The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

I sometimes wonder if and when people will revolt. I feel as though there simply won't be enough people left who truly love their country and are willing to fight for it.

Someone said last time it took 700 years to chase the invaders put of Europe during the crusades. Even then they still stayed in Bosnia, Bulgaria and Albania. So I think the next cleansing will be something I won't witness in my lifetime. Maybe they can get it done in 500 years time.
I sometimes wonder if and when people will revolt. I feel as though there simply won't be enough people left who truly love their country and are willing to fight for it.

Someone said last time it took 700 years to chase the invaders put of Europe during the crusades. Even then they still stayed in Bosnia, Bulgaria and Albania. So I think the next cleansing will be something I won't witness in my lifetime. Maybe they can get it done in 500 years time.
Do you ever think about the absurdities of life that frequently happen, but people are rather indifferent about because they aren't all that common? For example, most people don't think that "God would allow" (and please, Lord have mercy) all sorts of things that happen on a fairly frequent basis, but if they happened to a family member or their own person they'd be scandalized. A few examples are a car accident, a plane crash, getting eaten by an animal in the wild or in the sea, getting hit by a stray bullet from a gang member, being robbed and shot by a hoodlum, dying (like above) from getting drunk and being "raped" by a 4th worlder, pedophilia, drug overdose, losing a limb, the list goes on and on.

I guess my point is that most are fairly lucky and don't see or feel any of this, so all the more reason they don't act out against pieces of crap that have invaded their country. Worse than that, they should direct their ire towards their "leaders." I guess it has to get REALLY awful to even consider that...
I guess my point is that most are fairly lucky and don't see or feel any of this, so all the more reason they don't act out against pieces of crap that have invaded their country. Worse than that, they should direct their ire towards their "leaders." I guess it has to get REALLY awful to even consider that...

Very true. Once that happens, the leaders send the army and police to restore order. It's only when the soldiers and policemen can no longer deal with the guilt of slaughtering their own that they turn on the government and a complete.

Some countries, like Venezuela, have actually been on the brink of doing that. But very few have actually achieved it. I can only think of Romania in somewhat recent times.
Unconscious after a night out? Mother of 3?

West London?

That west?

I wonder what her kids....



Marlon Brando Smiling GIF

Is this suppose to be our George Floyd?

If the race war heats up the white race is going to be losing a lot of dead weight. There is no human right to live in a safe community. Our ancestors gave us the privilege and people like her voted it away.
I sometimes wonder if and when people will revolt. I feel as though there simply won't be enough people left who truly love their country and are willing to fight for it.

Someone said last time it took 700 years to chase the invaders put of Europe during the crusades. Even then they still stayed in Bosnia, Bulgaria and Albania. So I think the next cleansing will be something I won't witness in my lifetime. Maybe they can get it done in 500 years time.
As much as I hate to say it, I dont think there will be a revolt by European (or American) natives.

The biggest problems in my opinion for both continents that have led to this over the recent decades are:

1. Modern Medicine

Modern medicine has basically guaranteed that the even the weakest and most unfit links of society can continue to live instead of being picked off by illness and hardships. Dont misunderstand, everyone deserves a shot at life but these days nearly everyone misuses the slot that God reserved specifically for them in this world.

2. Overabundance of comfort and ease of life

Good times create weak men in a nutshell. No wars happening on home territories, no famines, no dictatorships or outright visually oppressive governements.

You dont need to work to survive anymore because there are magical buildings that will give or mail you free money on a piece of paper or card to pay for food or waste on frivolous purchases. Now even restaurants! Another card from one of those buildings ensures that even the most degenerate, undeserving lowlife criminal has low cost (or even free) access to a level of medical care that royalty from centuries ago would've laid given half their fortunes to have.

To work you no longer even need to leave your room. Plus, you can earn a salary that exceeds others who actually have physically demanding jobs. Same goes for education. Any educational or vocational information you need is only a few feet and clicks away. No need to walk across an entire cities or towns to reach your worksite or school.

With comfort comes the deceiptful practice of complacency and relaxation. This starts to lead to lax cultural and societal standards. This weakens the native men and emboldens the native women who, having no genuine problems or daily struggles, begin to articially create problems to solve in their now faulty brain processing. This leads to arrogance, a warped sense of day to day reality and a false sense of security and accomplishment. A people that are easy to pick off from any large group of still battle hardened and mentally strong.

2. Modern technology

This is a big one but unless you go very deep into the wilderness you will see how hard it is to get away from anything electronic made within the last 100 years. Modern entertainment devices, radio, cars, internet, and overall noise caused by all types of machinery.

A device as small as the palm of your hand can cause disruption on a personal and global scale. It can educate or brainwash. It can inform or misinform.

Technology has advanced to such an extent that the entire world is now under constant surveillance by both the average citizen and domestic treason agencies. And that causes fear.

The biggest thing today that is stopping any sort of revolt is FEAR.

Fear of being seen, fear of being snitched on. Fear of being caught by these traitors and agencies. Fear of being falsely attached to "derogatory" labels. Fear of losing their sources of income, fear of ostracism from their friends and neighbors. Fear of being injustly jailed by weak but influential cretins. Fear of losing everything.

