The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

So now the USA is going to "smash" Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, with my tax dollars. All the while millions of violent third worlders pour into my country and bring with them disease, crime, poverty and death.

How much longer do you realistically think this game of being Israel's attack dog is going to work? How much more of this nonsense do you think young men are going to put up with? And why would anyone want to sign up to join satan's army?
You understand that the US Navy will serve as the military arm of trade security correct?

You can not like it all you want, but it's what's going to happen if Houthis keep disrupting trade. Last time, when I was involved it was UAE vessels. KSA and UAE will both engage.

I hear your protest... I'm just trying tell you the pragmatic truth.

I'm no more advocating for it than you are advocating for piracy.... It's just what is going to happen as this stuff continues as the seas our the most important element of trade globally.
You understand that the US Navy will serve as the military arm of trade security correct?

You can not like it all you want, but it's what's going to happen if Houthis keep disrupting trade. Last time, when I was involved it was UAE vessels. KSA and UAE will both engage.

I hear your protest... I'm just trying tell you the pragmatic truth.

I'm no more advocating for it than you are advocating for piracy.... It's just what is going to happen as this stuff continues as the seas our the most important element of trade globally.
Yes, I understand my tax dollars go to police the world and the wealthy shipping lanes but do absolutely nothing to protect my country, neighborhood and family.

Yes, my tax dollars also go to bribe other Arab/Islamic countries to attack the Iran proxies. More of my tax dollars going to support the satanic globalist cause.

I am sure it will likely happen, and it isn't a good thing, it is a very bad thing, because while you didn't answer, I will answer. This will not go on much longer. The USA is a shell of its former self and the traditional east knows this very well.
Yes, I understand my tax dollars go to police the world and the wealthy shipping lanes but do absolutely nothing to protect my country, neighborhood and family.

Yes, my tax dollars also go to bribe other Arab/Islamic countries to attack the Iran proxies. More of my tax dollars going to support the satanic globalist cause.

I am sure it will likely happen, and it isn't a good thing, it is a very bad thing, because while you didn't answer, I will answer. This will not go on much longer. The USA is a shell of its former self and the traditional east knows this very well.

I don't know how to answer an ambitious question with a concrete answer when it's framed rhetorically.

Regarding our military capabilities....i would be very cautious to underestimate the ability of the US to mobilize forces and unite.

if Yemen keeps this up and pivots away from Jewish ships to KSA/UAE ships (have done this in the past) then they will engage in a ground war.

People championing the downfall of the US empire are going to be in a rude awakening when your cost of living quadruples.
I don't know how to answer an ambitious question with a concrete answer when it's framed rhetorically.

Regarding our military capabilities....i would be very cautious to underestimate the ability of the US to mobilize forces and unite.

if Yemen keeps this up and pivots away from Jewish ships to KSA/UAE ships (have done this in the past) then they will engage in a ground war.

People championing the downfall of the US empire are going to be in a rude awakening when your cost of living quadruples.
Well, the answer is simple, it isn't going to go on much longer and we should be furious about this Our lives and futures squandered to push satanic degenerate culture around the glove.

If the COL quadruples, at this point, just goes up another 25%, it will be the collapse of the west. People are rightfully at a breaking point.
So now the USA is going to "smash" Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, with my tax dollars. All the while millions of violent third worlders pour into my country and bring with them disease, crime, poverty and death.

How much longer do you realistically think this game of being Israel's attack dog is going to work? How much more of this nonsense do you think young men are going to put up with? And why would anyone want to sign up to join satan's army?

Neither the US nor Saudi Arabia nor the UAE is going to 'smash'. You shouldn't get too riled up by the chest pumping. All of these states (the US by proxy) tried the 'smashing' already and eventually left with their tales between their legs. They are dead scared of kicking Yemen's hornet's nest again. Instead it's going to be the Lebanon scarecrow, ie. (threaten) an air campaign that will bring death and destruction but won't change anything on the ground

Ansarallah doesn't care about this. They have been bombed since 2014. In fact, they have been illegally besieged since 2014. A warcrime that makes Gaza turn pale in comparison and left hundreds of thousands dead due to famine and famine related illnesses. Ansarallah has only gotten stronger and more popular as a result of it. They aren't going to budge just because some missiles are falling out of the sky.

Many don't know this, but Saudi Arabia had its own 3 week military operation debacle after Ansarallah's 2014 Sanaa takeover. It became 8-9 years of making no progress at the cost of 200 million USD a day (2014-2015, became less later), 300 000 Yemeni deaths, their local allies crumbling and Ansarallah building up missile and drone capacities that can strike any oil well or refinery in Saudi Arabia.

