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The Destruction of Modern Women

Is the usage of Botox that common? I'm only now realizing that I see similar faces everywhere.
Yes, women have Botox parties where they get together, have wine, gossip and get injected.

I know of a couple of women (in different circles) who do this.

They all have this same plastic face that doesn't show expressions.

It's gets more disgusting as time goes on - especially if they only do their face and ignore their neck/shoulder which looks wrinkled and anachronistic from their face. Like their face doesn't belong to their body, which is in part true.
Yes, women have Botox parties where they get together, have wine, gossip and get injected.

I know of a couple of women (in different circles) who do this.

They all have this same plastic face that doesn't show expressions.

It's gets more disgusting as time goes on - especially if they only do their face and ignore their neck/shoulder which looks wrinkled and anachronistic from their face. Like their face doesn't belong to their body, which is in part true.

I’ve heard of this as well. There was a female coworker who told me she did this. She was a trashy ho with a husband at home, but came to work looking like an escort.
Yes, women have Botox parties where they get together, have wine, gossip and get injected.

I know of a couple of women (in different circles) who do this.

They all have this same plastic face that doesn't show expressions.

It's gets more disgusting as time goes on - especially if they only do their face and ignore their neck/shoulder which looks wrinkled and anachronistic from their face. Like their face doesn't belong to their body, which is in part true.
The obsession with appearing youthful is the feminist cope for their rejection of motherhood.

Women are created to be appealing and beautiful to men at a certain age, and then they move on to being mothers, they become less visible to men and they get a bit haggard and saggy, but at this point the family has progressed to focusing on child rearing and it's more about the next generation.

Women are desperately trying to maintain the youthful appearance because they are not attaining the status of motherhood, but they are not virgins either. They are getting saggy without the radiance of having lively children around them, which ultimately makes them more resentful and ugly in their soul. We live in a generation of people wanting to have their cake and eat it too.

Feminism teaches women that they can still be appealing as a saggy necked, leather skinned, botox faced cougar in a trouser suit, and that they will attract a high status man by virtue of their career or education. Its amusing, injecting your face with venom for deluded reasons is the perfect metaphor for the entire feminist project.
Women are desperately trying to maintain the youthful appearance because they are not attaining the status of motherhood, but they are not virgins either. They are getting saggy without the radiance of having lively children around them, which ultimately makes them more resentful and ugly in their soul. We live in a generation of people wanting to have their cake and eat it too.
This is why they advocate and go crazy for violent thug migrants from the 3rd world. They get to lavish their barren motherly instincts on the helpless 3rd world "noble savages", who become their ersatz-children, while simultaneously breeding with them, because they are hyper-masculine/violent, which gets their hindbrain gears moving.
Women are created to be appealing and beautiful to men at a certain age, and then they move on to being mothers, they become less visible to men and they get a bit haggard and saggy, but at this point the family has progressed to focusing on child rearing and it's more about the next generation.
The red pill is based on foundational truths like this, which the modern (gynocentric world) denies because of feelings. Historically, this was not only known but obvious and people were treated in a way with this in mind.
The obsession with appearing youthful is the feminist cope for their rejection of motherhood.

Women are created to be appealing and beautiful to men at a certain age, and then they move on to being mothers, they become less visible to men and they get a bit haggard and saggy, but at this point the family has progressed to focusing on child rearing and it's more about the next generation.

Women are desperately trying to maintain the youthful appearance because they are not attaining the status of motherhood, but they are not virgins either. They are getting saggy without the radiance of having lively children around them, which ultimately makes them more resentful and ugly in their soul. We live in a generation of people wanting to have their cake and eat it too.

Feminism teaches women that they can still be appealing as a saggy necked, leather skinned, botox faced cougar in a trouser suit, and that they will attract a high status man by virtue of their career or education. Its amusing, injecting your face with venom for deluded reasons is the perfect metaphor for the entire feminist project.
I don't disagree with what you're saying.

Both women I mentioned are mothers however (1 is a widow).
The red pill is based on foundational truths like this, which the modern (gynocentric world) denies because of feelings. Historically, this was not only known but obvious and people were treated in a way with this in mind.
Right. For example, there's the fact that all women look very old at 30 but everyone pretends that this is not the case. Everyone is eager to deny it, but 30 is already old, actually. Even for men, who age incomparably better than women, 30 is about the age where your flesh begins to fail you in various ways (silly microinjuries, much slower recovery, lowered T, the list goes on). You can obviously still be very strong and full of vigor at 30 (a lot of men are still very strong at 70, actually), but there are good reasons why it's rare for people like soccer players to not yet have retired by 30.

Something about the pathetic attempt to defeat the passage of time just by simply lying and pretending that it's not there really annoys me in a way few things do. There are some women in their 30s that my peers will say are still attractive. Really? You would "still hit that"? Let's go pick up girls at the local nursing home, pal. There's this baddie named Gertrude, she still got it, she's young at heart! Give me a break.

