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Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

To answer your question: a century of Jews promoting secular behavior targeting Whites.

Let's not use Jews as an excuse for the weakness of whites. The Jews can only do what they do because of the weakness and sinfulness of whites.

Why did Christianity spread to the Northeast and then parts of Russia? Why didn't it spread greatly towards Africa or Asia?

Why, then, did Islam spread among much of Asia and the Middle East? And Hinduism?

The fact is there's something about the races of Europe that makes them accepting of Christianity much more so than other races. I would argue that the main theme of Christianity is sacrifice (obv not of animals, but of a personal nature for other people), and sacrifice is something not found in those other races' cultures as a concept.

There obviously is a racial element to Christianity given how it spread. If Jesus was indeed a dark skinned middle easterner and race is irrelevant, then how come the ideas took hold in Europeans strongest? Therefore race is pretty relevant.

Good questions that would probably take a book's worth of content to answer.

Let's get down to brass tacks:

-> Are some races not made in the image of God, descended from Adam?
-> Are some races outside of God's plan for the redemption and salvation of Man?
-> Do some races lack the law of God written in their heart and the free will to choose God over sin?

These are the actual questions to answer. Of course race is *relevant* to life in the world, it is relevant to spiritual life, we can all see that different races tend to be prone to different sins and passions... white people like to take the high ground because we're less prone to raw violence and hootin' and hollerin', but as a race we can be prone to greed, to exploitation, manipulation and selfish individualism, to pride. All of which the Jews have exploited, as you pointed out.

These are exactly the same, and if you see any difference whatsoever, you are not living in reality, apparently, or something.

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Hey fellas, I'm going to make a big "Christianity and Race" thread soon, with quotations from a relevant ancient St soon, so just hold on to your britches in this thread and save your arguments for the next one. Let's keep this one about relevant news regarding Patriot Front and other White Nationalist groups.
Let's not use Jews as an excuse for the weakness of whites. The Jews can only do what they do because of the weakness and sinfulness of whites.
The Whites didn't know what was happening (in the US, anyway). If there's a war going on and only one side is aware of it, then that side is more likely to win.

However I do agree with you that we've also, as a group/culture, let ourselves be exploited and manipulated and at great cost to our heritage and current spirituality (sorry for using that word, I couldn't think of a better one).

Regarding the videos you posted -- yes, there are exceptions to the rules and you showed them. And yes we could even go into talking about charismatic Pentecostals and all that stuff and we could go back and forth.

A pattern that I've noticed is in this thread is that races are treated as groups when convenient (e.g., Blacks are more religious than Whites in 2024) but then treated as individuals when convenient (e.g., Blacks attend my Latin mass and there is thus no difference at all between us and them in spiritual worship).

Those of us who sympathize with PF and PF's aims are not doing this, by and large.

Again, I agree that talking about large groups of people you're not going to be accounting for the edge cases. I think one thing we can all agree on in this thread (yes, in this very thread) is that there are edge cases and that edge cases exist.

The exceptions to the rule, however, do not invalidate the rule, and conservatives in particular allow themselves to be manipulated by liberals focusing on the exceptions. That's precisely how abortion was normalized in the US.
Hey fellas, I'm going to make a big "Christianity and Race" thread soon, with quotations from a relevant ancient St soon, so just hold on to your britches in this thread and save your arguments for the next one. Let's keep this one about relevant news regarding Patriot Front and other White Nationalist groups.
I literally brought up PF in my post to try to keep on topic. Thank you.
The exceptions to the rule, however, do not invalidate the rule, and conservatives in particular allow themselves to be manipulated by liberals focusing on the exceptions. That's precisely how abortion was norma

Last year in Warrenton, VA, the ex-wife of a judge involved in some Charlottesville cases attempted to meet an 8-year-old girl in a motel room to abuse her. It's a gruesome case. Thankfully she was talking to an undercover agent and was arrested.

This is how the most liberal of liberals spins it:


What the libtard says is mostly true (we do not know if she is notably not LGBT--she sounds at least B to me, and of course if you do LGBTQPMAP+ then she really is in the group). And low IQ people or people who don't have time to sit and think fall into the trap of, "Yes, abusers come in all sexual preferences. This is a really good point."

But this is an extreme edge case. That doesn't matter to the people reading it because they don't see how they are being manipulated.

If I had a bowl containing 500 M&Ms, and inside just 1 of them was feces instead of chocolate, all other things being equal, would you eat any M&Ms from this bowl if you knew about this? I hope your answer is of course not.

So we KNOW that gays are much more likely to abuse children than straights. Gays admit this to each other. It doesn't mean ALL gays abuse children, it just means if you're in a position to make public policy, you don't let trannies pick which restroom they want to use.

These same liberal retards want to ban guns "if it just saves one life" but also think people should use whatever restroom they want. There's no consistency except the edge case argument.

I was initially going to post this with a disclaimer that this was slightly off topic, but since this is the ex-wife of a judge who was sanctioning/sentencing people involved with Charlottesville, well, it's just reiterates to me that PF is on the right side, secular or whatever, and that we should support them in their fight against evil.
The Wally Butterworth Collection

Herbert Wallace Wally Butterworth was an American radio announcer and host of a variety of quiz shows. In the early 60s Butterworth lost a lawsuit with GE over a contract for a television quiz show and this subsequently caused him to become politically active. Initially on radio and later by way of phonograph records Butterworth created programs educating the American people about the issues of the day, namely how the Jews were destroying the United States. Butterworth worked with both the Georgia based National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and Robert Sheltons UKA.

Review Subject: Wally Butterworth : The Prophet Thanks for the uploads!
Wally was a prophet -and as predicted Weimerica is swirling down the proverbial toilet bowl of multicultural neoliberalism.
Blacks now have the "right" to assault, rape, rob and murder anyone deemed by them as being "racist" to them.
They burn our flag, rape/murder our people, leech billions in resources annually and destroy everything and anything they are near.
Amazing that these black bastards have the audacity to destroy the country that has handed them everything!!!
And never a "thank you" to the white man who has sacrificed so much for their useless asses.
Same with the other brown people who come here and whine about everything mimicking their negro counterparts and doing the bidding and dirty work of their talmudic masters.
Arm yourself whitey....it doesn't end well for anyone.
This is satans world, in case nobody was paying attention

I listened to all 24 speeches and was amazed at how back in the 60's this man prophesied all the problems that America / the western world is suffering from today.
A video put out by Patriot Front comparing "Why did you join the US Armed Forces" to "Why did you join Patriot Front"

Even if you do not like Patriot Front, the responses at the beginning of this video are alarming. I believe Rome hired mercenaries and made them citizens before it fell, and that was one of the key reasons cited.

A video put out by Patriot Front comparing "Why did you join the US Armed Forces" to "Why did you join Patriot Front"

Even if you do not like Patriot Front, the responses at the beginning of this video are alarming. I believe Rome hired mercenaries and made them citizens before it fell, and that was one of the key reasons cited.

Here's the uploaded video for those who cannot go to gab for some reason:

Peter Cytanovic, the poor fellow pictured below, was indicted in late 2023 for his role in the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally. He is facing charges of "burning an object with the intent to intimidate," these charges carry a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison. These charges come many years after the event and despite Cytanovic's efforts to distance himself from the alt right. William Zachary Smith, Tyler Bradley Dykes, Dallas Medina, and Augustus Sol Invictus face similar charges.

Charlottesville was a costly blunder.