Situation in the Red Sea (Houthi Thread)

1. It's a Hezbollah leader, not Houthi.

2. He is in fact confirming that the target is Israeli ships only, but that the US intervention is now making the theatre dangerous for all other shipping as well. Maybe you shoud re-read the quote.

Again, all this is caused by the evil entity of Israel. I hope you are aware of that.
ETA: Yes I apologize, the Hezbollah leader is making the quote.

Are you denying the fact that we've shown where Russian, Chinese, and multiple other countries ships were target by Houthi's?

And while Hezbollah and the Houthi's are not the same group and have some differences.... Lets not pretend that they arent both getting the same intel and from Iran.

Here's what the Houthi Leader Said.

“This new strike will have a firm, strong and effective response,” Houthi spokesperson Nasruldeen Amer told Al Jazeera, adding there had been no injuries nor “material damages.”

Do you not see how they actually contradicting your comment that the target is israeli ships only?

How is saying that repeatedly when we have shown that isnt the case proving your point?

Did you read the additional article in the link?

Did you read the additional article in the link?

Yes? Can you quote the text you think is relevant and/or supports your claim that Houthis target ships other than Israeli?

And I quote:
"Mohammed Abdulsalam, another Houthi spokesperson, told Reuters the strikes, including the one overnight that hit a military base in Sanaa, had no significant impact on the group’s ability to prevent Israel-affiliated vessels from passing through the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea."

You seem to be just posting random articles without actually reading them.
Yes? Can you quote the text you think is relevant and/or supports your claim that Houthis target ships other than Israeli?

And I quote:
"Mohammed Abdulsalam, another Houthi spokesperson, told Reuters the strikes, including the one overnight that hit a military base in Sanaa, had no significant impact on the group’s ability to prevent Israel-affiliated vessels from passing through the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea."

You seem to be just posting random articles without actually reading them.
Look I don't like Israel, and I have a deep disgust for the ways Jews treat the Palestenians.

But this whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing is very ignorant of the reality of the reality on the ground.

They claim to only strike Israeli affiliated vessels. So far they have fired at Chinese and Russian ones. Among many others.

You can claim its all mistaken identity and all that... but the fact is that they are not engaging targets with high accuracy of intelligence. Its amateur hour. Last I checked, if the US struck a Russian or Chinese vessel.... we wouldnt get the same "mistaken Identity" pass.

As I said, I misspoke on the Hezbollah vs Houthi bit from the other article (Though my Lebanese Christians at my Antiochian Church will tell you that they are do not like Hezbollah in the slightest....)

The Houthis say their maritime campaign aims to support Palestinians under Israeli siege and attack in Gaza, which is ruled by the Iran-backed Hamas. Many of the vessels they have attacked had no known connection to Israel.
End Quote

Imagine the fact that we can live in a world where we can not like Israeli treatment of Palestinians, AND (now check this out) : not condone International Trade Disruptions by Muslim Tribalist groups. It's incongruent with reality to think these are good people.... you can look at what @LaAguilaNegra has posted about the way they treated their fellow Muslims as they've acquired power.
Imagine the fact that we can live in a world where we can not like Israeli treatment of Palestinians, AND (now check this out) : not condone International Trade Disruptions by Muslim Tribalist groups. It's incongruent with reality to think these are good people.... you can look at what @LaAguilaNegra has posted about the way they treated their fellow Muslims as they've acquired power.

Yet again, all this is caused by the evil entity of Israel.

The Houthis are not good guys, but they wouldn't have disrupted shipping if it wasn't for Israel. And by doubling down on supporting Israel, the US will only escalate the problem.

If you care about your cost of living, you should start advocating for severing US ties with Israel.
Yet again, all this is caused by the evil entity of Israel.

The Houthis are not good guys, but they wouldn't have disrupted shipping if it wasn't for Israel. And by doubling down on supporting Israel, the US will only escalate the problem.

If you care about your cost of living, you should start advocating for severing US ties with Israel.
Really? Because they've never shot other ships before?

You may have forgotten who holds major cabinet positions (hint hint their also connected to the group in power in Israel and they like tunnels in NY)

I don't make the rules of the current global world order... But I'm not naive enough to think that there will be any decoupling from Israel at the behest of Palestinians.

We agree on what the political stated motivation is for this particular set of events.

Why did they shoot at American ships in 2016/2017?

They are choas agents who will do what they can to get some money out of it, notoriety, or to some degree, what Iran tells them they should do if they want support against UAE or KSA.

This situation is a lose lose for Biden. Over time, the negative impact on COGS will upset the economy as containerized shipping is further disrupted by price and by availability.

Then he will want to act to show he's capable of doing something...but won't because he's got 2 different groups he's got to appease:

Liberals that are pro muslim, and Nationalist Jews and boomers.

Eventually one group will have to suffer.

I dont expect it to be the Jews. But I don't see how he gets out of this one with out causing a lot of pain for the boomers.

