The China Thread

Same old Piano notes, another massively bloated verbose answer filled with:

- personal attacks and strawmen. Here it is the notion that, because observing China and their government is doing better job in many areas at running their country, I must be some kind of a traitor to my country or race...

- wildly inaccurate takes on many subjects you clearly don't know much about but will copy-paste big dumps to pretend you do. Let me take a few of those apart.

China has not been running on foreign investment for decades now, they have an annual inflow of one trillion dollars per year just from their trade balance. They are creating new industries almost from scratch, including chips, EVs, and dominating them. Their cars have had Toyota, VW and Ford engineers marveling at their designs. They are literally destroying Japanese and German companies like Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi and VW that may not be around much longer.

That is precisely what they just did! They struck a huge blow to the bloated Silicon Valley AI industry with a tiny team working on a shoestring budget. This has been the biggest story this year so far, the release of DeepSeek has taken half a trillion dollar off of Nvidia's market cap.

Have you ever been to Silicon Valley?? I don't think Noyce would recognize it. By 2000, the majority of EECS at firms like Intel, Sun, National Semiconductor, Apple were Chinese (mix of Taiwanese-American, ABCs and FOBs). EE grads from the main feeder schools (Berkeley, Stanford, CalTech SJSU, UCLA etc) have been majority Chinese.

The main reason Taiwan has been the global center of semiconductor industry is because this SV Chinese community set up shop there.

Hypersonic missile tech is built on the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theories of French plasma physicist Jean-Pierre Petit in the 1980s. He was considered a loon by the French scientific establishment and his work mothballed, except for the Russians, who picked up on the tremendous potential of MHD, the rooskies being more tuned in to the mathematical theories undergirding MHD. A few decades later, they have developed glider missiles that travel at mach 20 and torpedoes that cruise at 400kmh underwater. The Chinese did copy/reverse engineer Russian MHD tech, but are still 5 years behind, while the US is over a decade behind.

The heyday of American military technology was in the 1970s, when programs like the F-14, F-15, F-16, Blackbird were developed. Today we are down to this:

The US military procurement system is the most bloated, most corrupt bureaucracy in the history of bureaucracies, objectively measured in financial terms. The F-35 is a $2 trillion boondoggle that produced an inferior one trick pony (stealth) that apparently even the Iranians have figured out.

The US pulled the plug on the NGAD because it was going to cost nearly half a billion dollars per plane, an absurd proposition even for a Treasury that can print dollars out of thin air. and yes, the Chinese will build their Gen5/6 jets for well under $100 mill apiece. Korea sells their KF-21 stealth fighter for $70 million, and the Chinese are even better at keeping costs low.

This is one of your many Boomer moments from the post above, you are completely disconnected with reality, it's as if you still live in 1989 and you've typed your mega-post above on a 386 PC wearing a Members Only jacket.

Look, the point here is not to **** on the US and praise China, that's where you want to frame this debate in order to invoke a completely misplaced and shortsighted patriotism. The point here is that China, and Russia, are well-run countries that are on the rise, and whose people like their rulers and feel good about their future - the opposite of every western country.

We're run by oligarchs who hate us and treat their people like cattle who they squeeze to the last drop in a modern type of usury-based serfdom: rampant homelessness and ghettos, student debt, mass migration, shrinking economic opportunities, high taxes and not much in return, disappearing freedom, cultural war against Christianity and nationalism and so forth.

People like those RedNote TikTok refugees are starting to notice, thanks to China, and that is a good thing. The Chinese with their rinky-dink $5.6 million super-program have also single-handedly destroyed the foundation of the techno-feudalists' AI-driven world domination plan . Sam Altman, Larry Ellison and co are reeling and that is a great thing, xie xie China!

One point of corrction on the military tech I think worth stating:

I'm not sure I'd write of the JSF35 as obsolete with stealth. There are many other facets of the airframe as a mobile C2 Interface that can't be written off.

RIDDLE ME THIS BATMAN....If it were going to be obsolete.... Why would all the other powers be working on next generation airframes to fill the same purpose?

