How much detail should one go into when confessing? Sometimes there are specific circumstances or details about a sin which perhaps make it worse, I do not know if those can be omitted or if going into as much detail as possible is good. Like, say I consumed extremely disturbing pornography rather than "normal" pornography, should I describe the type of pornography in my confession as that detail probably makes the sin significantly heavier, or is it enough to just go "I consumed pornography" and leave it at that?
I obviously feel inclined to avoid going into details when confessing because there is a desire to "save face" before the priest, or a fear that the priest will think badly of me. I also feel pressured to keep things brief when confessing, because if I really go into thorough details every time, that'll be an incredibly long confession, and usually there's other people waiting for their turns to confess so that would feel extremely impolite. But then, we are not to omit things during confession, right? I do not know how to go about this.