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The Destruction of Modern Women

In my experience women without social media are more pure than virgins, lol.
Yeah, makes sense.
Women who, as a rule, dislike other women, are better relationship material.
I tend to be suspicious of women who dislike other women. They always surround themselves with dudes, which is a red flag for all kinds of reasons, and I tend to believe that it's often a mommy issues thing where they can't connect well to their own femininity. The ones I've met, they've all had absent mothers or otherwise had bad relationships with their mothers.
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I think that's giving them too much credit. There's no noble goal like that. Women just have gossip groupchats, they simply love gossip. People are only now finding out about these large Facebook groups where they dox dudes or whatever, but literally all women do this, just usually in a small scale with a groupchat of a couple friends.

If I say something to a woman in a chat, it's always knowing that she will 100% show it to all her friends if she thinks it's interesting or offensive or funny or whatever.

Even if it's a very private conversation where you would (baselessly) assume that they would have some honor and keep it to themselves, they have no respect for private conversations in general, and it's not even a malicious thing, I think they just don't even grasp the idea that you'd keep a conversation private. They feel like it's natural to contribute intel to the hivemind.

Maybe this was the wrong one but it’s funny and true anyway. And not only will women tell everyone about anything private you tell them but they’ll use it against you. Just don’t confide in them.
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Maybe this was the wrong one but it’s funny and true anyway. And not only will women tell everyone about anything private you tell them but they’ll use it against you. Just don’t confide in them.

Zherka had some really good advice about this very topic at some point about a year or two ago.

He was saying to tell the woman in your life some fake thing you are self-conscious / worried about. Something ridiculous like "I just can't seem to get good at playing Mario Cart."

Then just wait a few weeks. The next time they argue with you, they will throw in "and you suck at Mario Cart!"

It's bizarre, but it's true.
Zherka had some really good advice about this very topic at some point about a year or two ago.

He was saying to tell the woman in your life some fake thing you are self-conscious / worried about. Something ridiculous like "I just can't seem to get good at playing Mario Cart."

Then just wait a few weeks. The next time they argue with you, they will throw in "and you suck at Mario Cart!"

It's bizarre, but it's true.

Agree with this. A lot of it boils down to…women despise weakness of any kind. Its rare to find one who won’t hold things against you.
Agree with this. A lot of it boils down to…women despise weakness of any kind. Its rare to find one who won’t hold things against you.
We see this in the almost total disregard towards the male homeless population and male murder victims. Despite the Hobbesian reality of daily life sometimes, these men are regarded implicitly as weak and deserving of the situations/ends they experience.

The Pareto principle is at play: men comprise 80% of both of these unfortunate categories, but the 20% women in the same categories get at least 80% (more like 95%) of the attention and sympathy.

Media outlets have a conniption when some data point toward an increase in the female homeless population, dubious or not, but forget the vast majority of homeless are male (and women often just attach themselves to a man or the state to avoid such a fate).

Likewise, a murdered man is implicitly assumed to be responsible if another man kills him, compared to the total tragedy of a man killing a woman (or the less covered/excused cases of women killing men).
They let young teenagers get it here in the UK. I think the ((Law)) is 18.

Along with lip fillers, fake tan etc. It's like a zombie apocalypse here in England.
I'd always wondered where the Russian stereotype or EE look of obnoxious lip filling came from? You have in those women some of the best looking women in general, and they make themselves look like ridiculous, almost anti-human plastic dolls with that nonsense. How did that catch on at all?
I'd always wondered where the Russian stereotype or EE look of obnoxious lip filling came from? You have in those women some of the best looking women in general, and they make themselves look like ridiculous, almost anti-human plastic dolls with that nonsense. How did that catch on at all?
After they took God out of their society in the socialist era, a culture of extreme vanity and materialism took hold. Still, there are probably a lot fewer EE women with plastic surgery than there are obese women in the US.
They let young teenagers get it here in the UK. I think the ((Law)) is 18.

Along with lip fillers, fake tan etc. It's like a zombie apocalypse here in England.
When I go back to visit it's one of the things I notice. All the women look the same, are fat and wear way too much make up.

They all want to look like real life insta filters.
I tend to be suspicious of women who dislike other women. They always surround themselves with dudes, which is a red flag for all kinds of reasons, and I tend to believe that it's often a mommy issues thing where they can't connect well to their own femininity. The ones I've met, they've all had absent mothers or otherwise had bad relationships with their mothers.

This has been the complete opposite of my experience. Women with daddy issues tend to not like other women, and generally have excellent relationships with their mothers, as well as being extremely feminine.

What matters a lot however is if they are shy or extroverted; shy women are far more likely to be loyal and faithful, whereas extroverted women face more temptations, tend to use more drugs, and are more likely to cheat.
It's very naive to think you can inject your body with all these chemicals and suffer no consequences
These multiple botox injections will cause all sorts of nasty illnesses (like cancer further) down the line.
What does it even mean to "have units"? What happens to them over time? Are they permanent? It's like a contest for these women, like "how many tats do you have", or "how many piercings".
Gen Z high school girls don’t want kids.

High school students weigh in on low birth rate

I teach AP biology. In the last few months of school we wrapped up the year talking about population ecology. Global birth rates were a hot topic in the news this year and I decided to ask my students on how they felt about this and did they intend on of having kids of their own.

For context, out of both sections of 50 students I only had 4 boys. The rest were girls. 11 out of 50 students said “they would want /would consider” have kids in the future. All 4 of the boys wanted kids.

The rest were a firm no. Like not even thinking twice. lol some of them even said “hellllll noo” 🤣

Of course they are 16-19 years old and some may change their minds, but I was surprised to see just how extreme the results were. I also noted to them, that they may not be aware of some of the more intrinsic rewards that come with childbearing and being a parent. Building a loving family with community is rewarding

When I asked why I got a few answers:

  • “ if I were a man, then sure”
  • “ I have mental health issues I don’t want to pass on” -“in this economy?” -“yeah, but what would be in it for me?”
The last comment was interesting because the student then went on to break down a sort of cost benefit analysis as how childbearing would literally be one of the worst and costliest decisions she could make.

I couldn’t really respond as I don’t have kids, nor did I feel it necessary to respond with my own ideas. However, many seemed to agree and noted that “it doesn’t we make sense from a financial perspective”.

So for my fellow teacher out there a few questions:

  • are you hearing similar things from gen Z and alpha?
  • do you think these ideas are just simply regurgitations of soundbites from social media? Or are the kids more aware of the responsibilities of parenthood?
Edit: something to add: I’ve had non teacher friends who are incredibly religious note that I should “encourage” students in the bright sides of motherhood as encouraging the next generation is a teachers duty”

This is hilarious given 1. I’m not religious nor have ever been a mom, 2. lol im not going to “encourage” any agenda but I am curious on what teaches who do have families would say abut this.