What we've come to realize over the last few years, and I take absolutely no joy in saying this in any way - public or private - makes you realize how "hackable" most people are, and how your conclusion is certainly more true than false. I think this is exacerbated by the population boom, dysgenics, and technology/efficiency that all come on at the same time.
I have more thoughts on this, but one of the big differences between men and women is the drive to do things. I've noticed this is part of the momentary nature of their experience, and it comes out as a huge sex difference ... in sex especially. Other guys have told me this too, and some might say they fake, but I'm pretty sure in many of these instances it's not the case. They'll seemingly be ecstatic and then later on be totally indifferent if that ever happened again. Guys aren't like this at all, they're constantly chasing that. It seems to me the only drive they have is an emotional one related to "what other people think" but weirdly, this almost never relates to "what my husband thinks" at least in the modern day ...