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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

What makes you think they aren't?

Would bet someone $100 that if you follow the money behind the owners or insurers of these ships you'll find Mr. Talmud at the end of the trail.

Considering the cabal owns the west and dominates almost every major market, there are probably thousands of targets across dozens of countries for the Houthis to choose from.
You look deep enough into any corporate structure and You'll find a jew or a couple of them in there, but that logic will lead You to justify attacks even on movie theaters and cofe shops in the west since they're co-owned by the jews.
And there's a catch 22: even if a jew owned shipping company loses it's profits, there will be a jew owned insurance company that will make extra profits out of the heightened piracy risk.
In case of those last attacks:
"Unity Explorer" belongs to a British company "Ray Shipping" that is co-owned by an Israeli citizen, Abraham Ungar, and has his son Dan David Ungar reportedly listed as one of the officers. Is it enough to make the ship - a bulk carrier en route from New Orleans to Singapore - a legitimate terget ? I think that's enough for the Houthis in land a team on the ship, detain Unger jr. and take the ship into custody. But not enough to justify launching anti-ship missiles against it, since neither the crew nor the cargo have ties to Israel.
"Number 9" is a container carrier that picked up cargo in Asia and was heading west from Singapore and belongs to a British company "Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement", part of the Bernhard Schulte Group from Germany, no jews on the surface but who knows what's below the surface. Still, nothing that would justify it's potential sinking.
"Sophie II", another bulk carrier, this one belongs to Japanese Kyowa Kisen and was making rounds across the region (Oman and Djibouti) and
has no apparent connections to Israel. As always there could be a jewish financier in the corporate structure, but that's not enough to justify launching an anti-ship missile at it.

People who still believe in the "my country" nonsense are going to believe fake news. Red pilled patriots know the Houthis are attacking the chews.
None of those ships made port calls in Israel, none of the crew memebers were Israeli - except one officer who could be detained without a missile strike on the vessel. How hitting and potentially sinking a container carrier, heading west, with some Asian made retail goods helps Houthis fight against Israel ?

Furthermore, Iran is also being funded by many Talmuds right here in the USA. Biden authorizing billions more to Iran is 100% a chew move. Why? Because if the Suez canal becomes a war zone, then China is cut off from Europe in the same way Russia is cut off from Europe after Nord Stream bombing.

China will have massive shipping and insuring costs going to Europe, but not to USA. The same will be true for Europe. That's a huge win for American exporters AND American importers who rely on slave labor from Asia/China (they won't need to compete with EU for slave labor).
Unfortunately we rely too much on the old trade route through the Suez in our business dealings with Asia, port infrastructure on the US western seaboard has limited capacity (don't get me started about our road & rail network). And rising insurance costs will be felt by the entire shipping industry, even by those carriers who do not operate in the Red Sea basin, and in the end those costs will be dumped on end customers.
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Even if it is "true piracy" how many young men would want to be drafted to fight on satan's side halfway across the world? Fight for a country that has treated them like 3rd class citizens?
The US has enough manned (or should I say womanned) ships to effectively counter piracy, which is a very limited and localized thing, and while it could open up American ships to attack (and I would fully understand the motivation for many in the area to want to attack American ships) for the most part it would be an uneven battle, unless we engaged directly with Iran in the straits of Hormuz.

In other words no draft is needed just to protect shipping lanes. And while this could be the opening of a greater war, were American vessels and lives to be lost, the US will almost certainly send ships there. The mentality of the hubristic US is to do a huge show of force with giant ships along sea lanes (they are nothing if not predictable).

What America would NOT be able to do without mobilizing (and historically has not been able to do time and time again from the 1970s-today even WITH mobilization and forced drafts) is foment any sort of intermediate or long term change in the mindset, government, or fighting ability of the people there.

Much like DC is a dangerous and deadly city, that our powerful elites can still safely move about when they travel in huge armed convoys, while they are powerless to fix the problem, likewise, individual shipments can be protected if they have an escort ship with them, but the danger will remain.

