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The Destruction of Modern Women

To be fair the Corporate world is not ideal for men either

The energy is very strange. At least in manual labour work you know where someone stands on day one.

Corporate world is for the most part full of fake freinds & weirdo's. American Pyscho is a pretty good expose of that world.

A lot of blue collar jobs have their own problems, but I'd take manual labor over corporate jobs any day. Office jobs in construction are better, but sitting down all day doing paperwork and looking at a computer sucks. My mental health is always better being outside working with my hands.
The women won't do it on their own. They need to follow the men...as God intended. If the women are going to get back to conservative values, that is the first test. This is equally a test to see if young men can lead again.
Men will lead but the problem, for now, is the imbalance in population and M:F ratio, generally speaking.
And if they don't like right-wing men, it's a sign it wouldn't work out anyway.
As I have indicated, they will not submit to the true order of things until they realize there is no money and power for them (any longer).
As I have indicated, they will not submit to the true order of things until they realize there is no money and power for them (any longer).
I saw a hoe math vid that showed a video of a (South) Korean girl appealing to some feminist movement there and laughing at how they might go extinct, which is just beyond bizarre, considering that before it got anywhere close to that level, women would cease to have any power and/or N Korea takes over, which is effectively the same thing. One of the weirdest things about women, and we see this in modern women, is the complete inability to think that times or things could be any different ...
I saw a hoe math vid that showed a video of a (South) Korean girl appealing to some feminist movement there and laughing at how they might go extinct, which is just beyond bizarre, considering that before it got anywhere close to that level, women would cease to have any power and/or N Korea takes over, which is effectively the same thing. One of the weirdest things about women, and we see this in modern women, is the complete inability to think that times or things could be any different ...
I've come to the conclusion that most women live in the moment...like animals. With a big exception: animals can sense danger, whereas women (and effeminate men and children) cannot.
I've come to the conclusion that most women live in the moment...like animals. With a big exception: animals can sense danger, whereas women (and effeminate men and children) cannot.
What we've come to realize over the last few years, and I take absolutely no joy in saying this in any way - public or private - makes you realize how "hackable" most people are, and how your conclusion is certainly more true than false. I think this is exacerbated by the population boom, dysgenics, and technology/efficiency that all come on at the same time.

I have more thoughts on this, but one of the big differences between men and women is the drive to do things. I've noticed this is part of the momentary nature of their experience, and it comes out as a huge sex difference ... in sex especially. Other guys have told me this too, and some might say they fake, but I'm pretty sure in many of these instances it's not the case. They'll seemingly be ecstatic and then later on be totally indifferent if that ever happened again. Guys aren't like this at all, they're constantly chasing that. It seems to me the only drive they have is an emotional one related to "what other people think" but weirdly, this almost never relates to "what my husband thinks" at least in the modern day ...
What we've come to realize over the last few years, and I take absolutely no joy in saying this in any way - public or private - makes you realize how "hackable" most people are, and how your conclusion is certainly more true than false. I think this is exacerbated by the population boom, dysgenics, and technology/efficiency that all come on at the same time.

Exactly and this leads to people being taken advantage of by unscrupulous and sociopathic members of society. It makes things worse and worse especially for women, who constantly fall for these fake charismatic types only to get burned. They rarely ever learn their lesson and instead are run through (pardon the graphic wording, but it is literally true) by these guys. Same is true in corporate America or most leaders, the fact that Satan and demonic behavior is behind every throne or powerful person hasn’t been more true today.

So let me ask who does this system reward? Good, god-fearing men or con artists?

I have more thoughts on this, but one of the big differences between men and women is the drive to do things.

You’d be amazed how useless and boring the lives of so many women are.

I've noticed this is part of the momentary nature of their experience, and it comes out as a huge sex difference ... in sex especially. Other guys have told me this too, and some might say they fake, but I'm pretty sure in many of these instances it's not the case. They'll seemingly be ecstatic and then later on be totally indifferent if that ever happened again. Guys aren't like this at all, they're constantly chasing that. It seems to me the only drive they have is an emotional one related to "what other people think" but weirdly, this almost never relates to "what my husband thinks" at least in the modern day ...

And the ‘what other people think and do drive’ is a big way in how they are ‘hacked’. Show a normal women constant social media images of whores enjoying life and many slowly will begin to ‘live for themselves’ and become whores themselves. If it’s not that serious, don’t worry because the man hating propaganda will get them instead. Of course these are women without God. It’s all so sad, mindboggling, and depressing to see.
I've come to the conclusion that most women live in the moment...like animals. With a big exception: animals can sense danger, whereas women (and effeminate men and children) cannot.

And this is why men should never listen to women in things of importance.

