says to them "do whatever you want, even if it upsets our allies in Russia and China". And the reason is likely to drag us into this quagmire, which they know very well how unpopular it is here, or at a minimum drag more resources across the region.

As far as bombing the launch sites, we (USA/Israel) have been doing that in Syria for years and they are still launching missiles into Israel. I am sure they plan for this and are prepared so they can continue to fight.

I have not seen anything from Russia or China on this issue. I don't see anyone, outside of the degenerate west, putting military resources into this situation. That does include India, because India appears to be shaping up to be Israel's next attack dog. Russia and China might tell Iran to back off on the piracy, but if it continues, I believe it is possible they too have given the green light. The USA thought they could just go mess around in Russia and China's backyards, well now Russia and China can sit back and watch the Houthi's mess around in the USA's backyard. The USA being a vessel state of Israel.

As far as the collapse of this country, obviously this can't go on much longer. Had Trump done just 25% of the things he said, lost the election and Biden took over, I would give it another 20 years. But he didn't and here we are. 10's of millions of sub 90 IQ immigrants sucking the system dry and turning it into a 3rd world country. The absolute rightful decision of most young men to not fight for this satanic entity in satan's army against Christianity and Islam. The economic woes are really starting to hit hard. The loss off cultural fabric that holds it all together. We are borrowing money at a rate that anyone can see is unsustainable and getting nothing in return. I don't know if we can hold it together until 2030, but I really don't see how we can do so if Iran can drag us into this mess.
Yes, likely this is coordinated for a reason. I do not believe Iran helps supply these groups and then says to them "do whatever you want, even if it upsets our allies in Russia and China". And the reason is likely to drag us into this quagmire, which they know very well how unpopular it is here, or at a minimum drag more resources across the region.

As far as bombing the launch sites, we (USA/Israel) have been doing that in Syria for years and they are still launching missiles into Israel. I am sure they plan for this and are prepared so they can continue to fight.

I have not seen anything from Russia or China on this issue. I don't see anyone, outside of the degenerate west, putting military resources into this situation. That does include India, because India appears to be shaping up to be Israel's next attack dog. Russia and China might tell Iran to back off on the piracy, but if it continues, I believe it is possible they too have given the green light. The USA thought they could just go mess around in Russia and China's backyards, well now Russia and China can sit back and watch the Houthi's mess around in the USA's backyard. The USA being a vessel state of Israel.

As far as the collapse of this country, obviously this can't go on much longer. Had Trump done just 25% of the things he said, lost the election and Biden took over, I would give it another 20 years. But he didn't and here we are. 10's of millions of sub 90 IQ immigrants sucking the system dry and turning it into a 3rd world country. The absolute rightful decision of most young men to not fight for this satanic entity in satan's army against Christianity and Islam. The economic woes are really starting to hit hard. The loss off cultural fabric that holds it all together. We are borrowing money at a rate that anyone can see is unsustainable and getting nothing in return. I don't know if we can hold it together until 2030, but I really don't see how we can do so if Iran can drag us into this mess.
It's not that complicated. At least for the Surface to Ship missiles.

There is zero reason to invade with The US on the ground.

You just launch a series of sorties/tomahawks and neutralize the launch sites and the command and control (C2) nodes.

Saudi Arabia, UAE already have issues with the Houthis. They've put boots on deck before. We would likely just provide Intel and support for them while they did any invasion maneuvers.

Iran is indeed the destabilization force here. And while there was time to align ourselves with him, you have to go back to the Shah to find a government that was favorable.... Sadly we are past that moment of potential reconciliation while they continue to fund these operations.
It's not that complicated. At least for the Surface to Ship missiles.

There is zero reason to invade with The US on the ground.

You just launch a series of sorties/tomahawks and neutralize the launch sites and the command and control (C2) nodes.

Saudi Arabia, UAE already have issues with the Houthis. They've put boots on deck before. We would likely just provide Intel and support for them while they did any invasion maneuvers.

Iran is indeed the destabilization force here. And while there was time to align ourselves with him, you have to go back to the Shah to find a government that was favorable.... Sadly we are past that moment of potential reconciliation while they continue to fund these operations.
It must be complicated, we have been doing it for years in Syria and it hasn't stopped the situation. It also isn't cheap. And yes, we tried to use Saudi Arabia to do our dirty work against the Houthis and that failed as well.

Iran knows how weak the USA is, and I think they are doing their best to warn our people that we need to do our job and put pressure on DC to knock off the satanic foreign policy.

It must be complicated, we have been doing it for years in Syria and it hasn't stopped the situation. It also isn't cheap. And yes, we tried to use Saudi Arabia to do our dirty work against the Houthis and that failed as well.

Iran knows how weak the USA is, and I think they are doing their best to warn our people that we need to do our job and put pressure on DC to knock off the satanic foreign policy.

You're talking about 2 diffenent conflicts with 2 different end goals. Syria has oil in it, we want that oil. Yemen has nothing we want.

Id take a huge grain of salt with what Irans Public Affairs Division is selling.