Nowadays, even at 25-28 a lot of women just objectively look like hags already. The other day at work, I (naive, clueless) asked a woman her age because it was relevant to the conversation (forgot that women get really weird when this question is asked), and she got this really obnoxious look on her face and said "guess". She looked obviously 30-40 to me, but I lied through my teeth and said 25, thinking I was gonna get some social brownie points, "teehee, oh stop it you, you don't mean that, I don't look that young". Nope, she was 23. What are they putting in the water and food that women deteriorate this fast? Or is it the endocrine-system-destroying birth control pills that they all take?
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It's stress, it's food, it's work, it's the drinking culture, all of the above. Male difference are more dependent on age of maturation, which is markedly different between the races. Female differences are definitely different by race, but almost all are still confined to a maturation from 10 or 14, roughly speaking, to another 10 years for maximum youth/fertility/attraction. The part that's missing now is that you don't get the young years, really, as a man, so it's hard to justify the whole life/rest of life part - and that's even in a scenario where they are virgins. That's how bad the modern world really is.

Really? You would "still hit that"? Let's go pick up girls at the local nursing home, pal. There's this baddie named Gertrude, she still got it, she's young at heart! Give me a break.
There are tons of people, and thus tons of thirst. It's all relative. I laughed out loud with your baddie reference to Gertrude :D
The obsession with appearing youthful is the feminist cope for their rejection of motherhood.

Women are created to be appealing and beautiful to men at a certain age, and then they move on to being mothers, they become less visible to men and they get a bit haggard and saggy, but at this point the family has progressed to focusing on child rearing and it's more about the next generation.

Women are desperately trying to maintain the youthful appearance because they are not attaining the status of motherhood, but they are not virgins either. They are getting saggy without the radiance of having lively children around them, which ultimately makes them more resentful and ugly in their soul. We live in a generation of people wanting to have their cake and eat it too.

Feminism teaches women that they can still be appealing as a saggy necked, leather skinned, botox faced cougar in a trouser suit, and that they will attract a high status man by virtue of their career or education. Its amusing, injecting your face with venom for deluded reasons is the perfect metaphor for the entire feminist project.

We have enough counter point, red pill, truth bomb and/or unpopular statements here so I take all of these things in stride. Your pointing these things out actually just shows how acculturated most are to the silly egalitarianism there is, which is artificial - like so much of the monetary system and economy, though a lot of it is of course real and efficient. In another sense, you're just pointing out what men have always (historically) known. Socially there has arisen a "price to pay" for telling the truth as so many on this forum do. Sadly, that won't go away until much of the system collapses or much of the population passes on. Since women on average are a slave to the material, it will take that going away for them to actually change. As I've said so many times, it's not a coincidence that women in bad economies or with the least options are the best partners, better looking, or all of the above. The weirdest part of the modern world is the denial of that, whether anyone "likes it" or not - it's not actually debated because it can't be.
It’s why I want them to hurry up and make the nukes fly. That will fix everything. A lot of us won’t make it, but those who make it can rebuild. The problem is society and its foibles needs cleansed. A global nuclear war would get rid of the silly artifice that you’re talking about. It will suck and I don’t want it, but something something plant trees under which whose shade you will never sit.

It doesn’t even need to be that. Consider Venezuela. What would happen if everyone, not just women, but everyone who is lost in the material world can’t buy food? People facing starvation will straighten up way fast.

It’s why my sign-off line on these kinds of forums is always “I want a hot war. Not some international tensions, I’m talking something like WW2” or “we need a nice, good famine”
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So I recently found out about so called ‘whisper networks’ of women. These are usually private Facebook groups where men they are dating or are beginning to date get posted to see if there are ‘red flags.’ Originally created for women to avoid legitimate mentally ill men and real rapists etc., they have turned into full rumor mills. I’ve seen leaked posts where guys are slammed by an ex from a decade ago, or even worse stuff like coworkers who don’t like their beliefs (he’s my coworker and is pro-life, right-wing,etc.) followed by a full on mob attack on the guy in question.

If you’re in the dating market, some crazy women may well post you in one of these groups. The issue is, even though doxxing is illegal, there is little legal recourse and you have to be a woman to join. Many are private groups.

If you’re wondering yet another thing causing mass societal dysfunction and making dating a crapshoot, here’s another reason.
Wouldn’t this be defamation of character if it’s not true?
It’s why I want them to hurry up and make the nukes fly. That will fix everything. A lot of us won’t make it, but those who make it can rebuild. The problem is society and its foibles needs cleansed. A global nuclear war would get rid of the silly artifice that you’re talking about. It will suck and I don’t want it, but something something plant trees under which whose shade you will never sit.