Men who fail this test are weeded out of the genepool, because they will invariably be culled at the next civilizational crisis.

It is sad, but at the same time, I don't feel too bad. Our people had every reason to be God-fearing, intelligent, and successful, and yet they choose death. I pity the average person as much as I do the drug-addict on the street - very much so, but I keep moving on and create my own world regardless of what the others are doing.
So let me ask who does this system reward? Good, god-fearing men or con artists?
That's a problematic question for the forum, in general, which is torn between the suffering realities of following Jesus Christ, and the suggestion that you will receive XYZ if you follow God.
Men who fail this test are weeded out of the genepool, because they will invariably be culled at the next civilizational crisis.
Sort of. There's a lot of collateral damage. It's not all that clean or straightforward.
but I keep moving on and create my own world regardless of what the others are doing.
That's all one can do, yes. Perhaps the best motivation or advice the forum has for others, since we'll never "figure out" this world, nor does it matter that we do, to be honest.
I saw a hoe math vid that showed a video of a (South) Korean girl appealing to some feminist movement there and laughing at how they might go extinct, which is just beyond bizarre, considering that before it got anywhere close to that level, women would cease to have any power and/or N Korea takes over, which is effectively the same thing. One of the weirdest things about women, and we see this in modern women, is the complete inability to think that times or things could be any different ...
They lack the spirit of creativity and innovation. I also believe they lack a degree of curiosity that men have, the desire to explore. This includes the foresight to execute long term (as in not in their lifetime) plans, and conversely the good judgment to contemplate the long term consequences of what happens today. Men of good judgment, by contrast, plant little seeds now hoping that their great grandchildren will be able to live under the shade of a big tree.

This is partly why women are never the first person to do anything remarkable, they’re always just the first woman to do what some men already pioneered generations before. They’re the trailer, not the tractor. They require someone else’s drive and guidance to wind up where they’re useful.

There are exceptions of course, but I think that a lot of those women are schemers driven by some satanic motivation to destroy something beautiful, like infiltrating an institution to feminize it or to ruin generations of children in order to glorify themselves through some delusion of a future paradise.
What we've come to realize over the last few years, and I take absolutely no joy in saying this in any way - public or private - makes you realize how "hackable" most people are, and how your conclusion is certainly more true than false. I think this is exacerbated by the population boom, dysgenics, and technology/efficiency that all come on at the same time.

I have more thoughts on this, but one of the big differences between men and women is the drive to do things. I've noticed this is part of the momentary nature of their experience, and it comes out as a huge sex difference ... in sex especially. Other guys have told me this too, and some might say they fake, but I'm pretty sure in many of these instances it's not the case. They'll seemingly be ecstatic and then later on be totally indifferent if that ever happened again. Guys aren't like this at all, they're constantly chasing that. It seems to me the only drive they have is an emotional one related to "what other people think" but weirdly, this almost never relates to "what my husband thinks" at least in the modern day ...
Please understand that I am not a "woman-hater" or anything like that, but simply stating a point. I have also come to the conclusion that most women do not emotionally mature beyond about age 12 or so. This is why they need a good husband to guide, correct, and steer them. The fact that western society coddles them and their adolescent emotionally-driven hindbrain behavior from cradle to grave only exacerbates things. Now we have them being put in charge of companies and governments, while simultaneously beating down men and removing them from positions of authority. Everything is upside-down. What a grand mess we've made of our world.
Please understand that I am not a "woman-hater" or anything like that, but simply stating a point. I have also come to the conclusion that most women do not emotionally mature beyond about age 12 or so. This is why they need a good husband to guide, correct, and steer them. The fact that western society coddles them and their adolescent emotionally-driven hindbrain behavior from cradle to grave only exacerbates things. Now we have them being put in charge of companies and governments, while simultaneously beating down men and removing them from positions of authority. Everything is upside-down. What a grand mess we've made of our world.
We have enough counter point, red pill, truth bomb and/or unpopular statements here so I take all of these things in stride. Your pointing these things out actually just shows how acculturated most are to the silly egalitarianism there is, which is artificial - like so much of the monetary system and economy, though a lot of it is of course real and efficient. In another sense, you're just pointing out what men have always (historically) known. Socially there has arisen a "price to pay" for telling the truth as so many on this forum do. Sadly, that won't go away until much of the system collapses or much of the population passes on. Since women on average are a slave to the material, it will take that going away for them to actually change. As I've said so many times, it's not a coincidence that women in bad economies or with the least options are the best partners, better looking, or all of the above. The weirdest part of the modern world is the denial of that, whether anyone "likes it" or not - it's not actually debated because it can't be.
So I recently found out about so called ‘whisper networks’ of women. These are usually private Facebook groups where men they are dating or are beginning to date get posted to see if there are ‘red flags.’ Originally created for women to avoid legitimate mentally ill men and real rapists etc., they have turned into full rumor mills. I’ve seen leaked posts where guys are slammed by an ex from a decade ago, or even worse stuff like coworkers who don’t like their beliefs (he’s my coworker and is pro-life, right-wing,etc.) followed by a full on mob attack on the guy in question.

