Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Do albino black people have the same rate of bicycle theft as their sable brethren?
This question is difficult to answer - albino negroes are pretty rare overall. For all I know, the "blacks" won't tolerate them as their own ilk even if they look absolutely similar to them apart from pigmentation. Tragically, I read that in Tanzania (the African country with the highest number of albinos) they often get hunted down and killed by their darker pigmented fellows.

Another point is that when WNs talk about "blacks", they usually mean Afro-Americans, who for the most part are not even pure "blacks" (Africans), but actually quadroon mixes with on average 25% European genetics hailing back to the times of slavery. So pure-bred Africans won't accept them as their own either.
Trick question: Should this man here be considered as "white" or as "black"?


You can immediately see from his facial features that this guy is not European. Albinism shows that human races differ in more things than just pigmentation.
For what purpose are you trying to classify him?

Life expectancy, susceptibility to certain diseases (like sickle cell anemia), genetic ancestry, physical analysis (ie height / weight / obesity variability), average IQ? Black

Trying to color coordinate an outfit for him? White

White nationalism is kinda silly​
That's because it's a made up term to use for any European having pride in their ancestry.
No one asks if Siamese twins are really Asian.
We all know what racial groups are, just as we all know what men and women are. This doesn't "trick" anyone. It's actually tedious.
That's because it's a made up term to use for any European having pride in their ancestry.
No one asks if Siamese twins are really Asian.
We all know what racial groups are, just as we all know what men and women are. This doesn't "trick" anyone. It's actually tedious.
The point I was trying to make is that if you want to define yourself as a "racist", or racially aware person who classifies people according to their phenotype, you have to look deeper than just skin color - which by the way varies a lot in European-heritage people, from rosy-skinned to olive-skinned - and also consider the other physical features like eyes, hair, facial features, stature etc. There's actually a science called racial anthropology which was kinda big in the mid 20th century, but today has fallen out of favour for obvious reasons.

White Nationalism is a ridiculously ambiguous and unscientific, superficial concept. So you take "white" as an umbrella term for all people with predominantly European Christian heritage who happen to have "white" skin...

- How do you define "white" skin? (excluding the phenomenon of albinism of course)
- How tanned does a person have to be in order to not longer be considered "white"?​
The point I was trying to make is that if you want to define yourself as a "racist", or racially aware person who classifies people according to their phenotype, you have to look deeper than just skin color - which by the way varies a lot in European-heritage people, from rosy-skinned to olive-skinned - and also consider the other physical features like eyes, hair, facial features, stature etc. There's actually a science called racial anthropology which was kinda big in the mid 20th century, but today has fallen out of favour for obvious reasons.

White Nationalism is a ridiculously ambiguous and unscientific, superficial concept. So you take "white" as an umbrella term for all people with predominantly European Christian heritage who happen to have "white" skin...

- How do you define "white" skin? (excluding the phenomenon of albinism of course)
- How tanned does a person have to be in order to not longer be considered "white"?​
I think these types of discussions are ultimately used to waste time.

When people say "Black Lives Matter," there's no debate among them, even internally, on how much of a mixture constitutes one being able to identify as "Black."

We all know what "White" means -- even if there is deviation from pale to olive skin. Other groups do not make these distinctions, as @Rax Moscow.

It's similar to how claims of racism are always made against White people and never minorities. Hate crimes are only filed against Whites. So we all know. There's no need to define it, and it's thus not silly or trivial to advocate for your rights as a group based on this shared heritage/definition/perception/whatever you want to call it.

In fact, it's vital for our survival.
I think these types of discussions are ultimately used to waste time.

When people say "Black Lives Matter," there's no debate among them, even internally, on how much of a mixture constitutes one being able to identify as "Black."
Yeah, BLM Afro-Americans who define themselves by their skin color are fooling themselves just as much as WN Americans when you compare them to their African/European ideals.
As I said, many "proud black" Afro-Americans actually are light-skinned mulattoes with 25% European DNA on average. If you want to see real "blacks" you should go visit the Nilotes in Sudan (the darkest pigmented people on Earth). On the other hand, many "proud whites" have a strong tan in summer or brown/black hair and eyes, which is quite far from the rosy-skinned, blonde and blue-eyed Scandinavian ideal (the lightest pigmented people if you don't count albinos).

I think it's a cringeworthy self-delusion to foremostly define yourself as "white" or "black" when there are people who are much "whiter" or "blacker" than you, but aren't willing to parade these shallow labels around in public. It makes you look like a wannabe with inferiority complex.
We all know what "White" means -- even if there is deviation from pale to olive skin. Other groups do not make these distinctions, as @Rax Moscow.

