Signs of Escalation Into A World War

I was initially pretty skeptical of some of our esteemed members' claims (especially Samseau's) of an inevitable world war. I thought for sure the Western oligarchs wouldn't want to risk the danger of being attacked in their centers of power (EU/US/Israel). The events of this past week have led me to believe I was likely wrong, however, and I'm trying to find a way to get my family out of Eastern Europe as fast as possible.

In the past week, we have seen:

1. The Biden administration give authorization to the Ukrainian government to use American weapons to attack mainland Russia. This was previously not granted to the Ukrainians for fear that it would escalate the war. So I guess they're no longer scared of this?

2. The Ukrainians attack Russia's nuclear alarming system that warns of incoming ballistic missiles. What message does this send to the Russians?

3. NATO countries promising to deliver F-16s right away to Ukraine, and not restricting their use to just the conflict zone. Most/all of the airfields in Ukraine are bombed out and not useable for F-16s, so the planes will have to be launched from nearby airfields (ie, in NATO countries).

Russia has previously made it clear that it has some uncompromising red lines:

1) Because F-16s are capable of holding nuclear weapons, all F-16s will be presumed to be holding nuclear weapons until proven otherwise.

2) Any country delivering weapons to be used inside of undisputed Russian territory will be considered a party to conflict and will be retaliated against. This makes sense: imagine if America could send any weapon into Russia and not have any consequences because "well, it was fired from Ukraine, so it doesn't count".

I really don't see how the above facts end well. It looks like the ZOG-West has absolutely and finally decided to escalate this thing. Russia cannot tolerate being attacked from NATO countries (with F-16s from other countries) and from potentially very capable weaponry coming from the West designed to penetrate deep inside of the Russian mainland.

I hope someone more knowledgeable than me will help clarify and tell me how my above analysis is incorrect.
It's not about ukrainian soldiers using western weapons to target Russia - if they could, they would already use them, and in some cases they've already used those few systems they could operate to do so. It's about giving western soldiers handling those systems (instructors, advisors, mercenaries call tham what You want), permission to attack Russia.
And frankly, Russia itself is to blame for it - they've already drew multiple red lines, and whenever those lines were crossed Russia didn't react. So the west taking things up a notch shouldn't come as a surprise.
It's not about ukrainian soldiers using western weapons to target Russia - if they could, they would already use them, and in some cases they've already used those few systems they could operate to do so. It's about giving western soldiers handling those systems (instructors, advisors, mercenaries call tham what You want), permission to attack Russia.

And frankly, Russia itself is to blame for it - they've already drew multiple red lines, and whenever those lines were crossed Russia didn't react. So the west taking things up a notch shouldn't come as a surprise.

Things certainly didn’t go as planned. I don’t think Putin thought he’d face this much resistance and he’s in a tough spot. If he wants to demonstrate that Russia and it’s allies are the new keepers of a safe world order, the last thing that would demonstrate that is total obliteration of Ukraine.

On the other hand, the longer the conflict goes on, the higher the chance the Western powers do something stupid and escalate this into a global conflict.

In my opinion, and it’s only that a very amateur and basic opinion, is that he should ratchet up the intensity and push until it’s obvious that Russia is the total victor in Ukraine…doing this all by conventional means. Once that’s done, he needs to act and give assurances to Europe that are in line with being the keeper of a peaceful world order. Certain countries like Poland will never believe him, but through actions and a period of peace, they’d have to accept that.

At the same time hopefully Trump will win the election, not go off the rails, and rebuild the relationship with Russia….doing all this while fending off CIA and deep state operations to destabilize Russia…ha sounds like a fantasy when I write it out like that.
If he wants to demonstrate that Russia and it’s allies are the new keepers of a safe world order, the last thing that would demonstrate that is total obliteration of Ukraine.
Good analysis. However, the West/NATO has already broken the Minsk Accords and violated multiple international laws by pushing into Ukraine and putting troops on the ground there. Russia would be within its legal rights to do what it wants at this point. Perhaps the answer is inviting in 500,000 Chinese troops to just sit there and look threatening. Of course that will never happen, since China is gearing up to invade Taiwan. A Russia-China alliance sitting on the Russian-Ukrainian border would scare the crap out of NATO and make them de-escalate (maybe). Indeed, Russia's slow-moving tolerance has put it in a real bind.
My counter-argument against this world war was always: "Who is supposed to fight it?". None of the Western countries have a demographic which allows for a full-blown war with boots on the ground.

Now, I have come up with a new theory on this matter, tying a few nots together and suddenly, it all makes sense (if you are wearing a nice tin-foil hat that is).