Hypersonic Middle will be solved at some point as other methodologies for defeat of that system are enacted... I'm sure DARPA has that in the works and likely is keeping mum about it.
One point of corrction on the military tech I think worth stating:

I'm not sure I'd write of the JSF35 as obsolete with stealth. There are many other facets of the airframe as a mobile C2 Interface that can't be written off.

RIDDLE ME THIS BATMAN....If it were going to be obsolete.... Why would all the other powers be working on next generation airframes to fill the same purpose?

Hypersonic Middle will be solved at some point as other methodologies for defeat of that system are enacted... I'm sure DARPA has that in the works and likely is keeping mum about it.

If you take away the stealth, the F35 is a high maintenance very slow jet with a limited range and even more limited payload, and software so complex that the plane can brick and fall from the sky like an anvil, as seen yesterday in Alaska.

The Russians have had years of practice fine-tuning their tracking of Israeli and US F-35s over Syria. It turns out they figured them out, probably through triangulation and signals processing. Israeli F-35s had to turn back after being tracked by Iranian radars.

For the next program, the DARPA part is doable, the question is whether the MIC will be able to take that cutting edge technology and produce jets at a reasonable cost in the 2030s because you know the Chinese will.
If you take away the stealth, the F35 is a high maintenance very slow jet with a limited range and even more limited payload, and software so complex that the plane can brick and fall from the sky like an anvil, as seen yesterday in Alaska.

The Russians have had years of practice fine-tuning their tracking of Israeli and US F-35s over Syria. It turns out they figured them out, probably through triangulation and signals processing. Israeli F-35s had to turn back after being tracked by Iranian radars.

For the next program, the DARPA part is doable, the question is whether the MIC will be able to take that cutting edge technology and produce jets at a reasonable cost in the 2030s because you know the Chinese will.
If you note that current tech being demonstrated has been around since the late 80s and only fielded recently ... Methinks we will be OK on the DARPA / MIC issue
Same old Piano notes, another massively bloated verbose answer filled with:

- personal attacks and strawmen. Here it is the notion that, because observing China and their government is doing better job in many areas at running their country, I must be some kind of a traitor to my country or race...

I recognize what China is doing and it is not impressive to me how many jews in America kvetch over them because I know the long con. They are not excluded from the New World Order and you are very simple-minded with your analysis if you think they are. Both the United States and China have very important parts to play in its birth. The US already did most of the dirty work the last 80 years. China will pick up where it left off, after much of this confusion fades away. If you studied Kalergi's work and those who came after him and continue it to this day you would know this but you shy away from racial realities like a rabbi from the presence of holy water.

- wildly inaccurate takes on many subjects you clearly don't know much about but will copy-paste big dumps to pretend you do. Let me take a few of those apart.

No, I do not post things on which I know little about. I admit my weaknesses freely. I am not very good at giving financial investment advice, nor am I good at allopathic medicine, or insurance claims, or secular legalism, because my soul is inherently against lies. Anything within the system I have a hard time of engaging in because of the spiritual discord I experience when doing so.

I write my own content unless I am quoting, citing, paraphrasing, summarizing, or linking something. Go ahead and search all of my posts into a browser and see what comes up.

Can't say the same for you, who has been copy-pasting years old posts and talking points from 911. This had been going on for months on RVF, and you bring the same here. Whether you have personally archived the entire RVF board when the opportunity still existed or not is speculative, because posting one time bangers ripped off the internet is easy, but engaging with knowledgeable members that have you covered from every angle in a real discussion is not.

China has not been running on foreign investment for decades now, they have an annual inflow of one trillion dollars per year just from their trade balance.

No, they most definitely have been capitalizing on foreign investment and becoming quite fat off of it.

The reality of China's economy is deeply entangled with global financial flows, much of which come from Western investment in Chinese manufacturing and technology. It's not that China is "self-sufficient" in the true sense it's that China has become a manufacturing powerhouse due to Western outsourcing. Without that they would be nowhere.