Iran has a sphere of influence...but it's not in Saudi Arabia's interest to see them ascend to the regional power.
Yes, likely this is coordinated for a reason. I do not believe Iran helps supply these groups and then says to them "do whatever you want, even if it upsets our allies in Russia and China". And the reason is likely to drag us into this quagmire, which they know very well how unpopular it is here, or at a minimum drag more resources across the region.
Warships commited to the Red Sea basin, obviously, won't be able to take part in operations in other areas, and every cruise missile launched at the Houthis is one missile less to be shot at, lets say, Hezbollah. So it's possible that Iranians are trying to disperse our assets and strain our resources: after all even when all missiles/drones launched by Houthis are successfully intercepted, the ship's anti-air munitions will be depleted.

As far as bombing the launch sites, we (USA/Israel) have been doing that in Syria for years and they are still launching missiles into Israel. I am sure they plan for this and are prepared so they can continue to fight.
Anti-ship complexes are relatively easy to hunt down: the size of anti-ship missiles makes them difficult to hide, and radars neccessary to guide them simply glow for the US SIGINT.

I have not seen anything from Russia or China on this issue. I don't see anyone, outside of the degenerate west, putting military resources into this situation. That does include India, because India appears to be shaping up to be Israel's next attack dog.
Nothing dramtic has happened so far, nobody died and no ships were sunk, so any talks that are held right now are still on low, maybe attache, level. If things escalate further, we might see an affort similar to the one we saw gainst the Somalis. And as long as our goal is simply to ensure freedom of navigation we can do it on our own - put a pair of destroyers between the coast and the shipping lanes to intercept Houthi's missiles/drones and hit them with return fire. Obviously, it would be better to spread the costs with other countries, but right now the support we need the most is political: our actions need to appear legitimate.

Russia and China might tell Iran to back off on the piracy, but if it continues, I believe it is possible they too have given the green light. The USA thought they could just go mess around in Russia and China's backyards, well now Russia and China can sit back and watch the Houthi's mess around in the USA's backyard. The USA being a vessel state of Israel.
I don't know what level of control Iran has over Houthis, but the piracy and strikes against neutral vessels need to stop. Those attack have a ripple effect on international trade as a whole: a container ship that is hit in the Red Sea today, won't be available in the Yellow Sea next week. So it goes beyond simple messing with US interests, it affects all players in one way or the other, and it will even affect You or me - higher insurance costs will be dumped on end customers, delays caused by emergency repair stops of container carriers will be felt in the supply chains.
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Warships commited to the Red Sea basin, obviously, won't be able to take part in operations in other areas, and every cruise missile launched at the Houthis is one missile less to be shot at, lets say, Hezbollah. So it's possible that Iranians are trying to disperse our assets and strain our resources: after all even when all missiles/drones launched by Houthis are successfully intercepted, the ship's anti-air munitions will be depleted.

Anti-ship complexes are relatively easy to hunt down: the size of anti-ship missiles makes them difficult to hide, and the radars neccessary to guide them simply glow for US SIGINT.

Nothing dramtic has happened so far, nobody died and no ships were sunk, so any talks that are held right now are still on low, maybe attache, level. If things escalate further, we might see an affort similar to the one we saw gainst the Somalis. And as long as our goal is simply to ensure freedom of navigation we can do it on our own - put a pair of destroyers between the coast and the shipping lanes to intercept Houthi's missiles/drones and hit them with return fire. Obviously, it would better to spread the costs with other countries, but right now the support we need the most is political: our actions need to appear legitimate.

I don't know what level of control Iran has over Houthis, but the piracy and strikes against neutral vessels need to stop. Those attack have a ripple effect on international trade as a whole: a container ship that is hit in the Red Sea today, won't be available in the Yellow Sea next week. So it goes beyond simple messing with US interests, it affects all players in one way or the other, and it will even affect You or me - higher insurance costs will be dumped on end customers, delays caused by emergency repair stops of container carriers will be felt in the supply chains.
Excellent points.

The little guy will get squeezed by the piracy.

People need to remember how hard it was to get basic parts for repairs during COVID.
Don´t know where to put this. Please mods change if wrong:

It seems that events are spiraling out of control in ME:

Some reports of high level of military meetings between European comands, Saudi Arabia and US.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan said the U.S. has been in active conversations with allies about setting up the escorts, though nothing is finalized, describing it as a “natural” response to that sort of incident.
“We are in talks with other countries about a maritime task force of sorts involving the ships from partner nations alongside the United States in ensuring safe passage” Sullivan told reporters. He noted similar task forces are used to protect commercial shipping elsewhere, including off the coast of Somalia.
The US has set up its 'taskforce' which means armed escorts and navigation in convoys. Any incoming missiles or vessels will be targeted, possibly launching pads as well.

Overall the Biden Administration is not interested at all in escalation, which as clear as day. There have been 100+ rocket and drone strikes on US bases in Iraq, Hezbollah is in an open low intensity conflict with Israel (no US interference) and it took 4 weeks for the US to actually respond to open acts of aggression from Ansarallah.

