Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

Voluntary DINKs were a thing in the 80s, maybe even late 70s, when boomers were reaching post-hippie adulthood but didn't want the burden of kids. The memes are real. There's nothing new to it, but maybe it is accelerating now.

A urologist I know admitted he does vasectomies for young, single men. I gently encouraged him to decline. His own son wants one. Doc is a Chinese immigrant who was born there in the Mao era. His family made it through all that, to have a son that doesn't want kids - because life is so hard. The son hasn't lived a day without central air/heat. We both just shook our heads.

As an old guy, kids are the only reason I keep working. A legacy is good and can help for decades after I'm gone. Part of this is guilt-driven and desire to amend my failings. Part is a biblical instruction to procreate and leave something of benefit to your kids.

I really hope all the men here that want kids will find success. I'm cheering you guys on.
Many modern parents will do anything to avoid spending time with their children.

It is so prevalent that it has prompted me to want to make t-shirts and bumper stickers that say:

Are NOT Parents

So many grandparents are raising their grandchildren. During parent-teacher conferences we almost always talk to the grandparents. And now, we are at the point in society where many children are being raised by their great-grandparents and great-aunt and uncle. I called to talk to who I thought was a student’s grandmother. This particular student had referred to her “grandma” in conversations. As we were talking she interjected, “Honey, I should tell you that I’m not her grandma. She was my neighbor and when she was a baby, I found her wandering in the street with nothing but a diaper. Her mom and dad died of a drug overdose, she had no one in her family to take care of her, so I took her in and now I have custody of her. She just calls me grandma.” Heartbreaking!

Many students may have their basic needs provided. However, they are ignored at home. I will ask students about their weekend. The majority say when they get home, they go their rooms and play video games or play on their phones all weekend.

So many parents (especially single moms), want to be their kid’s best friend. There is no accountability at home when students misbehave.
My wife and I are DINKs. We did not choose this for ourselves. We were in the same kindergarten class. We started dating in high school. In college, we got engaged. We both went into teaching so we could have the summers off with our children. My wife could not get pregnant. I became very angry with God. It took its toll on our marriage. After some time, we just began to cope by basically living the lifestyles of many of the DINKs in these videos. We traveled, bought expensive things, went to nice restaurants, got a couple of dogs, etc.

On the surface, people assume that we have chosen this for ourselves. I think we need to show more grace to some of these couples. Many of them may be coping from infertility issues.
You could adopt some children, save them from being adopted by homos and the 50% chance of being raped by those same homos.
Yes. It also takes a lot of work and sacrifice to raise a family right. These people don't want to do that work.

Lots of people, me included, don't realise until they've had kids, that the the point of life is to have kids.

My life changed the day my son was born, in my late 40s. I found something I didn't know that I was missing until that very moment.
I was always adamant that I didn't want marriage, or children, and then suddenly I did.
It is a significant and hard change to your life, and can cause a lot of friction in your relationship, but the smile and giggles I get when Daddy comes home from work make all of the hardship, tiredness, and mysteriously vanishing money more than worthwhile.
Wrong. This is not what I said. What I said was this:

I asked if you wanted to "address" it, not hear the sensitive and extraordinary details in public. This was sarcasm, because as you've further demonstrated, then, and now, you have no real interest in hearing anything about technology and "things" that you couldn't possibly understand with your limited know-it-all human brain.

Wow, talk about "smug"? Like I said, you already know everything and nothing lies outside of your purview, so why would I try to explain something to someone who already knows that what I'm about to say is either delusional or an outright lie?

Whatever, I'm not going to play "gotcha" with you. I told you that technology exists that would put your "science" and "research" and "investigations" into the realm of the stone age. You don't believe this. In essence, you believe me to be a liar, and fortunately this is something I can live with.

But enough with the derail, I'm out of this "conversation."
You brought up Bob Lazar, a known fraud.

Others know from the forum that I'm not just some haphazard guesser, but rather trained in science and medicine, a legitimate expert. Note, I was also one of the few from the "system" who saw covscam for what it was and have been talking about nutrition and other topics not touched on by doctors or other researchers for years, if ever.

