Millennials - The Dying Children

Millennials are in their late 30s and 40s now and many of them (not all) are still crybabies.
I'm in that age range and completely agree. And those a little younger are even worse, late 20s to mid 30's.

Here's the positive spin I don't see anyone bringing up as it focuses completely on accountability.

There is more opportunity now than in many years prior.

Because we're surrounded by a generation which can barely function. There is little competition around us when you boil it down to the individual level. Most live their lives addicted to social media and led by fabricated social indoctrination. Fairy tales. Problems which don't actually exist but rather, are spoken and thought into existence thru a damaged mind.

Can still ignore it all and navigate the hysteria. Most of the time when I walk into a room I feel a sense of embarrassment for most others. The body language is weak. The minds are fragile. Spirits are broken. People are zombies sucks in a mental prison.

Yet that's the competition.
I'm in that age range and completely agree. And those a little younger are even worse, late 20s to mid 30's.

Here's the positive spin I don't see anyone bringing up as it focuses completely on accountability.

There is more opportunity now than in many years prior.

Because we're surrounded by a generation which can barely function. There is little competition around us when you boil it down to the individual level. Most live their lives addicted to social media and led by fabricated social indoctrination. Fairy tales. Problems which don't actually exist but rather, are spoken and thought into existence thru a damaged mind.

Can still ignore it all and navigate the hysteria. Most of the time when I walk into a room I feel a sense of embarrassment for most others. The body language is weak. The minds are fragile. Spirits are broken. People are zombies sucks in a mental prison.

Yet that's the competition.

There's a lot of truth to this. Let's say you have a kid raised traditionally and one that is not. The traditionally raised kid will be miles ahead of the other. The traditional kid will be exposed and pushed into disciplined and competitive things like sports from the beginning. Whereas, an unfortunate kid raised by an aloof or overburdened single parent (mother more than likely) will have no such exposure. They won't be able to come close to the traditional kid.

And it's these neglected children, of which there are now scores of them, that will suffer because their mothers were irresponsible and simply didn't care.
I'm in that age range and completely agree. And those a little younger are even worse, late 20s to mid 30's.

Here's the positive spin I don't see anyone bringing up as it focuses completely on accountability.

There is more opportunity now than in many years prior.

Because we're surrounded by a generation which can barely function. There is little competition around us when you boil it down to the individual level. Most live their lives addicted to social media and led by fabricated social indoctrination. Fairy tales. Problems which don't actually exist but rather, are spoken and thought into existence thru a damaged mind.

Can still ignore it all and navigate the hysteria. Most of the time when I walk into a room I feel a sense of embarrassment for most others. The body language is weak. The minds are fragile. Spirits are broken. People are zombies sucks in a mental prison.

Yet that's the competition.
I see what you are saying, I don't see how you come to a meaningful conclusion from it though. What opportunity there is you seem to suggest is just some social opportunity. Certainly it isn't in the jobs and business realm. Here's the problem, as I've stated multiple times: so what if you are better than people who are invisible to others (especially women)? The issue we have with the population boom and weakness as a result is that the crowding takes away the relative advantage you perceive, since tech doesn't tell women or men what a person is like in real life, and then people just become jaded or cynical.

Millenials, if we have to categorize, are far closer to those being born in the late 80s at earliest. I say that because someone turning 20 in 2008, for example, had a big difference in life when compared to someone born in 2005.

Again, if opportunity were abounding, we wouldn't see much of what we see. The competition has become a big number (yes small % wise) of big time haves, doing stupid shit or not, not the average person (which has declined). This is where you are inaccurate.
And it's these neglected children, of which there are now scores of them, that will suffer because their mothers were irresponsible and simply didn't care.
I don't see how you guys see how comparing yourself to 4s or 5s is helpful. To women, for example, those guys have no shot. None at this time in life.

The biggest issue with the society now is the unwillingness and the inability of the older generations to tell the truth or engage with the issues. They will listen but I think their minds are so formed they are unable; I'm really coming to that conclusion. For example, all these Orthodox converts that are men, young men, are coming into the church and not 1 priest or elder that I know of has any clue that a large part of this is that the society has failed these men in every way, however loser-ish they may be, because women have been told to try to be men as well. Not 1 has brought up any traditional aspect or expectation on young women, or even hinted at restrictions on them. Until that happens, there will be no change.
Millennial here. This was so disturbing because it’s true. I had two barren live in girlfriends and several relationships that failed. The first live in girlfriend would’ve even married me and convert to orthodoxy but I’d rather go be a perpetual teen like the boomers taught me to be. Part of Christianity is atonement and to atone you need to be humble and take responsibility. I sank in the well of my mind after after that first live in girlfriend and should’ve got myself to an Orthodox Church and gym asap. But I put it off and even reverted to pagan practices. Tragedy is years later she’s a childless dog mom. We both lost although I got a gut feeling she doesn’t feel that way.

