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Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

All nations, right?

You've mentioned the Tower of Babel before, but you ignored me when I mentioned Pentecost as the recapitulation of Babel. The Gospel has the power to remove the things that would divide us, including race. So whether the majority is comprised of gay, baby-killing whites, or gangbanger blacks, they must be evangelized all the same.

Yes, all nations, meaning in their separate homelands and spread the word to them.

If you think jamming everyone together under the same system, is Christian in nature, or would ever work, you are very mistaken. And that is the reason groups like PF are growing very quickly.
The Monasteries are the "Deep State" of the Church. We take guys who mainly eat bread, peanut butter, live out in the wilderness in a monastery for 30 years, who completely forsake women and money and pray all day, and turn them into Patriarchs and Metropolitans
Dude, I did not know this.

The wilderness and the monastic option are my thing... I might have to convert 😇.
You don't know anything about me, but the fact you underestimate me, and men like me is a good thing.

Don't see how I underestimated you or anyone else in any way but sure.

I know your words, your words here and on the old forum and one thing has always been clear, you blame your fallacies in life on anyone or anything else other than your own actions and refuse to see how your actions could possibly have contributed to them. The other "white men" here are not after what you are after, what you are after isn't a better life you just want excuses. Stop comparing yourself with those other men, you don't fit in with them.
Here are the first 2 gems she retweeted on her Twitter after the main hit piece being on top. Every tweet shows exactly what she is about. It's quite sickening.

Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 5.25.19 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 5.27.03 PM.png
Below is an article from last February. She wrote about "misogyny". :rolleyes:

Orthodox Christian radio hosted a panel on female deacons. Then misogyny poured in.​

Far from clarifying the question of women deacons, the episode added fuel to an already incendiary conversation about women's ordination and the role of women in the church in general.

Soon after the live broadcast began on Ancient Faith Radio, a media ministry aimed at Orthodox Christian listeners, the real-time commentary open to listeners on YouTube erupted with a stream of misogyny.

The topic of the Jan. 30 broadcast, which included a pre-recorded radio documentary, was examining the call to restore female deacons in the Orthodox Church. Deacons make up the lowest and third order of clergy in the Orthodox Church, and not every parish has them. Where they exist, deacons primarily assist the priest with liturgical duties such as preparing the Eucharist and are almost always exclusively male.

The Ancient Faith show was a response to a November symposium sponsored by the St. Phoebe Center for the Deaconess, a 10-year-old Orthodox group advocating for the female diaconate. At the meeting outside Boston, Orthodox scholars proposed guidelines under which the ancient practice could be revived. The church has never formally banned women from the diaconate, but with increasing emphasis on male monastic practice in the Middle Ages, the practice faded.


Now back to the PF topic.
This is delusional if you live in America. In 50+ years of existence I have seen nothing like this. A "genociding of white people"? Give me a break. A reduction in numbers yes, but a "genociding"? Not a chance. Anyone can claim anything about the future, but that doesn't make them Nostradamus. Give me the date and time of the genociding of white people in America and I'll bet you $10,000 that on that date no such thing will occur.
It’s already happening. The USA went from a 87% majority White country in the 1970s to currently beneath 60%, without even accounting for the illegal immigration.

While non-Hispanic White Americans under 18 in the U.S. are already a minority as of 2020, it is projected that non-Hispanic Whites overall will become a minority within the US by 2045.

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_demographic_decline#:~:text=United States,-White Americans of&text=While non-Hispanic White Americans,within the US by 2045.

There are 10 stages/phases to genocide. It’s not just something that happens one day so it’s impossible to give you a specific date. Genocide is a process. Whites in western countries have hit at least half of the phases mentioned below.

SOURCE: http://genocidewatch.net/genocide-2/8-stages-of-genocide/

Given that Whites have been displaced out of every major city in the US that was just 50 years ago majority Whites, and the billions/maybe trillions in taxation to prop up people who are not us and currently demanding even more. People who burned cities in 2020 go unpunished while Whites who protested January 6 and committed a misdemeanor by entering The Capital building have their homes raided by the FBI and still sit in prison cells awaiting trial.

In any case since you wanted a date and it’s already underway, you can DM me to work out arrangements to transfer the $10000 USD to me. I can take ACH wires or crypto.

EDIT: Better yet, donate the $10k to the admins of this site, or Patriot Front themselves.
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The USA went from a 87% majority White country in the 1970s to currently beneath 60%.
87% to 60%, a 27% reduction over 40+ years is not a "genociding." Get a grip. And prior to the 1600's the US was a zero percent White country. So what's your point? That things change? Sheer brilliance. White people will never be genocided from America and you have no future proof that they will. I have no future proof that they won't, so it's a he said/he said existential stale mate. Big deal. YOU "my friend" need to get together with with IIMT and Daniel H and go to nature and spend 3 days in isolation alone. Have you ever spent 3 days alone without seeing another human? No. And it is on the 3rd day that you, yourself, and I get on squirrely terms with one another and that things start to get really interesting between you and God. Do yourself a favor and take a break from the internet.

