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The Destruction of Modern Women

I made mention of this a while back, but I'll say it again, as the problem is getting worse. There are many tattoos on show in my department, and they are all on the women. From conversation, I know that much worse is covered up. Quite a few are even visible fully clothed, ie on hands and above the collar. Add to that the facial piercings, and the general outlook is not good.

Hello, I'm Doctor Poont...I mean Dr Pearson, and I have the cure for erectile dysfunction. Ready? A slim 19 year old in a school uniform and stockings, red lipstick, pigtails, holding a balloon and a teddy bear, saying "F...f...fornicate with me daddy!"

You're welcome, that'll be $500 please.

PS, I'd rather never have sex again than do it with that thing. Imagine the terror of waking up and seeing that face. I'd scream myself back to sleep.
Hello, I'm Doctor Poont...I mean Dr Pearson, and I have the cure for erectile dysfunction. Ready? A slim 19 year old in a school uniform and stockings, red lipstick, pigtails, holding a balloon and a teddy bear, saying "F...f...fornicate with me daddy!"

You're welcome, that'll be $500 please.

PS, I'd rather never have sex again than do it with that thing. Imagine the terror of waking up and seeing that face. I'd scream myself back to sleep.
That reminded me of the saying, "There's no such thing as erectile dysfunction, just erectile discrimination."
Probably she also passes on all the guys who would give her a look. It seems to me like women have zero concept of how things work. If she doesn't want to put the effort in to lose weight then she cannot expect to find a guy who does.
Yes, this is what I've noticed. Some have nice faces but don't realize that at a minimum men want a segment of your life where having sex with you isn't somewhat repellent, and 5 face 8 body always was desired over 8 face 5 body, and probably for evolutionary/fertility reasons.

I'm quite sure that it's largely an issue of "Since I don't care about body all that much, guys must not" stupid thinking, which is similar to the "If I want a guy with good money, I bet if I get some money and a career myself that'll be attractive". More proof they are clueless, as a group.

Some people just have it (the thin arms with nice tits, etc) and some don't. What's weird is that, even though all of the above is true, they still ... go on weight loss regimens and diets, and of course wish they were always early 20s ... yet blame men for wanting thin, young women ... :rolleyes:
What happened to women like this in the 1950s? I know there weren't as many with weight issues, but did they just marriage average dudes? The kind that now they think are scum?

Beyond women not understanding men (face or smile don't mean much if you're obese), the messaging is just totally stupid. It makes you wonder if people just don't realize they are actually fat. Or is that ego or protectionism so long lasting and developed that it's a surprise?

This is actually a true chasm between men and women that reminds me of that thread where the feminist thinker guy was claiming that men and women were similarly capable in thinking and agency. If they are so objective, capable and logical, you'd think that "standards" wouldn't only apply to women. Notice how men never have "standards"? It's hard to have them when no one actually asks you about them. What's funny is that men are the ones with the standards, which is why fatties are old and single - men decide marriage.

[by the way, did someone answer that question and tell her the truth?]

When there was pressure to get married young, this pressure came from the truth that after only a few years of 'dating', women became deluded by the market. They quickly get used to all the sweet lines spoken to them so they will have sex, but conveniently ignore the 'ghosting' on the other side after they have given it up.

So women like this probably just needed a gentle guide in their daily food choices and to get married young. She has a pleasant face, so isn't a lost cause. But she needs to work hard to erase her Tinder tendencies while losing the weight she gained 'GO GRRRRL'ing all over the place.
You can always tell when a list was made by a woman. Unorganized, silly/nonsensical, repetitions and reiterations. When a person claims to have many reasons for something, in reality it's almost always 1 reason.
Also if you feel the need to declare publicly your exhaustive list of reasons for not making a certain life choice, rather than just getting on with your life, it betrays a need to justify oneself to oneself more than anything.

Here's 118 things that help me cope when I lie awake alone at night...
Also if you feel the need to declare publicly your exhaustive list of reasons for not making a certain life choice, rather than just getting on with your life, it betrays a need to justify oneself to oneself more than anything.

Here's 118 things that help me cope when I lie awake alone at night...

Yes, it's almost as if they know.
You have to admire the self-confidence, even if performative, to look this way yet interpret any man finding you completely unattractive as them having erectile dysfunction.

This is the female Harvey Weinstein - minus the cash and power that made him attractive.

She looks like Terry Crews’ hypothetical drag-detective character if they made a remake or sequel to the Wayans’ film White Chicks, this time Black Chicks.

