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A new trends that's happening is Indians, Pakistanis or Bangladeshis with Fillipina wives. Not Thai, Viet or Cambodian. Just Filipinas. Why that is - is a total mystery.

A case study.

Source: Reddit

Hi everyone,

I'm currently facing a distressing situation and would appreciate any guidance regarding the legal formalities of reporting a case of adultery in Dubai.

Recently, I discovered that my wife has been having an affair with one of her colleagues, who is also married. Initially, I was under the impression that their relationship was just a temporary escape from stress and a momentary mistake.

However, I caught them red-handed with evidence of their messaging. My wife assured me that nothing else had happened between them and blamed it on a few issues we were having in our relationship. She promised that they both regretted their actions and were no longer involved in an affair, only maintaining a professional relationship as colleagues.

Meanwhile, i also found out that the man involved in the affair was kicked out of his own house by his wife after she discovered evidence of his affair

Over time, our arguments became more frequent, and my wife started using her weekends as an excuse to create drama and disappear, claiming she needed time with her friends. It became so frequent that I had to intervene. Yet, she maintained that she needed her space to find herself again.

As the arguments continued over the days, my wife packed her belongings and left, stating she wanted to move out temporarily to think things over. I managed to convince her to stay once, but the second time, I felt it was fair to give her the space she desired.

A week later, she returned, and for a brief period, it seemed like things were improving. However, she had actually come back because she suspected I was uncovering something.

Less than two weeks later, she once again packed her things and left. It was at this point that I made it clear that as long as we were legally married, I couldn't allow her to cut loose without providing an explanation to others about her whereabouts.

Upon realizing that I might take legal action, she returned again. I foolishly believed this was our final chance to reconcile and restore our relationship.

Two days passed, and she seemed genuinely happy, giving me hope that we were on the path to recovery. But then I received a call from her, stating she needed to confess something.

She admitted to cheating on me throughout the entire time she claimed to be on her girls' weekends, engaging in numerous acts of infidelity with this man. What she didn't know was that he had secretly videotaped their encounters and is now using it to threaten her.

At this point, I've lost all trust in her, and I don't think I can forgive her for what she has done.

I'm reaching out to seek advice on the legal process of reporting adultery in Dubai. If anyone has knowledge or experience in this matter, I would greatly appreciate your insights and guidance. Thank you.

Edit :

I did not mention earlier that I am an Indian citizen, while my wife is a Filipino citizen. We have a 7-year-old son who holds a Filipino passport but currently resides in India with my parents.

Our marriage was officially registered in the Philippines, and I am uncertain about the legal procedures for separation. However, I am concerned about the possibility of losing custody of my son if any foul play were to occur on her part.

Proving that she has been unfaithful to our marriage could potentially strengthen my position in securing custody of my son through legal means.

I hope this provides a clearer understanding of my situation.

Poor beta, should have stuck with a nice Gujarati girl.

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That's posted in the Dubai subreddit, I'm guessing they're both guest workers. The UAE imports tons of workers (something like 85% of the population is foreign born), consisting of women from the Philippines and Indonesia as maids/nannies and men in some cases from those countries but more often the Indian subcontinent for construction jobs. I hadn't heard of this phenomenon but it isn't surprising if many of them are pairing off.