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The Destruction of Modern Women

It repels 9 out of 10 women.
It's probably something like this. I remember either on Heartiste or RVF 1.0 reading the tale of some guy's buddy whose only opener was "wanna f***?" Supposedly it had a 3% to 5% success rate when delivered with brash confidence. But if all you're looking for is that, 3% is pretty efficient in a bar full of drunken women who aren't exactly regular churchgoers.
The main issue, what produces these broken men, even more than the chemicals in the environment, is the state of the society and the family unit. Many, perhaps most or all of these soy men, know that it's wrong to be a cuck or a simp, but they do it anyway because they are so low-T and lacked so much masculine influence growing up that they simply cannot fathom a different way of doing things.

Look at it this way: Imagine having the only adults in your life for your first 15 years of life be a retarded whore of a single mother, and a bunch of hysterical female teachers at a public school. Imagine that this mother of yours sees you as an obstacle to partying or whatever, and more importantly, she sees you as a reflection of whatever man sired you and then left her. So she hates you, and whenever you do not work to please her, she punishes you, maybe even by refusing to feed you, and there is no one to defend you from this. As a result of this, your survival during all of your most important formational years depends on constantly pleasing this angry, unpredictable goddess who hates you. Imagine what that does to a boy's psyche. Obviously this forever warps their view of women. What is a woman in these men's eyes, if not someone to worship and be mistreated by? It's an embodiment of chaos that they must submit to and never oppose. Horrifying.

On point take. These imprints that happen at a young age can influence people for a lifetime. It doesn’t stop after school either. With diversity programs many white collar men will go on to work with dysfunctional women and the pattern continues. I don’t see an obvious solution, we must revert back to old ways, or if necessary destruction before rebuilding. One thing is for sure, things will revert back when the times become bad.
I run a reverse OF - I send unsolicited d**k pics to random strangers and ask them to pay me $15.99 a month to stop.
That's amazing, lol. You probably send this back when they reply, "wtf"?

Tom Brady, in all likelihood, had enough positive feedback from women since middle school to naturally develop an alpha presence and Game well before he made his millions.

Yet this wasn't enough for a woman who made a solemn covenant with him.

The curious case of Tom Brady should put the debate Status/ Looks v Game to bed once and for all.

Sometimes the woman is simply messed up and the fallen human condition manifests itself in women differently than it does in men.
Reminds me about Tom Brady's wife.

I don't think all the money, fame, and looks in the world can save a man from a lousy woman. Even if you go to Church and keep her religious, it only improves the odds but it doesn't eliminate the threat of a woman deciding to become insane.
Gisele Bündchen and DJT Jr.’s ex-wife were both run through by Leonardo DiCaprio, remember.

People talk about Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon in Hollywood - the even more relevant game would be Six Degrees of Leonardo DiCaprio, which measures the number of famous and not so famous powerful men who wifed up Leo’s Leftovers.

Whatever you want to say about Brady’s choice in a wife (I agree he chose poorly), they had two kids together and were married for years.

As for Donnie Jr., he deserves a gold medal for having five children and a fairly long marriage with a woman who not only dated Leo, but also a Latin Kings gangster and a member of Middle Eastern royalty she apparently would have married had 9/11 not happened.

Inasmuch as DJT Jr. should have steered clear of a woman who got her tingles from a criminal, he made a good fist of an otherwise bad choice.
The main issue, what produces these broken men, even more than the chemicals in the environment, is the state of the society and the family unit. Many, perhaps most or all of these soy men, know that it's wrong to be a cuck or a simp, but they do it anyway because they are so low-T and lacked so much masculine influence growing up that they simply cannot fathom a different way of doing things.

Look at it this way: Imagine having the only adults in your life for your first 15 years of life be a retarded whore of a single mother, and a bunch of hysterical female teachers at a public school. Imagine that this mother of yours sees you as an obstacle to partying or whatever, and more importantly, she sees you as a reflection of whatever man sired you and then left her. So she hates you, and whenever you do not work to please her, she punishes you, maybe even by refusing to feed you, and there is no one to defend you from this. As a result of this, your survival during all of your most important formational years depends on constantly pleasing this angry, unpredictable goddess who hates you. Imagine what that does to a boy's psyche. Obviously this forever warps their view of women. What is a woman in these men's eyes, if not someone to worship and be mistreated by? It's an embodiment of chaos that they must submit to and never oppose. Horrifying.