But remember, the women who write or promote these “self-esteem”/narcissism pieces on behalf of celebrities know the state of the game anyway - they’d cry if it were said they looked like Leslie Jones yet squeal with delight if someone said they looked like Rihanna or Taylor Swift.
Lots of replies here are off the mark. It’s because of weak men, they just got to lose weight, they are whores, etc.

While all true it means nothing because the system itself doesn’t reign in female behavior. These unicorn women some of you speak of are simply not there or in hiding.

A woman can be overweight, promiscuous, have a bad attitude and some guy will still date or wife her up.

Whoever said men have no leverage anymore is right.

in the wild the normal couples I see as in what looks like a decent man who is not dating down with what looks like a moral wife are: Some immigrant couples, some white guy - Asian couples, in a wealthy community (Ivy leaguers etc.), church but very rarely.

Even the immigrant couple wives are becoming huge or unreasonable.

The other guys I see with ‘hot’ women are usually sugaring or with straight whores.

I took a long Uber ride with a Christian immigrant African driver. We spoke the entire time about this. He asked me I had to be married right? I told him no and why. He opened up about how his wife is from his country but he’s in a terrible relationship because she has been Americanized. Won’t let him see her phone (changed password) and called the cops when he raised his voice.

He said she was fine in his country in Africa but after 5 years here she starting do this. Makes total sense, because here she could with no consequences.
Whoever said men have no leverage anymore is right.
Yes, it comes down to this statement, which is a version of the similar quip, "Women don't need you, thus you see what you see." Of course, they need you in ways they aren't aware of, which is the problem, so it could be that their perception is that they don't need you. This proves the practical truth of the statement "perception is reality" in that perception isn't objective of course, but it has consequences. If madness (our culture) changes women, of course that matters to men, regardless of what women do or don't understand.
The other guys I see with ‘hot’ women are usually sugaring or with straight whores.
Sadly, this is largely the case as well, since everything became tech and monetized to uber degrees. There are a few things that the older, successful man in general finds not worth doing, which is something I was also going to post on. One of those things is dealing with women nowhere near their former value, which is one of the only reasons why a guy would spend all of his hard earned income, and promise a future, to a woman. Older men have a very solidified awareness of how much "work" women are, so if they don't make your life easier in at least a few ways, what's the point? I think this is the crux of the issue. I've recently even pondered to myself that if I did get married, I want nothing to do with the pomp and circumstance of a wedding. At a certain point, a lot of these things just need to vanish, as they are hassles and costs for no reason. Unless you are getting a young virgin bride what's the deal with this white dress and big wedding stuff? Then I laugh about what the reaction might be if I told a girl who was 29 or 30 that ... I wonder if she'd immediately walk away if that were a condition of marriage, just to keep it discreet, no nonsense, no hassles, just move on with life together.
Yes, it comes down to this statement, which is a version of the similar quip, "Women don't need you, thus you see what you see." Of course, they need you in ways they aren't aware of, which is the problem, so it could be that their perception is that they don't need you. This proves the practical truth of the statement "perception is reality" in that perception isn't objective of course, but it has consequences. If madness (our culture) changes women, of course that matters to men, regardless of what women do or don't understand.

Sadly, this is largely the case as well, since everything became tech and monetized to uber degrees. There are a few things that the older, successful man in general finds not worth doing, which is something I was also going to post on. One of those things is dealing with women nowhere near their former value, which is one of the only reasons why a guy would spend all of his hard earned income, and promise a future, to a woman. Older men have a very solidified awareness of how much "work" women are, so if they don't make your life easier in at least a few ways, what's the point? I think this is the crux of the issue. I've recently even pondered to myself that if I did get married, I want nothing to do with the pomp and circumstance of a wedding. At a certain point, a lot of these things just need to vanish, as they are hassles and costs for no reason. Unless you are getting a young virgin bride what's the deal with this white dress and big wedding stuff? Then I laugh about what the reaction might be if I told a girl who was 29 or 30 that ... I wonder if she'd immediately walk away if that were a condition of marriage, just to keep it discreet, no nonsense, no hassles, just move on with life together.

First date: Can you explain to me what I mean by "I want a marriage, not a wedding?"

*Socratic method ensues*

Either she gets it, and gets with it, or it's a deal breaker.
First date: Can you explain to me what I mean by "I want a marriage, not a wedding?"

*Socratic method ensues*

Either she gets it, and gets with it, or it's a deal breaker.
I'm aware that guys just generally go along with it, but looking back when I see the people that eloped or if a relative married a girl randomly and there really wasn't ever much of a to-do or party, I think to myself: He did it right.

Do you guys think or have you thought this about the headache of marriage? It's funny that it's a harbinger, and quite clear.