Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

As someone who is incredibly proud of their culture it makes me very sad to see this but honestly Indians do it to them themselves. They are all either the biggest inconsiderate rude jerks possible or by far the most awkward person in any room. Plenty are nice enough, the awkward ones anyway, and I have befriended more than one but still...
Pro tip to Indians and Asians living in Western culture: Stop eating curry and garlic all the time. The smell permeates from your pores and clothing and is a very off-putting smell to most people in Western culture.
Pro tip to Indians and Asians living in Western culture: Stop eating curry and garlic all the time. The smell permeates from your pores and clothing and is a very off-putting smell to most people in Western culture.

Used to work out at the YMCA before coofid shut them down, god I miss that place but that's not the point. There was an Indian guy who would work out in there and he would clear out that half of the gym wherever he was, the smell was so pungent it made your eyes water, the best way to describe it was rotten taco seasoning. One day the girls at the front recruited me to go kindly talk to him, I was friends with everyone there, and the guy claimed he had no idea he smelled like anything at all....
Used to work out at the YMCA before coofid shut them down, god I miss that place but that's not the point. There was an Indian guy who would work out in there and he would clear out that half of the gym wherever he was, the smell was so pungent it made your eyes water, the best way to describe it was rotten taco seasoning. One day the girls at the front recruited me to go kindly talk to him, I was friends with everyone there, and the guy claimed he had no idea he smelled like anything at all....
Back when I was in college, I had this class on deterministic operations research. Well, the class before us was a grad level electrical engineering class that was about 90% Indian. Everyone would wait until the last minute to go into the room to minimize exposure to the smell. But even so, some days the stench was unbearable and you would see people cover their noses with their t-shirt. The professor even made a comment about it the first week and we would always open the windows.