It was COVID and the “2020 summer of love” that took the scales from my eyes and I started to see the world for what as it is and it felt awesome! I finished my journey into orthodoxy which began in my teens and was ready to return to monkey. Throw off the shackles of the world and be spiritually and biologically a man. Just one problem… I’m old. Boomers keep saying early 30s is still a kid and early 20s are babies, which says more about their mindset than anything. The joints are starting to creak and the hair is thinning. I just pray it’s not too late to find someone new who had the scales fall from her eyes too. And I could use my 20s to warn my children and we could begin again and leave the horrible legacy of the mid 20th century behind.

But keeping in the theme with the forum, not as “my will be done” but “thy will be done”
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Not 1 has brought up any traditional aspect or expectation on young women, or even hinted at restrictions on them. Until that happens, there will be no change.
If I got in a position to teach the faith I’d definitely bring it up and explain to young women you got two issues here:

1. If you wish to go into the field and get that bread like a man bosses yapping at you and phones ringing aren’t fulfilling.

2. The earth naturally has a hierarchy and if you run out to compete with men only a small group of men will do it for you. Remember - the brain is the most powerful sex organ in the body. Wanna life of love or a life of cash? Trust me got the latter and it’s not making me happy.

What’s truly bizarre is career women aren’t even making the 6. They’re in wage cages or wfh making 40-60k a year so they’re not even getting a life of cash.
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I see what you are saying, I don't see how you come to a meaningful conclusion from it though. What opportunity there is you seem to suggest is just some social opportunity. Certainly it isn't in the jobs and business realm.
How so?

It's easier now to start a business than ever before and be self-sufficient and live a more "free" life than the boomer generation.

And as the boomer generation retires and passes away, which is already happening, there will be a massive void waiting to be filled. Incredible opportunity.

Unless you just want to be an employee. But this goes back to millennials love to complain about their situation and how unfair everything this. There's truth to it, but also opportunity everywhere if you apply yourself.
How so?

It's easier now to start a business than ever before and be self-sufficient and live a more "free" life than the boomer generation…

…Unless you just want to be an employee…
Unfortunately that’s what the edumacation system trains you for - being an employee. Rather than complain I’d be the first person to start a business if I knew what to do or how to do it. I wonder if there’s a website with good in demand business ideas.
As a millennial this is why I don't get along with many millennials. So many are caught up in their feelings/emotions. This is where there is plenty of truth to the article in the OP. This is not the world we were raised for. Our parents didn't really parent us. The promise of a house/wife and comfortable living if you just went to school, showed up and tried as an employee doesn't exist. For various reasons.

But too many just let this eat them alive. They will never be happy. I do acknowledge it is sad. It is unfortunate. But life and the real world is a competition. A few years ago I went into a small service business with my brother and have since moved on, but I wish others would strongly consider the same. Here's a few examples I witnessed up close and the guys who did it are happier than ever.

One) Guy invested about $750 in window cleaning equipment and flyers, every weekend walked door to door hanging them and talking to businesses and home owners. Started getting jobs, then built a cheap landing page and did some basic Facebook adds. Within 2-3 years he has quit his job, hired two employees, bought a truck and as this was in NY, does well enough he goes south to warm weather Jan-March as an extended vacation. He's 34.

Two) Friend started a cleaning business on the side but didn't want to clean himself. Bought cleaning supplies and experimented on his home after watching youtube vids, on the best and most efficient way to clean. Created his own little training system he thought would work. Hired a designer on upwork to build a landing page capable of booking appointments. Plenty of software apps for this. Started cold calling businesses and doing some Facebook/Google adds. Hired and trained cleaner independent contractors he also found on upwork. Started getting jobs, would go and supervise his cleaners, pay them the $20 or so per hour and charge the client the 40-50% profit margin. His business ended up exploding and he has multiple crews going out most days. All he really does is focus on hiring/training and selling/customer service.