Remove that fear in today's man and you will see a force to be reckoned with improving society in short time.
As much as I hate to say it, I dont think there will be a revolt by European (or American) natives.

The biggest problems in my opinion for both continents that have led to this over the recent decades are:

1. Modern Medicine

Modern medicine has basically guaranteed that the even the weakest and most unfit links of society can continue to live instead of being picked off by illness and hardships. Dont misunderstand, everyone deserves a shot at life but these days nearly everyone misuses the slot that God reserved specifically for them in this world.

2. Overabundance of comfort and ease of life

Good times create weak men in a nutshell. No wars happening on home territories, no famines, no dictatorships or outright visually oppressive governements.

You dont need to work to survive anymore because there are magical buildings that will give or mail you free money on a piece of paper or card to pay for food or waste on frivolous purchases. Now even restaurants! Another card from one of those buildings ensures that even the most degenerate, undeserving lowlife criminal has low cost (or even free) access to a level of medical care that royalty from centuries ago would've laid given half their fortunes to have.

To work you no longer even need to leave your room. Plus, you can earn a salary that exceeds others who actually have physically demanding jobs. Same goes for education. Any educational or vocational information you need is only a few feet and clicks away. No need to walk across an entire cities or towns to reach your worksite or school.

With comfort comes the deceiptful practice of complacency and relaxation. This starts to lead to lax cultural and societal standards. This weakens the native men and emboldens the native women who, having no genuine problems or daily struggles, begin to articially create problems to solve in their now faulty brain processing. This leads to arrogance, a warped sense of day to day reality and a false sense of security and accomplishment. A people that are easy to pick off from any large group of still battle hardened and mentally strong.

2. Modern technology

This is a big one but unless you go very deep into the wilderness you will see how hard it is to get away from anything electronic made within the last 100 years. Modern entertainment devices, radio, cars, internet, and overall noise caused by all types of machinery.

A device as small as the palm of your hand can cause disruption on a personal and global scale. It can educate or brainwash. It can inform or misinform.

Technology has advanced to such an extent that the entire world is now under constant surveillance by both the average citizen and domestic treason agencies. And that causes fear.

The biggest thing today that is stopping any sort of revolt is FEAR.

Fear of being seen, fear of being snitched on. Fear of being caught by these traitors and agencies. Fear of being falsely attached to "derogatory" labels. Fear of losing their sources of income, fear of ostracism from their friends and neighbors. Fear of being injustly jailed by weak but influential cretins. Fear of losing everything.

Remove that fear in today's man and you will see a force to be reckoned with improving society in short time.
Do you have an opinion on the money printing failing eventually and/or wars that might change the trajectory of this "technological" age?
As much as I hate to say it, I dont think there will be a revolt by European (or American) natives.

The biggest problems in my opinion for both continents that have led to this over the recent decades are:

1. Modern Medicine

Modern medicine has basically guaranteed that the even the weakest and most unfit links of society can continue to live instead of being picked off by illness and hardships. Dont misunderstand, everyone deserves a shot at life but these days nearly everyone misuses the slot that God reserved specifically for them in this world.

2. Overabundance of comfort and ease of life

Good times create weak men in a nutshell. No wars happening on home territories, no famines, no dictatorships or outright visually oppressive governements.

You dont need to work to survive anymore because there are magical buildings that will give or mail you free money on a piece of paper or card to pay for food or waste on frivolous purchases. Now even restaurants! Another card from one of those buildings ensures that even the most degenerate, undeserving lowlife criminal has low cost (or even free) access to a level of medical care that royalty from centuries ago would've laid given half their fortunes to have.

To work you no longer even need to leave your room. Plus, you can earn a salary that exceeds others who actually have physically demanding jobs. Same goes for education. Any educational or vocational information you need is only a few feet and clicks away. No need to walk across an entire cities or towns to reach your worksite or school.

With comfort comes the deceiptful practice of complacency and relaxation. This starts to lead to lax cultural and societal standards. This weakens the native men and emboldens the native women who, having no genuine problems or daily struggles, begin to articially create problems to solve in their now faulty brain processing. This leads to arrogance, a warped sense of day to day reality and a false sense of security and accomplishment. A people that are easy to pick off from any large group of still battle hardened and mentally strong.

2. Modern technology

This is a big one but unless you go very deep into the wilderness you will see how hard it is to get away from anything electronic made within the last 100 years. Modern entertainment devices, radio, cars, internet, and overall noise caused by all types of machinery.

A device as small as the palm of your hand can cause disruption on a personal and global scale. It can educate or brainwash. It can inform or misinform.

Technology has advanced to such an extent that the entire world is now under constant surveillance by both the average citizen and domestic treason agencies. And that causes fear.

The biggest thing today that is stopping any sort of revolt is FEAR.

Fear of being seen, fear of being snitched on. Fear of being caught by these traitors and agencies. Fear of being falsely attached to "derogatory" labels. Fear of losing their sources of income, fear of ostracism from their friends and neighbors. Fear of being injustly jailed by weak but influential cretins. Fear of losing everything.