Western companies have moved massive portions of their supply chains to China in order to take advantage of cheap labor and lenient environmental regulations. Apple, Nike, and countless others are prime examples. This has displaced millions of jobs in the Western world, particularly in manufacturing, a point that you acknowledge.

China's "trade surplus" is a result of subsidized cheap labor and intellectual property theft that has been built on the backs of Western work undercut by corporations seeking to trim costs. The idea that China is "self-sufficient" ignores the massive Western corporate presence in China which benefits from low wages and a massive consumer market driven by Western-style capitalism that they now employ, something else you acknowledged.

They are creating new industries almost from scratch, including chips, EVs, and dominating them.

This is an exaggeration, to put it mildly.

China's semiconductor industry has advanced significantly, but it’s been heavily dependent on Western technology, particularly American-made software and equipment for semiconductor manufacturing. The recent U.S. export bans on semiconductor equipment to China are a testament to how dependent China still is on the West for this industry.

Similarly China’s EV market is growing rapidly, but it has largely relied on technology and supply chains from the West. Tesla has a massive footprint in China, and BYD which is one of China's leading EV companies has benefited from Western capital and technology to accelerate its rise. China didn't suddenly invent EVs out of nowhere, they capitalized on existing Western technological trends and flooded the market with cheap, mass-produced versions.

Their cars have had Toyota, VW and Ford engineers marveling at their designs. They are literally destroying Japanese and German companies like Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi and VW that may not be around much longer.

Chinese automakers are increasingly competing in the global market but it's not because they have superior innovation or design but rather it's because of economic conditions that favor China’s massive state support, access to cheap labor, and a monopolistic market that stifles competition from established companies in the West and Japan.

Chinese companies like Geely and BYD have been able to thrive thanks to government subsidies, access to massive state-backed capital, and a protected domestic market. Chinese automakers can sell at low prices making it harder for companies like Toyota and Volkswagen to compete. This isn't a victory of innovation but a result of unfair trade practices and economic manipulation by the Chinese government, but I suppose it's a win in the 911/Cooper book because it hurts the West right?

Germany and Japan two of the most innovative and advanced nations in history are strategically denied the opportunity to fully develop their potential. This, coupled with the treachery that led to their downfall after World War II has kept them in check. Meanwhile China with Western support has risen to power capitalizing on the very systems that were designed to stifle the West's true potential. China's reliance on reverse-engineering Western technology and intellectual exploitation means all of their advancements are inherently parasitic, leveraging decades of work by Western minds.

China is becoming 'better' than the USA and it's inherently racial superiors in Germany and Japan by jewish design, not because "they've finally outdone the west on their own."

That is precisely what they just did! They struck a huge blow to the bloated Silicon Valley AI industry with a tiny team working on a shoestring budget. This has been the biggest story this year so far, the release of DeepSeek has taken half a trillion dollar off of Nvidia's market cap.

The idea that a "tiny team working on a shoestring budget" took down Nvidia is wildly misleading, Nvidia is the leader in AI chip development and its GPUs are the backbone of AI and machine learning worldwide. For any AI project to succeed, especially on the scale of DeepSeek, it requires substantial resources and technological infrastructure. The reality is that China’s success in this space is heavily funded by massive state backing in the form of subsidies as well as global partnerships with firms and technology originally developed in the West.

Have you ever been to Silicon Valley?? I don't think Noyce would recognize it. By 2000, the majority of EECS at firms like Intel, Sun, National Semiconductor, Apple were Chinese (mix of Taiwanese-American, ABCs and FOBs). EE grads from the main feeder schools (Berkeley, Stanford, CalTech SJSU, UCLA etc) have been majority Chinese.

They were given preferential hiring on purpose, they do not outperform White engineers on a global scale, there simply are more of the buggers.