Also, the US has been fighting a proxy war in Yemen since 2015 and it didn't go anywhere. So why redo that whole thing?

Biden Administration will likely tell Netanyahu to hurry up his Gaza adventure. At the same time project power and build up deterrence in the Red Sea - even though in general US deterrence in the region is crumbling due to aforementioned inaction. And bet on Ansarallah/Iran's self-preservation instincts - ie. are they willing to get Gaza'd again for Hamas or are these attacks in part optics for the wider Muslim world?

I think that the Biden Administration hopes and bets that the moment Israel finishes in Gaza the situation in the Red Sea will slowly start normalizing again.

Disclaimer: if the Ansarallah attacks continue beyond the Israeli Gaza invasion that whole power dynamic and US leniency will disappear like snow in the sun.

As an aside, US has been incentivizing its sanctions regime to influence decision making in Iran. It's not beyond reasonable to think that Iran is using Ansarallah to gain more leverage over the US, and the US will likely use additional financial incentives to get Iran to tell Ansarallah to tone it down a little bit.

As an aside, US has been incentivizing its sanctions regime to influence decision making in Iran. It's not beyond reasonable to think that Iran is using Ansarallah to gain more leverage over the US, and the US will likely use additional financial incentives to get Iran to tell Ansarallah to tone it down a little bit.

Yes, I drove over a heavily traveled bridge this weekend and I rarely get stopped on it, due to the time I drive over it. I did this time, more traffic and the light caught me. I was amazed at how much rebar was showing through the bridge. I started to think "can this bridge hold all these cars in this condition?". It did, and I was glad I had to stop and driver over the bridge slowly due to the massive pot holes.

Where does my tax money go? To pay so Israel can have a higher standard of living and then pay Israel's neighbors to not attack them when they behave in a satanic matter and blow up children in their own houses.

This will not go on much longer, you can sense the change in the air.
Houthis should have stick to actions directed only againt Israeli vessels, disrupting international trade won't bring them any sympathy.

What makes you think they aren't?

Would bet someone $100 that if you follow the money behind the owners or insurers of these ships you'll find Mr. Talmud at the end of the trail.

Considering the cabal owns the west and dominates almost every major market, there are probably thousands of targets across dozens of countries for the Houthis to choose from.

People who still believe in the "my country" nonsense are going to believe fake news. Red pilled patriots know the Houthis are attacking the chews.

Furthermore, Iran is also being funded by many Talmuds right here in the USA. Biden authorizing billions more to Iran is 100% a chew move. Why? Because if the Suez canal becomes a war zone, then China is cut off from Europe in the same way Russia is cut off from Europe after Nord Stream bombing.

China will have massive shipping and insuring costs going to Europe, but not to USA. The same will be true for Europe. That's a huge win for American exporters AND American importers who rely on slave labor from Asia/China (they won't need to compete with EU for slave labor).
Israel is going to win eventually, completely turn northern Gaza into rubble and ethnically cleanse it, because Hamas is eventually going to run out of ammo and they are completely boxed in with no chance of resupply. Their goal is to take down a large number of Israeli troops in the process, which they likely will, and to score a political victory on the world stage by exposing Israeli propaganda, which they also will.
Win? Israel is "fighting" women and children refugees mostly by dropping bombs and missiles on their shelters. It is not engaging in large scale battles with soldiers or even militants, outside of a few opportunistic hit and run attacks by "Hamas" fighters when Israel makes incursions by land.

So "winning" would mean it needs to systematically murder about 5, or let's call it 6 million civilians. Wonder where they got that idea?
So long as these folks are identified as Pirates, they are fair game.
"As long as they are identified as terrorists, they are fair game."
Do you see the problem with this?
I don't trust our media or government to correctly label opponents to their GAE agenda.
And with all the admitted, not to mention suspected, cases of false flag attacks to blame on "terrorism" nothing would stop the same to blame on a "pirate" if the public will support a war on piracy.

True piracy? That's one case you can get everyone, across the political spectrum on board to forcibly stop.
The British and American Navies actively pursue pirates throughout the world. It's one reason that while a standing army is not allowed by our constitution (lol) a Navy does have a legitmate purpose even in times of peace.
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"As long as they are identified as terrorists, they are fair game."
Do you see the problem with this?
I don't trust our media or government to correctly label opponents to their GAE agenda.

True piracy? That's one case you can get everyone, across the political spectrum on board to forcibly stop.
The British and American Navies actively pursue pirates throughout the world. It's one reason that while a standing army is not allowed by our constitution (lol) a Navy does have a legitmate purpose even in times of peace.
Even if it is "true piracy" how many young men would want to be drafted to fight on satan's side halfway across the world? Fight for a country that has treated them like 3rd class citizens?

Sure, it is easy to sit back and say "we must crush these pirates", it is an easy cause to get behind. To get both political parties to agree upon. It is a whole different story when you actually have to do it yourself. And this is where the west is in serious trouble.

Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthis don't have to defeat the USA military. They just have to make it painful enough for the people here to demand some kind of change.