It doesn’t even need to be that. Consider Venezuela. What would happen if everyone, not just women, but everyone who is lost in the material world can’t buy food? People facing starvation will straighten up way fast.

It’s why my sign-off line on these kinds of forums is always “I want a hot war. Not some international tensions, I’m talking something like WW2” or “we need a nice, good famine”
...Venezuelan women are homewrecking feminist hoes, though. Colombian women hate them. They cross the border to Colombia and create all kinds of problems. Doesn't seem to me like they straightened up.

I think a destructive war, rather than "straigheting up" anything in any real sense, would just result in society falling into complete amoral barbarism, where every man is a murderer and a thief, and every woman a dangerous seductress. You could argue that such barbarism would be preferrable to the current situation and a more fertile ground for proper Christianity, but I'm not so sure about that.
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What are they putting in the water and food that women deteriorate this fast? Or is it the endocrine-system-destroying birth control pills that they all take?
These days its undoubtedly a lot of physical things. Birth control, being taught that going out and drinking like a man is now acceptable ladylike behaviour, etc.

Also its undoubtedly an outward manifestation of inner state. Women are taught from a young age these days to suppress and ignore who they are and what their role is. I think they know this deep down. Usually the result is a doubling down "I just need to study more, party harder, up my body count more" etc. But I think inner turmoil, and corruption by sin does manifest itself outwardly.

It doesn't help that they usually go in for the ugly uniform of feminsm too: nose rings and sailor tats
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...Venezuelan women are homewrecking feminist hoes, though.
I heard that before the hyperinflation feminism was crazy in Venezuela. Just like the west. But after inflation, everyone shuts up. I guess the ones that move to Colombia are like that though. I wouldn't know, I've never been to Colombia let alone Venezuela.

Also in a completely "zeroed out society" "return to factory settings" yes, some will devolve into barbarism. But the "tribes" that don't will have a huge leg up on the "every man for himself" type of society. They will eventually conquer those participating in the barbarism and the world can heal.
...Venezuelan women are homewrecking feminist hoes, though. Colombian women hate them. They cross the border to Colombia and create all kinds of problems.
Can you elaborate? My only experience with Venezuelan women is in the office, where they acted like prima donnas with a superiority complex. But that was decades ago, before the Communism.
Can you elaborate? My only experience with Venezuelan women is in the office, where they acted like prima donnas with a superiority complex. But that was decades ago, before the Communism.
Venezuelans are to Colombia what Mexicans are to America. All the problems Mexicans create for you, Venezuelans create for Colombia.

Venezuelans are often very confrontational and troublesome people, and they speak Spanish really fast with a Caribbean accent that can be very hard to understand at times. Venezuelan women are often very radical feminists, and just generally have an unpleasant attitude, much like that of American black women. Apparently they tend to seduce married men, but I don't know much about that. Colombian women are not paragons of traditional sexual morality either.
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Wouldn’t this be defamation of character if it’s not true?

Officially yes. Some guys have sued, but they lost the cases to my knowledge. It’s really messed up, put a case like that in front of a feminist activist judge and she’ll probably rule in favor of the female hivemind.

Here’s the thing about the US justice system, as we saw with the Trump trial it can be gamed. I’m not a big Trump guy, but it’s obvious that verdict was gaming the system.

It’s like anything else, fair and impartial…yeah right.
Venezuelans are to Colombia what Mexicans are to America. All the problems Mexicans create for you, Venezuelans create for Colombia.

Venezuelans are often very confrontational and troublesome people, and they speak Spanish really fast with a Caribbean accent that can be very hard to understand at times. Venezuelan women are often very radical feminists, and just generally have an unpleasant attitude, much like that of American black women. Apparently they tend to seduce married men, but I don't know much about that. Colombian women are not paragons of traditional sexual morality either.

It’s stuff like this that makes me despise the LatinX political label they use here in the US. In my experience, and the truth of the matter is, the cultures are different. Americans tend to group everyone together as ‘Hispanics’ but American knowledge of other cultures is quite poor.

I can’t speak to Colombians or Venezuelans, since I only know a few. The LatinAm group I’m most familiar with are Brazilians and the women are very hit or miss. Some are utter whores with fake boobs and asses, even the former president Bolsonaro said one of Brazils main export is whores. Others seem extremely devout and I see them in church literally every day, and they are very friendly and welcoming.

One of the issues with that, while he means well, is that is presumes the world will be what he thinks it is now, in the future. I'm not saying don't try that, but you could do something similar to what he says you might "plan" and most of your family might die or starve, or worse, be alive but hooked to a sick system of X,Y or Z. Who knows.

Either way, planning will have to take place, and around these parts I think the only outlet for most is to try to do it in another setting/country/region.