There are 10 stages/phases to genocide. It’s not just something that happens one day so it’s impossible to give you a specific date.
Exactly "Closedrenamous", so you, not Jesus Christ are the arbitrar of future outcomes in which you want me to pay 10K to Patriot Front because you lost a future bet of which you have no proof? 👌
87% to 60%, a 27% reduction over 40+ years is not a "genociding." Get a grip. And prior to the 1600's the US was a zero percent White country. So what's your point? That things change? Sheer brilliance. White people will never be genocided from America and you have no future proof that they will. I have no future proof that they won't, so it's a he said/he said existential stale mate. Big deal. YOU "my friend" need to get together with with IIMT and Daniel H and go to nature and spend 3 days in isolation alone. Have you ever spent 3 days alone without seeing another human? No. And it is on the 3rd day that you, yourself, and I get on squirrely terms with one another and that things start to get really interesting between you and God. Do yourself a favor and take a break from the internet.

Exactly "Closedrenamous", so you, not Jesus Christ are the arbitrar of future outcomes in which you want me to pay 10K to Patriot Front because you lost a future bet of which you have no proof? 👌
That is the actual definition of genocide. The displacement of people. There was no USA, before White settlers created it from wilderness and bare land.
87% to 60%, a 27% reduction over 40+ years is not a "genociding." Get a grip. And prior to the 1600's the US was a zero percent White country. So what's your point? That things change? Sheer brilliance. White people will never be genocided from America and you have no future proof that they will.
First they erase the statues, then they erase the people.

Big deal. YOU "my friend" need to get together with with IIMT and Daniel H and go to nature and spend 3 days in isolation alone.
And you, my friend, need to stop telling others what to do.
Have you ever spent 3 days alone without seeing another human? No.
You do not know me and you have no right to ask me a question about myself and answer it for me and put words in my mouth.
And it is on the 3rd day that you, yourself, and I get on squirrely terms with one another and that things start to get really interesting between you and God. Do yourself a favor and take a break from the internet.
You are not coming at this because you care about my mental health. You are saying these things to me because you and I disagree on what the future looks like. Perhaps it is you who needs the break, my friend. In the mean time, God will lead me to Him however He pleases.

Exactly "Closedrenamous", so you, not Jesus Christ are the arbitrar of future outcomes in which you want me to pay 10K to Patriot Front because you lost a future bet of which you have no proof? 👌
How can I have already lost a future bet when you say you too do not know what the future is?

I'm telling you it's happening now per the UN's own definition. You can choose to ignore that. And I can choose to ignore you, which I will be doing from now on.
87% to 60%, a 27% reduction over 40+ years is not a "genociding." Get a grip. And prior to the 1600's the US was a zero percent White country. So what's your point? That things change? Sheer brilliance. White people will never be genocided from America and you have no future proof that they will. I have no future proof that they won't, so it's a he said/he said existential stale mate. Big deal. YOU "my friend" need to get together with with IIMT and Daniel H and go to nature and spend 3 days in isolation alone. Have you ever spent 3 days alone without seeing another human? No. And it is on the 3rd day that you, yourself, and I get on squirrely terms with one another and that things start to get really interesting between you and God. Do yourself a favor and take a break from the internet.

Exactly "Closedrenamous", so you, not Jesus Christ are the arbitrar of future outcomes in which you want me to pay 10K to Patriot Front because you lost a future bet of which you have no proof? 👌
Systematic reduction and replacement of a population is a type of genocide, as stated in the link he provided. It is true that most people focus on the way this works with native populations being overrun by European colonies, but the same definitions fit with the planned elimination of whites. The stated goal of the left is breed the white race out through race mixing, or better yet see them fail to reproduce at all. They openly brag about their progress so far.
The most reasonably path forward is for people is to turn our backs on the current dumpster fire and start building something new and independent.

Organizing, marching and protesting is gayer than Freddie mercury. The way forward is to step outside of the burning building and start building a new one.

Starting new goes hand in hand with focusing on the basics and what’s actually important. Agriculture and food production, engineering/construction/skilled trades, and manufacturing essential goods as well as arms (rifles, ammunition, drones, mines).
Build cultural alliances based around these industries and you’ll be well prepared to weather any storms brewing around you, have a solid base to build off if there’s some kind of collapse, have solid capabilities that are valuable in any times good or bad, and have the capability to resist if it comes to that.
Bartering, trading, building bubbles of similar like-minded Christian farmers, mechanics, naturopaths, and potentially a Sheriff who is awake would help in staving off the feds jackboots who have been squashing these kind of "new and independent" initiatives for the last 40 years. The building blocks of a community independent of the jewish USA and their fake money and demonic propaganda is the answer, and for those communities to figure out how to connect into a bigger community, but the deep state has plans upon plans of scenarios for how to deal with this, aka "stop it from ever happening." This is why the only recourse left if people cannot do this peacefully, is to forcefully remove their influence and fight them in a war of attrition, that only the Christian European spirit can win.