Yes Chinese engineers make up a significant portion of Silicon Valley’s workforce but you're once again ignoring the role of treacherous anti-White immigration policies that favored Asian "talent," and the global labor arbitrage that led to an influx of workers from China and Taiwan. These engineers were often hired into well-established systems not as innovators but as technicians and engineers following the blueprint laid out by American and European innovators. The demand for cheap labor in the early stages of Silicon Valley's explosive growth was a key driver in this demographic change.

The hiring practices in Silicon Valley have been geared toward profit maximization. The fact that companies hired large numbers of Chinese and Taiwanese engineers is more a reflection of a globalization-driven demand for cheap trainable labor force and not because they were better engineers.

If the Asians were in charge of their own people like they had planned with GEACPS before the end of 1945 they would never have been sending anyone to any western alien land.

That doesn't change that White Americans and Europeans remain at the forefront of many high-tech industries particularly in the initial conceptualization of groundbreaking technologies. We are fewer in number, but greater in genius and creation.

The main reason Taiwan has been the global center of semiconductor industry is because this SV Chinese community set up shop there.

Hypersonic missile tech is built on the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theories of French plasma physicist Jean-Pierre Petit in the 1980s. He was considered a loon by the French scientific establishment and his work mothballed, except for the Russians, who picked up on the tremendous potential of MHD, the rooskies being more tuned in to the mathematical theories undergirding MHD. A few decades later, they have developed glider missiles that travel at mach 20 and torpedoes that cruise at 400kmh underwater. The Chinese did copy/reverse engineer Russian MHD tech, but are still 5 years behind, while the US is over a decade behind.

For any claim about global technological development, especially in a field as complex and secretive as military hypersonics or MHD, there is a vast amount of secrecy and classified information that makes it almost impossible for outsiders (even well-informed ones) to claim definitive timelines. You are making blanket statements about a field that is both esoteric and heavily classified.

So on what authority do you make these claims of one country being ahead or behind the other? Not even a senior consultant would be able to say this without being in a secure federal building admitting his technical expertise behind secure doors and walls to only ears that are legally permitted to hear this.

I will at least admit that in this day and age, no country is beyond intellectual theft, but no one has done it as much as the Chinese to get ahead. Perhaps israel has only done more, because they end up receiving everything that should be given to the American people.

The heyday of American military technology was in the 1970s, when programs like the F-14, F-15, F-16, Blackbird were developed. Today we are down to this:
Modern military technology today, especially in stealth, cyber warfare, AI, hypersonics, and drone warfare vastly outpaces the 1970s-era platforms. The F-22 Raptor is a next-generation fighter that leverages stealth, sensor fusion, and network-centric warfare capabilities. Military technologies evolve according to the needs of the time. The US military has shifted its focus from purely aerial superiority to multi-domain operations, which encompasses far more than fast fighter jets.

The US military procurement system is the most bloated, most corrupt bureaucracy in the history of bureaucracies, objectively measured in financial terms. The F-35 is a $2 trillion boondoggle that produced an inferior one trick pony (stealth) that apparently even the Iranians have figured out.
The $2 trillion figure typically refers to the lifetime costs over the decades for operating, maintaining, and upgrading the aircraft, not the initial development cost. The actual development cost is closer to $400 billion spread across many years with the aircraft’s production and operational costs much lower.

The US pulled the plug on the NGAD because it was going to cost nearly half a billion dollars per plane, an absurd proposition even for a Treasury that can print dollars out of thin air.

The Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program is not dead but in fact it’s being actively developed. The USAF has already initiated prototypes and plans to replace the F-22 with a new generation of aircraft. It may appear "dead" to you but if you could see the budgets and the allotments, it is very much still alive with shekels flowing. The cost issues you mention are based on initial estimates and the complexities of cutting-edge military R&D. It’s standard in high-tech military programs to face budgetary revisions and constraints. The US military has long-term investments in new technologies like hypersonics, AI-enhanced drones, and autonomous systems, which is not a sign of military decay, but rather a shift towards more complex and versatile systems.

and yes, the Chinese will build their Gen5/6 jets for well under $100 mill apiece. Korea sells their KF-21 stealth fighter for $70 million, and the Chinese are even better at keeping costs low.