I cant find it anymore because search engines no longer work, but I was going to post the story of the FBI putting up a giant wall outside their new building to stop all the bullets because they can't be bothered to fight actual crime lol.
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What makes you think they aren't?

Would bet someone $100 that if you follow the money behind the owners or insurers of these ships you'll find Mr. Talmud at the end of the trail.

Considering the cabal owns the west and dominates almost every major market, there are probably thousands of targets across dozens of countries for the Houthis to choose from.

People who still believe in the "my country" nonsense are going to believe fake news. Red pilled patriots know the Houthis are attacking the chews.

Furthermore, Iran is also being funded by many Talmuds right here in the USA. Biden authorizing billions more to Iran is 100% a chew move. Why? Because if the Suez canal becomes a war zone, then China is cut off from Europe in the same way Russia is cut off from Europe after Nord Stream bombing.

China will have massive shipping and insuring costs going to Europe, but not to USA. The same will be true for Europe. That's a huge win for American exporters AND American importers who rely on slave labor from Asia/China (they won't need to compete with EU for slave labor).
Considering that the Gate of Tears is the most heavily trafficked ocean pathway ... This rise in lead times or insurance cost will be passed along to end consumer.l

Currently Houthis are attacking non-Israeli trade ships... Ships that would have turned OFF their AIS tracking if they expected attack.

So Occam's razor says these folks are trigger happy or have bad Intel.
"As long as they are identified as terrorists, they are fair game."
Do you see the problem with this?
I don't trust our media or government to correctly label opponents to their GAE agenda.
And with all the admitted, not to mention suspected, cases of false flag attacks to blame on "terrorism" nothing would stop the same to blame on a "pirate" if the public will support a war on piracy.

True piracy? That's one case you can get everyone, across the political spectrum on board to forcibly stop.
The British and American Navies actively pursue pirates throughout the world. It's one reason that while a standing army is not allowed by our constitution (lol) a Navy does have a legitmate purpose even in times of peace.
I hear you on the false flag and labeling ECT...

My point is that pirates are not considered "State/Government" actors. Going into Yemen with troops is not something I'm advocating at all. Merely destroying all Surface to Ship Missile locations.

The Navy is not under obligation to escort other countries ships. They will respond to distress calls though.

Attacking and seizing non-military vessels, be they Israeli or Saudi or Australian is piracy and should be crushed. The crew is usually Eastern European/Filipino/Indian ECT and not Jewish.
While it is understandable that Palestinians would get to a boiling point where they have finally had enough of the Jews, and act out in violent anger, the aftereffects of this "attack" leave one wondering what was the plan here? They took hostages and then have no negotiation, treated most of them well, and are releasing them, and all they get in return is a few days without bombs, and then the Jews start bombing them again. What was the goal here?

Israel is just going in and murdering babies, targeting hospitals and bakeries and schools, and the Gazans aren't really even fighting back, outside of a few retaliatory hit and run raids when Israelis actually enter the city, instead of just lobbing American bombs at their women and children.

So it makes one wonder, what was the plan? Was there even a plan? The revelation of Israeli foreknowledge is extremely suspicious.

Israeli authorities acquired Hamas battle plans outlining the terrorist group’s bloody Oct. 7 attack a year before it happened

The translated documents also detailed 60 points in the border wall between Gaza and Israel where hundreds of Hamas fighters streamed out for the attacks.

records show it was widely circulated among Israeli military and intelligence leaders over the last year
concerns were shot down by a colonel in the Gaza division, the entity tasked with patrolling the border, who said it was part of a “totally imaginative” scenario, not an indication of Hamas’s ability to pull it off before telling the analyst to “wait patiently.

This is the same M.O. the Jews used on 9/11. Run "drills" at the same time and then coincidentally the bad guys (enemies of Israel) happened to strike right when we were running a practice drill. Riiiiiiiiiiight.

