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The Destruction of Modern Women


Pivo Lol GIF by Radegast

We keep getting told we are living through a “misogynistic” epidemic of sexual and physical violence, but audiovisual and other hard evidence is entirely lacking and frequently shows outright female entitlement and instigation. This woman’s circus performance intersects nicely with how police bodycams were supposedly going to show perpetually “racist” policing towards blacks. Yet now various jurisdictions want to ban mugshots because they still overwhelmingly show so many non-white offenders and said bodycam footage just isn’t showing the police “racism”.

Female “victimization” like from this woman is very often based on feelings, not any objective form of victimization. And objective victimization will often be ignored because it involves a sacred cow, like the perpetrator being African-American or an illegal alien.

“He said, she said” allegations should be seen as a feature of the warped system, not a bug. Allegations need to be closed-door and very amorphous and open to wild interpretations because incontrovertible cases are like unicorns, particularly in public settings.

Public violence against women has been more or less entirely eradicated and the women know it but act as if it’s omnipresent, hence the entitlement even when they are completely in the wrong.
Believe it or not, even feminists get something right once in a blue moon. I see no good reason why men should intentionally delay marriage, best to get married young if you can.
There are extremely good reasons why men should delay marriage. Firstly in this day and age its hard for a non-chad male in the west to marry a worthwhile woman unless he is a millionaire (and even then its not a walk in the park to find a marriage-worthy woman). Secondly the average man is doing it much tougher financially then men were 50+ years ago thanks to declining living standards, hence men now need much longer to get to a situation where they are financially equipped to raise a family. No point marrying a woman if you are broke.

Not sure if anyone has followed the “single mom cries making own birthday cake because being a single mom is so hard and thankless” melodrama:

She got something like 50 million views on TikTok, plus a treasure trove of sympathetic news stories, with a collection of tens of thousands of simps, white knights and female fellow travelers calling her “brave and inspiring”.

Even putting aside the malignant narcissism involved with recreating the scene with heavy make-up, setting up a camera, and crying on cue like a sociopath, her doctor ex-husband responded and outed her for the following:
  • She’s $21,000 behind in child support (I thought you jailed people for this, especially in liberal Atlantic and more conservative Southern states alike?)
  • He has full custody of their children
  • The custody arrangement, in order to be changed, requires her to have an in-depth psychiatric assessment and forces her compliance with the recommendations for treatment made by the assessing psychiatrist
  • Said arrangement additionally requires her to have six months of stable employment before any changes can be made
  • She has been arrested for at least one felony, which according to the ex-husband involved an attempt to defraud another man of $1 million
Elizabeth responded to these facts by saying Andrew was “extremely abusive” blah blah yada yada.

Christ is our King, yes, but Andrew Cormier would have had to be seen by the courts as approaching saint/apostle-like levels of integrity in the modern world in order for him to have received what he has, even if he has earned it by being a responsible man and loving father.

What I said earlier in this thread about women doing a fraction of the effort/achieving a fraction of the accomplishment of a man and getting many times the rewards applies even more so to them being socially and legally sanctioned for bad and particularly bad and deceitful/histrionic/attention-seeking behaviors. The threshold for deserved punishment is much higher and the punishments they get even then far less severe.
There are extremely good reasons why men should delay marriage. Firstly in this day and age its hard for a non-chad male in the west to marry a worthwhile woman unless he is a millionaire (and even then its not a walk in the park to find a marriage-worthy woman). Secondly the average man is doing it much tougher financially then men were 50+ years ago thanks to declining living standards, hence men now need much longer to get to a situation where they are financially equipped to raise a family. No point marrying a woman if you are broke.
I said it's not good to delay marriage intentionally, if you can't find a woman to marry that's a different matter.

You don't need to be rich to raise children, in ancient times people had huge families on much less than we make today. I have a STEM degree and made a good salary right out of college at 23, it's possible with hard work and determination.

The main purpose of marriage from a Christian perspective isn't even children. That's secondary, the primary goal is to avoid fornication. How many men are able to stay single and keep themselves pure into their 30s or 40s? I doubt many of us have that level of patience.
Believe it or not, even feminists get something right once in a blue moon. I see no good reason why men should intentionally delay marriage, best to get married young if you can.
Again, as you said, this is just something that happens as a result of things with women changing. What's more, the men who are 50 are not with young women in any of these studies, so there is absolutely no control and thus no evidence for the "older man" claim. It doesn't' even fit what we see in nature otherwise, which is the Jaggers, De Niros and so many more having kids at very old ages.