Three) Guy bought a tree service company from a retiring boomer. As with most boomer service companies they have the equipment and client list but no idea how to produce leads online, market, use a CRM, upsell, etc. So this guy basically put about 25K down, then got an SBA loan (which are pretty easy to get with only 10% down) and bought the company. Seller training him for a few months. Meanwhile modernized the internal systems, outreach, communications. Then, and this is smart, offered more services by using subcontractors. Knew nothing about lawn applications but found a sub. Started selling the service to his tree clients. He'd pay the sub like $60 per app and charge the client $100. But it took up none of his time or used his labor. Just money sitting there waiting to be had. Then added landscape lighting. Same thing. Marketed it to clients. Brought in a sub. Marked it up. Profit. This guy is about 40 now but he's told be he has 3X revenue since he bought the company in 2020. And there is not much competition as competitors.....are retiring.

None of these guys are stuck indoors or work for a boss. They can take off as they please. They can play and do other activities. They all appear to me at least, to generally be very happy and content. Unlike the office/employees we all know.

These are just three examples but I have come across this a number of times. Christmas and holiday lighting! That's one I did. I moved but might try it again as I genuinely enjoyed it. I literally learned via youtube, hired a sub with experience and then sold it to clients I had and put up signs. I can't believe how much people will pay for it. Real easy to start and it's fun. Only a few months of work too. Think about it, all the boomers who love Christmas lights and own homes have money, but are now too old to climb on ladders and roofs.

Plenty of options don't require the office or store front overhead. That is massive.

None of this is about getting rich, whatever that means. It's about making an honest living on your own time. Not being a slave to the system. Not being a slave to an employer. Freeing up the ability to have time to exercise, to spend with your wife/kids, church, hobbies, travel. To actually live life. It's not easy but my general point is that opportunity is all around us.
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I was born in 91 but I do not feel connected to my generation. Everyone older than me in my generation is three things.

Happily married with good corpo job

Content with secular lifestyle.

Or broken and could care less what happens to them.

Of these three things I believe 80% are the last two. I find satisfaction in my work due to the fact I, in my heart, feel like a do a just job in helping folks who basically know their car goes forward if the D is selected and reverse for R. I enjoy talking to the customers and seeing their amazement at my knowledge and hard work I have done studying my craft.
I have been given money by customers just for "being articulate and kind."

I say that to sum up my thoughts like this. There is no passion anymore. I can see it in their eyes. People come to work just for the money and lost their passion for the cause. Yes there are a ton of underlying factors in this business that make people that way. But for me those are out of my hands and I persevere through adversity. For me that is a just cause and it keeps the fire in my soul burning to do more and more.
I say that to sum up my thoughts like this. There is no passion anymore. I can see it in their eyes. People come to work just for the money and lost their passion for the cause. Yes there are a ton of underlying factors in this business that make people that way. But for me those are out of my hands and I persevere through adversity. For me that is a just cause and it keeps the fire in my soul burning to do more and more.
You are different and you've answered the call also with an understanding that having principle and a proper outlook on life is important.

I think people are beaten down and divided. We were all made into rat race participants. Some of us escape or can do well enough to laugh at the obnoxiousness of it all, but most aren't going to be successful or structured enough to not having the society properly guide them (work, wife, kids, purpose, etc).

Of the happily married, which I don't doubt you know some, you still never really know. Then you have the kids problem of them being raised in this awful culture. It's really a challenge. I'd almost rather see regionalism happen first to even consider America my long term home, which is sad.

Content with secular lifestyle is only guys, and only to a degree.

Most are your third category, yes. That's what you get largely when people are born into degrading cultures at huge numbers. Let's hope and pray their suffering is deemed worthy of greater things in the age to come.

Only comment / question I have is what if he’s out of options? I’m 33 and basically in life where I should have been at 26 and its been difficult to process. While it’s sad we can’t be to hard on these kind of guys.

Maybe he’s just trying kill time. Your ability to meet women to start a family gets difficult in your late 20s cos none of them are single anymore. And if you have a “no single moms” rule it’s game over, and as a Christian I don’t smash and dash. What should a guy like this on reddit be doing if he’s out of options?
You are different and you've answered the call also with an understanding that having principle and a proper outlook on life is important.

I think people are beaten down and divided. We were all made into rat race participants. Some of us escape or can do well enough to laugh at the obnoxiousness of it all, but most aren't going to be successful or structured enough to not having the society properly guide them (work, wife, kids, purpose, etc).