First a few facts:
  • In 2007, Putin announces the beginning of the multipolar world in Munich.
  • In 2011, the war in Syria starts.
  • The Russia-Ukraine conflict starts with the Maidan coup d'etat in 2014.
  • In 2015, the Minsk II agreements where signed. Merkel later on claimed in an interview, this was done to give the Ukraine more time to prepare for the inevitable war with Russia.
  • In 2015-2016, Merkel opened Germany's borders and the real heavy influx of migrants into Germany and Europe began. Most of them are young males from Islamic countries.
  • Between 2014 and 2024, the amount of foreigners in Germany almost doubles. This is according to official stats. In reality, the numbers are probably even higher.
  • In 2022, the totally unprovoked war between Russia and Ukraine officially starts.
Fast forward to June 2024:
  • The US gave green light to the usage of Western weapons against targets in Russia.
  • Several Western leaders publicly discuss a direct conflict with Russia (e.g. France, Latvia, Finland).
  • Discussions of reintroducing the draft are happening in Germany and other Western nations.
  • A new citizenship law in Germany gets passed, significantly shortening the timeframe to be eligible for naturalization. If a migrant has been a good boy, he can become a German citizen within 3 years.
My theory:

The migrant crisis was created to provide Europe and especially Germany with sufficient cannon fodder to fight World War III. The German government will give out passports to any migrant willing to fight for "our values" against the evil Russians. Merkel not only stalled the Russians to build up the Ukrainian army, but also to have enough migrants in Europe to do the dirty work for our small hatted overlords.
My counter-argument against this world war was always: "Who is supposed to fight it?". None of the Western countries have a demographic which allows for a full-blown war with boots on the ground.

Now, I have come up with a new theory on this matter, tying a few nots together and suddenly, it all makes sense (if you are wearing a nice tin-foil hat that is).

First a few facts:
  • In 2007, Putin announces the beginning of the multipolar world in Munich.
  • In 2011, the war in Syria starts.
  • The Russia-Ukraine conflict starts with the Maidan coup d'etat in 2014.
  • In 2015, the Minsk II agreements where signed. Merkel later on claimed in an interview, this was done to give the Ukraine more time to prepare for the inevitable war with Russia.
  • In 2015-2016, Merkel opened Germany's borders and the real heavy influx of migrants into Germany and Europe began. Most of them are young males from Islamic countries.
  • Between 2014 and 2024, the amount of foreigners in Germany almost doubles. This is according to official stats. In reality, the numbers are probably even higher.
  • In 2022, the totally unprovoked war between Russia and Ukraine officially starts.
Fast forward to June 2024:
  • The US gave green light to the usage of Western weapons against targets in Russia.
  • Several Western leaders publicly discuss a direct conflict with Russia (e.g. France, Latvia, Finland).
  • Discussions of reintroducing the draft are happening in Germany and other Western nations.
  • A new citizenship law in Germany gets passed, significantly shortening the timeframe to be eligible for naturalization. If a migrant has been a good boy, he can become a German citizen within 3 years.
My theory:

The migrant crisis was created to provide Europe and especially Germany with sufficient cannon fodder to fight World War III. The German government will give out passports to any migrant willing to fight for "our values" against the evil Russians. Merkel not only stalled the Russians to build up the Ukrainian army, but also to have enough migrants in Europe to do the dirty work for our small hatted overlords.

This theory immediately falls apart because almost no Muslim will die for a faggot globohomo war, unless it is to set up a permanent Islamic caliphate in Europe. Giving them immediate european citizenship, or a large military salary isn't going to motivate them the way it would a non muslim.
Well, you can surely entice them by offering nice monetary rewards. This is not a new thing and has been done before many times in history.

Muslims are not usually motivated by money to fight militarily the way other ethnicities/nationalities are.
When a Muslim is ready to fight in a war, he is usually ready to die as a martyr without any payment...but this only happens if he believes it is a holy war against enemies of Islam. Russia has not been an enemy of Islam since they left Afghanistan in the late 1980s.
As a response to Western countries authorizing the use of their weapons by Ukraine against targets in Russia, Putin has authorized the transfer of Russian weapons to third parties that are in conflict with the same Western countries. The Houthis and certain African nations are about to level up.
Muslims are not usually motivated by money to fight militarily the way other ethnicities/nationalities are.
When a Muslim is ready to fight in a war, he is usually ready to die as a martyr without any payment...but this only happens if he believes it is a holy war against enemies of Islam. Russia has not been an enemy of Islam since they left Afghanistan in the late 1980s.
All in all, I think the satanic elites just see the rest of us as worthless sheep. Meaning, they see no difference in an 85 IQ woman screaming on a bus v. the 150 IQ man inventing a new way to transfer energy particles. Thus, we have 85 IQ people now in congress and getting into medical schools.

But, if they do see differences in the groups, due to needing to do so to continue the war, they have different ways to divide us and get what they need out of us.

Most non-White people who move to White countries are just transient people. Meaning roots/culture/history means little to them. Hollywood puts out trash and they are the people still consuming it. You see this greatly in the second generation (first born and raised in the west) and beyond. While the first-generation Muslim might still have a strong opposition to fighting in satan's army, the second generation might even agree with the policies. At a minimum, they will agree with it enough so that they can stay in their new home where they get an easy life.

