Signs of Escalation Into A World War

That's not how they will be used.

The low IQ and prison draftees will be put on the frontlines, and sent charging into the field of battle. They will be annihilated in numbers north of 80%.

Meanwhile the high IQ guys will be back operating the artillery and drones, and probably will have casualties less than 5%.

The cannon fodder is sent in first so they reveal the firing positions of the enemy artillery. Then you can send in drones to their locations to target and destroy them.
They already try to strong arm low IQ people into positions of importance in our military. Granted, they will happily drop the DEI mandates when push comes to shove, but that will be tough to re-engineer overnight.

I guess my point is two examples from these past few days for me.

I watch Bloomberg News in the morning while working from home/watching the markets. These people are so out of touch with reality. Saying things like "if we can just get unemployment a little lower, and more dollars in circulation". To them, this is just a small downturn and we are whiners for thinking things are bad. Our political/corporate elites are so out of touch, they probably do think an 80 IQ Somalian can engineer just as well as a 120 IQ person, as long as they get good training.

Second, I know a person, who knows a guy that is extremely wealth. While his workers have lost homes to tornados and he requires them back at work the next day, and the pay doesn't even allow many to buy homes, his own daughter, who is in her early 20's, has three $80,000+ vechiles.

These people are incompetent and out of touch. Russia and China and Iran will absolutely crush us, if we don't start getting serious about these evil people and do something about it first. China needs to feed their people, why would they enslave themselves to an inferior country (USA) who has harmed them for decades on end, and not just eventually come and take the land from the savages over here? They will do so; the only question is when. The longer they wait, the better for them, but there will come a time they will have to act because we are no longer able to produce enough for them with our incompetent leadership and new low IQ third world citizens.
Placing this here as it is pertinent to the draft issue discussed today.

Zelensky changed the rules on the 18th of May. Ukrainians who are not registered in some war list will no longer be able to receive diplomatic support from their embassies. He also lowered the age of conscription to 25.

Somewhere on Telegram I read the measures were much harsher than just this. Besides fines. Your real estate goes to the government. Driving license cancelled. Bank accounts frozen. If I find the channel will post it. And don´t know if it´s 100% reliable info.

NATO cunt leader just said recently Ukrainians should be able to strike inside russia territory.
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Zelensky changed the rules on the 18th of May. Ukrainians who are not registered in some war list will no longer be able to receive diplomatic support from their embassies. He also lowered the age of conscription to 25.

Somewhere on Telegram I read the measures were much harsher than just this. Besides fines. Your real estate goes to the government. Driving license cancelled. Bank accounts frozen. If I find the channel will post it. And don´t know if it´s 100% reliable info.

NATO cunt leader just said recently Ukrainians should be able to strike inside russia territory.
Ukraine is now drafting down to 25 year olds (at least officially). How many much younger men have we seen in this war? Are they all volunteers? I think not, but the floor change is still noteworthy. Also, withholding overseas consular services is a new one to me. I'm not sure there is precedence for it. I wonder what lengths globohomo will pursue to ensure their slave soldier population stays enslaved. Ukraine has effectively made a few million men homeless.

The tweet about poor response rates to draft notices was from the Lviv district. The ultra-Ukrainian folks of west Ukraine are not excited about fighting the hated Russians in eastern Ukraine? It explains the haphazard bodysnatching in villages from the last two years, especially amongst Russian speaking (and Hungarian speaking) regions. I believe an old poster (@Rocha) predicted 2 years ago that it would be Russian speaking Untermensch that were most likely to be drafted first. He wasn't wrong.

The Ukrainians are sacrificing their alter-ethnic countrymen first. It doesn't appear to be happenstance.
Various European countries "suddenly" (all at the same time) talking about bringing back obligatory military service (conscription).
Globohomo world masters have obviously given orders, just like they did during the fake pandemic.






The selective service system already existed for many decades in the USA.
See here:

Here it seems that the only thing they have changed is that men will be added to it automatically from other databases, rather than having to register themselves. Still, it's important to follow these things as they are a slippery slope to a faster draft in case of a false flag.
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I was initially pretty skeptical of some of our esteemed members' claims (especially Samseau's) of an inevitable world war. I thought for sure the Western oligarchs wouldn't want to risk the danger of being attacked in their centers of power (EU/US/Israel). The events of this past week have led me to believe I was likely wrong, however, and I'm trying to find a way to get my family out of Eastern Europe as fast as possible.

