What is the point to marriage without children? Having fun, then what, die a pointless death?
There are dozens of reasons that a couple might have for not having children apart from infertility, which have nothing to do with selfishness or hedonism. Besides it's usually nicer to live with someone you like than alone.
Here's some normal reasons off the top of my head a couple might not want kids:
-More than one miscarriage of the mother
-A family history of certain disabilities which may produce partially or totally disabled children
-Children already present from a previous marriage (widower or widow)
-Living in a country that is at war
-Not having sufficient funds for the extra schooling, clothing, housing, and medical expenses each child brings with them
-Elderly parents that already require full time care and insufficient funds to send them to a care home or hire a nurse
-Dual income being the only way to pay ones expenses such as rent or mortgage and a stay at home mother making single income insufficient
-A husband who has a short temper, gambling problems, drinks too much, doesn't know how to budget money...basically any quality that makes a poor father
-A wife who has qualities that would be a terrible mother such as frigidity, forgetfulness, lack of discipline, unstable mentally
-Knowing your children would be attending school with majority faggots, trannies, muslims, blacks and drag queens.
-Total disgust with the state of the world at present and desire not to see another generation suffer under the globohomo faggots.
-Fear that despite being both excellent parents your sons will turn out to be faggots, and your daughters turn out to be multi tattooed porn stars
I could go on and on, but you get the idea....
To label every childless couple selfish and hedonistic is very short sighted.