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The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

Yet many women would see a British Nationalist man as little better than a paedophile.
Over what time frame do you see this turning around? I have no problem hearing pessimism regarding the situation, so make a guess, if you please. Is this just a transitional period for the "developed world" that has to depopulate for many reasons that I've stated, to clear out the chaff, a sort of creative destruction?
Over what time frame do you see this turning around? I have no problem hearing pessimism regarding the situation, so make a guess, if you please. Is this just a transitional period for the "developed world" that has to depopulate for many reasons that I've stated, to clear out the chaff, a sort of creative destruction?

I thought the 9/11 era was the historic crossroads when British net immigration was around 300,000 p.a. after Tony Blair opened the flood gates. One could have used the official 9/11 narrative to stop legal and illegal immigration but that did not happen. That a post-Brexit so-called "far-right" Conservative Government with an 80-seat majority has managed to increase net immigration to the millions p.a. shows how dire things are. The electoral power of the replacement Britons are soon to be felt outside of London.

Europe has its youth identity movements, which involve young women. The UK has nothing of the sort and Farage often justifies Brexit because the continentals are wont to fascism.
I thought the 9/11 era was the historic crossroads when British net immigration was around 300,000 p.a. after Tony Blair opened the flood gates. One could have used the official 9/11 narrative to stop legal and illegal immigration but that did not happen. That a post-Brexit so-called "far-right" Conservative Government with an 80-seat majority has managed to increase net immigration to the millions p.a. shows how dire things are. The electoral power of the replacement Britons are soon to be felt outside of London.

Europe has its youth identity movements, which involve young women. The UK has nothing of the sort and Farage often justifies Brexit because the continentals are wont to fascism.
I'm American so I can't really tell what might happen in Europe, though I see what is happening and in many ways how it can be worse than inside at least various places in the USA. What probability would you say that the native people might take back their lands and actually deport the outsiders in the coming years, if there is a global war of sorts? You can give your country or any other type of country or region of Europe, if you like.
You couldn't make this up if you tried:

Also from the Fatherland, regarding "migrants":

I thought the 9/11 era was the historic crossroads when British net immigration was around 300,000 p.a. after Tony Blair opened the flood gates. One could have used the official 9/11 narrative to stop legal and illegal immigration but that did not happen. That a post-Brexit so-called "far-right" Conservative Government with an 80-seat majority has managed to increase net immigration to the millions p.a. shows how dire things are. The electoral power of the replacement Britons are soon to be felt outside of London.

Europe has its youth identity movements, which involve young women. The UK has nothing of the sort and Farage often justifies Brexit because the continentals are wont to fascism.
Our entire neoliberal economic system relies on rampant, global finance capitalism - the key driver of mass movement of peoples. I love the UK but it probably needs to collapse for anything signifcant to change. I think it's in the process - as is the US - but it's probably going to be slow and steady decline rather than people going to the shop with wheelbarrows of cash like Weimar.
I personally think it's distasteful and unnecessarily provocative burning the Quran. They shouldn't be in Europe in such large numbers but I don't agree with this kind of thing. I used to, in about 2017ish but not anymore.

As an aside, there are issues we can ally with them on such as Js and LGBTQZ&#123.
Our entire neoliberal economic system relies on rampant, global finance capitalism - the key driver of mass movement of peoples. I love the UK but it probably needs to collapse for anything signifcant to change. I think it's in the process - as is the US - but it's probably going to be slow and steady decline rather than people going to the shop with wheelbarrows of cash like Weimar.
They don't care how many native European people get splattered with trucks, knives, guns etc. Constant lies in the press which imply that they actually care and are actually doing something while NGOs help ship and fly in various third world migrants.

Rather than vigil marches and rioting like in Dublin, things like a run on the banks and mass defaulting of mortgages may be a more effective way for the people to show their dissatisfaction.

I'm a bit more fired up than usual as I was threatened by one of these third world migrants a few days ago. Nothing came of it, but as mentioned elsewhere I have twice been within hours or days of certain attacks in Europe, you read about it all the time so it is unnerving when it comes up to you in the street.
I personally think it's distasteful and unnecessarily provocative burning the Quran. They shouldn't be in Europe in such large numbers but I don't agree with this kind of thing. I used to, in about 2017ish but not anymore.

As an aside, there are issues we can ally with them on such as Js and LGBTQZ&#123.
Fair enough, it's unnecessary to provoke Muslims by doing this. But do you really believe Christian Europeans should be languishing in prison for burning a book full of lies?

For me, the Quran is barely one step above Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. So this book full of deceit that brainwashes billions of people worldwide gets special protection. Meanwhile you can't even buy a copy of Mein Kampf in some European countries. (By the way has anyone else noticed the bold and italics get stuck on sometimes?)
A dose of Christmas cheer for you:

This thread does explain a lot about cog dis.

Yet many women would see a British Nationalist man as little better than a paedophile.

During RVF 1.0 days, I met a British woman in the US (online). Rotherham scandal was known to us underworld types but had just started making it to MSM. When asked what she thought about it all, she indignantly claimed I was a racist for simply bringing it up. Of course, that ended it.

Sounds like she was a fair representative of the group.
This thread does explain a lot about cog dis.

During RVF 1.0 days, I met a British woman in the US (online). Rotherham scandal was known to us underworld types but had just started making it to MSM. When asked what she thought about it all, she indignantly claimed I was a racist for simply bringing it up. Of course, that ended it.

Sounds like she was a fair representative of the group.
Unfortunately I read many tweets from British women denouncing concerned or angry British men as racist and sexist for implying that imported populations were racially targeting women they think to be "our women".

From what I recall, a livid father of one of the victims was arrested (i.e. his civil rights were suspended) by the same police force which colluded to cover up the grooming for 20 years.