I pray for the people in Patriot Front, like I said before, they, or another movement like them with the explicit agenda of defending White European interests and livelihoods and birth rates must be supported by major Churches if it is to reach the multitudes. The problem is too many organizations are cowards and refuse to go against the jew, or they are all inverted and are worshiping the jews.

If the Orthodox Church and a separatist faction of the Catholic Church against the corrupted Papacy unite to make a stand against all of the evils: drugs, new ageism, false bible prophets and mega churches, jewish nepotism, sexual immorality, anti-natalism, and anti-populism, then I could see them advocating for the ensuring of all races survival, especially Whites. It never was "racial" like this before, which is why it is hard for an organization to embrace the modern concept of it. These two faiths already stand against it, but because the times are different, the church leaders should look at the data and numbers available and come to the easily-observed conclusion that European descendants are being genocided on all fronts. That's where supporting groups like Patriot Front would come in, where, if they were cooperative, they would use their charitable acts to work with the churches in order to build up a Christian society, even if it is more authoritarian (which is better as long as international hyenas are prowling around).

The issue would be getting through to the leaders of these organizations and setting up a series of talks with religious leaders on the other side, these conversations need to happen.
For example, Andrew Torba explicitly puts God first, and he is taking direct action to create media infrastructure that is independent of the current leftist media and giant tech companies.
I've been on Gab for a long time. I had heard for quite a while that many of the core users there had issues with Torba but they weren't very good at explaining them. I chalked it up to you can't please everyone.

After reading the below article, however, I am convinced that Torba is nothing more than a grifter. I think he's funded by Peter Thiel and he functions as a way to get information to the Feds quickly. (He has, on more than one occasion, turned over data to the FBI before they obtained a warrant.)

Remember how every corporation was all BLM in 2020? They don't say that today because BLM is not as useful. Antifa is not as useful today as they were in 2018. I think this is true of Torba and Gab right now, and I suspect that's what's behind his policy shift on photos and the like. The policy change has absolutely killed Gab, and Torba is acting like everything is fine.

Even if you don't believe everything in this article (which I am sure is not 100% accurate -- there's just so much covered that something there has to be not the full truth) the fact is his products would leak IP info and he didn't care. He's not a techie.

The Dissident browser extension really could have been great and could have made Gab a competitor to all those 3rd party comment provider sites, or grown Gab tremendously in the age of censorship. But he doesn't have the technical chops to do it. Again, he endangered his users.


The bottom line is he's not one of us truly, and we're going to have to do a lot of this ourselves.
If the Orthodox Church and a separatist faction of the Catholic Church against the corrupted Papacy unite to make a stand against all of the evils: [ . . ]
A small niggle here. The Papacy cannot be corrupted. If you are referring to the freemason "Pope" Paul VI counter-church, then that's not the Catholic Church. There's a reason why the FBI is ruthlessly targeting actual Catholics and not members of the Vatican 2 NWO sect.
This is what I am talking about. The fire rises, if the current Churches refuse to acknowledge, speak out and organize protests against this, then young White men will do it on their own. That is exactly what PF is.

It's good to see you back here posting. I also see that you have become a pagan. What's the reasoning behind that?
87% to 60%, a 27% reduction over 40+ years is not a "genociding." Get a grip. And prior to the 1600's the US was a zero percent White country. So what's your point? That things change? Sheer brilliance. White people will never be genocided from America and you have no future proof that they will. I have no future proof that they won't, so it's a he said/he said existential stale mate. Big deal. YOU "my friend" need to get together with with IIMT and Daniel H and go to nature and spend 3 days in isolation alone. Have you ever spent 3 days alone without seeing another human? No. And it is on the 3rd day that you, yourself, and I get on squirrely terms with one another and that things start to get really interesting between you and God. Do yourself a favor and take a break from the internet.

Exactly "Closedrenamous", so you, not Jesus Christ are the arbitrar of future outcomes in which you want me to pay 10K to Patriot Front because you lost a future bet of which you have no proof? 👌
Have you been sleeping since the end of WW2?
A small niggle here. The Papacy cannot be corrupted. If you are referring to the freemason "Pope" Paul VI counter-church, then that's not the Catholic Church. There's a reason why the FBI is ruthlessly targeting actual Catholics and not members of the Vatican 2 NWO sect.

It's good to see you back here posting. I also see that you have become a pagan. What's the reasoning behind that?
I'm not a pagan, I had my title changed. I grew up a protestant.