I don't think that would make men effeminate, quite the contrary, it would make men hate women and turn into bastard players (just like the father who sired him).
Gisele Bündchen and DJT Jr.’s ex-wife were both run through by Leonardo DiCaprio, remember.

People talk about Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon in Hollywood - the even more relevant game would be Six Degrees of Leonardo DiCaprio, which measures the number of famous and not so famous powerful men who wifed up Leo’s Leftovers.

Whatever you want to say about Brady’s choice in a wife (I agree he chose poorly), they had two kids together and were married for years.

As for Donnie Jr., he deserves a gold medal for having five children and a fairly long marriage with a woman who not only dated Leo, but also a Latin Kings gangster and a member of Middle Eastern royalty she apparently would have married had 9/11 not happened.

Inasmuch as DJT Jr. should have steered clear of a woman who got her tingles from a criminal, he made a good fist of an otherwise bad choice.
I don't get why all these rich and powerful men are marrying rich and famous women. It doesn't take a genius to know that these women have egos even fatter than Jeff Bezos's bank account.

If I were Tom Brady or Donald Trump, I would marry some beautiful, feminine girl from Ohio who is completely unknown and would be grateful to marry me. Guys of this caliber can just open up their Instagram DMs and find thousands of women begging them for a date, thousands better than the Giselle or Angelina Jolie types.

Years ago someone leaked James Franco's private messages. He was basically messaging girls "wanna f***?" and he had no problem getting gorgeous model-looking women to meet up with him. So I don't know what it is with these guys all going for ball busting actresses that have been corrupted by the system. Do they like the challenge or what?
Sadly, I've noticed most people create or cause their own problems.
I am not interested in being gratuitous and will not, of course, celebrate this woman’s suicide, but the damage she caused individually, let alone what her “organization” has done, far outweighs any tragedy of her taking her own life.

She falsely portrayed herself as brave, in a world where women are never punished appropriately for sexual crimes like indecent exposure, as if she were some gallant Ukrainian or Russian grunt fighting at any point since 2014 in Donetsk or elsewhere.

Women regularly need to do only 10% of what a man does to get thrice the kudos and rewards, or, like in this woman’s case, can be actively immoral and get said benefits.
Women regularly need to do only 10% of what a man does to get thrice the kudos and rewards, or, like in this woman’s case, can be actively immoral and get said benefits.
Yes, this reminds me of a conversation I had with a professional colleague of mine, who is also a friend, and is generally red pilled though I don't think he hangs around places like this forum or the like. I told him, yeah, it was right that people like person X got that far as a man when all these women are around and getting spots, etc. He said, "Seriously, they hook these women up and they have like 8 different outs in society." I said, precisely. And they wonder why we're living in a total clown world. Women subsume all these positions, cutting out men, then don't even work as long or hard, and men didn't get to ascend as a result. A lot of those women are married to, or don't need the money, or don't spend it on a man or really anyone else. And they wonder why we have so many problems with family formation and economy ...
Hung herself or was hung by her handlers?

She was probably paid good money to do her whore protests and destabilize things; once she served her purpose and feminism lost its appeal as the Ukraine war started, there was no more need for her. The money dried up and she found herself with nothing. She had probably alienated her friends and family, would never get hired at any decent job, and no chance at marriage with a good man having lost her best years to a political scam.

I'm sure the pain of these realizations must have crushed her soul utterly, and unless she had turned to God at that very moment then it only seems natural she choose suicide.
and no chance at marriage with a good man having lost her best years to a political scam.
It really is quite sad when you look and realize that she'd certainly be above average with effort, yet chose nonsense to start, then got thrown under the bus. I still pray that all of these types can somehow come to the knowledge of the truth since the story isn't over yet.

The more and more I think about how few opportunities there are to find good women, perhaps the reality overall is that it's better to unmarried vs. tortured. Hard to really take on that point of view, given how really easy it should be for people to come to a mutual understanding and harmony, but the world right now clearly shows us otherwise.