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Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

Most of the time those guys do look younger than they really are. Or have a more youthful spirit.
It's not that hard to look younger or have a more youthful spirit given the state of the average man. Part of it is genetics. But a huge part of it is healthy eating, exercise, getting fresh air and sunlight, avoiding vices like smoking, etc...

"Sutton agreed that there was no evidence in this case of any force or coercion, but indicated that the girl was too intoxicated to give consent."
If you're having sex with a blackout drunk teenage girl, that's definitely rape in my book regardless of how promiscuous she is. If these were two white frat dudes, that liberal judge would have definitely handed down some prison sentences.
I agree with this. I don't want to speak for other people, but the woman thing is a lost cause for at least 1.5 generations. That's what is so stark. With opportunity for men (and all others) decreasing, it seems like it'll be even less likely that any pair bonding will occur. I hope I'm wrong.

What age do you all think is almost a guarantee that it's over in the west for you? The reason the whole thing is a problem is that you need experience in your 20s and by the mid 30s you are seen, instead of being tops, as "old" as if you are a woman at that age. It's really sad how bad he culture and its messages are. Even sadder that women are so beholden to it.

I personally don't live in the West exactly. I live in Poland. I wouldn't love to live in the UK but if I did I would just focus on other stuff and probably just accept that marriage is over for me. And also try to make peace with that as best I could and even use it as a kind of fuel to succeed in other areas.
I live in Poland. I wouldn't love to live in the UK but if I did I would just focus on other stuff and probably just accept that marriage is over for me. And also try to make peace with that as best I could and even use it as a kind of fuel to succeed in other areas.
Yes, and you fit the mold here of telling other people to give up, basically. Why not say, "go to places like Poland"? Go East, young man!

It is true that being single isn't the worst thing, given the realities, but I think the forum should be promoting planning and going overseas if that is something one believes in, rather than telling people to go monk mode, give up, etc. That kind of stuff reeks of male competitiveness and indifference, which I think people don't want to believe they promote, but it's quite clear to me. It's slightly different but not a far cry from these guys who also will then talk about (and they won't tell you this til someone like me outs them as another father/family guy) how it's the greatest time ever to do X, Y or Z (including raising kids). They sadly tend to be unhelpful on things related to women and on major copium.
People move and relocate so much, today and historically, it’s honestly a joke to pretend it’s not normal. I understand moving to Poland is a big deal because of language/culture. White people have destroyed the one thing that makes it easier; community. You should be able to move somewhere and get support from your own ethnic group on the ground. It doesn’t work out that way nowadays unfortunately.

Let’s look at reasons why people relocate;

  • White flight
  • Work/career
  • Deployment
  • Get away from vice-encouraging friends
  • Acquiring a bad local reputation
  • Family problems
  • Being closer to family
  • Adventure/reset
  • Being able to afford real estate/land
  • Political/religious persecution
  • Escaping the law for other reasons
  • Circumstances due to marriage
  • Weather
Let’s look at why people say you should not relocate:
  • You might have sex with easy local women.
  • Another place might be worse off in the long run.
  • You might have problems assimilating.
  • Stand your ground and fight muh globohomo.
Anyone want to add more?

I know which list makes more sense to me, but sure for all you guys in major globohomo centres just keep doing what you doing, I’m sure it will all work out.
When game fails.
Ain't that the truth. Philippines is major WGF territory. Thailand too. All of SEA. Pagan lands of easy pickins...the temptation to go back there always floods back to me but when I piece it together it feels demonic for me personally.

Need to stay away. Stay put. I talk a lot crap on here about how awesome these places are but @SandalwoodPeak isn't wrong...for many these places can be disastrous and lead to damnation. There's no wonder the Russian Orthodox Mission began in Pattaya due to the soul-destroying wailing of those seduced by it...careful.

Not knocking it for anyone else. I just know myself and my own experience. I'm not telling anyone what to do. I think I'd just lose myself again there. I'm too weak.

Yes, I'm talking about my lust for fornication. But not only that. I was a major alcoholic loser when I was there. Again, not saying everyone else will succumb to this, but it does happen to many.

Also you could get all your cash burned up by a money hungry witch. The horror...

If you're able to avoid being an idiot like me, go for it. There's definitely lots of pros. I'm just too weak, I'll admit.
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Please someone tell me what WGF means! I've been rereading this thread and I cannot figure out what the hell this means. Lol.

It stands for Whale Girl Friend.

When unmarried guys get to 50/60+ they feel that their days of loving thin ladies is over. So they have to settle 😔

For real though, it means White God Factor, the idea that just being white gives you an advantage. This was largely the case in SE Asia, South America, Africa etc.

The primary WGF was based around:
(a) initial attraction and short-term dating. Some men have or had a myopic view on this aspect of the WGF.
(b) longer-term relationships with a more transactional view from the woman, where the man was the means to an end, I.E. money, resources etc. Men have tended to ignore this reality underlying WGF.

It is still claimed by many people online that the WGF exists for all Asians. There is some truth to this, but it is largely a fallacy. Feel free to visit Korea now and test this principle out for yourself.

The demographics of dating do tend to favour White men generally speaking, but they favour Asian women much more. Also, research on this has mainly been done in the West. So these stats may not reflect the reality of non-Western scenes.

White Men and Asian Women Have the Highest Response Rates


Black Men and Women Have the Lowest Response Rates


Most Men Prefer Asian Women, Except Asian Men


Source: https://www.datingadvice.com/online-dating/online-dating-race-statistics


Most Women Prefer White Men, Except Black Women

Must be because we are scared 😱

Second lady nailed it. We are definitely intimidated!

