Millennials - The Dying Children

Yes but its a completely different thing to the vax because the consequences of the vaccine are a natural occurrence of taking it whereas the fall was not a natural occurrence it was a deliberate punishment imposed by god (i.e. punishing the son for the sins of the father). Therefore god is literally punishing us for the sins of Adam and Eve.

False, not deliberate, in fact, completely the opposite of the vax. The vax was imposed by dictate, while the fruit was forbidden and expressedly warned against. Adam and Eve were complete morons - there is no way around this fact.
Yes but fruit itself normally does have the power to naturally alter your lifespan. God especially imbued the fruit with such powers. And he choose to make the effects of the fruit everlasting (or at least lasting for an extremely long time) Also humans are highly curious by nature god would presumably know that since he created us. And in any case shouldn't god have reversed the effects on humanity after a sufficient number of generations had passed as presumably enough punishment had been suffered and the point proven not to rebel against god?
Yes but fruit itself normally does have the power to naturally alter your lifespan. God especially imbued the fruit with such powers. And he choose to make the effects of the fruit everlasting (or at least lasting for an extremely long time) Also humans are highly curious by nature god would presumably know that since he created us. And in any case shouldn't god have reversed the effects on humanity after a sufficient number of generations had passed as presumably enough punishment had been suffered and the point proven not to rebel against god?
If God had "reversed the effects" of the fallen nature, as you said, each succeeding generation would have been at the same risk, and God would have had to reverse the effects over and over and over. Instead, God fixed the problem once and for all, through Christ. Instead of making us automatons that love Him unquestioningly and without choice (but is that really "love"?), He gave us free choice to do so. Personally, I'd rather someone love me by choice, than a robot programmed to do so.
Why did god put the forbidden fruit there in the first place? To test humanity's obedience? If we supposedly have free will why should we have to be obedient to god?
Why did god put the forbidden fruit there in the first place? To test humanity's obedience? If we supposedly have free will why should we have to be obedient to god?

Analogy: you are a father who enjoys shooting. Your young son sees you packing your gun to go to the ran and asks to shoot with you, but you sit him down and explain that guns are very dangerous and for adults, and that he must never touch your gun, but when he's older you'll teach him how to shoot. One day when you're on a business trip, the next door neighbor's son comes over to visit your son, and suggests they play with your gun, because guns are fun and totally not just an adult thing like your dad said. He finds the gun and end up shooting himself in the foot. He has to live crippled for the rest of his life. Were you testing your son's obedience? No, you knew your son wasn't mature enough to handle the responsibility involved and you had a plan that he disobeyed and he will have to suffer the consequences for his disobedience.

It's not a perfect analogy, but this is part of what happened with the fall. You're asking a question that is similar to 'why is there evil if God is omnipotent' which connects to free will as we've seen. Why should we have to be obedient to God? Well, we don't HAVE to. But all our lives, we are making ongoing choices toward God & truth, sacrifice, love, compassion, responsibility and so forth... or away from God and toward sin, evil, selfishness, vices, cowardice, and so forth. The path toward God leads to Life and the path away from God leads to Death. The deception of Satan is in inverting that truth.
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I was trying to explain to my boomer dadthe other day just why millenials are like they are.

This is like a much deeper version of what I was saying. I was trying to explain to him why they just don't seem to care about anything. This article explains in greater depths the reasons behind that.

Very useful and thanks for posting OP
Outstanding, thank you for sharing.

Depending on how you define the break, I'm either the last Gen X or the first of the Millennials. I was on track for no kids as well, simply because I never wanted them. I date much younger, and when I met my current girlfriend she insisted she didn't ever want kids. I laughed and said "me too, but I'll bet you'll change that thought sometime in your mid 20s." Now we're planning kids (because as predicted she got baby fever), and most of my day is mentally occupied with thoughts of how to raise them to be hardcore extremists and that is far more fulfilling and exciting than anything else I had rattling around up there for the last decade. I'm being a bit glib and glossing over the full picture (obviously just passing on your genes and shepherding the next generation is a very lovely thought).

Another thing this article alluded to is something I have seen in my own friend group (late 30s - mid 40s men): the complete prevalence of circumcisions and vasectomies. Most of my high school pals had 1-2 kids and then got snipped. That is the second most Jewish thing I have ever heard, right after the circumcision. And all of them are (roughly speaking) white Christians.

What a bizarre concept to let a doctor cut around your junk just because you are too lazy to pull out. And are terrified at having -- gasp -- more than a replacement level of children even though you are in the top 10% earners in the entire earth.

But so many people just do these things unthinkingly.
This is so true. I was speaking to a guy at the hockey the other night and he was telling me proudly about his vasectomy. I almost felt physically sick.

Why would you cut off your ability reproduce and hence your optionality? It's the essence of being a man and it's also a key part of long term married 'game' .
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I'm sorry...but Ive only skimmed the first post and threw up in my mouth at the bitching and moaning.

Society is fuck.
Life sucks.
Shit is hard.
No body cares.

Accept what is and move on and find ways to compete and win.
Whilst I agree with you on all points of this, some people just aren't able to be as hard and knowledgeable about their path as this.

The point of this original post is that they are lost, completely lost and they cannot know what they do not know. To a certain extent it's not their fault. Years of programming have gone into getting us to this point. There's only a small minority of us who can see, and even some of those that can see do not have the ability to do anything about it.
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This is so true. I was speaking to a guy at the hockey the other night and he was telling me proudly about his vasectomy. I almost felt physically sick.

Why would you cut off your ability reproduce and hence your optionality? It's the essence of being a man and it's also a key part of long term married 'game' .
To me, getting snipped is no different than cutting off your ballz. Getting snipped is kowtowing to the godless feminists. God made men able to reproduce for a reason.
To me, getting snipped is no different than cutting off your ballz. Getting snipped is kowtowing to the godless feminists. God made men able to reproduce for a reason.

Also, vasectomies make you much weaker physically and mentally.
Just from a purely health perspective, it's quite dangerous.
If you don't want (any more) kids, use condoms or just pull out....stop being so freakin lazy !
Been thinking about this a lot lately. There's a problem where many people aren't willing to make the sacrifices that are required to achieve their goals, if they even have specific goals at all.

They run on the treadmill working at their jobs, never moving forward because they give away everything they earn, trying to live like they're set when they really aren't. Living on the edge creates enormous stress in their psyche and they attempt to alleviate that stress by making even more terrible financial decisions that only compound their problems. New cars (this is a huge one), fancy clothes, expensive vacations, going out to eat all the time, ordering endless junk off Amazon that they use twice and then throw in the trash, women blowing hundreds each week getting their eyelashes done, it's shocking to me, all the kinds of retarded $&#+ people waste their blood sweat and tears on.

The age of boomer prosperity and life on easy mode is long gone, but people still act as if it isn't. I know that I have to live like a monk while working and saving like a psycho for 5 years just to play catch up, and I'm ok with that because when I look at the alternative it makes me sick.