Of the happily married, which I don't doubt you know some, you still never really know. Then you have the kids problem of them being raised in this awful culture. It's really a challenge. I'd almost rather see regionalism happen first to even consider America my long term home, which is sad.

Content with secular lifestyle is only guys, and only to a degree.

Most are your third category, yes. That's what you get largely when people are born into degrading cultures at huge numbers. Let's hope and pray their suffering is deemed worthy of greater things in the age to come.
I agree with you here. Now I would like to figure out a way to motivate others to be on this same mindset. However the more I think about it the more, in my opinion, you have to believe in God. If God is not part of your overall mindset and your beliefs it's hard to find purpose here in secular world.
I agree with you here. Now I would like to figure out a way to motivate others to be on this same mindset. However the more I think about it the more, in my opinion, you have to believe in God. If God is not part of your overall mindset and your beliefs it's hard to find purpose here in secular world.
Yes, lack of faith is the biggest issue of all, because without some degree of taking up your cross (not caring about social or other costs) you can't ever make a stand on things that actually matter. I sympathize with people that can at least speak honestly on how hard it might be to do X, that they are torn, etc. What I really dislike are the people that act like what they chose, or what they did, didn't really matter since they "didn't have a choice" so they didn't really think about it, etc.
Yes, lack of faith is the biggest issue of all, because without some degree of taking up your cross (not caring about social or other costs) you can't ever make a stand on things that actually matter. I sympathize with people that can at least speak honestly on how hard it might be to do X, that they are torn, etc. What I really dislike are the people that act like what they chose, or what they did, didn't really matter since they "didn't have a choice" so they didn't really think about it, etc.
Exactly this when you choose not to have a choice you chose. It's very easy to comprehend when you understand that this earth is your opportunity to see that. Secular ideology is like the lobster bucket. Once you try to get out you will be tried and pulled back in if you allow it.

How would you approach someone who understands it yet does not believe or does not believe it matters?
Only comment / question I have is what if he’s out of options? I’m 33 and basically in life where I should have been at 26 and its been difficult to process. While it’s sad we can’t be to hard on these kind of guys.

Maybe he’s just trying kill time. Your ability to meet women to start a family gets difficult in your late 20s cos none of them are single anymore. And if you have a “no single moms” rule it’s game over, and as a Christian I don’t smash and dash. What should a guy like this on reddit be doing if he’s out of options?
You have a great point. I'm also 33 and more like mid 20s. It is what it is. The only thing to do is enjoy life, go to work, church, hobbies and put yourself in situations to meet better women (ideally in their 20s).

But posting online (especially at 41) showing football on tv, toys and action figures is about as soy as it gets. It looks like a child's room. That "man" is lying to himself about living the dream.
You have a great point. I'm also 33 and more like mid 20s. It is what it is. The only thing to do is enjoy life, go to work, church, hobbies and put yourself in situations to meet better women (ideally in their 20s).

But posting online (especially at 41) showing football on tv, toys and action figures is about as soy as it gets. It looks like a child's room. That "man" is lying to himself about living the dream.
It is the great deception, freedom to do what you please is not freedom at all.
Of the happily married, which I don't doubt you know some, you still never really know. Then you have the kids problem of them being raised in this awful culture. It's really a challenge. I'd almost rather see regionalism happen first to even consider America my long term home, which is sad.

I'm also familiar with the "happily married group". As you become closer to couples you often (and unfortunately) see how the picture actually is. Many people settle. There is very little initiative within the operating relationship from most men. This leads to a constant insecurity from the woman as well as contempt. Men then usually respond by checking out even more. Then it just becomes a matter of each maximizing their pleasure as much they can and as long as they are happy enough with whatever distraction they have, they settle.

You'll often see a couple grasping by bouncing from one thing to another in the hopes that it makes them happy. They distract themselves constantly by looking to trips, to remodels, to posting about themselves on social media, to sportsball, to cars, to moving to new places, anything to distract from the strained relationship they are in. Unfortunately this is the same if they have kids. If they have means they fill their kids lives with a constant stream of distractions. All of this so they don't have to face something that actually matters (and very well might hurt). "What matters" is almost always actually apologizing and humbling themselves so a relationship can truly go forward. It's definitely an uphill battle raising a family in a culture predicted on pride.
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