You don't need to be rich to raise children, in ancient times people had huge families on much less than we make today. I have a STEM degree and made a good salary right out of college at 23, it's possible with hard work and determination.
Yes, but these are the technically true statements that also are fairly irrelevant. You have to deal with the current situation. Your posts on this topic are all technically true but they don't do much for a guy who is going through these years of peak female madness, and/or gynocentrism. If one could find a girl who he was attracted to and be off the market so you don't bang other women, or try (poorly or not) for 10-20 years, most guys would. We've had a confluence of factors that just largely made it so that not only were women not very interested in families young when men might commit to them, they also largely lost a lot of attractiveness due to their more manly behavior, and of course, obesity.
What's more, the men who are 50 are not with young women in any of these studies, so there is absolutely no control and thus no evidence for the "older man" claim. It doesn't' even fit what we see in nature otherwise, which is the Jaggers, De Niros and so many more having kids at very old ages.
I'd really like to see the full study, but the data came from the '60s when there may be more of these large age gaps and even today there are a substantial number. And as I said before, the study found the effect of the man's age is independent of the age of the mother, which is a known confounding factor they controlled for. If you want a technical example how this might be done, see this:

Statistics deals with significant differences, but these may not be obvious in everyday life. Even if the miscarriage risk goes up for older fathers, it goes up from a low baseline level so you wouldn't really notice without the data. Even if the miscarriage risk triples, would you really notice if it goes from 1% to 3% of pregnancies for example? The De Niros and Jaggers don't contradict anything in that regard.

If one could find a girl who he was attracted to and be off the market so you don't bang other women, or try (poorly or not) for 10-20 years, most guys would.
It certainly isn't easy, but I have seen Christian men find good wives in their early to mid-20s. If I knew then what I know now, that's what I would have pursued. Most of us here lost a lot of time and potential because we didn't have the right goal in sight earlier.
I said it's not good to delay marriage intentionally, if you can't find a woman to marry that's a different matter.

You don't need to be rich to raise children, in ancient times people had huge families on much less than we make today. I have a STEM degree and made a good salary right out of college at 23, it's possible with hard work and determination.

The main purpose of marriage from a Christian perspective isn't even children. That's secondary, the primary goal is to avoid fornication. How many men are able to stay single and keep themselves pure into their 30s or 40s? I doubt many of us have that level of patience.
Fornication is better than marrying the wrong woman because you are in a hurry to marry. Also fornication is better than raising a family while being broke. Just because you had a STEM degree and got a high paying job early or some people work for Google out of university it doesn't mean the average man is earning well at age 23. What about the other 80% of men? Not to mention even with a good job it would still take you at least a few years of working to save a decent deposit on a house.
Statistics deals with significant differences, but these may not be obvious in everyday life. Even if the miscarriage risk goes up for older fathers, it goes up from a low baseline level so you wouldn't really notice without the data. Even if the miscarriage risk triples, would you really notice if it goes from 1% to 3% of pregnancies for example? The De Niros and Jaggers don't contradict anything in that regard.
Yes, but not all are meaningful if not view properly. You get part of it, as 1 to 2% is 100% increase, but that's meaningless of course for most people, since 98 still are unaffected. But then you have to even ask if your outcome matters - in this case "miscarriage" - and in general that is questionable at best. A more meaningful one would be, "do you carry a genetic defect to term, or increase retardation, etc" since that actually affects offspring. Miscarriage in that light is of course a natural form of not producing a genetic defect. Again, as I've said ad infinitum, women have only so many eggs and men produce millions of sperm with a single thrust, so the rate limiting step or threshold for quality will be the (young) woman every time.
Also fornication is better than raising a family while being broke.
Of course that's not true, but I see you are just trying to make the point that is essentially unsaid but we all know = how many godly women are there to stick by a man who has less money and needs to ascend and build with her? There's a reason why people laugh when others say women wait at the finish line (it's true).

I post anonymously on twitter and you should see the degree to which people deny the realities of history and what make families work, and what makes women good partners. It's no wonder there are so many problems. The pro woman or anti male crowd, whichever it is, cannot just face the fact that if anything, time and experience help men, while these by definition hurt women. It's like arguing the sky is purple to not admit that women do not get more attractive to men as they get older. When you can't even get people to admit basic premises, of course it goes nowhere. I think that's the real kicker which shows you that until people totally lose their ass financially or there is a large population loss,, nothing functionally changes. And either way, the culture can't be repaired in the west in the meantime, so you have to find another environment to make anything remotely healthy or beneficial (at least the women are younger or good looking?).
Fornication is better than marrying the wrong woman because you are in a hurry to marry. Also fornication is better than raising a family while being broke. Just because you had a STEM degree and got a high paying job early or some people work for Google out of university it doesn't mean the average man is earning well at age 23. What about the other 80% of men? Not to mention even with a good job it would still take you at least a few years of working to save a decent deposit on a house.
Christian forum. Complete garbage. Money shouldn't come before family. That's clown world material.
Christian forum. Complete garbage. Money shouldn't come before family. That's clown world material.
The state of affairs in the modern west is to take one for the team and still risk things with a woman who is old or 2 points lower than you, or just wait for the crisis, wars, and population decline to take place - which will likely lock you out of a family.

Contrary to the hopium of family people here in the west, who I'm otherwise rooting for, the West is lost as there are not any meaningful possibilities of women who want to be wives and mothers. For this reason, the forum is only good for argumentation with currently propagandized, planning to go elsewhere (overseas), and/or making money in the meantime to have options that 95% of the population won't. The good news is that if you are in the remaining 5% after all of this, you can get at least 30 yo wives elsewhere, which is barely even possible now in the west, if you even wanted them.