So was the whole thing just a scam dreamed up by Israelis to give them an excuse to murder babies? Kinda looks that way.
You look deep enough into any corporate structure and You'll find a jew or a couple of them in there, but that logic will lead You to justify attacks even on movie theaters and cofe shops in the west since they're co-owned by the jews.
And there's a catch 22: even if a jew owned shipping company loses it's profits, there will be a jew owned insurance company that will make extra profits out of the heightened piracy risk.

The Muslims don't care if some other chews make a profit. They care about killing Israel. Anything that makes it harder for Israel is mission accomplished.
In case of those last attacks:
"Unity Explorer" belongs to a British company "Ray Shipping" that is co-owned by an Israeli citizen, Abraham Ungar, and has his son Dan David Ungar reportedly listed as one of the officers. Is it enough to make the ship - a bulk carrier en route from New Orleans to Singapore - a legitimate terget ? I think that's enough for the Houthis in land a team on the ship, detain Unger jr. and take the ship into custody. But not enough to justify launching anti-ship missiles against it, since neither the crew nor the cargo have ties to Israel.
"Number 9" is a container carrier that picked up cargo in Asia and was heading west from Singapore and belongs to a British company "Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement", part of the Bernhard Schulte Group from Germany, no jews on the surface but who knows what's below the surface. Still, nothing that would justify it's potential sinking.
"Sophie II", another bulk carrier, this one belongs to Japanese Kyowa Kisen and was making rounds across the region (Oman and Djibouti) and
has no apparent connections to Israel. As always there could be a jewish financier in the corporate structure, but that's not enough to justify launching an anti-ship missile at it.

Not only is the connection for Talmudic involvement obvious in most of your examples, but you (and, to be fair, nearly everyone alive today) misses out on the fact that none of these ships were sunk.

"Attempted sinking," please, if they had wanted to they could have sunk these boats easily. They have demonstrated their ability to destroy targets at range hundreds of times in their war against the Sauds. They are totally capable of downing these ships, but they were good enough not to kill innocents. Instead they lunch dummy rockets that hit the ships, which demonstrate they could easily destroy the ships if they wanted, and this spooks the world and sends insurance premiums for the Suez canal skyrocketing. This hurts Israel, no innocents are killed, mission accomplished.

Seems to me like the Muslims are doing 3d chess while everyone else is playing checkers. They are in the drivers seat and they controlling the OODA loop. HAMAS looks like they have suckered Israel into a forever war and Houthis are going to disrupt trade through the Suez canal, forcing America to park massive destroyers in the area to the tune of millions spent per day per ship.

Houthi's spend a few dummy missiles with no warhead attached, that cost probably $500, now America has to respond with their slow and expensive navy and waste millions of dollars. It's perfect asymmetrical warfare and the Muslims are proving themselves superior strategists.

I have no dog in this fight, just calling it as it is.
The Muslims don't care if some other chews make a profit. They care about killing Israel. Anything that makes it harder for Israel is mission accomplished.

Not only is the connection for Talmudic involvement obvious in most of your examples,
None of the vessels was carrying cargo to, or from Israel. None of them is registered in Israel, and none of them belongs to an Israeli company. Only the "Unity Explorer" belongs, through a British intermediary, to a jew. The remaining two could have jewish financiers in their corporate structures, but then again, is there an industry branch without jewish money under the surface? By the same standard my car could be involved with the talmuds through a jew co-owned insurance company - would it make my car a legitimate target ?

but you (and, to be fair, nearly everyone alive today) misses out on the fact that none of these ships were sunk.
"Attempted sinking," please, if they had wanted to they could have sunk these boats easily.
I'm not entirely sure if Houthis ever managed to sink a ship. I could be missing something, but I think that they were able to inflict only damage to both commercial and military vessels - "Swift" was hit the hardest if I recall.