It's similar to how claims of racism are always made against White people and never minorities. Hate crimes are only filed against Whites. So we all know. There's no need to define it, and it's thus not silly or trivial to advocate for your rights as a group based on this shared heritage/definition/perception/whatever you want to call it.

In fact, it's vital for our survival.

I'm critizing the term "white" itself, not the peoples who often get summarized under this label. I think this term is too ambiguous and arbitrary to be used in any discussion, be it anthropological or political.

Where do you want to draw the line between "white" and "non-white"?

For example: Should olive-skinned Jason Biggs - a Catholic American with Italian/Sicilian heritage - be considered a "white"?


What about rosy-skinned Mark Zuckerberg? Is he "non-white" just because he's Jewish?

The point I was trying to make is that if you want to define yourself as a "racist",​

Who wants to do this?
For example: Should olive-skinned Jason Biggs - a Catholic American with Italian/Sicilian heritage - be considered a "white"?

What about rosy-skinned Mark Zuckerberg? Is he "non-white" just because he's Jewish?
What are you even asking?
Are you trying to determine the ethnic ancestry of these people?
Or are you trying to play some word game "gotcha" using semantics.

Words are used to express ideas. Are you really curious about the DNA of these men? And if so, to what end?
If there is no "therefore..." to your postulation

Such as: Mark Zuckerberg has paler skin than me; therefore he will likely sunburn faster than I.
Jason Biggs has an olive complexion. He probably has a lot of body hair.

Then what idea are you even discussing?
What idea are you trying to get at?

What is the implication of Jason Biggs belonging to one group versus another? What conclusions can we draw from it?

I can start threads about how "Caitlin Jenner is really a man" but without a therefore or a conclusion it's all meaningless.

If one cannot reword a question using different terms, then one is using sophistry.
It seemed to me that this forum is full of (closet) WNs or racially aware men, seeing that this thread has managed to rake up so many posts.
Now y'all are frantically trying to distance yourselves from "racism"?

I'm a racially aware person myself.

What are you even asking?
Are you trying to determine the ethnic ancestry of these people?
Or are you trying to play some word game "gotcha" using semantics.
Then what idea are you even discussing?
What idea are you trying to get at?
If one cannot reword a question using different terms, then one is using sophistry.

I understand "white" as light pigmented.

Some Christians with European ancestry like Jason Biggs can be relatively swarthy, while diaspora Jews often have light pigmented people such as Mark Zuckerberg in their rows. Also apparently there are light pigmented muslims too, for example this Iranian guy here:


So I'd suggest using the term "European Christian Nationalist" instead of "White Nationalist" just to make sure that Muslims and Jews are definitely excluded, because they can be light pigmented too - sometimes even lighter than Christians.​
So I'd suggest using the term "European Christian Nationalist" instead of "White Nationalist" just to make sure that Muslims and Jews are definitely excluded, because they can be light pigmented too - sometimes even lighter than Christians.
As much as I'd like an approach like this, the fact is we have no control over the language our enemies use to define us.

I could say that I'm for the rights of "Heritage Americans" until I'm blue in the face, our enemies will just call me terms like "racist," "White nationalist," and things like that.

Since our enemies literally control our channels of communication, it really doesn't matter what we call ourselves. But I do know that Jason Biggs is more likely to be on my side than Mark Zuckerberg, so there's that.
As much as I'd like an approach like this, the fact is we have no control over the language our enemies use to define us

We do have control over the language that we use ourselves, though.
But I do know that Jason Biggs is more likely to be on my side than Mark Zuckerberg, so there's that.
I wouldn't be too sure about that in the particular case of Biggs. According to Wikipedia, his wife has a Jewish father and was raised Jewish. As an actor Biggs has often been cast to play Jewish characters because they say he has a typical Jewish look.
There's actually a science called racial anthropology which was kinda big in the mid 20th century, but today has fallen out of favour for obvious reasons.​

Just wanted to add a proof - before I'm accused of talking bullshit or trolling this forum - that this science exists and should be considered by those who contemplate WN:


You can see that there's no single European "white" race, but actually several European races according to oldschool racial anthropologists such as Coon. It's only in the later half of the 20th century that all European races got lumped together as "whites".
Just wanted to add a proof - before I'm accused of talking bullshit or trolling this forum - that this science exists and should be considered by those who contemplate WN:

View attachment 6893

You can see that there's no single European "white" race, but actually several European races according to oldschool racial anthropologists such as Coon. It's only in the later half of the 20th century that all European races got lumped together as "whites".
This can be true while also telling the truth that Europeans have high levels of relatedness and common characteristics. When it comes to civilization, this is extremely important. The end.
Just wanted to add a proof - before I'm accused of talking bullshit or trolling this forum - that this science exists and should be considered by those who contemplate WN:

View attachment 6893

You can see that there's no single European "white" race, but actually several European races according to oldschool racial anthropologists such as Coon. It's only in the later half of the 20th century that all European races got lumped together as "whites".
Funny is that Jews do most of the racial "research", Coon = Cohen.