The fact is that these groups cannot continue to shoot missles at US ships with out us escalating I stated...someone with testicular fortitude would leverage the assets in region, smash all the POO sites as C2 nodes and call it good. I'm sure the strike packages are already there and ready...

Ahh here's a other attack this evening in the last 4 or 5 hours.

This situation is a lose lose for Biden. Over time, the negative impact on COGS will upset the economy as containerized shipping is further disrupted by price and by availability.

Then he will want to act to show he's capable of doing something...but won't because he's got 2 different groups he's got to appease:

Liberals that are pro muslim, and Nationalist Jews and boomers.

I used to think voting mattered, and the guys in DC were concerned about winning elections and popular support from the voters. I think this used to be the case as well, as late as into 2008 or so. But this is just no longer true. The same satanic elites own all the politicians in both parties. They don't care who is up there, what party they are from, they already will have a script and role for them to play. AOC is playing the part of big mouth/low IQ minority woman. MTG is her adversary. It is all scripted and fake. If you lose your election, that is fine, you played your part and get rewarded with a high 6 figure job doing nothing on K Street in DC.

Biden and his team don't care about voters. Biden and his team are worried about the real boss and that is Israel and Wall Street. Biden just as much wants to start war for Israel, but he can't, because anti-Israel sentiment is growing in the right wing among young right wing voters and this is the most terrifying thing for the satanic elites. If Biden starts the war, then the anti-Israel sentiment will go off the chain in the right wing and Israel's support will never recover in the west.

The satanic elites have to run out the clock, get their satanic salesman Trump back into office after the sham of an election, and then he can start the war with Israel. The young right-wing voters will not go as anti-Israel if Trump sells the war to them, and Israel is safe for the time being. Then the satanic elites send out their street soldiers to stir up the left-wing anti-Israel crowd, to turn it from a rightful discussion about Israel being evil, into a discussion about Israel being "White settlers who are colonizing Brown people" and the message of "White Supremacy" is spread among the low IQ left.

I just came across this. This is Greg Abbot, a complete coward and traitor to his voters. And still his blue pill middle IQ supporters are throwing down, risking jail time, to stop someone protesting the genocide of the Palestinian people. When satanic Trump demands war with Israel, these same people will cheer it on wildly. Hopefully the young men who will be drafted for it say "hell no" to it. But, this is exactly what the satanic elites want, for Trump and his middle IQ supporters, like the clowns in this crowd, to fight the war for Israel.

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The ship was identified as US owned bulk carrier M/V Gibraltar Eagle, sailing from South Korea to the US.
The U.S. Central Command has confirmed details of the incident, reporting that the M/V Gibraltar Eagle was hit by an anti-ship ballistic missile fired from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. The ship has reported no injuries or significant damage and is continuing its voyage.
The M/V Gibraltar Eagle is a Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier owned by US-based Eagle Bulk Shipping (NYSE: EGLE).

Before that, reportedly, another missile was launched by the Houthis but it failed and crashed in Yemen.
Full text:
On Jan. 15 at approximately 4 p.m. (Sanaa time), Iranian-backed Houthi militants fired an anti-ship ballistic missile from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and struck the M/V Gibraltar Eagle, a Marshall Islands-flagged, U.S.-owned and operated container ship. The ship has reported no injuries or significant damage and is continuing its journey.
Earlier in the day, at approximately 2 p.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Forces detected an anti-ship ballistic missile fired toward the Southern Red Sea commercial shipping lanes. The missile failed in flight and impacted on land in Yemen. There were no injuries or damage reported.

An attempted missile strike on the USS Laboon destroyer was also reported, but the missile was intercepted.
Full text:
On Jan. 14 at approximately 4:45 p.m. (Sanaa time), an anti-ship cruise missile was fired from Iranian-backed Houthi militant areas of Yemen toward USS Laboon (DDG 58), which was operating in the Southern Red Sea. The missile was shot down in vicinity of the coast of Hudaydah by U.S. fighter aircraft. There were no injuries or damage reported.
That's bad news for Europe, since Qatar is one of EU's top gas suppliers.
It's funny since many of the Hamas leadership reside in Qatar.

Seems like a surefire way to show solidarity with Hamas and Palestinians...

I'd be shocked if the US is doesn't escalate strikes too.

The Houthis should keep it up, the UN is already condemning them...hence the US and UK strikes the other day.
The Houthis should keep it up, the UN is already condemning them...hence the US and UK strikes the other day.
What is the UN? All countries vote for a ceasefire in Gaza, except the USA and Israel, so the vote is like 140-2, so thus no ceasefire.

It seems the UN is nothing but a toothless organization that does what Wall Street wants.
That's bad news for Europe, since Qatar is one of EU's top gas suppliers.
Western Europeans yet again paying higher fuel prices for such events. Advantage to American suppliers. Western Europe is really becoming an US vassal. Geo-politically, you have to hand it to Machiavellian Biden and his crew. Maybe they have reckoned the multipolar world is an inevitability, so might as well stake their claim early. Breaking Russian and potentially ME gas from the EU is a boon to US producers - who I suspect Biden is closer to than he wants to admit (note their lack of noisiness presently). Increased energy costs are already offshoring German manufacturing to N. America - advantage US.