They have demonstrated their ability to destroy targets at range hundreds of times in their war against the Sauds. They are totally capable of downing these ships, but they were good enough not to kill innocents. Instead they lunch dummy rockets that hit the ships, which demonstrate they could easily destroy the ships if they wanted,
A lot depends on which weapons system is used against a specific target: a Shahed drone with 50kg warhead can wipe an oil terminal out of face of the earth, but if it hits a a container carrier it won't do much damage to the ship. Short range anti-ship rockets and ATGMs lauched from speedboats can be used to immobilize a ship but they won't punch a big enough hole in the hull of a commercial giant to sink it. As for the heavy, long range anti-ship missiles which were used in the recent attacks, their effectiveness depends on the radar guidance (those ships were miles from the shore, out of line of sight and on the move) and how good maritime radars Houthis have ? I don't know, so I can't give You a deffinite answer, just like You can't be definitely sure that they used dummies.
Get2choppaaa was on the receiving end of Houthi's missiles, so I think he'll be able to give You more details on their capabilities.

and this spooks the world and sends insurance premiums for the Suez canal skyrocketing. This hurts Israel, no innocents are killed, mission accomplished.
This hurts primarily Egypt, and then the rest of us, depending on how much our countries are reliant on maritime trade.
Unfortunately Israel is not as dependant on the Red Sea trade routes as You would think, it's top trade partner is the US, and they don't have to use the Suez Canal to trade with us. China is reported only on the 3rd place (below 10% of trade) of Israeli partners and India on the 4th. So even if Houthis, finally, decide to strike ships that are actually carrying cargo to, or from Israel, it won't be fatal blow to their economy (keeping hundreds of thousands of reservists under arms is what is wrecking their economy). And I don't think that Houthis will go after Chinese vessels in the first place, but there's also a Chinese task force just outside of Bab al-Mandab, so that wouldn't end well for the Houthis if they even tried.".

Seems to me like the Muslims are doing 3d chess while everyone else is playing checkers. They are in the drivers seat and they controlling the OODA loop. HAMAS looks like they have suckered Israel into a forever war and Houthis are going to disrupt trade through the Suez canal, forcing America to park massive destroyers in the area to the tune of millions spent per day per ship.

Houthi's spend a few dummy missiles with no warhead attached, that cost probably $500, now America has to respond with their slow and expensive navy and waste millions of dollars. It's perfect asymmetrical warfare and the Muslims are proving themselves superior strategists.
I'll agree with You on this. We are forced to react to their scenarios, and I already wrote before that it's possible that this particular escalation might be an Iranian play to disperse our forces and strain our resources.

I have no dog in this fight, just calling it as it is.
I fear that our wallets might disagree. The increased lead times will affect supply chains and insurance premiums will, in the end, hit us financially.
I wish for the US to be less dependent on imports, but as things stand now we over-rely on them and have to keep international shipping operations run smooth.
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None of the vessels was carrying cargo to, or from Israel. None of them is registered in Israel, and none of them belongs to an Israeli company. Only the "Unity Explorer" belongs, through a British intermediary, to a jew. The remaining two could have jewish financiers in their corporate structures, but then again, is there an industry branch without jewish money under the surface? By the same standard my car could be involved with the talmuds through a jew co-owned insurance company - would it make my car a legitimate target ?

I'm not entirely sure if Houthis ever managed to sink a ship. I could be missing something, but I think that they were able to inflict only damage to both commercial and military vessels - "Swift" was hit the hardest if I recall.

A lot depends on which weapons system is used against a specific target: a Shahed drone with 50kg warhead can wipe an oil terminal out of face of the earth, but if it hits a a container carrier it won't do much damage to the ship. Short range anti-ship rockets and ATGMs lauched from speedboats can be used to immobilize a ship but they won't punch a big enough hole in the hull of a commercial giant to sink it. As for the heavy, long range anti-ship missiles which were used in the recent attacks, their effectiveness depends on the radar guidance (those ships were miles from the shore, out of line of sight and on the move) and how good maritime radars Houthis have ? I don't know, so I can't give You a deffinite answer, just like You can't be definitely sure that they used dummies.
Get2choppaaa was on the receiving end of Houthi's missiles, so I think he'll be able to give You more details on their capabilities.