Burning Saudi M1A Abrams tank with Houthis in front.
images (91).webp

Think of Yemen as Afghanistan 2.0. It's similar terrain, inhabited by a similar tribal, archaic and warlike people.

Ansarallah territory is in green. It's the mountainous areas where the Zaydi Shia live.
images (92).webp
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So long as these folks are identified as Pirates, they are fair game.

Apparently a recent failed raid was conducted by none other than Somali Pirates "based in Yemen"

As I've said...The increase in trade disruption will drag the US Navy in further. It was literally formed to deal with Pirates.
As I've said...The increase in trade disruption will drag the US Navy in further. It was literally formed to deal with Pirates.
This is what they want. They have seen what we have become, a shell of our former selves, who supports the bombing of innocent people and even children. Even more, I think they are smart enough to know the USA is weak, Israel still depends on the USA and will eventually replace the USA with India or China, which will make them stronger. So, they see this as their window to take down Israel.

This is a new America, not the 2003 version. If people's kids start coming home in flag draped caskets, they are not going to want revenge on the enemy, they will want revenge on a govt. who put their kids in harms way for another country and the support for the war will tank in the west.
This is what they want. They have seen what we have become, a shell of our former selves, who supports the bombing of innocent people and even children. Even more, I think they are smart enough to know the USA is weak, Israel still depends on the USA and will eventually replace the USA with India or China, which will make them stronger. So, they see this as their window to take down Israel.

This is a new America, not the 2003 version. If people's kids start coming home in flag draped caskets, they are not going to want revenge on the enemy, they will want revenge on a govt. who put their kids in harms way for another country and the support for the war will tank in the west.
No one thinks this way. People will see enemies attacking our military as attacks on America by a foreign agent. Not our own corporate interests.

Been that way since Smedley Butler wrote War Is A Racket.
No one thinks this way. People will see enemies attacking our military as attacks on America by a foreign agent. Not our own corporate interests.

Been that way since Smedley Butler wrote War Is A Racket.
I disagree. Half of the young Americans don't even care about this country because they have been told it is racist and evil and they are entitled to do as they please and it isn't their fight. The other half have been truly discriminated against and have no desire to fight for this evil country.

I don't think 9/11 would be nearly as powerful today as a psyop. I think even the elites now realize they made some huge mistakes and are cornered and desperate for a way out.
I disagree. Half of the young Americans don't even care about this country because they have been told it is racist and evil and they are entitled to do as they please and it isn't their fight. The other half have been truly discriminated against and have no desire to fight for this evil country.

I don't think 9/11 would be nearly as powerful today as a psyop. I think even the elites now realize they made some huge mistakes and are cornered and desperate for a way out.
Great write up. Jack Posobiek and Charlie KIrk and Mike Cernovich, the entire "Alt-Light" are in such a weird spot. They were paid, very large sums of money, to prevent what is happening, from happening. They were to stymie the criticism of White Nationalism, the rise in traditional Christianity, and make sure the blame never fell on Israel. They not only failed, they failed in such a short amount of time that it is remarkable.

And when I read things like this, brilliant pieces like this, I know they know way more than they let on. But people are putting the pieces together, many of which were their former audience. And I don't know where they go from here.

All the things he said were true, but they did not happen in a vacuum. They were done to us and by evil people and it is spreading like a fire and I don't know what people like him will even try to do about it, if he can even do anything at all.

I don't see many young men signing up to fight for this country if war kicks off. I don't see many going peacefully into a draft. The elites really put themselves in a corner this time.
Joe Biden/ the Biden Administration has called for the fighting in Gaza to stop. The US has also suspended its intelligence gathering operations over Gaza.

Will be interesting to see what Netanyahu does now. Anything but the total destruction of Hamas will be his political end.

The US military is so weak that we are already being forced to back down. Damn, the elites know they are in serious trouble. They can't trust White Christians, because they see them as their enemy. But their third world pets can't protect them from their enemies. Their only hope is getting India to fight their wars for them, and I don't think that is going to work either.

If I am Iran, I see the extreme weakness in the west and the window of opportunity combined with the many war crimes Israel committed, and I would go all in, in all facets. Legally, through the UN, pushing Hezbollah to hit harder, get the Houthi's even better weapson, etc.
Earlier today there were two attacks in Israel. One shooting attack which left 3 Israelis + 2 shooters dead and one ramming attack which injured two IDF soldiers. The lethal one has been claimed by Hamas.

Blinken is in Tel Aviv again and met with Netanyahu. Allegedly Netanyahu told him the military operation will resume. Ceasefire will end soon, further extension seems unlikely.

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