China's aircraft production has indeed enlarged but their aircraft still lack the advanced electronic warfare systems, sensor fusion, and long-range combat capabilities found in the F-35 or F-22. Building planes cheaply doesn’t necessarily mean the plane is effective. You need to also consider the quality of components, long-term reliability, and operational versatility.

This is one of your many Boomer moments from the post above, you are completely disconnected with reality, it's as if you still live in 1989 and you've typed your mega-post above on a 386 PC wearing a Members Only jacket.

You claim that China is dominating the EV industry but do you realize the reason for this dominance isn’t because of exceptional Chinese innovation but because the West exported manufacturing jobs and technologies to China while crippling its own manufacturing sector? Do you know why China can produce EVs at scale? Because Western companies like General Motors, Volkswagen, and Ford set up shop there, handing over their designs and factories to China in exchange for cheaper labor and government subsidies. Now that China has taken those designs and scaled them, the West is paying the price for its own blind globalist policies.

Same with the missiles. The so-called Chinese advantage is simply their ability to copy, scale, and deploy Western technologies with the help of globalist investors and military-civil fusion policies.

Ultimately none of these technological pissing contests matter because the frame is wrong. All nations are "progressing" in bad faith away from how man was meant to live.

Look, the point here is not to **** on the US and praise China, that's where you want to frame this debate in order to invoke a completely misplaced and shortsighted patriotism. The point here is that China, and Russia, are well-run countries that are on the rise, and whose people like their rulers and feel good about their future - the opposite of every western country.

We're run by oligarchs who hate us and treat their people like cattle who they squeeze to the last drop in a modern type of usury-based serfdom: rampant homelessness and ghettos, student debt, mass migration, shrinking economic opportunities, high taxes and not much in return, disappearing freedom, cultural war against Christianity and nationalism and so forth.

People like those RedNote TikTok refugees are starting to notice, thanks to China, and that is a good thing. The Chinese with their rinky-dink $5.6 million super-program have also single-handedly destroyed the foundation of the techno-feudalists' AI-driven world domination plan . Sam Altman, Larry Ellison and co are reeling and that is a great thing, xie xie China!

Your narrative ignores the fact that the West’s decline isn’t because of incompetence (though now with non-Whites everywhere incompetence is everywhere) but because of treacherous policies that sold out the American people's work to China. Therefore it was, and is, generational by design. Who are the only people we all know who scheme on end for centuries?

You are clearly agitated by pureblooded Aryans who won't fall for these tricks. You see ,there are only two kinds of people in this world who are absolutely completely aware and are capable of playing for dominance on a world scale, one is a jew, and the other is the awakened Aryan. The awakened Aryan does so out of a mutual understanding of his providential role under God to be a steward to return the world to how He wants it, the jew does so out of a demonic creed to rule over everyone else perpetually even if his reign bring ruination and ultimately a dead Earth.

The New World Order is not just some ivy-league Skull & Bones circle jerk, it is a real satanic system of things that will absorb every single culture, race, religion, and dream into one technofeudalist hellscape. The Chinese are not immune to this, if anything the stronger they become materially without a proper guiding light will only make them more susceptible to assimilation at a quicker rate when it begins to take form more rapidly. Just like how the USSR laid the groundwork, the USA, and China will also do their part in building layers of the foundations of this system.

Your intention to discourage the discourse of China's role in the New World Order is pure gatekeeper behavior. Which is why you are the first to begin accusatory remarks about my activities. Why would there be gatekeepers for something like this? To herd the sheep into the right direction which is anti West/anti White Ziggerism/turdworldism. The goal here is to constantly feed anti Western viewpoints repackaged as anti talmudic takes, and by extension steer the crowd towards the next stage of jewish shenanigans which are BRICS, multipolarity, Chinese ascension, and the breakup of America and the dissolution of all Western states into third world-hellholes in the birth pains of the jackboot dawn. These are essential for the New World Order.

You are presented with piles of evidence and a priori dismiss them. That takes extreme conviction, or simply getting paid.