Remove that fear in today's man and you will see a force to be reckoned with improving society in short time.
Point 1 is an odd one. God gave us a timeline which is PERFECT in accord with His will. We’ve got no say in altering it.
Point 1 is an odd one. God gave us a timeline which is PERFECT in accord with His will. We’ve got no say in altering it.
That suggest technology is "good." I'm indifferent, but our balance in life, the environment and with the sexes is pretty clearly out of wack currently, which is what Alpha's point is, I think.

I'm curious what you are really saying though, because we do alter things according to what we do or even will, sad as that may be sometimes.

What is a "perfect" timeline? Wouldn't we only know that at the end of time anyway? It's a strange thing to talk about now.
Unconscious after a night out? Mother of 3?

West London?

That west?

I wonder what her kids....

View attachment 12866


Marlon Brando Smiling GIF

Is this suppose to be our George Floyd?

If the race war heats up the white race is going to be losing a lot of dead weight. There is no human right to live in a safe community. Our ancestors gave us the privilege and people like her voted it away.
Jettisoning the dead weight is necessary for the long-term survival of any race. These are the kind of troglodytes that nature took care of in centuries past through stillbirths, childhood terminal sicknesses, and outright never born in many cases. One has to consider going back a few generations, where the weaker genes were allowed to proliferate because of the change from a struggle-based life to an economic-based life.

Nature doesn't honor economics. From the moment of conception the human life begins its struggle for existence in a struggle that never stops until death. Some perish before birth, others perish a few days after birth whilst some die in infancy. There are others who die in adolescence and young adulthood, and some manage to reach a ripe old age. In each of these stages, the human life must face different struggles to survive against the hostilities of their environment while armed with his innate genetic endowments that are handed down by their ancestors.

These mudshark types are typically the result of dysgenics themselves. Very rarely do you see a genuine beautiful Aryan girl with a beast of burden unless she is psychologically and sexually abused and broken. Every single one of the low-hanging fruit like this dead mother above, who mix themselves out of the gene pool, are inherently taking the path that nature intended for them before they were even a speck of consciousness. They are taking themselves out, one way or another, and miscegenating their progeny into careless oblivion that will leave no legacy and will never contribute to any world-building, only further destruction.

With the advent of legislatively-forced equality appearing after (((1789))), the new social hierarchies were determined by economic wealth and by no other condition. Therefore after the concept of this faux-equality took root whoever could make the most money would then enter the highest social class and whoever made the least would fall to the lowest levels of society. It did not matter their generational stock any more, whether they were healthy or fit or intelligent, only the ability to make money, by any nefarious means necessary, precipitated this new societal ascension. This is the explanation for why the upper classes of our contemporary societies are filled with all sorts of parasites whose only notable quality is their ability to line their own pockets. It is the genetic contamination of the bourgeoisie that explains why all leftist and progressive movements emerge from the bosom of this entirely unnatural equality.

That is not to take away from the salvific, none of us here are authorized to say this person or that person will make it to heaven, but we can certainly assess the effects on worldly consequences the actions of people like this have. I'm sure Saint Peter would have a thing or two to say to every one of the souls of these liberal whites who have committed the highest of sins by betraying their own kind. Every single one of those mulatto children grow up with intense psychological dysfunction and addictions and hatred. It is a sad state of affairs and that is why something must be done to prevent this from going any further. The balkanization of Whites is happening already spiritually. Geographically and nationally is another ongoing story with no definitive beginning or end in sight.

So by the numbers if non-mixed Whites are only 8% of the world population currently, and for rough estimates out of 8 billion humans and humanoids, that gives us roughly 640,000,000 White souls currently on this earth, fluctuating up and down in the tens of thousands each day with deaths and births. If roughly half of those souls are deracinated liberal scum who will not contribute and who will actively repulse a concerted effort to strengthen the race, or are the Iscariot types who care more about their pocketbook and their social image who actively discredit and prevent Whites from organizing, the removal of this junk would see a boon in the population of Whites. So half of 640 mil is 320 million, roughly the population of the north American continent without excess invaders. That's more than enough to revitalize the earth and rebuild where the savages have overrun. We started with Adam and Eve in a world full of fallen aliens, we can do better against these odds.
That suggest technology is "good." I'm indifferent, but our balance in life, the environment and with the sexes is pretty clearly out of wack currently, which is what Alpha's point is, I think.

I'm curious what you are really saying though, because we do alter things according to what we do or even will, sad as that may be sometimes.

What is a "perfect" timeline? Wouldn't we only know that at the end of time anyway? It's a strange thing to talk about now.
Perhaps I misunderstood what Alpha meant when he wrote “misuses the slot that God reserved”. I interpreted it as if he was saying we could somehow change the course (or the number of days), that God has already predetermined for us. God knew us before we were knitted in our mother’s womb. He knows exactly when He will call us home, and it won’t be altered by one second. Hope that helped to clear up what I was trying to say.