This hurts primarily Egypt, and then the rest of us, depending on how much our countries are reliant on maritime trade.
Unfortunately Israel is not as dependant on the Red Sea trade routes as You would think, it's top trade partner is the US, and they don't have to use the Suez Canal to trade with us. China is reported only on the 3rd place (below 10% of trade) of Israeli partners and India on the 4th. So even if Houthis, finally, decide to strike ships that are actually carrying cargo to, or from Israel, it won't be fatal blow to their economy (keeping hundreds of thousands of reservists under arms is what is wrecking their economy). And I don't think that Houthis will go after Chinese vessels in the first place, but there's also a Chinese task force just outside of Bab al-Mandab, so that wouldn't end well for the Houthis if they even tried.".

I'll agree with You on this. We are forced to react to their scenarios, and I already wrote before that it's possible that this particular escalation might be an Iranian play to disperse our forces and strain our resources.

I fear that our wallets might disagree. The increased lead times will affect supply chains and insurance premiums will, in the end, hit us financially.
I wish for the US to be less dependent on imports, but as things stand now we over-rely on them and have to keep international shipping operations run smooth.
Ansarallah/Iran are applying pressure where it hurts. Creating 'Twitterstorms' or doing a weekly lap around the mosque 'in defiance' isn't achieving anything. Neither are Hezbollah's/the Iraqi militias missile attacks bytheway. Netanyahu is unfazed.

The goal is to either get the US to tell Netanyahu to put the Gaza operation on hold or make it so costly that Netanyahu reaches that conclusion himself.

It could backfire. But for now it seems they are prepared to take that risk.
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Ansarallah/Iran are applying pressure where it hurts. Creating 'Twitterstorms' or doing a weekly lap around the mosque 'in defiance' isn't achieving anything. Neither is Hezbollah's/the Iraqi militias missile attacks bytheway. Netanyahu is unfazed.

The goal is to either get the US to tell Netanyahu to put the Gaza operation on hold or make it so costly that Netanyahu reaches that conclusion himself.

It could backfire. But for now it seems they are prepared to take that risk.

When a couple of weeks ago Houthis seized the "Galaxy Leader" it was understandable. The ship, owned by the previously mentioned British company "Ray Shipping" which belongs to an Israeli citizen Abraham Ungar - same guy who ownes the "Unity Explorer", and who according to reports is a big financier of the Israeli right. Houthis did it the right way: landed a team on the ship and took it into custody. No damage was done, no blood was spilled. It was just.
And if they did the same thing with the "Unity Explorer" a few days ago it would be justified the same way, even more if it's true that Ungar jr was on board - detaining him would be a major win, and it would actually hurt.
Those last strikes didn't hurt Israel in any way, Ungar will cash in insurance for the damaged ship and the higher shipping costs will affect Israel the same way as the rest of the world - maybe even less. The only new development caused by those last strikes is a potential US run task force that will shield the shipping lanes and curtail some of the Houthi's long range strike capabilities.
When a couple of weeks ago Houthis seized the "Galaxy Leader" it was understandable. The ship, owned by the previously mentioned British company "Ray Shipping" which belongs to an Israeli citizen Abraham Ungar - same guy who ownes the "Unity Explorer", and who according to reports is a big financier of the Israeli right. Houthis did it the right way: landed a team on the ship and took it into custody. No damage was done, no blood was spilled. It was just.
And if they did the same thing with the "Unity Explorer" a few days ago it would be justified the same way, even more if it's true that Ungar jr was on board - detaining him would be a major win, and it would actually hurt.
Those last strikes didn't hurt Israel in any way, Ungar will cash in insurance for the damaged ship and the higher shipping costs will affect Israel the same way as the rest of the world - maybe even less. The only new development caused by those last strikes is a potential US run task force that will shield the shipping lanes and curtail some of the Houthi's long range strike capabilities.
If it wouldn't hurt the US and/or Israel, there wouldn't be this much talk about it.

Ansarallah are not concerned with what others consider 'just'. They have been subjected to an 8 year long embargo which led to the premature death of hundreds of thousands. That reasoning could be extended to Gaza, which is experiencing ethnic cleansing at best at the moment.