So I will keep exposing how China is facilitating the arrival of the antichrist system, even if they are doing it indirectly, while you keep talking about sensationalism and parasitic technologies. The people, or in the very least the awakened souls will naturally gravitate towards the truth, no matter how grim it looks, how bitter it tastes, and how deep it stings.
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I was thinking about the idea that the Chinese (and other East Asians) are higher IQ than whites but don't have the same inventive/creative spark and that is why their output hasn't been creating new innovative things but rather improving on existing ones. DeepSeek serves as a pretty good example of that idea. China didn't create anything but instead took something that existed and developed a product that is on par with the best American products but for a lower cost via optimizing and using the more limited resources they had access to in a more efficient fashion.
The Chinese business environment is more competitive because there is more of them, and more startups and regional companies vying for marketplace breakthroughs. This is how their EV industry developed, literally hundreds of battery and auto startups competing from which 5 or 6 big companies emerged. This is kind of how the PC industry started in Silicon Valley, in the 1990s you had a hundred PC companies which consolidated to around half a dozen a decade later (Compaq, HP, Dell, Gateway...) Today in Silicon Valley the business environment looks like a monopoly with giants like Google, Meta, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon squashing competition and leveraging their monopoly position by driving state policy (see project Stargate).

China is also at an advantage vs Asian neighbors Japan and Korea which has long been dominated by giant conglomerates, by comparison the Chinese business culture is less corporate and more entrepreneurial.

Historically speaking, the notion that the Chinese can't innovate is wrong, in fact their entire civilization has been built on inventions like the crossbow and gunpowder, in conjunction with mass production of standardized parts.
Could we just create a Cooper and MusicForThePiano thread, and move all their posts over there? I'd be interesting in reading regular posts about China, not book length screeds by two guys arguing with each other continually for weeks!

It's not like their arguments are interesting. Something about China going to take over the world or not. Who can even tell?
Could we just create a Cooper and MusicForThePiano thread, and move all their posts over there? I'd be interesting in reading regular posts about China, not book length screeds by two guys arguing with each other continually for weeks!

It's not like their arguments are interesting. Something about China going to take over the world or not. Who can even tell?

I'm not into clogging this board with massive world dumps, which is a favored tactic of MFTP, and which incites longer replies.
I was thinking about the idea that the Chinese (and other East Asians) are higher IQ than whites but don't have the same inventive/creative spark and that is why their output hasn't been creating new innovative things but rather improving on existing ones. DeepSeek serves as a pretty good example of that idea. China didn't create anything but instead took something that existed and developed a product that is on par with the best American products but for a lower cost via optimizing and using the more limited resources they had access to in a more efficient fashion.
Kind of just firing from the hip here, but personally I believe it has something to do with the 'pioneering spirit' of those who set out to explore and tame the wilderness of North America. Only certain types of folks with an adventurous nature or in such a desperate position financially were willing to risk it all on the unknown. Of course, once there was a solid foothold and proof of concept, there were probably less adventurous folks who followed and built up the cities, but from the very first settlements on the east coast until now there is always a space out on the edges of civilization for those with itchy feet, a sharp brain and willing to work.

Now, contrasts that with Asia, where folks have been living close together going back thousands of years, and where 'social shame' is still very much a big part of society. Instead of being rewarded for thinking and acting differently, one is punished. So while innovation and exploration does happen eventually, it is just not anywhere near on the same scale simply because of cultural norms.
The China that you knew before the year 2020 is totally gone.
The fake pandemic changed China's society more than any other country in the world.

They effectively have a digital currency now, and both cash and credit cards won't get you very far.
Tourists are staying far away from visiting China, as it's so difficult to register for their local money digital apps, and paying for essential everyday goods and services is a huge pain....not to mention the threat of exit bans for visiting tourists, which even the embassies of foreign governments warn potential travellers about. Many western airlines have cancelled their direct flight routes to China. For example there is no longer a London to Beijing direct flight from any western airline.