If you’re in the dating market, some crazy women may well post you in one of these groups. The issue is, even though doxxing is illegal, there is little legal recourse and you have to be a woman to join. Many are private groups.

If you’re wondering yet another thing causing mass societal dysfunction and making dating a crapshoot, here’s another reason.
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Originally created for women to avoid legitimate mentally ill men and real rapists etc.
I think that's giving them too much credit. There's no noble goal like that. Women just have gossip groupchats, they simply love gossip. People are only now finding out about these large Facebook groups where they dox dudes or whatever, but literally all women do this, just usually in a small scale with a groupchat of a couple friends.

If I say something to a woman in a chat, it's always knowing that she will 100% show it to all her friends if she thinks it's interesting or offensive or funny or whatever.

Even if it's a very private conversation where you would (baselessly) assume that they would have some honor and keep it to themselves, they have no respect for private conversations in general, and it's not even a malicious thing, I think they just don't even grasp the idea that you'd keep a conversation private. They feel like it's natural to contribute intel to the hivemind.
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I think that's giving them too much credit. There's no noble goal like that. Women just have gossip groupchats, they simply love gossip. People are only now finding out about these large Facebook groups where they dox dudes or whatever, but literally all women do this, just usually in a small scale with a groupchat of a couple friends.

If I say something to a woman in a chat, it's always knowing that she will 100% show it to all her friends if she thinks it's interesting or offensive or funny or whatever.

Even if it's something very private and delicate, like you being foolish enough to "open up" about some weakness of yours, they have no respect for private conversations in general. They feel the need to contribute intel to the hivemind.

Probably true, or the initial formation had real safety in mind, then it got co-opted for evil and judgement. Kind of like all the liberal, peace, love, and tolerance BS, except when they disagree with you…then it’s send your opponents to the gulags. Gossiping, has always been a weak feminine activity. These groups just take it to a larger scale and frankly makes them dangerous. There have been claims of guys wanting to kill themselves or going after the women who post about them. I won’t be surprised if eventually people die over this sort of thing.

Which brings another point that Tucker Carlson brought up in a recent interview. We used to live in a society where manners and a certain politeness existed. We took a lot of this for granted: mutual respect, people showing up on time, trying to do the right thing, not cheating/swindling. All of that is going out the window in all aspects of our lives.
So I recently found out about so called ‘whisper networks’ of women. These are usually private Facebook groups where men they are dating or are beginning to date get posted to see if there are ‘red flags.’ Originally created for women to avoid legitimate mentally ill men and real rapists etc., they have turned into full rumor mills. I’ve seen leaked posts where guys are slammed by an ex from a decade ago, or even worse stuff like coworkers who don’t like their beliefs (he’s my coworker and is pro-life, right-wing,etc.) followed by a full on mob attack on the guy in question.

If you’re in the dating market, some crazy women may well post you in one of these groups. The issue is, even though doxxing is illegal, there is little legal recourse and you have to be a woman to join. Many are private groups.

If you’re wondering yet another thing causing mass societal dysfunction and making dating a crapshoot, here’s another reason.

Reason #2451214 not to date women who enjoy social media. Women who, as a rule, dislike other women, are better relationship material.
So I recently found out about so called ‘whisper networks’ of women. These are usually private Facebook groups where men they are dating or are beginning to date get posted to see if there are ‘red flags.’ Originally created for women to avoid legitimate mentally ill men and real rapists etc., they have turned into full rumor mills. I’ve seen leaked posts where guys are slammed by an ex from a decade ago, or even worse stuff like coworkers who don’t like their beliefs (he’s my coworker and is pro-life, right-wing,etc.) followed by a full on mob attack on the guy in question.

If you’re in the dating market, some crazy women may well post you in one of these groups. The issue is, even though doxxing is illegal, there is little legal recourse and you have to be a woman to join. Many are private groups.

If you’re wondering yet another thing causing mass societal dysfunction and making dating a crapshoot, here’s another reason.

If you turn her on, nothing anyone else will tell her will change her attraction to you.
Also....side note - Convicted fellons and murders in prison get the most fan mail from random women overall.
Reason #2451214 not to date women who enjoy social media.
Where do you even find such women? I've met decent and pleasant women, but women who use no social media at all, and who hate social media? Never seen that in my entire life tbh. That's hard to find even in men these days.
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