The US is not interested in getting sucked into another conflict in the Middle East, and the Biden Administration is not on good terms with Netanyahu. Ansarallah/Iran wants Hamas to survive but has to work within its limited means. The Ansarallah/Iranian strategy makes sense from a Realpolitik point of view.
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If it wouldn't hurt the US and/or Israel, there wouldn't be this much talk about it.
Right now it hurts the US more than Israel.

Ansarallah are not concerned with what others consider 'just'. They have been subjected to an 8 year old embargo which led to the premature death of hundreds of thousands. That reasoning could be extended to Gaza, which is experiencing ethnic cleansing at best at the moment.
While I can understand it, I still can not condone deliberate strikes against civilian targets - if a Japanese owned bulk carrier is fair game for them, then the next time they might try to hit a cruise liner.

The US is not interested in getting sucked into another conflict in the Middle East, and the Biden Administration is not on good terms with Netanyahu.
It doeasn't look like Netanyahu cares about Biden's opinions - they just increased the scale of their ground operation and are moving forward with the ethnic cleansing.

The Ansarallah/Iranian strategy makes sense from a Realpolitik point of view.
Only if they come out on top.
Right now it hurts the US more than Israel.

While I can understand it, I still can not condone deliberate strikes against civilian targets - if a Japanese owned bulk carrier is fair game for them, then the next time they might try to hit a cruise liner.

It doeasn't look like Netanyahu cares about Biden's opinions - they just increased the scale of their ground operation and are moving forward with the ethnic cleansing.

Only if they come out on top.

Ansarallah and Iran don't have much to lose because the US deterrent has eroded over the past years. Everybody knows the US is not going to invade Iran. It's also not going to invade Yemen. That leaves room to manoeuvre.

Ansarallah/Iran know that the US is dependent on the global shipping routes. They, on the other hand, are heavily sanctioned entities that are in part disconnected from the global economy. You can't really punish them through economic warfare anymore, and a 10-15 percent rise in costs due to increased premiums bears less consequences in Iran as the place is much more self-reliant. They also know China will buy Iranian oil no matter what. Not because the Chinese like Iran so much, but because they need it.

A bonus effect: US failure to assert itself undermines its international standing everywhere . The US Navy is by contract bound to protect international shipping lanes.

The US is the only state that has leverage over Israel. They have enforced impopular decisions before - like in 2003 when George W. Bush told Sharon to vacate the Gaza Strip, and again in 2006 when the US forced Israel to comply with elections in Gaza, which were then won by Hamas.

It seems this is the strategy Ansarallah/Iran is betting on. They have about 1.5-2 months left to force the US/Israel's hand. I don't see Hamas militarily surviving beyond that timeframe.
Ansarallah and Iran don't have much to lose because the US deterrent has eroded over the past years. Everybody knows the US is not going to invade Iran. It's also not going to invade Yemen. That leaves room to manoeuvre.

Ansarallah/Iran know that the US is dependent on the global shipping routes. They, on the other hand, are heavily sanctioned entities that are in part disconnected from the global economy. You can't really punish them through economic warfare anymore, and a 10-15 percent rise in costs due to increased premiums bears less consequences in Iran as the place is much more self-reliant. They also know China will buy Iranian oil no matter what. Not because the Chinese like Iran so much, but because they need it.

A bonus effect: US failure to assert itself undermines its international standing everywhere . The US Navy is by contract bound to protect international shipping lanes.

The US is the only state that has leverage over Israel. They have enforced impopular decisions before - like in 2003 when George W. Bush told Sharon to vacate the Gaza Strip, and again in 2006 when the US forced Israel to comply with elections in Gaza, which were then won by Hamas.

It seems this is the strategy Ansarallah/Iran is betting on. They have about 1.5-2 months left to force the US/Israel's hand. I don't see Hamas militarily surviving beyond that timeframe.
The US Navy isnt contractually bound to do anything...though it likely will...l would expect that these continued attacks will get military support from other countries also.

You're correct. The Eisenhower and it's carrier strike group are up there keeping Israel and Iran from going at each other as a bit of a stability plank.