On this Coon on wiki:

After the war, Coon returned to Harvard, but retained ties to the OSS and its successor the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He was a scientific consultant to the CIA from 1948 to 1950, and in 1945 wrote an influential paper that argued that the United States should continue the use of wartime intelligence agencies to maintain an "Invisible Empire" in the postwar period. In 1956–57, he worked for the Air Force as a photographer.
Harvard, house university of the elite, intelligence, nice career Mr. Cohen.
He distinguished between at least four racial types and sub-types of Jewish people, but also maintained that there existed a single, primordial Jewish race, characterised by a Jewish nose and other physical features that together form "a quality of looking Jewish"
Some WN might think this is edgy, but it's the "scientific" basis for the state of Israel.

Race theory is also a propagation of the evolution lies. It's leading therefore to paganism, as if there is a "pure race". See the contents of the book below. And we also see the "birth of the white man" as concept of the mind.

ScreenShot Tool -20240402082018.png

It makes that the Jews are a hunted "Race" and not denier of Christ or Christian morality. And instead of needing help, they become the wounded heroes.

It's not for nothing that the Catholics used to pray:

Let us pray also for the faithless Jews: that Almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. Almighty and eternal God, who dost not exclude from thy mercy even Jewish faithlessness: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; that acknowledging the light of thy Truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

It's that we hope they will see the light.

It's the framing technology. They make our perspectives change.

They make us look at the same human and think, as he is a different race, instead of he is a fellow brother falling to sin. (Like all the old missionairies spreading the faith over the world)

I think racial thought is Zionist Godless Pagan thought. Not surprisingly largely written and propagated by Jews.
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Funny is that Jews do most of the racial "research", Coon = Cohen.

On this Coon on wiki:

Harvard, house university of the elite, intelligence, nice career Mr. Cohen.
Where did you get the info that Coon was one of tribe - or are you suspecting this just because he was in Harvard? Wikipedia says that Coon was of Cornish American descent.

Race theory is also a propagation of the evolution lies. It's leading therefore to paganism, as if there is a "pure race". See the contents of the book below. And we also see the "birth of the white man" as concept of the mind.
Yes, it's true that all humans are ultimately descended from Adam & Eve. However, after Noah, humanity split up into three major racial groups: Europids (Japeth's descendants), Mongolids (Shem's descendants), Negrids (Ham's descendants).

Later, I believe that God allowed mankind to develop an even more refined racial hierarchy on Earth. Today the Northern Europeans - as the most beautiful and civilized humans - are at the very top, while the ape-like and primitive Australian Aborigines are at the very bottom. The rest of human races lies somewhere in between these Northern/Southern poles.​

I think racial thought is Zionist Godless Pagan thought. Not surprisingly largely written and propagated by Jews.

On the contrary - it is them who try to suppress this natural science via "racism" shaming. First it was anthropologists like (((Franz Boas))) who undermined racial thought from within by introducing ideas such as cultural relativism into the field:

Boas also pioneered the concept of "anti-racism". This gradually led to anthropologists distancing themselves from any research on the topic of race in order to avoid being accused of "racism", which could lead to the loss of their reputation and job. Nowadays scientists even deny the existence of human races altogether, stating that there's "no biological proof" and that it's all just a "social construct".

It is in the Jews' interest to make the goyim believe that all humanity is "one world race". They want open borders, a dark flood of African and Arab hordes migrating into Christian Europe. Kalergi's plan was to destroy the natural diversity of God's races by mass importing foreigners from all over the world and to encourage unlimited race-mixing with the natives. The final goal is the global breeding of a single, brownish, dumb but obedient slave race, which they can rule over as satanic overlords.

Later, I believe that God allowed mankind to develop an even more refined racial hierarchy on Earth. Today the Northern Europeans - as the most beautiful and civilized humans - are at the very top, while the ape-like and primitive Australian Aborigines are at the very bottom. The rest of human races lies somewhere in between these Northern/Southern poles.​

Oh boy, please do us a favor and don't interpret God's plans for us. Thank you sincerely.