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The Climate Change Delusion Thread

Explicit reminder that you are the carbon they want to reduce.

Whether it's eating less meat or cycling instead of driving, humans can do many things to help prevent climate change.

Unfortunately, breathing less isn't one of them

That might be a problem, as a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.

Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say.
And that's not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing.
Indeed, and not just us. Carbon is the gas of life and plants need as much of it as possible. If humanity was increasing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere in a significant way (it is not), that would be a good thing. It would likely make all crops everywhere bigger, and it would make them grow faster. If they do this insane thing they're planning to do where they just suck up all the carbon from the atmosphere, they will create a worldwide food shortage. No doubt this is exactly the plan.

The lives of my generation are going to be unprecedentedly harsh, and yet the men are unprecedentedly weak. Not looking forward to the next few decades. Lord have mercy.
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The amount of rain we just had certainly won't help our bush/forest fire starters this year.

It's insane that people are ok when the government bans natural gas for a cooking stove but exports it all to China when the summers are cooler than they were for a while now.
I think we need to centralize more power at heroes of the UN and their web of international orgs and funded (N)GOs

And let them decide for humanity what is good and bad and shove that down our throats and make worldly laws to criminalize other thoughts and behaviors they don't like. Stop those evil businesses that are polluting all, and dumb people, and evil local corrupt dictators destroying the world.

They just want cooler weather, me too (on some too hot summer days), and lower tides (sometimes it's quite irritating the sea comes up, if you put your towel next to the sea in summer)


The best organisation in the world is UNEP. UN Environmental program.

Look at the good things.

Or "our" fossil fuel addiction.

The UN org is the best in the world. They just want us safe and happy and have colder weather.

To be serious, the disinformation keeps telling us it's Greta, Bill Gates, the WEF, but the problem is the UN, a supranational body, which decides most of national policy.

For the UN Faith is about FBOs (Faith Based Organisations)

Third, today’s post-secular international environment is characterised by expansion of many FBOs’ concerns from primarily theological issues to concerns traditionally understood as ‘secular’. These include: human, including women’s, rights, conflict resolution and problems of international development
Isn't that great, 'women rights" is killing your baby in your belly right when you want to?
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This is based on saying the pair of jeans is only worn seven times.

I suppose some women that buy a lot of clothes will actually do this. However, I think most jeans get worn 100-200 times if they are used regularly until they become unacceptably faded and worn.

Also, how much different are jeans from other types of fabric? I wouldn't think the difference is that great. If anything, other fabrics might be worse.
This is based on saying the pair of jeans is only worn seven times.

I suppose some women that buy a lot of clothes will actually do this. However, I think most jeans get worn 100-200 times if they are used regularly until they become unacceptably faded and worn.

Also, how much different are jeans from other types of fabric? I wouldn't think the difference is that great. If anything, other fabrics might be worse.

No need to argue with these clowns brother as they want to make us being alive a climate problem. Women buying clothes like they're going out of fashion obviously is disgusting and the quality of clothes has decreased because of that.

I still own a denim jacket since I was a teen and still wear it occasionally after wearing it almost daily through my 20's.

Actually come to think of it my wife still owns her grandmother's dressing gown.
What uneducated idiot came up with a "Floating Solar Plant" idea? 🤦‍♂️