I asked for the claims you desired to make and then you don't reply with the goods. Who exactly is doing "gotcha" or time wasting here?
It is a significant and hard change to your life, and can cause a lot of friction in your relationship, but the smile and giggles I get when Daddy comes home from work make all of the hardship, tiredness, and mysteriously vanishing money more than worthwhile.
The problem is that you have to find a proper woman first to do this.

Video unavailable = Jimmy Cliff?

By the way Urkel says he has seen UFOs (I don't doubt that, they are unidentified flying objects indeed) and also has "telepathically communicated with angelic beings". I'm open to seeing/hearing that, but I don't see how it has to do with the previous topic of living forever "in this world" - which is something we know is not possible in our current state, from both science and Christian teaching.
He knows this is what I am pointing out and that therefore, he's tilting at windmills in general here.

Aging/longevity is pre-programmed my friends, sorry to break it to you, but it is.

Also, @PurpleUrkel didn't come back to tell us about the amazing "technology" he supposedly "has seen."

If anything is disproven in science it's the idea that ageing is pre-programmed. This is simply not true. It's been disproven in huge experiments. No matter whether you think aging can be solved or not, at least don't make this claim.

Your other point is hard to understand; Humans have already changed themselves massively through technology, for good or for bad perhaps, (?) but that's still the case and it has become part of us. Your argument is like saying that's it's not our teeth that chew, it's our fillings, it's not you that travels from A to B, it's your car/flight/whatever. It's not you that learn and know something, it's the book/internet etc. It's not the farmer that sows the fields, it's his tractor and so on...
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Humans in the way we know them on planet earth in 2024 will one day "evolve" into immortal beings via the art of Perfect Medicine. If you think penicillin extended life expectancy in the 20th Century, wait until you see what's coming in the 22nd Century. Like nuclear weapons, and round earth, this is non-debatable.

This is just cope. Our current civilization trajectory will not last until 2100, let alone 2200. Most Whites will be extinct by 2100 at current reproductive rates, due to phenomena's like DINKs, and the vast majority of humanity will fall into a dark age where 80% of technology is forgotten and lost, perhaps forever.

It's simply never ceases to amaze how people take modern civilization for granted, when in fact it's just a flash in the pan - like a desert bloom that has waited centuries for rain.
Your other point is hard to understand; Humans have already changed themselves massively through technology, for good or for bad perhaps, (?) but that's still the case and it has become part of us. Your argument is like saying that's it's not our teeth that chew, it's our fillings, it's not you that travels from A to B, it's your car/flight/whatever. It's not you that learn and know something, it's the book/internet etc. It's not the farmer that sows the fields, it's his tractor and so on...

It's my point as well. The tech is generally replacing us and our ability. We do become more dependent (in general, weaker, because of it). It applies in all situations and there is a synergy with it.

It goes back to the garden. Think of the difference between receiving from God vs. grabbing/grasping for our own control. There is no hard line but the tension is always there, and it's on a personal level. With tech, where it is now, these kinds of decisions have more impact. Think about trannies: why are we upset at them again if we are basically turning/enhancing ourselves into "trans"-humans anyways? these questions go to a deep level.
If anything is disproven in science it's the idea that ageing is pre-programmed.
You would tend to think that nature would not want species living forever as it would cause overpopulation problems. Although that being said it does seem that possibly there are a few exceptions to this rule. Mostly because they are species whose reproduction is limited by other factors.