He can offset the risk to US consumers by drawing down the strategic petroleum reserve, keeping prices low through election. It is too deep an issue for most voters to understand - they just know "gas prices down." SPR probably has enough to ride through the election, but who knows after that. At some point, we're going to have to replenish it and then we will have to pay more at the pump - but that will be post-election.

He may be a shady, bumbling old fool, but he is surrounded by crafty, shrewd devils.
Western Europeans yet again paying higher fuel prices for such events. Advantage to American suppliers. Western Europe is really becoming an US vassal. Geo-politically, you have to hand it to Machiavellian Biden and his crew. Maybe they have reckoned the multipolar world is an inevitability, so might as well stake their claim early. Breaking Russian and potentially ME gas from the EU is a boon to US producers - who I suspect Biden is closer to than he wants to admit (note their lack of noisiness presently). Increased energy costs are already offshoring German manufacturing to N. America - advantage US.

He can offset the risk to US consumers by drawing down the strategic petroleum reserve, keeping prices low through election. It is too deep an issue for most voters to understand - they just know "gas prices down." SPR probably has enough to ride through the election, but who knows after that. At some point, we're going to have to replenish it and then we will have to pay more at the pump - but that will be post-election.

He may be a shady, bumbling old fool, but he is surrounded by crafty, shrewd devils.
Europe has been a vassal since end of WWII. That was the agreement we made with them for helping rebuild at the expense of them not needing significant military budgets.

Regarding the SPR... Oil is down right now, so its a good time to buy.... but our levels are lowest they've been in 40 years.

2023 November article:
  • Energy Department solicited 3 million barrels for March
  • Government has purchased close to 9 million barrels this year

— Today, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Petroleum Reserves announced that contracts have been awarded for the acquisition of 2.7 million barrels of U.S.-produced crude oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). These contracts to deliver crude oil in January follow the Request for Proposal (RFP) that was announced on November 6, 2023. The 2.7 million barrels are being purchased for an average price of $79 per barrel, well below the average of about $95 per barrel that SPR crude was sold for in 2022, securing a good deal for taxpayers.
Yes? Can you quote the text you think is relevant and/or supports your claim that Houthis target ships other than Israeli?

And I quote:
"Mohammed Abdulsalam, another Houthi spokesperson, told Reuters the strikes, including the one overnight that hit a military base in Sanaa, had no significant impact on the group’s ability to prevent Israel-affiliated vessels from passing through the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea."

You seem to be just posting random articles without actually reading them.

As far as I can tell out of all ships attacked in the Red Sea only one was scheduled to make port call in Israel - the Norwegian tanker "Strinda".
2 ships - "Unity Explorer" and the hijacked "Galaxy Leader" belong, through a British intermediary, to an Israeli oligarch. Also 2 tankers: the "Central Park" (hijacked but rescued bu the US Navy) and the "Ardmore Encounter" (attempted hijacking) belong, through intermediaries, to an Israeli family. The "Maersk Hangzhou" was in Israel in October (when the war erupted). 3 attacked vessels belong to MSC shipping - the owner's wife is a dual Swiss-Israeli citizen. And 2 more ships had major Israeli shareholders. That's less than half of the vessels attacked by the Houthis in the Red Sea.
Another half a dozen, give or take, Israeli ships were attacked outside of the Red Sea - in the Gulf of Oman and in the Indian Ocean.
But You don't have to take my word for it, nor take at face value statements coming from the Houthis or the CENTCOM, You are free to do a background check on all of the attacked vessels and their companies on Your own. It's all a matter of public record, You can go through shipping industry portals, check the schedules of the shipping companies and even track down ship's movement (both in real time, and their history).
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Inbound missiles in Erbil, Iraq. Reportedly Iranian:

This attack was much bigger in both scope and rockets fired than the usual pinprick attacks. What's also different is that the rockets were fired directly by the IRGC and not through one of its many proxy outlets in Iraq.

The IRGC claims that the attacks were in revenge for the Kerman bombing.

Eight facilities and targets in and around Erbil were targeted according to ABC News. Three of those are the US Consolate, the US Hariri AB in Erbil and an alleged Mossad base. According to ABC News, Erbil airport ceased operations after a 'very brutal bombing'. White House national security council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said that no US personnel or facilities were targeted.

Two other targets were specific people, namely Kurdish-Iraqi businessmen/politicians 'Pishwa Dizaei' and 'Safin Dizae'. Both were targeted in their homes. Dizaei together with several family members was killed. No word on Dizae. Allegedly both have close ties to Israeli intelligence, and run part of the KRG-Israel oil business (KRG is the second biggest seller to Israel after Azerbaijan).


Simultaneously the IRGC fired several ballistic missiles at camps in Idlib, Syria - claiming to have hit 'ISIS facilities'. That claim is debatable but it does mark the first 1200 km plus IRGC ballistic missile strike ever carried out.