Scared Kermit The Frog GIF

Nbc Chuckle GIF by Superstore

P.S. good luck to any man flying overseas, especially N.E. Asia, and thinking that just "showing up" will get him anywhere. This isn't the 1990s anymore. In the last 10 years or so, after the advent of phones with internet, the WGF and general foreigner factor has reduced hugely.

No matter where you go, men relying on special foreigner status are likely to get fleeced in the longer term. Guys who think they can wait years and years until they are 50+ and just travel overseas to "buy a wife" (as suggested on CIK and elsewhere) are likely to face the harsh reality of being a walking ATM and IG photographer for their remaining years. Old or not, Rich or not, Christian or not... Men need to understand the nature of women and relationships.

This isn't meant to deter anyone from trying. Not at all. It's more so a suggested incentive to start investing more in one's own self development. You only get out what you put in. This way we can make the best choices for ourselves, out of abundance and understanding, not scarcity and confusion. In the end, I think the rewards can be worth it.

White God Factor. Certain countries where foreign white people (especially men) are supposedly treated like gods.
Yeah there's that too, and it's because of...the mean green fighting machine. ATM. Lol.

Or maybe balding, fat, 65-year-old beer-bellied cursing drunk men are just super hot and sexy, and they have really good game. Just look at all the pickup artists on Walking Street in Pattaya - game is TIGHT! Lol.

Or is it the movies? Blame Hollywood?

Whatever it is, it's definitely not because we are "velly good man love you long time".
Ain't that the truth. Philippines is major WGF territory. Thailand too. All of SEA. Pagan lands of easy pickins...the temptation to go back there always floods back to me but when I piece it together it feels demonic for me personally.

Need to stay away. Stay put. I talk a lot crap on here about how awesome these places are but @SandalwoodPeak isn't wrong...for many these places can be disastrous and lead to damnation.
When did I say this? lol.

If anything I’ll echo what @Steady Hands is saying. It’s very far from a utopia and if anything you’re going to have to use game or stick around long enough to get something going with a local girl since ideally you want someone young, making it harder.

Yeah, you can date and have sex in general but seeing some of the comments on this forum it seems most men here are still “nice guys” looking for a “real connection”. I’m not criticizing, it applies to me, but these Asians are a trip to be around.

For example, you got a lot of Asian women avoiding eye contact with me but as soon I see one with a white guy we lock eyes. This happens above the 90 percentile. I’m not saying they want me or something, I’m just saying asians approach dating from some pragmatic lifestyle angle that lacks giddy emotional love I would assume most white guys prefer. So race mixing is a “decision” in Asia.

I love the homogeny, lack of partisan politics, weather, streets lined with what you need daily but Asians get on my nerves a bit. The old generation that looks like they just did 30 in a labor camp, the young generation that looks like they want to live in some Korean soap opera, the work culture and hustling as the meaning of life. There’s an emotional intelligence problem too. I don’t know when they were mesmerized with white people but it seems they gave up.
The SMV difference between groups is undeniable. You can find examples of all sorts of people (beautiful, ugly, fat, skinny, etc) in every race of man, however, which should be obvious to all. I'll keep this short. Surveys have a lot to do with where you are raised and what is around you or the majority culture is. They are also inherently prone for bias as a result of this, especially if there is even an inkling of the question being non-anonymous.
When did I say this? lol.
I was referring more to your absolutely obliterating review of the Philippines. Lol.

I was looping that in with my own sentiments, and with SEA in general. Not saying you feel exactly the same.

If anyone is interested, just to prove I'm not a blackpilled whiney baby, refer to my recent glowing review of Thailand in the Asian Expat thread:

Post in thread 'Asian Expat and Travel Thread' https://christisking.cc/threads/asian-expat-and-travel-thread.598/post-25145
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I was referring more to your absolutely obliterating review of the Philippines. Lol.

I was looping that in with my own sentiments, and with SEA in general. Not saying you feel exactly the same.

If anyone is interested, just to prove I'm not a blackpilled whiney baby, refer to my recent glowing review of Thailand in the Asian Expat thread:

Post in thread 'Asian Expat and Travel Thread' https://christisking.cc/threads/asian-expat-and-travel-thread.598/post-25145
Yeah, I’m just joking. I understand the sentiment although I don’t promote It since the west is a soul crushing wasteland in a different way. Cheap beer, cheap cigarettes. Depending your SMV, easy women. Even if that sounds fun to someone, it really isn’t. Maybe if you’re 18 with an unlimited budget but past a certain age you want more in life than to “self-medicate” all day.

It’s kind of funny how our fathers and grandfathers complained about breaking their back all day when that’s literally what’s missing in our life; laboring in order to provide for the family. Obviously cleaning toilets might not be the type of labor to aim for but you definitely need to keep yourself busy and have someone to provide for. I don’t think you can do one without the other successfully, and it keeps you out of trouble.
If you are a white westerner how do you feel about having children with someone who looks quite different from yourself ?. A more indigenous latina or asian woman ?. The attraction and chemistry is undeniable i have experienced this myself in relationships but when it comes to imagining having a family with them something rubs me the wrong way. If you get this feeling should you follow your gut or ignore it ?. Have any of you done so and come to regret it later or actually found out that you did not care at all that your children looked a little different from yourself.
If you are a white westerner how do you feel about having children with someone who looks quite different from yourself ?. A more indigenous latina or asian woman ?. The attraction and chemistry is undeniable i have experienced this myself in relationships but when it comes to imagining having a family with them something rubs me the wrong way. If you get this feeling should you follow your gut or ignore it ?. Have any of you done so and come to regret it later or actually found out that you did not care at all that your children looked a little different from yourself.