If anything is disproven in science it's the idea that ageing is pre-programmed. This is simply not true. It's been disproven in huge experiments. No matter whether you think aging can be solved or not, at least don't make this claim.
This would take a while for me to explain, but it is not disproven. Think of set point phenomena in working out and nutrition, metabolism and body type if you have a hard time imagining what I'm saying, as that is far more the case than short term deviation from it. I'm not a determinist but some things fall FAR closer to a genetic range, which is why I call it pre programmed. Can you sabotage a few years of your longevity due to being a bad steward? Clearly. Can you add a couple, perhaps, for being a good one? Likely. This proves the point that it is generally pre set. There are tons of smokers and alcoholics that live til 90 and 100. Look deeper.
Think about trannies: why are we upset at them again if we are basically turning/enhancing ourselves into "trans"-humans anyways? these questions go to a deep level.
Great point and insight. I don't think Johnny is understanding the distinction between intrinsic humanity and the ability to adapt to certain things, which is a nuanced but clear point for the critical thinker. The only "technology" that has actually become part of us is if you introduced human created mRNA and/or DNA sequences via artificial means. And even that is STILL in a human paradigm of potentiality. For example, you can't introduce DNA that will make you fly by yourself, going back to our previous example.
You would tend to think that nature would not want species living forever as it would cause overpopulation problems
This is exactly what is going on. Ecology and the importance of balance over time. It is pre-programmed for this reason, but it is a very complicated cosmos and balance between living organisms, so I'm not trying to be simplistic here. The reality for the human is "all men must die" if you want to go secular and game of thrones to point at the truth of things.
Not going to tell this, doxing is much more of a threat for me than it is for ordinary members of the forum.

I didn't ask how many kids you had, nor what age they are,......just simply a "yes" or "no" if you had them or not, which is terms of doxing is pretty vague and not that traceable.

Nonetheless, I'm gonna take your answer as being a "no" which is quite ironic since you started this thread bashing childless couples.
This would take a while for me to explain, but it is not disproven. Think of set point phenomena in working out and nutrition, metabolism and body type if you have a hard time imagining what I'm saying, as that is far more the case than short term deviation from it. I'm not a determinist but some things fall FAR closer to a genetic range, which is why I call it pre programmed. Can you sabotage a few years of your longevity due to being a bad steward? Clearly. Can you add a couple, perhaps, for being a good one? Likely. This proves the point that it is generally pre set. There are tons of smokers and alcoholics that live til 90 and 100. Look deeper.

Great point and insight. I don't think Johnny is understanding the distinction between intrinsic humanity and the ability to adapt to certain things, which is a nuanced but clear point for the critical thinker. The only "technology" that has actually become part of us is if you introduced human created mRNA and/or DNA sequences via artificial means. And even that is STILL in a human paradigm of potentiality. For example, you can't introduce DNA that will make you fly by yourself, going back to our previous example.

This is exactly what is going on. Ecology and the importance of balance over time. It is pre-programmed for this reason, but it is a very complicated cosmos and balance between living organisms, so I'm not trying to be simplistic here. The reality for the human is "all men must die" if you want to go secular and game of thrones to point at the truth of things.

If ageing was pre-programmed it would be very easy to solve, but it's not. It's not a matter of opinion, there's experiments with millions of (ageing) fruit-flies where you can 10x the average starting lifespan by just postponing the age of reproduction. This means that the genes/epigenetic phenotypes for longevity are chosen and life span will gradually increase, with no upper limit. Ageing is completely malleable in other words.
You would tend to think that nature would not want species living forever as it would cause overpopulation problems. Although that being said it does seem that possibly there are a few exceptions to this rule. Mostly because they are species whose reproduction is limited by other factors.

It's an old idea and a fair and intuitive assumption, but one that's most definitely proven to be false. Overpop. "solves" itself in nature, via lack of food, disease etc. etc....The animals that don't have ageing are such due to not having sexual reproduction. They just make a copy of themselves. Sexual species maintain immortality in the gametes (egg and sperm) but not the soma.
I didn't ask how many kids you had, nor what age they are,......just simply a "yes" or "no" if you had them or not, which is terms of doxing is pretty vague and not that traceable.

Nonetheless, I'm gonna take your answer as being a "no" which is quite ironic since you started this thread bashing childless couples.

Don't make assumptions; friendly warning. You can believe whatever you want, but don't post it without proof or I'll be forced to add points to your account. I don't need to share any personal details of my life on here nor does anyone else. No one owes you anything.
Ageing is completely malleable in other words.
No, it is somewhat malleable in non-human species. You keep applying other beings to the same realities as humans, which is weird since we've pointed out how these are not necessarily related. It's like David Sinclair talking about how Blue Whales live hundreds of years so humans can too. Uhh, no.