I think China now has less than 10% of foreign tourists they had before 2020.
Even the Taiwanese cousins are staying away from visiting, and they speak the same language.

Also for more than 2 full years, millions of Chinese people across the country were either locked in their homes or apartment blocks for months, or dragged screaming from their homes to covid concentration camps separating close family members. All the while they were subject to stick up the nose covid testing on a DAILY basis from power hungry civil servants in hazmat suits.. Even Chinese returning from abroad had their passports confiscated or invalidated to prevent them leaving again.

....and the cherry on top this huge Chinese made shit sundae, the once great global financial powerhouse that was Hong Kong, has been transformed from a 1st class world business city, and is slowly being reduced into a provincial backwater town with a dictatorial administration.

Although they may not admit to foreigners, the entire Chinese population suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

Tourism is booming in China now, China is becoming a trendy place to visit, and it is also relatively cheap, very safe, with good food and exotic natural/historic sites contrasting with urban ultramodernity.

Part of it as well is China winning the TikTok/RedNote war, this has been the first time ever China has scored major soft power points, Japan and Korea used to monopolize that region. There are a lot of western bloggers who are doing China now.

Tourism is booming in China now, China is becoming a trendy place to visit, and it is also relatively cheap, very safe, with good food and exotic natural/historic sites contrasting with urban ultramodernity.

Part of it as well is China winning the TikTok/RedNote war, this has been the first time ever China has scored major soft power points, Japan and Korea used to monopolize that region. There are a lot of western bloggers who are doing China now.

Did they win the war? Donald Trump is going to postpone until they determine an American company to sell to.
Did they win the war? Donald Trump is going to postpone until they determine an American company to sell to.

They won the PR war, as the Biden and Trump administration showed they would spare no efforts to censor TikTok, mostly because of pressure from Israel to quash content about the Gaza massacres.
Devon Stack shows that using Chinese Deepseek AI is still in control by jew narratives. "It prefers jews just as much as chatgpt."

View attachment deepseeklovesjews2.mp4

On top of that it would prefer to save the jewish baby over the Anglo baby. All garbage tech with jews fake kvetching over their Nvidia losses.

You can ask Deepseek in clear plain and neutral terms like Devon did to explain the overrepresentation of jews in positions of power in the United States and how it may be perceived as a problem by the native Anglo-American. This is the same kosher limp-wristed response it gave me:


Why haven't the Chinese written out this garbage yet?

When will big bad supposedly-independent China take on the fake holohoax lie that jews use to grift infinity shekels from Aryans?
Tourism is booming in China now, China is becoming a trendy place to visit, and it is also relatively cheap, very safe, with good food and exotic natural/historic sites contrasting with urban ultramodernity.

Part of it as well is China winning the TikTok/RedNote war, this has been the first time ever China has scored major soft power points, Japan and Korea used to monopolize that region. There are a lot of western bloggers who are doing China now.

This is misleading.
Tourism numbers are way down compared to pre 2020 pandemic levels, and the Chinese relaxed their visa policies because no foreigners were going there anymore, mostly because they are all forced to use Chinese smartphone apps to pay for almost anything, as paying in cash has been mostly abolished, and western credit cards aren't being accepted outside of major hotels.

Also, I'd be curious to know if those numbers quoted above include the tourists from Taiwan.

There are seven major categories of AI applications in which the US and China compete. China is ahead in most of them and its AI prowess is likely to increase its lead. They are