I see this a lot. The immigrant comes in, loves the USA, with their thick accent, works a crap job, works their butt off and accomplishes a great life. Then their kids are custom to this system and often they end up immolating our society, often picking up on the worst of it, whether it is gang culture/hip-hop culture or becoming some form of LGBTQ. The parent is then distraught and wondered how this happened to their kids.

For those Muslims in the west, who are very much against fighting for globohomo, they have a fix in place for that as well. That is what ISIS is for. A fake Muslim army, that fights at the behest of the west, under the false guise they are spreading Islam. They can just let ISIS recruit/train these hardcore Muslims and get use out of them.
As a response to Western countries authorizing the use of their weapons by Ukraine against targets in Russia, Putin has authorized the transfer of Russian weapons to third parties that are in conflict with the same Western countries. The Houthis and certain African nations are about to level up.
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Means Russia will supply heavy weapons to China, North Korea, Iran, and Cuba.
Muslims are not usually motivated by money to fight militarily the way other ethnicities/nationalities are.
When a Muslim is ready to fight in a war, he is usually ready to die as a martyr without any payment...but this only happens if he believes it is a holy war against enemies of Islam. Russia has not been an enemy of Islam since they left Afghanistan in the late 1980s.

They'll promise the migrants whatever they need to promise in order to go make them fight.

A caliphate, a harem eastern slav girls, you name it. They will promise them the moon and then some, because they know they won't be coming back (nor will they keep their word).
I was initially pretty skeptical of some of our esteemed members' claims (especially Samseau's) of an inevitable world war. I thought for sure the Western oligarchs wouldn't want to risk the danger of being attacked in their centers of power (EU/US/Israel). The events of this past week have led me to believe I was likely wrong, however, and I'm trying to find a way to get my family out of Eastern Europe as fast as possible.

First, thanks for giving me some credit.

Second, Eastern Europe is the last place anyone wants to be right now, but remember, it's going to spread to the rest of EU eventually. Then it will spread to America as well.

I also wouldn't count on Latin America being left alone, once America is out of the picture those countries will go bankrupt and go to war with each other. Also, the crime will be tremendous. Finally, they have extradition treaties with America so they can still return you if you go through their airports.

Right now, only Vietnam, which is far from ideal, is the only country I can think of that has no non-extradition treaty, can take care of itself, and will be far away from nuclear war. If people want to comment more on this we should suggest this in the "escaping the collapse" thread.
Second, Eastern Europe is the last place anyone wants to be right now, but remember, it's going to spread to the rest of EU eventually. Then it will spread to America as well.
I always ask your time frame. I think the EU falls faster because of worse debt and energy problems, but what exactly will be "spreading"?
I always ask your time frame. I think the EU falls faster because of worse debt and energy problems, but what exactly will be "spreading"?

Time frame is until one side is defeated. Our banking mafia has decided to go all in on defeating Russia/China in WW3, therefore, this ends only when one side is defeated, or we are all dead from nuclear war. This could take place over years or many decades. I lean towards decades as I've stated many times.

And what is spreading is the "Ukrainification" of our countries, where borders are closed, and men are forcibly conscripted to the frontlines. I've also stated this many times, Ukraine is the future of the (((west))), so anything you see there is coming to Europe, first in the east and then in the west, and eventually America as well.

The longer this war drags on, the more men will be killed and eventually it will be our turns to either the frontlines or forced labor in some munitions factory somewhere. Everything will be consumed towards the war effort, just like in WW2 and WW1, except even more intense. The pandemic lockdowns were really just preparation for martial law and total control over the citizenry once the war kicks into full steam.

They will dump everything they have into this war - prisoners, illegal immigrants, whatever, until Russia is exhausted and collapses, or, until we simply go bankrupt having killed off 50-80% of the men in our countries. Whatever happens, this war will NOT end without defeat of one side.
this ends only when one side is defeated
what would you consider "defeat" just so we have an endpoint here
until we simply go bankrupt having killed off 50-80% of the men in our countries.
This actually fits into my ecological perspective of things, and makes me feel less bad about it, though the entire thing is sick because it's orchestrated. As a result, the cycles of life in this world seem quite indifferent to the metaphysics of everything, which can either be enlightening or cause major despair.
I don't know if this is commonly done or not:

Might be a first:

American subs operate near Russia all the time. Russian subs operate near the U.S. all the time. In the mid-80s the Soviets were conducting naval drills in the Gulf of Mexico. The U.S. and Japan have held numerous drills off of Kamchatka, and in the Barents Sea with NATO allies. This article is fear-mongering off of normal operations.
My theory:

The migrant crisis was created to provide Europe and especially Germany with sufficient cannon fodder to fight World War III. The German government will give out passports to any migrant willing to fight for "our values" against the evil Russians. Merkel not only stalled the Russians to build up the Ukrainian army, but also to have enough migrants in Europe to do the dirty work for our small hatted overlords.

Worse economy and living conditions, Immigration, Leftism / atheism, Wars

All of these things are bad for whites, maybe its just that simple and there is no need to try and spin it as if they are playing 4d chess for some other benefits. It is destruction of white people thats the benefit its the simplest answer.
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