In the past week, we have seen:

1. The Biden administration give authorization to the Ukrainian government to use American weapons to attack mainland Russia. This was previously not granted to the Ukrainians for fear that it would escalate the war. So I guess they're no longer scared of this?

2. The Ukrainians attack Russia's nuclear alarming system that warns of incoming ballistic missiles. What message does this send to the Russians?

3. NATO countries promising to deliver F-16s right away to Ukraine, and not restricting their use to just the conflict zone. Most/all of the airfields in Ukraine are bombed out and not useable for F-16s, so the planes will have to be launched from nearby airfields (ie, in NATO countries).

Russia has previously made it clear that it has some uncompromising red lines:

1) Because F-16s are capable of holding nuclear weapons, all F-16s will be presumed to be holding nuclear weapons until proven otherwise.

2) Any country delivering weapons to be used inside of undisputed Russian territory will be considered a party to conflict and will be retaliated against. This makes sense: imagine if America could send any weapon into Russia and not have any consequences because "well, it was fired from Ukraine, so it doesn't count".

I really don't see how the above facts end well. It looks like the ZOG-West has absolutely and finally decided to escalate this thing. Russia cannot tolerate being attacked from NATO countries (with F-16s from other countries) and from potentially very capable weaponry coming from the West designed to penetrate deep inside of the Russian mainland.

I hope someone more knowledgeable than me will help clarify and tell me how my above analysis is incorrect.
I was initially pretty skeptical of some of our esteemed members' claims (especially Samseau's) of an inevitable world war. I thought for sure the Western oligarchs wouldn't want to risk the danger of being attacked in their centers of power (EU/US/Israel). The events of this past week have led me to believe I was likely wrong, however, and I'm trying to find a way to get my family out of Eastern Europe as fast as possible.

In the past week, we have seen:

1. The Biden administration give authorization to the Ukrainian government to use American weapons to attack mainland Russia. This was previously not granted to the Ukrainians for fear that it would escalate the war. So I guess they're no longer scared of this?

2. The Ukrainians attack Russia's nuclear alarming system that warns of incoming ballistic missiles. What message does this send to the Russians?

3. NATO countries promising to deliver F-16s right away to Ukraine, and not restricting their use to just the conflict zone. Most/all of the airfields in Ukraine are bombed out and not useable for F-16s, so the planes will have to be launched from nearby airfields (ie, in NATO countries).

Russia has previously made it clear that it has some uncompromising red lines:

1) Because F-16s are capable of holding nuclear weapons, all F-16s will be presumed to be holding nuclear weapons until proven otherwise.

2) Any country delivering weapons to be used inside of undisputed Russian territory will be considered a party to conflict and will be retaliated against. This makes sense: imagine if America could send any weapon into Russia and not have any consequences because "well, it was fired from Ukraine, so it doesn't count".

I really don't see how the above facts end well. It looks like the ZOG-West has absolutely and finally decided to escalate this thing. Russia cannot tolerate being attacked from NATO countries (with F-16s from other countries) and from potentially very capable weaponry coming from the West designed to penetrate deep inside of the Russian mainland.

I hope someone more knowledgeable than me will help clarify and tell me how my above analysis is incorrect.

Headlines are one thing, but what gives you a better perspective are subtle developments that are pointing steadily toward a larger conflict.

New alliances, war-oriented legislation, conscription plans, building armory factories... all of this is present again in Europe. NATO is encircling Russia and we are back in the 30s.

I think you still have time, they are not ready yet, but if something triggers panic among the masses, then it could be harder to leave, because suddenly not only you will have this idea. Better to sail before the storm...

Wish you luck.
NATO is encircling Russia and we are back in the 30s.
There is also a refusal to meet with the Russians and try to negotiate to end the conflict. Just as back then there was minimal dialogue with Germany. One of the German delegates I recall went to Scotland on some kind of failed diplomacy mission but apart from that it was minimal.

That conference which Scott Ritter was intercepted from attending -
..has the theme The Foundations of a Multipolar World - The Formation of New Areas of Growth

However TPTB in the West don't want a multipolar world, they want a one world government.

Some actors behind the scenes must want this so badly that they are willing to destroy humanity or risk that to try to get it.

It could all be defused if they would only have an open dialogue with Russia to end the Ukraine conflict. But those actors know it could be defused and they prefer war so they try to deny and prevent such a dialogue unfortunately.