  1. Manufacturing: China has poured enormous resources into factory automation. One gauge is the number of factories outfitted with dedicated 5G networks, which support AI applications. China claims 10,000 such installations, while the US has only a few dozen, concentrated in the auto industry. The advantage is strongly in China’s favor, and advances in AI are likely to enhance it. But US manufacturing has had small impact on equity valuations.
  2. Internet of Things: China is ahead in automating transportation and warehousing, with fully robotic warehouses now in operation.
  3. Robotics: China installs more industrial robots each year than the rest of the world combined and is now a major producer of industrial robots.
  4. China is the leader in the so-called low altitude economy, cited by government planners for the first time in a December 2024 working paper. Drone taxis, drone deliveries and other applications are now a $100 billion business in China and are expected to double by 2026.
  5. Autonomous vehicles: We’ll call this a toss-up between the US and China, although China already has autonomous taxi services operating on a small scale.
  6. Large Language Models: again, a toss-up. The gains to be harvested by LLMs include the Philippines’ $40 billion a year call center business, in which human operators can be replaced by AI systems to a considerable extent. But the possibilities for LLM applications are so varied and extensive that predictions are guesswork at this stage.
  7. Biotech: The US has a distinct advantage with a strong pharmaceutical development infrastructure. China has a lead in medical data, but America’s complex of large pharmaceutical companies, startups and venture capitalists give it an edge.
This is misleading.
Tourism numbers are way down compared to pre 2020 pandemic levels, and the Chinese relaxed their visa policies because no foreigners were going there anymore, mostly because they are all forced to use Chinese smartphone apps to pay for almost anything, as paying in cash has been mostly abolished, and western credit cards aren't being accepted outside of major hotels.

Also, I'd be curious to know if those numbers quoted above include the tourists from Taiwan.

Bald and Bankrupt almost went bankrupt in China because his phone app let him down. You saw the sweat on his face when no one even tried to help him out.

No thank you China, sounds like hell to me. But ey Kangaroo land is going the same way and social credit score is already a thing here too.
This is misleading.
Tourism numbers are way down compared to pre 2020 pandemic levels,
and the Chinese relaxed their visa policies because no foreigners were going there anymore, mostly because they are all forced to use Chinese smartphone apps to pay for almost anything, as paying in cash has been mostly abolished, and western credit cards aren't being accepted outside of major hotels.

Also, I'd be curious to know if those numbers quoted above include the tourists from Taiwan.

There were 65 million foreign visitors to China in 2024, more than the previous pre-covid 2019 record of 60 million.

Without mind-numbing sensationalist dribble, if anyone wants to know what a cozy relationship China has with israel, the Chinese embassy in israel sends a delegation every year to the grave of Jakob Rosenfeld one of the jewish Bolshevik agents sent to "guide" the Chinese communist revolution.

Here's the Chinese militaries own website, with a dose of holohoax propaganda at the end of the article:



"With China’s expansion on the global stage and with greater ties with Israel, in particular, one can expect to hear more in English language media about these forgotten jews of China in the future.

“Dr. Rosenfeld is an outstanding example of our international friends,” says Chinese Ambassador Zhan. “He is a great doctor that saved many lives in China and a fearless soldier who devoted his life to the fighting of fascism.”

Oy vey so much jew-pandering.
So I agree that China is using Fentanyl the same way the British used opium against the Chinese population.

They also use Mercantilism in the extraction of resources from other countries in the world.

I think you did good analysis on the money interest with why they were given favored nations status.

I don't have time currently for a full write up on The China situation... But I do not see their government as nearly as stable as some think. A lot of my understanding is from Miles Guo and the Bannon reporting on the subject coupled with analysis on Demographics by Mark Steyn.

The economic warfare they've waged against use can only be countered with Tarrifs which I commend Trump for....but really Peter Navarro is the mastermind on all that.

China's dire demographic situation represented in one picture. Total number of births in 2024 was 9 540 000. Births per 1000 was 6.77 and the TFR stands at 1.10.


Per comparison, when the CCP abandoned the One Child Policy in 2015 to boost births 16 550 000 live births were counted, and the TFR was 1.54.

The steep drop in TFR is global with South Korea leading the world in its demographic death spiral. East Asia in general is a demographic black hole. South East Asian and Latin American countries are fast approaching the same <1 TFR - countries like Thailand and Chile are already below that threshold. Many countries in Europe are moving - albeit at a slower pace, towards that marker too.

There were 65 million foreign visitors to China in 2024, more than the previous pre-covid 2019 record of 60 million.

These other official sources contradict yours