If the 2 carrier strike groups are stuck doing just Houthi neutralization then this changes the dynamics for Iran and Israel.
The US Navy isnt contractually bound to do anything...though it likely will...l would expect that these continued attacks will get military support from other countries also.

You're correct. The Eisenhower and it's carrier strike group are up there keeping Israel and Iran from going at each other as a bit of a stability plank.

If the 2 carrier strike groups are stuck doing just Houthi neutralization then this changes the dynamics for Iran and Israel.

Please explain the first part. As far as I am aware every shipment across oceans must be insured and underwritten by global banks and/or insurance firms. These contracts state that the US government is the underwriter of the last resort because of the Bretton Woods Agreement. Without the Bretton Woods agreement/ US government guarantees no bank or firm will underwrite a shipping contract, in hostile areas at least.
@LaAguilaNegra is correct, the Houthi's don't care if this "upsets the USA", in fact, that is why they are doing this. They don't want China upset enough to flip sides and join the USA, so I am guessing they will not allow this to happen. I am guessing China is in the know of these events, through communications with Iran, and they are on the same page.

If this is accurate, then this is a very calculated move, like I said earlier in the thread.

#1) This will hurt the USA more than Israel? There is no difference between Israel and the USA, they are one and the same, so hurting either works. This puts more pressure on the already disgusting USA and its disappearing middle class. It brings the pain to the people who have been able to sit and watch at a distance. It gets them even more upset that their tax dollars are wasted on this nonsense.

#2) It causes the US Navy to put in more work. Now they have to try to bully China, Russia, and protect shipping lanes at a much higher rate. This spreads the Navy out more thin and causes the USA more headaches.

#3) They want the USA to step into this. Israel has its hands full already with Hamas. Hezbollah and the Houthis are on the sideline waiting, and these are real militaries with real equipment. They have seen the paper tiger struggle in Afghanistan and Iran against poorly armed and poorly coordinated militaries and now they want their shot. They also know the USA and its military is a shell of its former self.

#4) The smartest move of all, is knowing this isn't necessarily the final battle. The Iran proxies know this is just another battle in a long war against the satanic USA. So, they will take their shot, hoping it slays the dragon, but if it doesn't, it will take a lot of armor off the dragon and the next go around in 10 or 20 years, when the USA is even more hollowed out from diversity and political squabbling, will be the final blow.
Ansarallah and Iran don't have much to lose because the US deterrent has eroded over the past years. Everybody knows the US is not going to invade Iran. It's also not going to invade Yemen. That leaves room to manoeuvre.

Ansarallah/Iran know that the US is dependent on the global shipping routes. They, on the other hand, are heavily sanctioned entities that are in part disconnected from the global economy. You can't really punish them through economic warfare anymore, and a 10-15 percent rise in costs due to increased premiums bears less consequences in Iran as the place is much more self-reliant. They also know China will buy Iranian oil no matter what. Not because the Chinese like Iran so much, but because they need it.

A bonus effect: US failure to assert itself undermines its international standing everywhere . The US Navy is by contract bound to protect international shipping lanes.

The US is the only state that has leverage over Israel. They have enforced impopular decisions before - like in 2003 when George W. Bush told Sharon to vacate the Gaza Strip, and again in 2006 when the US forced Israel to comply with elections in Gaza, which were then won by Hamas.

It seems this is the strategy Ansarallah/Iran is betting on. They have about 1.5-2 months left to force the US/Israel's hand. I don't see Hamas militarily surviving beyond that timeframe.

Iran is vulnerable to strikes on its oil and gas infrastructure. A few dozen cruise missile attacks would cripple their economy.
Iran is vulnerable to strikes on its oil and gas infrastructure. A few dozen cruise missile attacks would cripple their economy.
It is hard to believe Iran has upped its technology to the point that Russia is buying their equipment, and Iran in turn has bought top technology equipment from Russia, but a few cruise missiles could take down their economy.

Maybe this is true, I don't think anyone here knows, but if it were true, I think it would have already been done.