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The Destruction of Modern Women


Degree's in what exactly ???
The survey doesn't say....
The state of affairs in the modern west is to take one for the team and still risk things with a woman who is old or 2 points lower than you, or just wait for the crisis, wars, and population decline to take place - which will likely lock you out of a family.

Contrary to the hopium of family people here in the west, who I'm otherwise rooting for, the West is lost as there are not any meaningful possibilities of women who want to be wives and mothers. For this reason, the forum is only good for argumentation with currently propagandized, planning to go elsewhere (overseas), and/or making money in the meantime to have options that 95% of the population won't. The good news is that if you are in the remaining 5% after all of this, you can get at least 30 yo wives elsewhere, which is barely even possible now in the west, if you even wanted them.
This is a good summary.

What people also fail to realize is that “marriage” in most cases means far, far less today than in the past, even if they don’t see it. And I don’t just mean the likelihood of divorce.

Getting married by a priest in, say, a Catholic church and getting that government paperwork afterwards presupposes the wife in particular is as committed to the bond and as virtuous in her history and personal characteristics as her grandmother was decades earlier.

We have no problem assuming that a car from the 1950s is far different from a Ford pick-up truck or Tesla today.

Marriage in 2024, despite fewer marriages, particularly religious ones, has significantly diminished in value.
What people also fail to realize is that “marriage” in most cases means far, far less today than in the past, even if they don’t see it. And I don’t just mean the likelihood of divorce.
Yes, it's still part of the motion of the ocean, since so many people are alive that are still married (even though they might be in their 70s or 80s). They'll provide lip service because they either aren't critical thinkers or that's just all they know. I suspect they also don't want to admit that most of their kids, whether their fault or not, are pieces of dookie on the historical level, to boot. It's actually not their fault as parents necessarily, but it could be, especially if they are divorced. They don't want to admit to being at fault, so they'll just act like nothing has changed, even though everyone knows better.

You definitely can meet based men who realize prenups would be the only consideration in the modern day, but the problem is even those are few and far between. The "I did it so you can too" is as idiotic as the suggestion that the economy is similar or housing is affordable, etc.

I've met too many people that personalize everything in their lives when they consider what you say or think, or don't take your situation into consideration when you talk to them, which is what I find real intelligence, or genuineness, is. For example, people should be humble enough to realize that even though they married older women, that doesn't mean other guys would or would even consider it. Or if they've been married previously/divorced, and then got married again later, even if things worked out, they shouldn't look at things through their own life's lens. I find that even fairly educated people are horrible at thinking and discerning what someone else might want or consider, and my explanation is that they have emotion and ego in the way, sadly. People have a really hard time admitting to themselves or others that if you have different or better qualities in some ways, you should expect more than they did. That's not a criticism of their life situation, it's just an honest assessment of someone else, yet they won't do that to protect their own ego or self esteem, which I find both silly and lame.

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This video by hoe_math on YT is fantastic. It explains that when women enter into a relationship with a high value man, they must bring something to the table, just as the high value man does.

They cannot simply be the table, because a high value man expects equal value from the woman that he's with. To expect a man to be content with the table is, in other words, simping. Do women want a simp, or a high value man? And high value men do not simp.

If you're in a relationship, or entering into one, take all of this to heart. It might explain why you're unhappy (if you are), and at the very least enable you to set some expectations for what you're expecting out of the relationship.
Women want a high-value man until they find out that it requires them to become a better woman.
Not to bring it up again or throw more salt on the reality of the world, but this is why I question the agency of women as a group. It doesn't seem to me that this is anything but a basic conclusion, but they seem helpless overall to recognize it and change their lives. What that shows me is that they are so easily propagandized as to not even expect meaningful change, so it really becomes a situation where speaking as a man logically, or regarding "solutions" becomes an absurdity. Something we know (and it equals destruction/old system falls away is the only way for things to change).

The funniest part about it is that the best explanation is that it isn't even their "fault" but that's circular in that if you admit that, you also see that there is no agency, which is why I think history is as we see it, and modernity with things like women making all their own decisions and voting is an absurdity.

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This is frequently true but Cheong misses a big point: “high value men” are very often screwed over later by divorce, and their relationship, while it lasts, dictated by the whims of his spouse’s satisfaction, or lack thereof.

In this sense, “high value men” often do simp, contrary to what Cheong says, facing the consequences later or creating the flimsy veneer of happiness.

Plus, a man might have the trappings of high value and most people may see him as “alpha”, but much of this is illusory.

Behind the scenes, many a woman is overly lavished with gifts and other things by her husband, to the point where he’s overtly paying her to stick around.

Nietzsche said, “The value of a thing sometimes does not lie in that which one attains by it, but in what one pays for it — what it costs us.”

In general we do not know what a high value man really pays.
Behind the scenes, many a woman is overly lavished with gifts and other things by her husband, to the point where he’s overtly paying her to stick around.
Can you blame them? There used to be legal and social consequences for abandoning your husband, but now that those do not exist, and that women stand to gain a lot from a divorce, marriage effectively hinges on the woman not getting bored.

Since women today do not understand, let alone respect, the concept of oaths and contracts such as marriage, how is an average man supposed to keep her around once the honeymoon phase ends and the strong feefees aren't really there for her anymore? He has to appease her.
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Nietzsche said, “The value of a thing sometimes does not lie in that which one attains by it, but in what one pays for it — what it costs us.”
Saylor once had a long philosophical musing on what you are getting at here, which is important, but is foreign to most because a lot of people can't even get step 1, which he basically ignores as the possible or obvious, and that is acquisition. He goes on to say, the real challenge isn't getting something, it is maintaining it. He added more insight but I found the idea fascinating, since it's so true. I'm leaving a lot out because I can't quite remember which interview he said that in and a lot of the interviews are over 2 hours long so it's hard to go back and find that.

Nevertheless, the point of all of this is that there are so many hidden factors of cost, value and maintenance that most people are just shallow or frankly, naive about what's going on. You can tell a lot of the rich guy interviews on social media or otherwise they gloss over this, or hide stuff from you, and mostly I think that's because they are already in that camp of (and each man must decide this for himself) "If you want the woman, you gotta spend" and they are OK with it. The thing is that so many of us who really do have quite a bit but don't have 10s of millions don't see the value in that - allowing a side party to whimsically spend or outright waste money. The issue then becomes one of the problems that plagues the modern day, which is that there are really very few women, at least in the west, that are very good looking that won't "make you pay." And that's part of the tragedy.
My girlfriend works her first corporate job for 2 years now. Due to some developments in her department, she just recently realized that the corporate world is filled with backstabbing psychos. This was quite rough on her and she cried a lot about this.

This made me realize that just being in such an environment for an extended period of time damages women. It sucks out the innocence and sweetness of them. They are too emotional and simply not built for this. It crushes their soul.

Given that many Western women enter the corporate world in their early-20s and play the game for years, it's no wonder that so many of them are FUBAR by the time they reach 30.
My girlfriend works her first corporate job for 2 years now. Due to some developments in her department, she just recently realized that the corporate world is filled with backstabbing psychos. This was quite rough on her and she cried a lot about this.

This made me realize that just being in such an environment for an extended period of time damages women. It sucks out the innocence and sweetness of them. They are too emotional and simply not built for this. It crushes their soul.

Given that many Western women enter the corporate world in their early-20s and play the game for years, it's no wonder that so many of them are FUBAR by the time they reach 30.
Marriage, family, husband, and children are the SAFETY zone for women, so they are shielded from the vagaries and brutality of life. If a woman can't see and accept this, then she is rebellious and following the spirit of Jezebel. Walk away from such women and don't marry them before they change.
Marriage, family, husband, and children are the SAFETY zone for women, so they are shielded from the vagaries and brutality of life. If a woman can't see and accept this, then she is rebellious and following the spirit of Jezebel. Walk away from such women and don't marry them before they change.
It's hard to argue against this, given the experiments we've done and what we've seen. The problem is that it took down 2 generations with it, generally speaking.
My girlfriend works her first corporate job for 2 years now. Due to some developments in her department, she just recently realized that the corporate world is filled with backstabbing psychos. This was quite rough on her and she cried a lot about this.

This made me realize that just being in such an environment for an extended period of time damages women. It sucks out the innocence and sweetness of them. They are too emotional and simply not built for this. It crushes their soul.

Given that many Western women enter the corporate world in their early-20s and play the game for years, it's no wonder that so many of them are FUBAR by the time they reach 30.

To be fair the Corporate world is not ideal for men either

The energy is very strange. At least in manual labour work you know where someone stands on day one.

Corporate world is for the most part full of fake freinds & weirdo's. American Pyscho is a pretty good expose of that world.